"I'm sorry, I'm trying to be less aggressive..."
Furukawa Fujiko
Perhaps the best word for Furukawa Fujiko's appearance is 'transitional.' Her hair is somewhat shaggy and unkempt as though grown out unevenly, and sits at an awkward length around the base of her neck. Narrow eyebrows that always seem at least slightly sad sit over a pair of dark gray eyes with much the same emotion. She's taller than a middle schooler but still not quite as tall as a high schooler, sitting at 152 centimeters: not short enough to be especially noticeable, but short enough to be a little bit self-conscious.
Her small size might have you thinking she's frail at first, but—as befits a girl is athletic as she is—if you look closer, you will find an incredibly athletic physique. Her trimmed stomach displays prominent abs that are remarkably strong. Her legs are even moreso, packed with the wiry whipcord muscle that comes from running hard for hours, for days in a row. And yet for all the strength that her core and lower body present, anything above her abs is...not unfit, obviously, but being mainly a soccer player, she never really worked it out nearly as much. Of course she dabbled in other sports, but none of them held her interest in the same way, and so her upper body is much less developed than her lower.
On that note, Fujiko has a passionate hatred for her chest. Not that she's particularly against the concept, but...why did it have to grow as much as it did? It's unbelievably inconvenient, makes her stick out in a way she isn't fond of, makes it frustrating to do anything even the slightest bit active, and gives her back pain besides. Unless she's going to a formal event of some variety, she's in a sports bra 95% of the time. Even on the rare occasion that she isn't wearing a sports bra, she tends to wear tight tops, but not too tight; For example, close fitting tee shirts. Too loose and any rigorous physical activity becomes a massive pain, too tight and that's uncomfortable all on its own.
At the moment, Fujiko has a strange way of carrying herself. While to strangers she looks perfectly respectable, for people who know her, she looks a touch stiff, vaguely uncomfortable, a little bit like an imported exotic pet that's has been cowed into submission (which isn't exactly far off, to be honest), forced to fit into a mold that has no business in. Consequently, behind the movement that she tries to make as graceful as possible, there is a subtle tension. Said tension is most apparent in stressful situations, where on occasion she can look extremely vicious and aggressive until she can reign it in.
Her small size might have you thinking she's frail at first, but—as befits a girl is athletic as she is—if you look closer, you will find an incredibly athletic physique. Her trimmed stomach displays prominent abs that are remarkably strong. Her legs are even moreso, packed with the wiry whipcord muscle that comes from running hard for hours, for days in a row. And yet for all the strength that her core and lower body present, anything above her abs is...not unfit, obviously, but being mainly a soccer player, she never really worked it out nearly as much. Of course she dabbled in other sports, but none of them held her interest in the same way, and so her upper body is much less developed than her lower.
On that note, Fujiko has a passionate hatred for her chest. Not that she's particularly against the concept, but...why did it have to grow as much as it did? It's unbelievably inconvenient, makes her stick out in a way she isn't fond of, makes it frustrating to do anything even the slightest bit active, and gives her back pain besides. Unless she's going to a formal event of some variety, she's in a sports bra 95% of the time. Even on the rare occasion that she isn't wearing a sports bra, she tends to wear tight tops, but not too tight; For example, close fitting tee shirts. Too loose and any rigorous physical activity becomes a massive pain, too tight and that's uncomfortable all on its own.
At the moment, Fujiko has a strange way of carrying herself. While to strangers she looks perfectly respectable, for people who know her, she looks a touch stiff, vaguely uncomfortable, a little bit like an imported exotic pet that's has been cowed into submission (which isn't exactly far off, to be honest), forced to fit into a mold that has no business in. Consequently, behind the movement that she tries to make as graceful as possible, there is a subtle tension. Said tension is most apparent in stressful situations, where on occasion she can look extremely vicious and aggressive until she can reign it in.
Fujiko's personality only encapsulates further that sense of transitions. As one could probably surmise by looking at her bearing, she has two distinctly oppositional pieces of her personality. There is the Fujiko that her parents have envisioned: the shy, calm, sweet girl who is distinctly and unequivocally feminine. This is the face of Fujiko that most people see now. She's a pleasant person to be around, she's patient, she's kind, and she's overall generally sweet. She's very intelligent, and she's always ready to study if she needs to. Really, she's growing into that picture perfect traditional conservative image of a 'true Japanese lady.'
And then there's the actual Fujiko: a wild, unrestrained tomboy, who takes a wild, unrestrained joy in her life. As much as she's tried to bury this part of her personality, it has admittedly not been entirely successful. Even now, sometimes she snaps and the tomboy rears her shaggy head. Because of the circumstances which led to this, it's not really a true alloying of the two parts of her personality. It's more so painting over one with the other, trying to hide it from the world out of the twin senses of shame and familial obligation. Thus, this is very rarely seen at this point in time, only really poking out when the coat of paint starts to wear a bit thin in places, where Fujiko is always ready to paint over again
That said...no coat of paint lasts forever.
And then there's the actual Fujiko: a wild, unrestrained tomboy, who takes a wild, unrestrained joy in her life. As much as she's tried to bury this part of her personality, it has admittedly not been entirely successful. Even now, sometimes she snaps and the tomboy rears her shaggy head. Because of the circumstances which led to this, it's not really a true alloying of the two parts of her personality. It's more so painting over one with the other, trying to hide it from the world out of the twin senses of shame and familial obligation. Thus, this is very rarely seen at this point in time, only really poking out when the coat of paint starts to wear a bit thin in places, where Fujiko is always ready to paint over again
That said...no coat of paint lasts forever.
