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Okay, I wasn't expecting to actually laugh out loud, but Ozma is quite the character. That was such a hilariously ridiculous anime intro.


The Seraph floated closer to the silver-clad paladin in order to lower her voice as to not make a scene, "Stragglers... you used the Round Table to gather a crowd again, didn't you?" She didn't need an answer, twas' a rhetorical question, "Those Pageless weren't stragglers, they were lured there by the scent of your blatant use of magic, the fact that you gathered innocents while doing it certainly doesn't help your case. Do you realize that you've done the Pageless' job for them?" Lumiere jabbed as an arm gestured to the civilians that the vanquished Pageless gathered here, "Let's hope that no more of those 'stragglers' arrived after you left..." or else, the innocents' blood would be on Camelot's gauntlets.

"Good intentions do not always lead to good results, and it will be to the benefit of everyone if you realize this sooner than later."

Absolute absurdity. For what possible reason or expected result could she say such a thing?

Camelot's eyes narrowed, as her stride halted momentarily, brow furrowed. In a similarly low tone, she couldn't help responding with conviction, "So what? Doing the right thing is rarely easy. I do it because it's hard, because I can where others cannot, because I made an Oath to the people. As much as I don't like it, I was given this gift for a reason, and I'm not about to be scared off by one single Pageless incident out of seven-hundred upwards opportunities." She rested one hand upon her breastplate. "We're supposed to be heroes, supposed to save everyone, and I can't believe I have to be the one saying this." She shifted on her heel, shooting a brief glance back at the dark sky and the new girl, before scowling and turning to go. "If there's consequences? So be it. I'll still do my best and accept the fault when it is due to me. I don't pretend like I'm perfect... but I won't be lectured to by anyone on how to save the people they can't be bothered with..."

Especially not the likes of you, she barely managed to internalize.

She paused. Perhaps she could put this a way the angelic Magical Girl would personally understand. She hummed aloud. "God gave me the ability to feed His people, because I am -rather disappointingly it seems- one of the very few with the will to use that power as it is intended, without hesitation or fear of consequences." Her expression turned somewhat pensive and concerned. "Doing a good thing for its own sake is never wrong, Lumiere, but sometimes you really make me worry that you've lost sight of that... We are shepherds; our responsibility is to every last lamb... and our fellow shepherds besides, not just the flock."

Abruptly, Camelot started, as if finally remembering that she had yet to retrieve her sword and immediately bustled away to do so, any further conversation falling on deaf ears, as she became occupied with her Scabbard and the mysterious gold coin within.


Camelot was further wrested from her musings over the coin and the newbie by a rougher voice addressing her. Straightening up, she raised an eyebrow at the still rather soaked form of Dynasty Queen ambling closer, legendary staff nowhere to be seen but presumably tucked away behind her ear as her Legend's titular main character was want to do.

Camelot had mixed feelings about her fellow "king". That is to say, she wasn't quite sure whether to dislike or pity her. It was honestly frightening, looking at Dynasty Queen and seeing an almost funhouse mirror of what she could be, someone with far too much power and far too little care in how they used it. She was someone who took after the original Monkey King almost all too well. A battle junkie with a tunnel vision for violence and getting what they wanted that was honestly unrivaled amongst her fellow Magical Girls. "Right" and "wrong" never seemed to factor into anything she did, only her immediate enjoyment. While she certainly saved people; it seemed more to be a consequence of her actions than any intended result. The battle in and of itself was the apparent goal. Everything else was secondary... and/or an excuse to get into a fight.

Of course, this was not necessarily Dynasty Queen's own fault. Rather, for someone with such a sense for combat as Camelot, she had picked up on occasion the utterly unnerving change in demeanor that came over her fellow, when the latter was fully "in the zone" as it were in battle. It wasn't just Tesni's own bloodlust that seeped out... but something more... something all too much older and more dangerous, perhaps looking to rekindle what it had lost. It did not reassure Camelot any that Tesni seemed quite bold about referring to herself and other Magical Girls in terms that implied their Grimoires were stories about themselves.

A very dangerous line of thought... and surely... hopefully vastly incorrect.

