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<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

So your incapable of travelling dimensions on your own? I see you are in a bit of a predicament then.

*Grunting, I sighed in resignation with a frown.*

The entirety of my experience with dimensional transport has mostly been cowardly assholes who wanted me removed from the equation, since they couldn't face me directly and yet were perfectly satisfied to use me to get rid of their other problems beforehand. I mean, technically, there's a singular way I could probably dimensionally travel by my own power, but the cost would be... Frankly, it would be utter insanity to pay it. I will grant you, I've never gotten to test that method, but in the vaguest of theory, it could work.
@Fractured Hmm, I see, I see. I did notice that overall style, but it's a pretty steep adjustment for me to go all the way immediately. I'll look into getting closer to that state of "security camera", but interjecting personality is rather important to me as a writer. I don't keep my character's personality in my head. I actually tend to shape it within the narrative. I'll try to adjust a bit more, but I wouldn't expect that stuff to flee my writing completely. It's just far too ingrained.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

*I nod resting both hands upon my cane rapping my fingers against the wood.*

I take it you interpreted that as a threat, it wasn't it was a warning. There exists a...Group of people seeking to militaristically seize control of all existence by force.

*I wasn't sure if I could take him at face value. If was hard to read a skeleton after all... However, he'd been perfectly cordial so far, so I'd return the favor. I leaned back in my chair and nodded.*

I see. Thanks for the warning. I'm... not really sure what I'll do with it, considering I'm pretty well stuck here, but I'll take the heads-up in the good faith it's seemingly been offered.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

*A tenuous silence passes, as I sip my teacup once more before gingerly setting it aside.*

Hm, and what's your stance on the idea of someone say trying to conquer all of reality?

*I look at you the red points in my eye sockets shining intensely at you, no through you.*

*Well. That was a loaded fucking statement if I'd ever heard one. My impulse was to say "fuck that" and be done with it, but I was well aware of the precariousness of this situation. Right now, I felt akin to as I had back when I first truly understood the breadth of Lucifer's ability... while being in a one-on-one conversation with him. It was that feeling of knowing for an absolute fact how utterly outclassed you were in the face of a titan and being put in a position to either say what you thought they wanted to hear... or stick to your guns. I'd done the latter with Lucifer, and it had luckily worked out for me back then... But the scale here was incomprehensibly larger if this guy wasn't exaggerating. That aside, there was no telling if he could detect lies or not, either through an ability or simple experience. In that case... Fuck it.*

I'm... not exactly a fan, but then again, the sheer scale of such a thing... Quite frankly, I've only operated on a continental level before. I hope you understand that the idea of even planets being practically insignificant on a grand scale is difficult for me to wrap my head around... or have much of an educated opinion on when it comes to the idea of conquering, well... everything. Personally...

*I paused, before swallowing and forging ahead.*

I do believe in the right of the people to choose their own destiny, to choose their own leaders and government... no matter what that may be. I can understand that there are many cultures that are plainly evil on a grand scale and fit to be exterminated or subjugated and changed. I'd be hypocritical if I shunned the idea of utter annihilation, especially given that I have one definitive planetary annihilation personally to my name, but I will say it was also a fairly last resort thing. It was them or humanity, simple as that; I was just in the position to make the decision.

<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

*Glances upward, shrugs, and motions for you to carry on*

*After the skeleton's... threat? Proposal? After whatever that was, I wasn't quite so eager to be forthcoming as I was moments before. The girl seemed nice enough, but if she was freely associating with this being...*

It's just... something unique to me now... as far as I know. I hope you understand, but I just met you both. I'll be keeping whatever I can close to the chest for the time being.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

*A cup of tea appears in my skeletal hands resting beneath a saucer.*

People once lived here, planet death does that sometimes it's quite grim business.

*Casually sips, the tea noticeably it doesn't just spill through my rib cage and disappears who knows where.*

*I couldn't help my expression smoothing out into dry flatness at both the statement and the obvious pun. I tried not to pay attention to whatever the hell was going on with the tea, as my voice came out equally dry.*

Oh, wonderful, for a second there, I was worried I was going to be three-for-three on having to foil world-ending plots. Turns out I'm just late to the party for once.
This gives me Kill 6 billion demons vibes, is that a coincidence?

I do believe the GM named that in the interest check as a specific comparison. XD
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

I'm not from an Earth, nay son I'm from here where we sit.

I see.

*My brow furrowed.*

Then... if you weren't referring to yourself... This place is pretty barren of, well, much -if any- ensouled individuals that I can tell. How often do you get visitors from Earth specifically? Am I just the latest?

<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

*Deadpans, glancing at the skeleton before returning my gaze to you with a sigh and shaking my head*
*The question mark morphs into a clock winding backwards, before popping out of reality; I point at myself and make a zipping gesture across my lips, followed by a twist of my wrist at its completion—after the expression, I point at you and the question mark reappears*

<Snipped quote by Fractured>

Oh by-the-by my good guest, my dear friend is mute.

<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

*A victory bell ring echoes throughout the chamber*

*Honestly, this girl was the one that wouldn't talk here; I couldn't fathom what she was doing being the frustra- Oh. Realization dawned a moment before the skeleton finally spoke up. She couldn't talk. Well, that fucking sucked. As soon as I saw the clock her construct morphed into, I had a fair idea what she was referring to however.*

I see, that's unfortunate. As for what seems to have her curiosity piqued... You mean my eyes, right?

*I pointed briefly pointed at my green irises, where five black spokes like clock hands rotated steadily around each pupil.*

<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

*Rolls my eyes and sighs before reemphasizing the gesture, swirling the question mark once around your head before returning it to me*

*A frown overtook my features, as I had no real context for what she was getting at. Furrowing my brows, I considered what I did know. She'd gestured to my head with her little construct, which meant... She wasn't looking past me; she was looking at my brain... mind? What did that have to do wi-? I paused. My paranoia was... actually right for once?*

That poke was meant to do something, wasn't it?
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

*Gazes at you, but instead of making eye contact, focuses on a spot just behind your eyes*
*Points at you and a cartoonish question mark materializes above my head*

*Markedly perplexed, I couldn't help turning my head to briefly glance behind me, just in case she was looking at someone else I also couldn't sense through the skeleton's spiritual deluge. Nothing popped up, so with a small frown, I raised a single brow at the girl and the... literal 2d question mark that manifested above her head, like she was some kind of silent Disney film character. Her gaze continued to look almost... past me, despite being quite focused on me specifically. I voiced my confusion.*

What is it?
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

*Stands on the tips of my toes to poke you in the cheek twice, then skips toward Alna and does the same to him*

*Having been unable to avoid her without leaving my seat, I resisted the urge to flinch away violently from the girl, who was still walking upside-down and defying gravity quite nicely. Maybe it was just paranoia, but some of the nastiest powers I'd ever encountered relied on touch. Luckily, I was, as far as I knew, utterly immutable physically and mentally. If that was intended to cause some sort of change, it should wash off me like water on a duck's back... But again, paranoia. The skeleton certainly didn't seem bothered by her oddities, but then again, he was so powerful that she was probably as little of a threat to him as I was. I really had no reason to assume malice beyond being uncomfortable with my lack of control in this situation... I still performed a personal sensory self-diagnostic however, just in case.*
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