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Current It's my birthday! Hooray! I have to work. Boo. But I do have Nutella. So, it's a good day over all.
23 days ago
I know that not every one on this site is from the USA, but I would like to remind all my fellow USAers that taking a moment to remember what happened 23 years ago wouldn't be bad.


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Seven Lesser Sins

GreedIvan Peters@Dragonfly 9
GluttonyJuniper Murik@Pascal
Below are the character sheets for the four NPCs. The Detective is the guiding force for the story and the reason the Lessers have all gotten together. The other three are the Outcasts, the villains with motives of their own! Feel free to use their character sheets as a model for your own. That’s one of the reasons I did it the way I did it.

This is my City, and I’ll be damned if I just give it up without a fight!

Because I want to. Because I can. Because the strong survive and the weak perish.

I will destroy you all and have fun doing it!

Hello. Your sacrifice for the better world is appreciated.


Just in Case!

Just in Case!
FAQS and Other Important Information

I have no FAQS yet. I will edit this as they arise.
Character Creation Information

The Seven Lesser Evils
Pride – Character Name – Username
Lust – Character Name – Username
Wrath – Character Name – Username
Sloth – Character Name – Username
Envy – Character Name – Username
Greed – Character Name – Username
Gluttony – Character Name – @Pascal
Character Sheet!
[color=xxxxxx][i][center][Insert quote or line here[/center][/i][/color]
[hider=Character’s name]
[color=xxxxxx][b]Name:[/b][/color] Simple. Feel free to include any nicknames. Just don’t forget their Sin

[color=xxxxxx][b]Age:[/b][/color] This does not need to be a number, but it can be. We just need to know where their place in history is.

[color=xxxxxx][b]Race:[/b][/color] Fae, Vampire, Demon, the possibilities are endless!

[color=xxxxxx][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Pascal and I decided that we don’t need pictures. You can include one if you like, but we aren’t encouraging them. A written description, whether paragraph style or list style, will do just fine.

[color=xxxxxx][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Are they crazy? Psychotic? Suspiciously kind? This is also one of the places to explain why they are the Sin they are. Just keep in mind that we don’t need seven edge lords.

[color=xxxxxx][b]Background:[/b][/color] Trauma! Good! Loved! Also good! Whatever their story is we want to see it here. This is another place to include why they are the Sin they are. Just be sure to include how The Detective got in contact with them and convinced them to come to The City. This could be a phone call and agreement to pay them to they heard the Outcasts were hurting Innocents and were on the next available flight. Whatever it is put it here. If it doesn’t make too much sense with The Detective or the setting, I’ll reach out and we’ll work something out!

[color=xxxxxx][b]Skills and Abilities:[/b][/color] What can they do? Let’s be honest this is the fun part! Please include magical abilities and mundane skill. Maybe this is another reason they are their Sin. Make them super powered or one step above normal humans. Just fill out this section and the next section with the intent to make them balanced. Thank you!

[color=xxxxxx][b]Weakness:[/b][/color] The above section’s sibling! Feel free to be vague, but please don’t say something like they have no weakness. Is it spiders? Iron? It’s something and their weakness should make sense with their power and power level. Thank you!

[color=xxxxxx][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] Do they have a special keychain? A portable supercomputer? A staff of unimaginable power? Let everybody know!

[color=xxxxxx][b]Quips:[/b][/color] I call it quips but it could be trivia too. Or both? This is just a little miscellaneous section. Have fun!

Please note this may not be perfect. My coding skills are minimal. Feel free to jazz it up. Just make sure to hit the important information.
The Lesser Evils

The City, sometimes completely undistinguishable from any other major metropolitan area on the planet, sometimes it seems completely unique. The City, 10 percent the super wealthy elite, 15 percent so called normal individuals, 75 percent seedy ghetto, 100 percent criminals and crime. The City is also possible one of the most supernatural cities on the earth. Like it's mortal inhabitants its supernatural ones tend to be criminals or dark creatures, succubi, incubi, tieflings, elementals, wizards, magicians, witches, and above all else demons.