While Alters were the most infamous for it, it was hardly uncommon for the instincts that allowed a standard Magical Girl to use their powers properly from the get-go to come with a bit of extra... baggage, some more-so than others. Dynasty Queen's own brand was almost sinister in its subtlety simply from just how similar she was to her patron. But that did not matter to Camelot. Any mind warp was just as bad as any other, no matter the degree or duration. Free will was the right of all sentient beings, and to alter who they were was to strip them of the opportunity to change and evolve into a better version of themselves naturally. Such a thing was to strip them of their fundamental right to command their own destiny, and she would fight against such things with every breath.

That said, Camelot felt it would be arrogant to say even she was unaffected, despite her strong sense of self; she found herself able to possess a certain way with words that she didn't outside her transformed state. Perhaps it was simply the security of feeling so physically indomitable, but she found herself surer in her convictions, quicker to act rather than plan, more likely to forget overthinking problems and simply carve the simplest path to a satisfactory conclusion. She suspected that, much like Dynasty Queen, her own brand of mental influence was subtle... far more so in fact, which was honestly worse in some ways. It was far more difficult to separate an almost casual word or two from her dialogue, painfully awkward to even try to double-check her phrasing and tone of speech on the fly.

The point being that it was difficult enough for her to act against such instincts, even as consciously aware and fully opposed as she was. How much more difficult might it be for someone far more impulsive than herself? She worried that if she asked about or so much as mentioned her concerns, Dynasty Queen wouldn't even care, would brush off the seriousness of the situation... as usual. Worst case, Tesni would be the kind to absolutely revel in the new person she was becoming, the "Reject my Humanity, Jojo" sort that more than a few rather chuuni Magical Girls were. So, in a lot of ways, Camelot couldn't bring herself to fully blame Dynasty Queen for her behavior.

That didn't mean it was any easier to put up with her recklessly casual demeanor, but from one "king" to another, Camelot had long managed to be just as cordial with Dynasty Queen as anyone else, if occasionally chiding in regards to the overt property damage. Not that she had all too much ground to stand on herself when the chips were down, but at least she was trying not to cause wanton destruction in the course of achieving victory.

“Why would she need help? She tore the Pageless to pieces, so I’m sure she can either tank the fall or otherwise control her fall.”

Camelot hummed at the fairly sensible inquiry. She shrugged, unconcerned. In all honesty, she replied, "It's true that she is likely in no physical danger, especially not with myself and Captain Goodhope here. I suppose I was hoping to give her some further sense of control over this surely bizarre situation. It's already going to be bad enough getting her life upended by the interference of the Ministry. I felt I could do at least this much... and maybe save her the embarrassment of an awkward tumble. I-" She paused and frowned, as Dynasty Queen gave a shit-eating grin towards the sight of a now ascended Lumiere. "Gosh damn it, I understand that it's a might bit rich coming from me, but have some tact, Lumiere," she muttered, barely loud enough to be heard by Tesni.

As the angelic Magical Girl snapped up the poor new girl in a princess carry and bore them inexorably to the ground, before releasing her own transformation, Camelot pinched the bridge of her nose. She groaned aloud, when Captain Goodhope actually followed suit. "What the hell? We're still right out in the open where anyone could see. I understand there's 'new girl enthusiasm' going around, but we still need to get out of here quickly. Staying transformed to fly or roof hop would be safer and much more efficient."

“Ya gonna carry her down from every high place from now on? Ah well, newbies should get eased into this as much as possible. Home time and a sleep in is in order I think, that was a rough bit of exercise and don't worry newbie, I won't hold you getting me drenched against you, everyone goes a little wild their first time.”

Some part of Camelot appreciated Dynasty Queen for being irreverent enough to do the poking in her place. As much as she'd like to get on Lumiere's case herself, this was no place or time to have a row... and a pointless one at that. The angelic Magical Girl was far too set in her ways for any level of base chiding over something so technically insignificant to have any effect. The only way she'd even have footing was if the newbie decided to take personal offense, but even then, Camelot was reluctant to set herself further at odds with one of the most powerful Magical Girls in the world over something so petty. The divide between them was wide enough already, thank you. No need to breed discord amongst their fellows that could screw someone over on the battlefield.

Instead of allowing herself to be dragged along for the ride in that little conversation, Camelot made another once over of the area, idly noting the drifting citizens, who luckily at least appeared still too dazed to make two of the Magical Girls' number dropping their secret identities in front of them an issue... yet.

