Avatar of LadyRunic


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4 yrs ago
Current What lies in the hearts of the drae if not madness? - Ma'doc
5 yrs ago
Replies will be coming out in a few days. Been down sick.
5 yrs ago
"Fly you fools!"
6 yrs ago
To everyone waiting on replies. They most likely will be out tomorrow or Saterday. I need to get a part for my computer!
1 like
6 yrs ago
Sorry if replies are a bit slow. Dealing with a headache.


Hello! I'm LadyRunic! But you knew that...

I love most types of Role Play, but by far my favorites are those that are well thought out and worked with. Especially when you can find a group you can work well with. I love books- So many books. It's a running bet that I will become buried under a pile of said objects one day... I'm a tad busy, and when an Rp really catches my interest I'm inpatient for posts. It's like reading a good book and getting stuck on a cliff hanger.

You can generally expect posts regularly once a week if not more.

I've RP'd for the better part of fourteen years, so I can honestly say I have some experience and I've developed the understanding of what I expect of a partner in a one-on-one or a group. I'm also the sort who will speak up and point out something if it looks off or forms a problem to me. I spent most of a year once stuck in a Voice Chat Rp that was hell on Earth, so I'm straight forward when I need to say something. I expect this in return from my Rpers and DMs. I want to improve my writing and love constructive criticism.

Most Recent Posts

Post is coming and will be up shortly. A bit of a warning? Please be sure to read everything that is written and ask questions if you need to. As I said, your actions will have consequences upon the world.
We don't, I generally don't have posting orders because they can get in the way of someone goes missing or ghosts.

That being said, I will hopefully be posting tonight. I was kidnapped last night from my original plans. Ergo, barring kidnapping again, I shall post.
@BlizzLove it!
Basic Information

Basically, what you need to know about me. I work full time and do have things I need to do outside of replying to RPing. Though generally I will reply at least once a week on a slow week, and every damn second I get a chance if I'm really into the Rp. It depends on how interested and inspired I am. The more I find it intriguing and interesting the more I will post and the faster. Especially when we can talk over ideas and still work with our characters in an organic way. I can play multiple characters at once and have them be diverse in their views, background, and actions. This means I can also hold up several different storylines at once, though I may need a break every now and then. I can Rp here, on Google Doc, and discord. Though the middle is preferred if you want to do something that is going to take up some space.

For the more fancy information? I own two cats, read a book a week, and probably know ever line of Lord of the Rings.

What I want from a partner and vice versa!

Communication! If you are having problems with something or see something that you think I should change, please tell me. I won't say I will change it or be able to agree but I will listen. I will also point out why something is the way it is. I don't like it when people disappear on me and give no reason as to why. Those reasons help me improve and get better this I would like to hear them. This also means I'll speak up to you about things. Not only is this for the Role Play but I'll also do this while hashing out characters or a plot.

Well Thought out Posts! A few sentences doesn't cut it! I can give someone at least three well put together paragraphs (if not more) if I'm given the same. While I won't say that I will write out more than that, I will try to. Basically the more you give me to respond to, then I can return the favor.

Grammar! Please be conscious of what good grammar is! I am not a grammar nazi, but I don't care for half baked sentences and awkward wording that makes me ask in the OOC what you are trying to say.

Long Term! Though I don't mind short term, to be honest. I want the story to go somewhere, but I don't want it to be rushed and wound up quickly. Draw it out. Make problems happen. Grow and develop our characters and enjoy it!

Play male or female! I can play either, but I will warn that I play females better than guys for obvious reasons! Though if your looking for a romance between your girl and my guy? I'd discourage it. Most of my male characters are either gay, or they have zero commitment. Though this has been proven untrue several times, I have to be truly interested in the plot to dedicate to playing a male romancing a female as my main character.

I don't do the whole "Grounded, so I couldn't get on"! 18+ If you need to take a break, or get busy with life. Sick, family member died, exams, whatever. Please just drop me a Private Message with the fact that you are going to be gone for a bit and whether or not you'd like to continue the RolePlay later! I can chill on a RolePlay for months and pick it up fairly well after those months. It make take me a minute to get my character's feel again, but unless I've changed drastically. I'll manage.

Language and Gore! Which are both something I got over a long time ago in books. I'm not going to start complaining now. It's a part of life and happens. It's why I have the eighteen plus tag.

No Over Powered characters! It's not fun for me, or for you. End of story.

