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Ozma? Who’s that? All I saw was Nessie.

Well, now that I look again... Hmmm, must have been my eyes playing tricks on me. *wink wink* XD
My drive for Roma is in two parts. One is that I love being the antagonist. Not so much that I enjoy evil, I really don’t like doing chaotic evil protagonists, but I do immensely enjoy being someone else’s opposition. I’m the guy who never DMs because he’d have zombies and skeletons make grapple checks and use help actions to guarantee easy hits and Crits on prone players.

And I made Roma 6 years ago without finding a public RP setting to use her in. Plenty of PMs and lore outside this setting but this is her long awaited proper shakedown. Which is refreshing to take her back to factory default, new power set, but all the drives and twisted compassion that makes her equal parts yandere and waifu. Like an electric eel wrapped around your neck and purring.

And if the need arises I have plenty of others who’d easily fit in just as well.

Sweet! That honestly gets me even more hype, knowing this is a character with a lot of depth and quirks to work with.
On a related note, I was just hoping for some clarification on this line for my next post:

"A sense of gratitude for the meal manifested upon Camelot's person, as all the way atop Big Ben itself there was the sudden drop of a coin ringing in the now empty scabbard."

Is this more on Roma's end or something Camelot will actually feel/sense when the coin appears? I like to go detailed on what characters observe/feel, so this is definitely something that will be noted if so. I'm guessing, "yes", which is how I'm currently structuring the start of my next post, but I just felt like double-checking.

Nice cap there. Epic finish. To be honest, wasn't actually expecting Nessie to summon a water dragon/cyclone-thing from the get-go, but I guess Ozma's mysterious ways are a bit responsible here. Flipping Wizard of Oz being inscrutable again! XD

<Snipped quote by Villamvihar>

Sure, that's fine by me.

In that case, I'll probably post sometime today then. I think the Power of Friendship has handicapped our opponent more than enough for Nessie to stand a chance now.

You love to hear it! The end of the beginning approaches, and the gang is nearly all together. *rubs hands together* Then we can get to the first proper character interaction outside of battle.

Hugh Caphazath
Half-Elf, Monk (Way of Shadow), Level 3
HP: 24/24 Armor Class: 17 Conditions: Pass Without Trace
Location: M9 -> J8
Action: Prepared action (shortbow attack on Goblin G10 or G9)
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


The change in formation was set, and the plan -as much of one as could be had- was settled. With his [Pass Without Trace] technique lying omnipresent over the area and the Cleric’s own “blessing” upon the frontliners, they were as ready as they might ever be. All that was left was to settle into position.

Hugh waited patiently, as his current comrades in arms carefully navigated the radius of his technique towards their respective places of readiness. In turn, once they had settled in, Hugh himself carefully concluded his intended path, pressed up against the side of a pair of large boulders, nestling himself with his back inside the small crevice formed between them, as the pale tiefling made her own way around to the other side of the rocks.

There was a moment of brief restrained panic and a sharp intake of breath that was swallowed by the unnaturally still air, as the Cleric’s armor and rather… absurdly bold open position nearly gave her away. [Pass Without Trace] was strong, but it was the furthest thing from invincible. Testing fate like that… being nearly right up in the enemy’s face… practically taunting them… It set his teeth on edge, but against all feasible odds, the concealment held… if barely. Were it not for the goblin’s sneeze, they’d likely have been made.

That moment of great stress over and done with, Hugh began to take slow, steadying breaths, steadying the beat of his heart to a quiet, familiar rhythm, the rhythm of the assassin.

‘Strike first.’

His right hand crept down, drawing an arrow from the quiver at the small of his back with less than a whisper, the sound swallowed by the Ki-infused environment.

‘Strike once.’

Even though the world around him seemed muffled and distant, he could still hear the steady thump of his pulse against his ear-drums, the absolute lack of background noise only making such a perception all the easier, as his left arm rose, bow in hand, and was nocked with the arrow in his right.

‘Strike last.’

Aiming down the shaft of the arrow with his eyes at the figure of the goblin in possession of a bow, the string drew back silently, as he waited for his agreed upon que, for someone to strike the opening blow.

‘This is the core principle of the art of assassination.’
@The 42nd Gecko
That face when all the melee characters have to resort to throwing their weapons for various reasons. XD
Having finally gotten Roma's first POV, I already love everything about her. This is most certainly going to be an interesting time going forward; she definitely feels like your passion project for this story. Don't get me wrong, Suzuya is absolutely great too, but Roma definitely gives off the feeling of being the character you made first (which she is) and fleshed out most, even with a single post from her so far. She just needed a far more particular opening to enter the narrative. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what other kinds of ripples she plans to set in motion.

And let me just say, the timing and location of her depositing the gold coin was inspired. Despite Camelot's paranoia, it does seem as though there is now an in-character path towards her not just chucking it. She's still not likely to keep it long-term, but I'm already putting a little side plotline together involving it.

Me: *realizing I'm going to need to go on another history/research binge to figure out exactly what kind of gold coin Camelot would most likely historically have... and its worth in modern British pounds*
If you controlled Soup you too may be as cool as this guy.

Okay, I actually saw some of that a while back, loved it, and then completely forgot it existed. That was rather interesting. XD
Still not on board with the soup thing though. Can't say why, but I just don't like it. Maybe the thought will grow on me later, but I've actually got a solid idea of what I want to do now, and random soup control is a bit... off theme?

Ugh, suddenly, I actually started trying to think about how to make it fit, and suddenly I'm thinking of another relative "quality of life" power like Camelot's Round Table (with ridiculously smaller scale, granted). Given my current concept, being able to always have snacks may not be such a bad idea, lol.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

Spec Ops, Magical Girl Edition!

I'm tossing around the idea of making her Three Bears (the original gentlemen trio) power a double-edged sword using this stealth mechanic. She can communicate with them and command them telepathically, and they will follow her orders... up until the moment they see her, as the 3 Bears still hold a grudge against "Goldilocks". In other words, she must play secret commander, using her troops effectively while avoiding their attention at all costs, lest she be forced to resummon them when they try to attack her instead. Luckily, the bears do not retain memories of her identity between summons, but it's very inconvenient to have to reposition all her troops.

Her current theme, lol:

A Goldilocks Magical Girl who can summon bears and shoot soup sounds badass and funny at the same time. I honestly think there is a lot of potential in Fable rank, because many of the weirder fairy tales are amongst them. There is a Hungarian one about an all-devouring stomach or a rooster that kicks the ass of a Turkish Emperor for example. (Don't ask. I have no idea why either.) So while Legend or Myth is quite powerful, the sheer variety of Fables along with their off-the-wall nature makes for an interesting playstyle.

Not sure about the soup, but I do want to do something with the whole "Goldilocks the intruder" aspect of the story, where she broke in unseen and broke stuff. Maybe like a power that only works when nobody can see her, forcing her to sneak around?
Basically, I'll go the exact opposite direction of Camelot and make a character that has to slink in the shadows and play it careful.
That aside, I do think I'm going to step back from character creation for a bit. After all, I already have a single good one, and the RP just started (and is fairly crowded to boot). Made some good progress for later, but I in no way need another POV to manage at this stage. XD
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