Lilac Shimmer had stowed away her sword and already seemed to be leaving, which was... odd? The girl was the bombastic and friendly sort from what she'd gathered in prior interactions, but there was always a strange sense of hesitation and distance that seemed at odds with outward appearances. That aside, considering her enthusiastic leap of a greeting to the new girl moments before, Camelot would have honestly expected her to sidle up beside her and Lumiere and begin chatting her up.

Speaking of "chatting people up"...

The new Alter she'd heard about from their recruiters was busy -for lack of a better word- encroaching upon Wilhelmina's personal space with her very large... friend looming above. Sighing at the sight of the... frankly abject beauty's mouth currently running a mile a minute, Camelot began to walk over to save her all too tolerant friend from the obvious social onslaught she was under. Which, given Wilhelmina being a social butterfly and extrovert of some renown, seemed an almost impressive feat in and of itself.

"Captain Goodhope," Camelot addressed with some emphasis on the name, as she approached, nodding her head leadingly at all the potential witnesses still drifting around within mutual sight range. "Are you well? You seemed exhausted, but I hadn't thought so much so as to be unable to maintain your transformation." Her tone turned a bit dry, as her eyes flicked back towards Lumiere. "But I suppose since that seems to be the thing to do today, I can carry you back the Academy if you wish."

Her eyes turned back towards the vibrant babbling beauty, before she cleared her throat, doing her best to politely interrupt the stream of words. Stepping closer, she offered her steel-clad right hand for a handshake. After a moment's thought, she couldn't help rolling her eyes with a small smile and hamming it up just a tad for the newbie, allowing a portion of the silver tongue of a dashing knight to flow freely from her unnatural instincts. "Magical Knight Camelot at your service, M'lady. Ethereal Rose, was it? Far be it from me to interrupt this delightful verbal discourse, but we'd be best served hastening from here to reconvene with the Grand Ministry as soon as possible." Her grin turned wry, revealing the jestful -if genuine- nature of her words. "They do love their official reports and such." She nodded towards Wilhelmina, silently searching for some sign that this arrangement was agreeable. "That said, no reason you two can't continue this discussion on the way over. What say you?"

Her eyes drifted again towards the fox-eared-and-tailed Magical Girl, who was still hanging back, as she raised a single brow and made a beckoning gesture with the hand that was occupied with concealing a gold coin, rather than a handshake. Unlike Ethereal Rose, this Magical Girl was a complete mystery to her. But, like Ethereal Rose, she'd yet to personally lay eyes upon them until today. In fact, she'd not even heard a peep about this girl before at Marrywell, despite how distinctive that transformation was. Camelot didn't recognize her, but then again, it wasn't like she was omniscient. She could only focus her attention so many ways at once, and the Alters had her priority as the people most likely to be given trouble by their fellow students. There were good odds on her being either a fresh local Magical Girl and/or a new transfer student as well; they popped in all the time, and it really cost her nothing to check and be proven wrong.

And if she was right? Well, all the better to get to the newbies before the likes of Lumiere sunk nonsense into their skulls at the root.
Noice. Same here.
There'll be a tad bit of timey-whimey stuff in my post to account for Camelot's response to Lumiere, but I'm just about finished with everything.

EDIT: Post up.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

I always read it as Tesni/Dynasty Queen had such an easy time with her grimoire early on that now that she’s reached a mental roadblock she’s stuck and having trouble improving. So she started looking deep into the story and culture surrounding it, I mean what else could she do? No two grimoires are the same and the relationship to each person is just as unique.

I’m not sure if the grimoires choose their wielder/user/host based on compatibility or what, but what if a grimoire and host are so compatible from the start? At that point if you can’t tell where the person stops and the story begins does it matter who is in the driving seat?

Oh nice. I already had the section written, but with this little bit of WOG, looks like I won't really need to change anything (even accounting for Camelot's IC biased observations compared to the reality).
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

Yeah, that makes sense. As a lover of stories herself, Wilhelmina would have been the first one to point out that her Grimoire does not match the original and she probably did some research on this herself. If nothing else, Camelot could have caught onto the fact that there is a girl interested in alters... Hmmm... This does give me an idea! Given Wilhelmina's disposition, I would not be surprised if she is actually friends with Chinami, knowing her decently well. They met in the library while Wilhelmina was looking things up about Alters, with things naturally developing from there. What say you?

