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4 mos ago
Current I've been on this stupid site for an entire decade now and it's been fantastic, thank you all so much
2 yrs ago
Nine years seems a lot longer than it feels.
2 yrs ago
Ninety-nine bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles on the wall
4 yrs ago
Biting Spider Writing
7 yrs ago
They will look for him from the white tower...but he will not return, from mountains or from sea...


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Alja took a seat, listening to the conversation as she leaned back in her chair, supporting herself by pressing her legs up against the table. At the mention of profession skills, she grinned, giving a cheeky salute. "If we're talkin' 'bout professions, then I'm a high level blacksmith. No idea how it works these days, but as long as I can still do it," she shot a grin at Siegfried, "we can bang pieces of metal together. Even got a forge of my own. It's in Toraenis, but y'never know, we could end up there sometime. God knows it'll be nicer than Thorinn heat."

The conversation continued, and her exhausted brain was happy to let it go on without her for some time until the discussion about what to do with dungeons reached—as most things did these days—the point of Graves ranting about them. And she felt a twinge of real annoyance as as not a single person raised a thought that had been pressing in on her mind, weighing on her heavily, since they first argued about dungeoneering after the Glitch. Argued about how to get rewards out of the queen. About banding together with other wayfarers, not to do anything about safety in numbers in a dungeon, but for revolution? She left off her casual air, pulling her legs in and letting the chair fall down with a bang. Then she frowned, eyebrows quirking in something like anger as she looked back and forth between them.

"You almost got there, Benkei. Goddamnit, you almost got there. But not quite." She sighed in frustration. "We can't keep treatin' this world and its people like a game. That's what you said, right? Then I want you all to consider somethin'. Think about our equipment. Think about our magic. Think about our skill sets." She was nearly yelling now, talking quickly with the burr of a growl in the back of her throat. "Then think about the fact that they're not NPCs anymore. They're people, goddamnit! People with their own lives, people with their own goddamn hopes and dreams. It's not just that it's our job to clear dungeons. It's also our responsibility. Because we're the only ones who can!" She bared her teeth, the images of Enos' impaled corpse and Arnaakus tossing away Aag's body like so much garbage still fresh in her mind. "I'll be damned if I let one more person die because I was too scared or incompetent to do my job, and you're thinkin' about a revolution!? What in the fuck is wrong with you people?"

She slammed her hands down on the table, pushing herself up to her full height. "I need to go talk to someone else. You're all pissin' me off."

With that, she strode towards the door, then stopped short. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea for her to talk to Artemis—from what Alja had been able to gather in the sewers, someone who felt like it was her fault that her friends had died, something that she understood all too well—while she was still fuming. So instead, she sat down at the bar to calm her nerves for a couple minutes. "Sorry for constantly yellin' in your tavern, Dariel," she muttered, more to herself than to him. "I know I'm hard to deal with."

"You can do anything if you put your mind to it! Except get into grad school, apparently."
Amelia White

Gonna be done Amelia soon
In Lem's Stash 3 yrs ago Forum: Test Forum
In Lem's Stash 3 yrs ago Forum: Test Forum
<Snipped quote by Lemons>

this is why you're my #1 sidekick, lems

I made sidekick to Maxx
My life is complete
This is all I've ever wanted
<Snipped quote by TGM>

i am being attacked for presenting new ideas

Genius is never appreciated in its own time
The resurrection of an actual functional OOC tab
Fuck yeah

Alja had barely made it into the Worg, not even enough to get her bearings and search for familiar faces, before there was the sound of papers rustling behind her, followed immediately by rapid footsteps. She barely even had time to turn around before she was tightly embraced by a frantic Seele, words pouring freely from her mouth in a rush of worry. Alja closed her exhausted eyes lightly as it washed over her like warm water, scouring away her mental grime just as the she'd scoured off the physical in the bath house. She wasn't sure if she'd slept very little, or she hadn't slept at all; the horrors that the world of Pariah kept unrelentingly throwing at them kept her up until the wee hours of the morning. After a moment, she opened her eyes again, gently returned the embrace with her sore arms.

Of course, as she was about to respond to Seele—relishing physical contact that wasn't associated with pain, rat blood, and the stink of sewage—Rael, who she hadn't see come in, distracted as she was with Seele's babbling, cut off the reunion with typical dryness. She rolled her eyes before taking her time in responding to Seele herself.

"I'm fine. We're all fine, no worries. It wasn't like..." she cut herself off, leaving the rest unsaid and doing her best to push it out of her mind. "Rael's got it in one, though. Weird dungeon under the sewers, lots of giant rats. Came out with more people than we went in with, actually. Dunno if you ever grouped with Valena, Yasmin, Taril? Found them trapped down there. And deeper down, someone named Artemis. Never met her, but she seems pretty handy with a bow. Graves invited her along, let's see if she gets here, yeah?"

A moment passed. A breath. A pause in her speech. And then she squeezed Seele tighter. "I'm sorry to worry you." She could ask about the Drox fraternity thing later, when more people were gathered and it didn't need to be repeated. Right now, the important thing was that Alja had worried her, and that she was worried no longer.

Then, as was the way of things, Graves had to come in and sling himself down, ruining the moment. Alja laughed out of reflex, finally releasing her embrace. Then, looking at him, a faint shadow passed over her face, and she looked back down at Seele, voice pitched down to a quiet sigh. "Can I talk to you about somethin' later? I'll tell you all about the dungeon then, if you want."

Then the moment passed and she perked back up, the laugh coming back into her voice as she stretched, hands nearly brushing the ceiling as she shot a look at Graves. "Guessin' you feel like shit too, then?"
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