Original Races are acceptable as well! But please, fill me in about the race. Do not suddenly make something up because of this or that simply because the plot isn't going the way you want. Logical and reasonable races interest me. Races that are made up so you have something to sate your special snowflake do not interest me.

Keeping OOC and IC separate! I like a story that I can read and will flow as it helps me recapture my character and see the growth and development. Out of Character chat interrupts that and a second chat for that helps me keep things straight and neat.

Open to most plots. If I'm not open to one it's generally because I'm just not in the mood and I don't want to give you a half thought out Rp, when I'm not feeling it. If you do throw a plot idea at me however? I'll generally hear you out and if it takes my fancy I'll join you! You don't know til you ask after all!

Disappearances! I don't like being ghosted. It's rude and honestly? It just is irritating. Especially when people are in the middle of a RolePlay! Also, should I disappear- (Admittedly I do from time to time. We all have a life off of this.)- please poke the ever living crap out of my PMs til I do. It generally is that I get busy with a pet project and posting gets forgotten. So please, please, prod the crap out of me!

Where I operate!I operate on PM, Threads, Discord and other ways. Will only respond to interested parties if they Private Message me for sake of keep the post count to my bumps.

Role Play Plot and Such!


American Horror Story
Star Wards
Throne of Glass
Court of Thorn and Roses
A song of Fire and Ice (Game of Thrones)
Lord of the Rings (and all related too)
Valdemar Universe
Dragon Age
Tir Alainn Trilogy


God x Human
Vampire x Human/Vampire/Hunter
Werewolf x Human/Werewolf/Hunter
Dragon x Dragon/Human
Solas x Inquistor
Witch x Hunter
Demon x Summoner
Sith x Sith/Jedi
Various other Pairings!

Looking for a Roleplay based around:


Plot Ideas!

Open to other ideas, plots, just message them to me. Note, I am looking for a bit of romance-perhaps! It doesn't and shouldn't be the center of the rp completely and then there's the character compatibility!



@Blizz It's ironed out to my satisfaction, but I must warn you that her age as it is is that of a crone. An old woman who could have anywhere to a decade to two decades left. You'd be proficient in your chosen skills for that age, however. Though you would have those aches and pains that come with age. If this Rp goes on for over a decade (which I hope it will), there is a chance of your character since she is currently in her late forties dying of old age.

Other than that, you are good to move her over.
@eclecticwitch @13org Day 7. Giving a bit of a reminder.
@eclecticwitch @13org @Zoey Boey Giving a bit of a notice that it's day 5.
@CyraniaA good rule of thumb is the more you write the more I can write in turn about your situation and feel free to take initiative. If your character sits around and expects things to just happen all the time by the Gm's plot then it won't work. As I said, this Rp is character driven. I just run the world, and since I'm online at least once everyday I'm more than willing to answer any questions or give any replies that are needed. On a more personal level, I dislike short replies when larger ones can be made. Larger replies give me, as the Gm, a good idea about what you intend or think which can help my posts in turn.

@Omni5876Works well, though you have a few slightly off words which I assume are typos? Submission where I think you meant suspicion? Still, lovely post! I should have a reply tonight or tomorrow.
@Omni5876 [@@Cyrania] And a starter post is up! Feel free to put yourselves where you wish.

And a note to Cyrania, I took the liberty to make your character's father the local wiseman and healer if that is alright? A settlement really wouldn't need more than two and since he trained you, he wouldn't necessarily have needed to take another apprentice. Just tell me if it's not and I can change it.
The night was crisp with the chilled air that signaled the snow from the tops of the mountains. To some, this would be a warning of storms and fall that was to come, but to the small village of Norn it was just a reminder that even in their summer the nights were crisp and summer would not last. The fields were in full flourish and a regular target for an easy meal from the local wildlife. So Norn residents had taken up putting up sentries. To discourage the thieving beasts and if any were to try, the meat was always welcomed. The fields and their yields were precious things to the Northern tribe. For grain, and corn kept longer than meat or fish and was far more steady a source. Hard-won from the mountain's valley. Not to say they did not have bad years, but those were discounted as bad luck or the work of evil spirits. The displeasure of the Earth. So for that year, the offerings would triple in hopes of appeasing the angered being so their crops would flourish the next growing season.

