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@Fractured@Dark Cloud Thankfully, I refreshed the page before my original post, because Alna's intervention may have stopped Collin from dying on his particular hill. XD
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

*A real chunk breaks off from the ceiling and craters at your feet*

*The skeleton -Alna- told me even he was wary of the girl, and in some ways, I could see why. There was a new energy seething into the world around me, once leashed but now overwhelming even the skeleton's aura. The reality was that this was not merely some manner of illusion, but full-on spacial or matter manipulation. And yet still... I'd told entire pantheons of gods to fuck off even before dealing with the space whales that could one-shot planets, and the worst they could do was banish me. If there was anything I was good at doing when it was the worst possible time to do it, it was clinging to my Pride and sticking to my guns. And damn the consequences. I'd never apologize for a fault that wasn't mine. I crossed my arms, stared the girl dead in the eyes, and opened my mouth.*

<Snipped quote by Fractured>

Misty, m'dear please don't destroy my castle.

*I ask kindly.*

<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

*Rolls my eyes and waves my finger, reversing the rock's trajectory and restoring it to its former state*

<Snipped quote by Fractured>

Thank you very much.

<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

*Shrugs and materializes a cup of wine inside a plastic cup decorated with a protruding cartoon bunny rabbit*

*My shoulders bled tension in the wake of Alna's intervention. In all honesty, I was fairly grateful for that. I already knew I was outclassed by him alone, but frankly, stupid or not, my Pride would force me to die on that hill of unrepentance in the face of any god-like being. From an objective standpoint, he really had saved everyone a fair amount of trouble, and I closed my eyes and took a few temper-cooling breaths while the skeleton talked the girl down. Once my temper had been reduced to a low simmer, I opened my eyes and mouth again, this time far less antagonistic dialogue directed towards the girl.*

I suppose we're back to being civilized then? Look, I don't get you. Don't know your name, and I'm shit at your charades. Calling you "Tee" was hardly being mocking or a threat or whatever. I assumed under any reasonable course of dialogue that your name would indeed be conveyed directly by your friend, Alna, here, so I could avoid stepping on toes. Instead, you decide doing... whatever the hell that was is a good idea. Honestly, I'm not here to antagonize you, but I'm certainly not going to just lay down and cower like some spineless harem anime protagonist. I got banished for telling the entire collective of my home dimension's god pantheons to fuck off, and so I've kind of got a warped sense of scale when it comes to my life being threatened. Look, I don't want to be enemies, not because I'm scared of you, because -as possibly suicidal as that is- I'm really not, but simply because there's just no point to it. I'd rather not start conflicts for no reason, you know? So...?
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

*Maintains a cheerful smile while the field of vision in the room narrows, zooming into my face, while the floor falls away into a burning abyss of sulfer*
*Shakes my head, not letting my expression drop*

*I squinted, as the world seemed to awkwardly squeeze and crack in the direction of the girl. The ground fell away, but I could feel no heat, detect not the sense of vertigo that standing over a great height tended to elicit. Blinking harshly, I squinted harder at the twisting of the world, before frowning. It seemed that whatever illusory effect she was trying at least partially relied on manipulating my own senses. Thus, devoid of the ability to do so, it naturally fell apart in all the ways that mattered.*

You do realize that illusions don't work on me, right? Well, I mean, now you do. Please stop that. You're not doing anything but making things kind of... painfully twisty... sort of like another girl I know... knew. Good kid, that Vista. Little too serious, but she could twist the entire horizon into taffy.

<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

I might be the most powerful being in the room yet, I will warn you from personal experience.

*I place a hand on your shoulder as I get up to poke at the fireplace.*

Do not anger Misty.

*I raised a single unimpressed brow in his direction.*

I'm not going to accept blame for something that isn't my fault. I'm not asking for anything unreasonable, and I'm not going to be intimidated over something so... petty.
@Dark Cloud Here's the thing, Collin's mental/physical alteration whiteout means he can't see illusions if they target his body. It has to be indirectly cast on (and physically overlay/alter) the surroundings, and the way that was described in her post (the perception narrowing bit) makes it seem like he literally wouldn't see anything but her smiling creepily.
It's always on too. He has no control over it (for better or worse).
@Fractured So... what was that effect exactly? An illusion or something? Or was that more an anime-esce dramatic description of her rage? XD
<Snipped quote by Izurich>

You guys will regret letting her rest when the true Scot within her awakens once she gets up.

<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

*A letter T with long flowing hair materializes in front of me*

<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

*Shrugs, then points to the sky, holds up two fingers, and then points to you*

*I was fairly certain that my complete lack of comprehension was writ large across my face, brow twitching.*

Man, what a way to realize I'm complete shit at charades, eh?

<Snipped quote by Fractured>

*Looks to you.*

Would you like me to tell him your name?

*My flat gaze turned to the skeleton.*

Please do. Save us the agony. Otherwise, I'm seriously going to settle for calling her "Tee" or something.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

*Perks up slightly.*

A mercenary you say? Interesting, shame you aren't in the business though.

*Releasing the handshake, I waggled my hand in a so-so manner.*

Ehh... It's a bit hit or miss. Originally, I took up mercenary work by necessity but set moral lines in the sand, which let me tell you, pissed off my first partner a fair bit. But as long as I still got the job done, she really didn't have room to do more than cuss me out... a lot. Then I get banished to another world without my team and have to pick up from scratch again. This time, I was wierdly enough in a position to go for a more outright hero route, considering Earth Bet was basically obsessed with the whole "costumed nutter" scene.

*I coughed into one hand and cleared my throat."

Not that I really bothered with a costume, which had the just lovely side effect of getting the government-sponsored hero group's collective panties in a twist. They really liked making big deal about "secret identities" and "muh unwritten rules", so it was kind of hilarious how easy it was to turn things on their head, when you both don't give a shit about the status quo... and they lack the ability or public support to stop you.

*I chuckled lightly and shook my head.*

That said, when in comes down to it, I just lost my momentum for mercenary work due to constantly getting dragged into saving people, saving the world... twice. I mean, what value is money in the face of that, right? Still, kinda' wish I'd get to actually enjoy the fruits of my labor for once. Fucking gods. Fucking Cauldron. I swear, I can't get a freaking break.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

Bullshit omniscience hm, that little comment aside I apologize.

*Offers hand*

Alna Von Rattler, collector of artifacts and all-powerful magician at your service.

*Tactfully ignoring the skeleton's briefly twigged ire, I took the bony hand carefully, mindful of my enhanced strength, and shook firmly.*

Collin Erenado, heroic mercenary... Though, for one reason or another, the mercenary bit has kinda fallen off as of late.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

*Peers upwards at the ceiling as though in deep thought.*

As it seems you've nowhere else to turn, you may stead here.

*Raises hand to quiet you.*

I insist sir, please I never turn away those who need a roof.

*Whatever vague rejections I might have wanted to give died on my lips. Even as my Pride raged, I knew better than to reject any sort of aid in this situation. Sighing, I nodded in acceptance.*

For whatever it's worth, you have my gratitude, Sir... Damn, where the hell are my manners? You know, I realize I never asked for either of your names. Sure you got mine by bullshit omniscience or whatever, but it's the principle of the thing.
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