Fujiko was...a crazy kid.
Born to Furukawa Jonouchi and Akemi—an older family now, and one that put a great deal of emphasis on familial pride—Fujiko, their only daughter, was wild from the start. The instant she could, she was running around, climbing trees, searching for bugs, falling in really stupid ways, and getting hurt repeatedly. She eschewed the company of other girls her age, claiming that they were all dumb and boring, and instead sought out the company of boys to take part in her hairbrained antics.
When she was in second grade, she met a 3rd grader named Shion (who Fujiko 100% thought was a girl when they first met), and they became good friends in rapid time. Only two months later, Shion told her about a sport he'd started playing a bit: soccer. And though Shion never really got into it, it wasn't long until it took over the young Fujiko's life; and it would define it for many years.
The years rolled by, and found Fujiko, now in her third year of middle school, no less of a tomboy now than she was in elementary school, perhaps even more so. Really, 'part of the guys' in a lot of ways. And her parents were becoming concerned. As a proud old family, the Furukawas were very concerned with image; and their daughter showed no signs of growing out of her wild tomboy nature. Chewing on their metaphorical fingernails, Jonouchi and Akemi came to a resolution: if she wanted to find a good husband and live a happy life, their daughter needed to move out of this tomboy phase. And if she wouldn't or couldn't do it on her own...well, that was their duty as parents, wasn't it?
Fujiko, dear, don't you think it's time you move past this?
Honey, I don't think it's a good idea for you to play soccer anymore.
Fujiko, this is reflecting poorly on the entire family.
Don't you want to find a good husband, Fujiko?
Fujiko brushed it off for quite a long time, dismissing it as her parents just being...weird. But, as it always is, when something is said often enough, you tend to start believing it. And slowly, slowly, she started acting like it too. This is where her personality began to shift; shame and pressure are a potent combination indeed. By the time she graduated middle school, she was almost a different person entirely.
But high school is a different environment altogether, and the personality she's created for herself has Begun to strain.
...Not long now.
Born to Furukawa Jonouchi and Akemi—an older family now, and one that put a great deal of emphasis on familial pride—Fujiko, their only daughter, was wild from the start. The instant she could, she was running around, climbing trees, searching for bugs, falling in really stupid ways, and getting hurt repeatedly. She eschewed the company of other girls her age, claiming that they were all dumb and boring, and instead sought out the company of boys to take part in her hairbrained antics.
When she was in second grade, she met a 3rd grader named Shion (who Fujiko 100% thought was a girl when they first met), and they became good friends in rapid time. Only two months later, Shion told her about a sport he'd started playing a bit: soccer. And though Shion never really got into it, it wasn't long until it took over the young Fujiko's life; and it would define it for many years.
The years rolled by, and found Fujiko, now in her third year of middle school, no less of a tomboy now than she was in elementary school, perhaps even more so. Really, 'part of the guys' in a lot of ways. And her parents were becoming concerned. As a proud old family, the Furukawas were very concerned with image; and their daughter showed no signs of growing out of her wild tomboy nature. Chewing on their metaphorical fingernails, Jonouchi and Akemi came to a resolution: if she wanted to find a good husband and live a happy life, their daughter needed to move out of this tomboy phase. And if she wouldn't or couldn't do it on her own...well, that was their duty as parents, wasn't it?
Fujiko, dear, don't you think it's time you move past this?
Honey, I don't think it's a good idea for you to play soccer anymore.
Fujiko, this is reflecting poorly on the entire family.
Don't you want to find a good husband, Fujiko?
Fujiko brushed it off for quite a long time, dismissing it as her parents just being...weird. But, as it always is, when something is said often enough, you tend to start believing it. And slowly, slowly, she started acting like it too. This is where her personality began to shift; shame and pressure are a potent combination indeed. By the time she graduated middle school, she was almost a different person entirely.
But high school is a different environment altogether, and the personality she's created for herself has Begun to strain.
...Not long now.
As Fujiko's only real exposure to kendo is a small amount with Shion in middle school, she is still very much a beginner of the sport, and has yet to figure out any kind of style of her own. At the moment, as a byproduct of her psychological state, she's going to tend to play much more defensively than she really should, and be wary of doing anything too risky, not playing much to her strengths at all.
However, as time goes on, she'll eventually loosen the strictures on the way she participates in the sport and nail down how to funnel her aggression into most effectively leveraging the explosive power in her legs: dashing in for a blisteringly fast strike and then withdrawing almost simultaneously, leaving little time for retaliation before she's out of reach again.
Though of course as a novice she's going to learn the foundational chuudan first, after she goes far enough in kendo she'll figure out that her strategy fits best with hassou: it lets her whip the blade forward with the momentum of her movement, making her strikes that much faster and harder to predict or deflect.
However, as time goes on, she'll eventually loosen the strictures on the way she participates in the sport and nail down how to funnel her aggression into most effectively leveraging the explosive power in her legs: dashing in for a blisteringly fast strike and then withdrawing almost simultaneously, leaving little time for retaliation before she's out of reach again.
Though of course as a novice she's going to learn the foundational chuudan first, after she goes far enough in kendo she'll figure out that her strategy fits best with hassou: it lets her whip the blade forward with the momentum of her movement, making her strikes that much faster and harder to predict or deflect.
Nothing, for now!