However, this was not the only reason the sentries had been posted. For this was the first year the village had called to do such a thing. Something that had taken much thought from the local wiseman and the Chief. The village was not so close together and along with the great fields of grains and corn, were the more private gardens of roots and herbs. The private huts that housed each families' meat well off the ground, a precaution from the enterprising predators during the lean times of winter. Though some preferred to dig cellars, large holes covered with stone or wood. The houses themselves were mostly wooden, with dirt flooring though older houses had taken stone and many had woven reed mats across them. Roofs were of thatch, wood or the rare tiles if one was a bit more flashy with their good fortune. But the latter was rare for clay had more and better uses than being put upon a roof. The roads were dirt, some stones packed into them closer to the center of the village. For flat stones, when not needed for a house, were agreed that they would do better to be added to the village's streets, for the mud of winter made things difficult and frozen mud had made more than one set of boots ruined. And so the large wooden platform- the speaker's stage- where wiseman, Chief or another would speak to large gatherings was set near the center of the village. To one side was a large fire pit. A communal fire that was used during feast days, to burn the sacrifices, or when game was too large to store away all the meat and the village would revel in the bounty. The stones about it were blackened with the heart of large bonfires and ashes lingered within the pit. Small pockets of embers kept alive by the curious child, or the tidbits of offerings that people would toss in to let burn and carry a pray to the spirits.

Still, the leaders of the tribe were worried and they were not alone. For hunters had returned with strange reports of odd tracks and missing kills. Things that could be explained away as a beast or animal of the forest. But one had returned held up between two friends, his blood flowing from a cut in his scalp. His arms covered in scratches from something's claws, and bite marks upon his same arms and one upon his throat. He babbled about an evil spirit in wolf shape and spoke his story only to the chief and wiseman as the latter tended to him. He had been hunting, as was obvious. But when he had taken aim at a wolf who was feasting upon a rabbit, the arrow had been led astray! For no wolf would know he was there no matter how crafty, and his arrow would not have missed! When the wolf turned upon him, he shot again and this time the arrow had struck a tree that the wolf had dodged about. An evil spirit for sure! He did not get a third shot before the beast was upon him, a large slamming of their power upon his head and he had fallen to be savaged. The two other hunters agreed they had heard snarls and raging of a wolf and when they had come, they had seen the wolf-like figure disappearing. A creature possessed by an evil spirit, though they had no more than a glimpse of the fur and rustle of leaves as it passed. They had gone off hunting for the spirit several times after that, but never did they see it. So the two hunters and their wounded friend grumbled and spit. Making wards against bad luck and too the precaution to never enter the woods at night. The wiseman had thought upon this and had said his piece in the fact that he would think longer upon it. He would also seek out what spirit they angered, or who might have been sent against them. "Though-" He said. "I do believe it is of the North. For the Wolves of the North are most deadly and should it have descended from the plains of ice then it will be even more so."

So his warning was headed and the chief did not look askew at foreigners. For they were not of the great glacier that lay to the East in the valley between the mountains. So now he looks upon this clear, summer day and wonders what the world will bring. And if that spirit has left for good. His problems as chief were many, and many were petty. This was neither part of the many, nor was it petty. The man sighed and went to whittling his new knife hilt upon his door's stoop while he waited for breakfast. Many of the other villagers were either leaving to fish or hunt or waiting for the sun to break the haze of morning to begin their days. The odd man stumbled from one of the largest buildings in the settlement. The mead hall that the southerners called a 'tavern' or 'inn', depending on wether they meant to stay the night on the rough pallets of straw next to a great hearth that kept the place cozy. While Norn did see a decent amount of traders, the inn more often got its goods and barter from the local hunters who regaled each other with tales of bravery. Across the way from his own house however, he grinned as the burly blacksmith stirred up his forge. A trader had stopped by the town and his rickety cart had broken a wheel. Hod, the smith, would find good trade in replacing it though the trader was in no hurry. The man had come for the market day, where folk would trade and barter goods and services with each other and bring their grievences to him to be judged. Every fortnight it came, and every fornight someone got drunk enough to challenge the spirits. The chief was hopeful that this time the market would not be interrupted by Lutter stumbling into the mead hall raving about a spirit beast attacking him. It laid with Taver, their healer and wiseman, to garner answers on the matter. He had asked for more time and in two more days an answer would be had.

A raven looked down at the man from the roof and squawked. A reminder of Fate and Change, or so thought the man. Who would walk into the stream of Fate or fight it's currents today?
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