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22 days ago
Current It's my birthday! Hooray! I have to work. Boo. But I do have Nutella. So, it's a good day over all.
25 days ago
I know that not every one on this site is from the USA, but I would like to remind all my fellow USAers that taking a moment to remember what happened 23 years ago wouldn't be bad.


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If we are going to do a new story I would like to leave both Trazie and the Aeva behind.
Let me think about it. I don't want a repeat of whatever happened here.
I am not enjoying this story. I don't know why. I do know that is if I was reading this story I would put it down and not pick it back up. I don't like Zarah. I'm not too fond of Lyra. In fact, right now the only character I like is Headman Kilpatrick and he is not meant to be a main character.

So let me be clear. You are a decent role-playing partner. I would still like to end this story.
Continuing the story about Aeva without the Aeva and their partner at 4he forefront does not sound appealing. I also sincerely doubt that killing a character off will make me like this story anymore than I do now.
What did you have in mind?
Time to be honest. I am just not having fun with this role-play. It's nothing either one of us did. I'm just having problems connecting to the story enough to be invested. Writing Zarah is just tedious rather than exciting. I'm not sure what, if anything, could fix the problem as I'm not 100 percent sure what the problem is.
Adorable? That hadn't been a word used to describe Zarah frequently. Well, her grandmother had used it before she died, but that almost didn't count. Most people described her questions as pointless or interesting if they were being polite. If they weren't the most common word was annoying. Lyra's use of the word wiped the excited grin from Zarah's face. Was the Terran making fun of her? Zarah couldn't tell. She could never tell if someone was making fun of her. It was like something was wrong with her brain. She talked too fast and too loudly. She couldn’t sit still. She would go on and on about the one topic all the time. Was Lyra just humoring her like everyone else?

Zigma sensed his person's distress and bobbed from where he had been hovering near George to closer to Zarah. Honestly, Zigma liked being a glowing orb of light. There were a plethora of perks that came with this form. There were still times when he wished that he could touch or hug people. Good natured hugs seemed to be the easiest way to cheer people up. He wished he could do something more than blink reassuringly. That was one of the downfalls of not having hands. Or arms for that matter. Though it did mean people didn’t try to touch him except for Zarah. So, that was good.

He did telepathically ask, "Zarah? Are you alright?

She gave her head a minute jerk, "It's just more of the same. I can't tell if she's making fun of me or not.

Zigma hummed, "Well, she's answering your questions. Let's focus on that for now. We'll worry about the rest later."

That made logical sense so Zarah turned her attention from possible subtext and hidden meanings to the direct answers to her questions. The answers only created more questions in her mind, and it took more effort than she wanted to admit to not just start asking question after question without even pausing to breath. She wanted to know why Zigma was a ball of light and Jessica was more like a person. She wanted to know how Zigma could learn to make this hard light. As an aside, the hard-light ball felt incredibly cool, almost like it was alive. She didn’t want to be seen as annoying, so she didn’t ask. Zarah wanted Lyra to like her. She wasn't sure why.

Lyra finally answered all the question, but before Zarah could speak George beat her, "If we are going to see a spaceship, which would be awesome, we should go soonish, if not now. It will be light soon, and mountain climbing is safer while the sun is out."

Zarah was forced to agree, "Days on Trazie are short. Depending on how far we have to go we might have to walk home in the dark, so we should limit the time spent in the dark. She reached into her pocket to pull out her map and point at a spot, "This is where we found you." Her finger traced a path, "If I'm understanding you right this is about where your ship is.

George looked over her shoulder, "That is a trip and I am a little bit slower than Zarah when it comes to getting around the mountains. He looked up at Lyra, "Does Mrs. Traveil have a list of chores you need to get done? We can help you finish sooner.

Zarah nodded as she folded up her map. She had hoped that Lyra would say yes to going to see the spaceship, so she was packed much the same as she was yesterday. She would be more than willing to help out with any of Lyra's chores if it meant they go to the spaceship sooner. She really, really, really wanted to see the spaceship. She wanted to take it apart but wasn't sure she would be able to put it back together again. That would not be the ideal. She would have to be content with just looking, and hopefully touching it.
No. It's the hotspot. Since it works of the mobile network it can be a bit patchy.

And that's not quite what happened but that sentence made me laugh. George got yanked from a side ally. Headman Kilpatrick is pretty big though. Pretty cool too.
The morning couldn’t come soon enough. As soon as it was reasonable possible Zarah and Zigma were out the door. They confirmed they wouldn’t be alone with Lyra or Jessica before running off towards town and the bakery. The early morning bustle was just getting started and they ducked and weaved though the crowd to get towards the bakery. It seemed like everybody in town knew what was going on as they eyed the two of them. Many called out words of warning. They were almost to their destination when they suddenly had to stop short to avoid crashing into Headman Kilpatrick. He just came out of nowhere and they stopped literally 1o centimeters from him.

Zarah exclaimed, “Headman Kilpatrick! We’ll be careful! I swear!”

He hummed in disbelief as he pulled out a boy from the shadows, “George will be spending the day with you. You will not argue.”

Why would Zarah argue about that. The day was shaping up to be a pretty good day. First there was another chance to get the Terran to show her the spaceship. Then there was the chance to find out more about Zigma. And now she got to spend the whole day with George. Zarah was a little curious about how he had gotten out of his apprentice duties for the day, but she didn’t care enough to complain. She liked George. She like liked George. She like liked Harper as well and honestly didn’t expect anything to come from either crush, but flirting was pretty nice. George seemed happy to be spending the day with them if the half wave and the smile might anything.

Zarah nodded, “Got it. Yes Sir. Can we go now?”

With that decided Headman Kilpatrick nodded. Zarah quickly grabbed George’s wrist to tug him along. They were almost there. They entered the bakery via the service entrance to see the visitor with some sort of contraption that was mixing the batter. Zarah dropped George’s wrist as her mouth dropped open. Whatever it was it was incredibly cool. Only the glare from Mrs. Traveil stopped Zarah from forgetting the rules. She quickly joined George in scrubbing her hands red at the sink before rushing to get a better look at the machine. It was glowing and there was no motor. Where had Lyra put it? There was no room in her pack, at least no room that Zarah could see.

Zarah began to speak rapidly, “That is so cool! What powers it? Can I touch it? Is it collapsible? What is it called? Can we go see your spaceship? What’s an Avea? Where did they come from?”

She said this all very fast and Zigma finally interrupted, “Zarah! Breath!” She sucked in the air at the command, “Forgive her. She’s excited.” He blinked slowly, “We both are. He moved to hover by George’s shoulder, “This is George Reasons. He will be joining us today.

George held out his hand with a warm smile on his face, “It’s nice to meet you Ms. Lyra. I hope it’s alright if I tag along.
I will be working on posts tonight whether or not I will be able to connect to the internet is another matter entirely. I don't actually have internet at my apartment. When I need to post I connect to my mobile hot spot.
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