Collab between @Letter Bee and @WSilversunDarius and MikazukiMikazuki answered Darius: "I want to train - Well, that’s only part of it; I want to know you and the others better but I do not want to impose on people. So… How do I do so? All I know, I know from books.”
Darius hummed softly, leaning back in his seat at the question- all thought of getting up to fetch the tea forgotten instead of mulling over those words. How to connect with others… It was a complicated thing to ask or to learn. But then, so were most things.
“Books aren’t a bad place to start, really. People benefit from reading, makes them more… Worldly. A little more wise. Asking questions is the only way I know to get to know people though, whether out loud or to yourself. Sometimes they’re the kind of questions you need them to answer, sometimes they’re the kind that get answered just by watching. Either way it takes a little nosyness.”
He thumbed his nose for emphasis, flashing a grin.
“Can’t get to know people without imposing just a little.”
Mikazuki nodded, then asked, “So… how do we do this? Do we just talk with each other, or do we get straight to training? My family owns a dojo, so I know kendo.”
That got a laugh from the soldier, as he pushed himself upright, dropping into an easy crouch to start stretching his legs. Training was always a good idea, so far as he was concerned.
“Why not both? I’ve told you kids before, you need good fundamentals to handle yourselves, and if you can’t talk and jog, then they aren’t where they need to be. We’ll go for a little run, and you can ask anything you like. Just remember that not everybody will be so forthcoming- Some people don’t like having questions asked, and those are the types you have to get to know just by being around and paying attention.”
Mikazuki nodded, then said, “Yeah… I saw Mitsuaki run out of his job in the coffee shop earlier - somehow, I don’t think it’s his fault. Also, Sara was buying Takoyaki while looking worried. I decided not to approach them; it would be… what’s the word… intrusive? Pushy? But I am worried about those two, yes. So let’s go.”
Darius nodded in turn, knuckling the small of his back and bending until it gave a satisfying crack, bouncing on his toes for a moment- and taking off at a steady jog. He wasn’t terribly fast- in truth, since the injury that had led to this whole mess for him, he was rather slow, enough that Mikazuki would likely have no trouble at all keeping up. Still, he managed to talk on the go, leading the way into town at that easy pace.
“For now, you might be right. You have to build some trust with people, before you can go poking and prodding at what they’re thinking about. You’re a good kid, though, I don’t think it’ll take long before you’re all relying on each other enough that you won’t think twice about checking in.”
Mikazuki nodded as he jogged, feeling relief as he ran side by side with Darius, then asked, “So, tell me about your fiance? And also how did you become a Shinigami?”
Darius was all grins even at the mention of his fiance- It was almost funny, how clearly in love the man was, just the mention enough to brighten his whole mood. As if it hadn’t been bright enough already.
“Aiko? You’d like her, I think. She already likes all of you, thinks having kids to teach gives me something productive and healthy to do. She’s… Strong. In the literal sense, but also in spirit, like nothing in the world could knock her down. I met her through work, before I retired. It was a joint training group, our boys teaching your boys a bit about the kinds of weapons and tactics we each use, keeping camaraderie up. We do it with all our allies. That’s boring stuff, though, lot of politics and hum-drum training. The other question, though…”
He frowned faintly, a hand straying to his middle, where the wounds from that night were still healing. Faster than they should have, true, but still healing all the same.
“There was a kid. A spirit, I guess. Ran past me when I was out shopping, being chased by a big brute of a monster. A hollow. I’d never seen something like it before- Ouga says it happens that way sometimes, we mortal folk just… Get glimpses, the ability to see, out of nowhere. Something about spiritual pressure and triggers, the stuff he talks about when we’re training. I didn’t know all that then, of course. Just that the kid was running scared, and that… Thing was running after it. I put myself in the way. Wish I could say it was some kind of heroic thing, that I beat some manners into it, but really, I was as scared as the kid was- And the Hollow split me open like a piñata. You guys have those here? Cardboard animals full of candy, you whack ‘em with a stick and candy comes out.”
Mikazuki nodded, then said, “I watched a few Western TV Shows; I know what a Pinata is. And you survived? As for me, I just got hit by a truck - Oh, we reached the shop.”
And indeed they have.
@Sho Minazuki