Aye, says I! They can have a sort of symbiotic relationship in civvies, where Wilhelmina does all the extrovert stuff and absorbs attention, while Chinami gets to chill/introvert on the sidelines and interject occasionally. Meanwhile, Chinami's protectiveness and paranoia lend her well to detecting when someone is trying to take advantage of or otherwise mess with Wilhelmina.

I do also find there to be a certain irony to a book lover having a "misprint" for a Grimoire.
You forgot the Grand Minister in that list.

Lmao, I was mostly just thinking of the main team, but I'd have to list the big lady upstairs as another firm "unknown" on the chart.

You know what? Edit made. Happy? XD
Given I’m writing Suzuya as someone entirely controlled by her Grimoire when transformed she’ll be a lot more animated when she drops it. Even if she’s too much of a coward to even verbally say “Notice me Sempai!”

Gonna be fun.

*Komi Can't Communicate intensifies*
Hmm, with everyone talking about how much they're affected by their Grimoire, I wonder if that gives Lilac an odd story with how much she worries about not being effected enough by her Grimoire.

We've got some interesting options abound, and the degree of mental pollution varies quite spectacularly. From what I can see:

Lumiere: Sinisterly subtle influence. A slow but steady change over the past century that has induced a calculating self-righteousness.

Camelot: Similarly subtle in its own way, but a bit more ham-fisted in others, often tossing foreign instincts and dialogue into her face. Does not really directly influence her personality and more expands her knowledge, which ends up influencing her decisions by proxy.

Dynasty Queen: Seems almost hilariously bold in its influence, but it's sinisterly difficult to tell because her base personality is so compatible with her Grimoire.

Lilac Shimmer: No discernable changes. Ironically, this bothers her. Love it.

Captain Goodhope: Unknown. Seems to be just a completely genuine take-her-at-face-value person.

Burning Heart: Fills her with courage, boldness & fearlessness. (Lonewolf WOG: she is entirely controlled by her Grimoire when transformed)

Ethereal Rose: Becomes more serene and refined (yes, because what we've seen so far is apparently the poor thing holding back). Be afraid.

Lady of the Lake: Mostly appears to be combat instincts... for now.

Ozma: Unknown.

Roma Bahkti: Unknown.

Grand Minister: Unknown. She's been around a while though, and something as powerful as the Merlin Grimoire is unlikely to come with no baggage. (included for TheWendil's peace of mind XD )
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

Come to think of it, would it even be obvious to most that Wilhelmina is an Alter, given her cheery theme and overall positivity? Or is this something that Magical Girls can sense about each other?

Mostly, I'm assuming the fact that her tale is an Alter would come up in conversation in the rumor mill at some point, since Wilhelmina is fairly open and such. Do correct me if not, but I felt it was a safe bet that after a year, the fact that she's an Alter would have drifted around. There's also the fact that she stands out in her own way even more for how she has a better ending to her legend instead of a worse/twisted one. But again, I'm merely speculating. Do slap me with your own head-canon if you have a specific rep you want her to have cultivated, and I will adjust appropriately.
Journey to the West may have been a rough choice. It's hard to sound enlightened when you yourself... aren't :P

Heck yeah, welcome back to the party. Been a while since that first post, huh? Things sure got busy after that!
Also, is it just me, or is Dynasty Queen's Grimoire "mental pollution" rather sinisterly strong, especially given this line (and others besides that were sprinkled about)?

“Well I don’t die at the end of my legend... and I actually succeed at the quest!”

Is that just a slip of the tongue, or are we looking at some Monkey King persona sneaking in shenanigans? Because that's definitely the takeaway Camelot would have if these sorts of things slip into her dialogue often. She definitely comes across as someone who believes they may be the Monkey King reborn.

I guess what I'm actually asking is how much of that sort of talk does she casually slip into her dialogue (whether she believes it or not). I'm working on my next post, and given that Dynasty Queen just directly engaged in conversation with Camelot, you better believe she's getting an introductory segment of paragraphs dedicated to establishing Camelot's current thought process regarding her.
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