I am the Detective. I'm not sure how I gained that name, but it's been me for a long time now and will be me until the day some terrible thing offs me. Like other aware mortals I hold the line between the mundane and the less mundane. I've gone toe to toe with Fae Queens, unstable demigods, and a couple of the Demon Lords. Now, however, a new threat come to The City, my city. The Outcasts have come to play. Unlike demons, which do have their own sense of twisted honor, and Fae, who will die before they break their own strange rules, The Outcast have neither honor or rules. They care only for their own pleasure and delights. Unfortunately, their pleasure involves torturing Innocents. Demons will seek to corrupt Innocents. Fae will seek to trick them. But only the Outcasts will torture Innocents while they are still Innocent. Why they are doing this, if there is a bigger reason or purpose for this, remains undiscovered. My magic, like most magics, is based on rules. The Outcasts, who follow no rules that I can discover, remain so well hidden, that no magic I can find can even locate them. No one wants to touch this, but this has to be done. The Outcasts cannot be left to take control of The City, nor can they be allowed to leave. I can use my own magic to trap them in The City, but then I’ll have no energy to fight them myself. I'll have to summon the Lessers.

That makes them sound like a group when really, they are no such thing. They are only united by name and morals. Like the Outcasts they follow no rules and honor is practically nonexistent. Still, they do not hold with hurting Innocents. That is the one thing they can all agree is fundamentally wrong: hurting Innocents. If my choices are letting the Outcasts take The City without a fight or calling upon the Lesser Evils, I'll take my chances with the Lessers. Calling them will be difficult. They aren't some supernatural SWAT team. They aren't organized in any way. They are simply seven powerful individuals that will do jobs for a price. Getting all seven of them may be a problem, but I have to try. For the sake of the Innocents, for the sake of The City, I have to try. I only hope they don't snap my neck or take my soul as payment. After all, they may be the Lesser Evils, but they are still evil.
Important OOC Stuff

Hello! I'm LadyAnnaLee. Welcome to the official interest check for Lesser Evils! We are live and accepting applications! Isn’t that exciting? I’m excited. I’ll be honest there were times when I thought we would make it this far. I’m looking for seven Lessers, one for each of the Seven Deadly Sins. The ones still available are listed below. I don’t really care what species your character is, but they do have some sort of magic. They are morally flexible. The only real rule they have in common is that the Lessers don’t hurt Innocents. It is possible that your characters have some sort of history with the others, but it’s not like they are a formal group. Have fun with the other players coming up with combined histories or don’t! Whatever you like! This world is meant to be flexible enough to take player input. For example, if your character is a vampire and you want to come up with an entire vampiric hierarchy please do so! If you don’t want to that’s okay too! Just run any idea by me, so that way I can alter things that don’t mesh well and work in all the idea that do work! There is a plot to push us in the right direction, but I am hoping that The City works as a sandbox. Also this is for semiliterate to literate players. Typos are fine. Gibberish is not. As a general rule at least 3 paragraphs or 400 words per posts. Thank you!

1. Follow all Guild Rules! This should be a no brainer, but just in case.
2. Post at least once every two weeks. If you can’t post in that time frame let Pascal and me know, so we can figure out what your character is doing for that post cycle. Also don’t be a post hog. Feel free to post more than once every two weeks, but don’t take over by posting all the time.
3. If you need to drop out that’s fine. Just please let us know. Please don’t ghost. It’s not fair to the other players.
4. Be nice and polite in the OoC. Everyone should realize that these characters aren’t the nicest, but outside of the game slash story we will treat everybody with respect.
5. This is PG16! This is PG16! Yes! I said that twice! This is a more mature role-play, but please take any sex scenes to the PMs. It makes sense for sex to be happening, but I don’t want to read it. That’s just the way it is.
6. Please only use swearing when it is necessary. No one, player or character, needs to be dropping fbombs every other sentence. That being said I understand why it can be useful and don’t want to ban it completely. Just be smart about it and use discretion
7. Real Life comes first. Everyone needs to understand that. Please refer to Rules 2 and 3
8. Have Fun! I know it’s dumb to say, but that is the reason for this story in the first place. If you aren’t having fun or this is stressing you out I understand. Just let Pascal or me know, so we can adapt it or figure out if you need to leave.
9. If you break the rules once Pascal or I will warn you once! Twice is a banning. That being said I want the two of us to be open GMs. If you have concerns, please come to us. We will listen I promise.

People are mentioning interest in certain Lessers in this thread, including Wrath. You are the first to indicate interest in Greed.

Update for you all. So, originally I planned on posting the role-play thread this evening, but I have spent longer than I originally planned at my family's place. That means it won't be tonight, but early tomorrow morning. I am super excited! I'm positive it's not the best role-play that this site has ever seen, but it is my first and I am extremely proud of it and excited to share it with you! So! Look for the thread for Lesser Evils tomorrow!

This is really happening! Hooray!

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