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Races are going to be very fun to make, along with the stories and everything else. I should have a character up by the end of the day ^^
Is it too late to join this?
I'd be up for some Star Wars role play ^^

I would very much like to express interest in this!
Name: Ahori Valkairus
Age, Gender: 27, Female


Ahori is a rather cheerful lass, almost too cheerful as most people would put it in most cases. She seems to have an extremely optimistic attitude about her despite that fact of what is happening. Though, all the happiness that she has seems to be a mask to hide how she truely feels about everything in general. This is her flaw: she will lie so that nobody is to worry about her, wanting simply to be left alone. Though her mask is also one of her greatest assets as she will not falter when things seem to be unfavorable, instead seeking to push on. That being said, she is also a very cold person as she does not seem to care much about the lives of others unless are to do something to gain her friendship and trust. Ahori is the type to avoid confrontation if she can, being afraid of breaking down in front of people. When it comes to helping people, she does purely to get rewards from it so that way she does not have to be considered poor, plus she is a bit greedy when it comes to money.

Ahori had been born under a house of fallen nobles, ones who have lost all honor to their family for an unknown reason to her. This had lead to her family being very angry towards one another and her, thus causing her coping mechanism to come into play at an early age. No matter what, she had a positive outlook on the future despite knowing full well that it may not happen anytime soon. However, do to the violence that her family had towards one another she had to mature faster than most kids would want to.

At the age of ten, she had already made a name for herself as a petty thief who stole bread, coin, and various other valuables that people had. This had not gone over well with her family in the slightest and it lead to many severe punishments. On a near day to day basis, she was locked within her room and not allowed to have dinner. This only reinforced her will to go and steal in order to survive in her own household. Ahori then took up a different interest in her life, dancing, while not a true job she could make bits of money off of performances. While at first she was not the best, she quickly grew in her talents as she wanted to further develop this. By fifteen, she was considered a master at her art, though still not the best that could be found in the city. Another plus is that she incorporated her dancing into her theivery so that she would not get in as much trouble in a fight.

Continuing her career was her top priority and when she hit the age of twenty-six it became even more important as she had actually started to make a good income, bringing her family together once more. However, there was one thing that began to haunt her at night, a small imp who continously followed her though no one but her could see it. It beckoned her to join it for a lifetime of power and infamy, but she refused and it had respected her choice. Though, every night it would come to her and ask to for her to join it and every night she refused. Except one night, Ahori had questioned it instead, asking why it had been doing this. It had answered that it merely wished to inhabit a new body so that it could gain power that no mortal could comprehend. After that, something began burning her stomach, a mark had appeared. When she asked why, it answered with "So I don't lose you. You will become my host even in death. I chose you so because of your skills. You are able to dance, literally, dance around attacks. If you wish to live a normal life then kill me, but know that I am always watching." With that her vendetta began.

Ahori became consumed with trying to find the imp and kill it. She drove away her friends, family, even her audeience. Her fame began to dwindle within a year, but she refused to give in and began a wider hunt for the imp, only catching glimpses of it or hearing it speak to her.

-Iron Dagger
-A loaf of bread

Theme: Os Trabocos - Amarcatu

Mainly the imp just wishes to have her body, the whole "power" thing is very much a lie. The most that would happen is her becoming a host to the being that would thus inhabit her until she died.
Name: Ahori Valkairus
Age, Gender: 27, Female


Ahori is a rather cheerful lass, almost too cheerful as most people would put it in most cases. She seems to have an extremely optimistic attitude about her despite that fact of what is happening. Though, all the happiness that she has seems to be a mask to hide how she truely feels about everything in general. This is her flaw: she will lie so that nobody is to worry about her, wanting simply to be left alone. Though her mask is also one of her greatest assets as she will not falter when things seem to be unfavorable, instead seeking to push on. That being said, she is also a very cold person as she does not seem to care much about the lives of others unless are to do something to gain her friendship and trust. Ahori is the type to avoid confrontation if she can, being afraid of breaking down in front of people. When it comes to helping people, she does purely to get rewards from it so that way she does not have to be considered poor, plus she is a bit greedy when it comes to money.

Ahori had been born under a house of fallen nobles, ones who have lost all honor to their family for an unknown reason to her. This had lead to her family being very angry towards one another and her, thus causing her coping mechanism to come into play at an early age. No matter what, she had a positive outlook on the future despite knowing full well that it may not happen anytime soon. However, do to the violence that her family had towards one another she had to mature faster than most kids would want to.

At the age of ten, she had already made a name for herself as a petty thief who stole bread, coin, and various other valuables that people had. This had not gone over well with her family in the slightest and it lead to many severe punishments. On a near day to day basis, she was locked within her room and not allowed to have dinner. This only reinforced her will to go and steal in order to survive in her own household. Ahori then took up a different interest in her life, dancing, while not a true job she could make bits of money off of performances. While at first she was not the best, she quickly grew in her talents as she wanted to further develop this. By fifteen, she was considered a master at her art, though still not the best that could be found in the city. Another plus is that she incorporated her dancing into her theivery so that she would not get in as much trouble in a fight.

Continuing her career was her top priority and when she hit the age of twenty-six it became even more important as she had actually started to make a good income, bringing her family together once more. However, there was one thing that began to haunt her at night, a small imp who continously followed her though no one but her could see it. It beckoned her to join it for a lifetime of power and infamy, but she refused and it had respected her choice. Though, every night it would come to her and ask to for her to join it and every night she refused. Except one night, Ahori had questioned it instead, asking why it had been doing this. It had answered that it merely wished to inhabit a new body so that it could gain power that no mortal could comprehend. After that, something began burning her stomach, a mark had appeared. When she asked why, it answered with "So I don't lose you. You will become my host even in death. I chose you so because of your skills. You are able to dance, literally, dance around attacks. If you wish to live a normal life then kill me, but know that I am always watching." With that her vendetta began.

Ahori became consumed with trying to find the imp and kill it. She drove away her friends, family, even her audeience. Her fame began to dwindle within a year, but she refused to give in and began a wider hunt for the imp, only catching glimpses of it or hearing it speak to her.

-Iron Dagger
-A loaf of bread

Theme: Os Trabocos - Amarcatu


You did indeed respond to me.

I should be able to finish up tomorrow, Monday at the latest
I am beyond interested with this.
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