Adaahna Vanil & Mor'gann Arnhar
Location: Mandalore, Keldabe city, Alley
Was everyone on this planet some shade of some colour that could be found? Mor’gann’s yellow eyes narrowed on the red haired and skinned woman who was stalking down the alley talking about how they were wanted somewhere. [color=Olive][i]”Trouble, it seems, follows us this day.”/i][/color] The Dxun muttered in her native language, shifting to take a more balanced stance. The silver hilt of something that looked like the relic of her village was troubling to the young woman. One hand strayed towards her hip, her words sharper as she called towards the woman, hoping the Togruta wouldn’t be foolish. She knew that weapon was far more dangerous than it appeared. That the boy behind the woman was staying a fair bit back was a relief.
”What business?” Though quite there was an iron tone that demanded answers.
”You a relic?” Were there many of those things out in this wide maze of stars and dark night? Torn between wary cautious and curious need to know where that relic had come from she bared her teeth in a less than welcoming smile due to the scar.
”Answer I, answer you.” She offered with an incline of her head.
”Well, trouble seems interesting.”With a low hiss, the Togruta tilted her spear defensively to partially shield her new friend from the oncoming jedi.
”Be wary, force witches are said to be able to curse your mind.” She whispered to her comrade before calling out to the advancing woman.
”why should we come with you, we’ve done no wrong.” Mor'gann raised a dark brow.
"Je'di…" The rolled off her tongue as she tested it in her heavy accent. Studying the relic wielding woman, Mor'gann frowned in displeasure. She was not fond of being unable to understand the language of these people fluently, it was becoming very problematic.
"What Je'di? Force vitch?" The words were stilted as Mor'gann felt her way around the pronunciation.
"Shaman?" The younger of the two asked wiggled her fingers in a gesture at Adaahna.
With a quick nod Adaahna flashed a half smirk at her comrade as she tries her best to hold herself back.
”exactly, like shaman.” her gaze quickly returning to the potential prize in the advancing woman's hands.
Well wasn’t this surprising? How did a relic of Dxun of such importance come to be on this planet and in this woman’s hands? There were questions that Mor’gann desired answered, but they were hardly going to be answered if a fight were to break out. Not that she had any real idea on how to stop that from happening. She could barely converse with one of these people. Nevermind trying to be diplomatic!
”Shaman.” She tested the word several times.
”Shaman. Shaman.” Satisfied with the word being close enough- she hoped- to her own, the Shaman of Dxun nodded in agreement. For now, she would let Adaahna O’Shilis do the talking. Perhaps by listening, as was her usual go-to in unknown situations, she would learn more. Taking a step back, not to flee but to distance herself from any possible fight, Mor’gann looked past the woman’s shoulder at the ‘boy’. A tall fellow who seemed slick. Not in the sense of personality, but literally. The man seemed slicked over wit stains from the ships that she noted many of the smugglers and those about the docks had. People who seemed to work on things within the starships. The corner of her frown that was unmarred twitched upwards slightly in amusement. At least someone looked normal around here.