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@Erode@Aisede@KillamriX88@Psyker Landshark@Olive Fontaine@FernStone@Abashi76

Alright, officially announcing the close of accepting new players. For those of you that I've tagged here, you're basically in, even those that don't have characters accepted yet. Just know that even then, you are afforded a foot in the door. Including the character I'm running, this actually conveniently hits a party/Main Character count of 8, which is coincidentally exactly on the low end of what I was shooting for. Sorry for being busy, but I'm pulling myself back into the RP saddle and should be able to get to giving a proper look at the newest character submissions soon.

Oh yeah, and @Birby, I haven't heard from you in a hot minute since the interest check, but if your interest still remains, I can still possibly squeeze you in. If it doesn't, feel free to ignore this. I won't tag you again without a new interaction.

I'm been unfortunately busy, but a better bump would be the actual OOC thread I linked. If you have a character idea in mind, you can see about working on a sheet there. And if you'd like, I can send you a link to the discord. I'll be closing up on accepting new players now, I think. No worries, you have your in, even if you don't have a sheet up yet. So, even if the IC starts without you, I'll accept you as the last player. I was originally going to shoot higher, but I think the current party size is large enough.
I think as a general overall concept, I'm planning for Malcer to occupy this sort of Wizard/Cleric role. Where he's pretty much operating on full arcane magic, but some of it is functionally a healer's role because Necromancer. Like, he realizes arcane magic can actually heal ("What in Mythra's clenched sphincter?!"), and starts doing a whole lot more of that. Cause, a Necromancer's whole thing usually seems to be the pursuit of the continuation of (their own) life, so why can't that be twisted into a proper healer role?

Malcer: Magic Batman with bandaids.
I mean, to be fair, in Star Wars movie canon you only need a little breathing mask to survive in space. I mean, they didn't know they were inside a giant worm, so it's safe to assume that, even in the cold recesses of space, those little facemasks would work.

In that particular case, I’m more inclined to believe that the worm’s belly generates a more hospitable atmosphere. Like, it has to be pretty warm inside a living being. And subsequently, the stomach gasses could make it easier on the eyes and such. You certainly got a point that their ignorance of the situation still informing such minimal precautions does certainly say... something.

Although, as a small argument for your idea, remember that Grievous’s fully organic eyes have no shielding. Then recall he blasted open a hole in his flagship in Episode 3 and walked on the outside of it to no apparent harm. Of course, he presumably has a breathing apparatus built into his cyborg-ness to cover him on oxygen, and it’s possible Kaleesh biology is more forgiving/hardy than human, but the point stands.

And I suppose if we acknowledge the sequel trilogy, we can recall Leia getting blasted out into space with no protection whatsoever and surviving. Granted, she was using the Force, so it’s also possible that it was protecting her from the hostile environment as well.
<Snipped quote by CaptainManbeard>

Well, a high school.student killed before his time. 16 to 18, if allowed.

I could also make a more generic person.

Fair warning, btw: I do not like using IRL celebrity photos and very rarely use realistic art. Yes, I'm an unashamed Weeb/Anime Fan, which might be a deal-breaker.

I highly doubt any of that will be a problem. Haven’t seen any faceclaim preferences. Pretty sure we’re good to go with whatever we want, especially since inhuman fantasy races are allowed. It’s a D&D-based isekai after all. :)
Malcer (pre-isekai) is probably someone in the low to mid twenties, early thirties at most. Bit of a dreamer, bit of a loner nerd. And tall as fuck. Like, this dude has basketball-player-worthy height but didn’t necessarily have the muscle to go with it (past-tense, since his new body is a living skeleton Reborn). Real tall, lanky guy whose clothes of choice are often baggy hoodies and jackets. Also a bit of a tabletop geek with escapist fantasies.

Oh yeah, and his voice is the kind of rich, honeyed baritone that sounds like Optimus Prime and Morgan Freeman had a baby.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

Daniel brought them to an equivalent of a 'World between worlds', so Face to Face, and lets say Yularen. No Jedi.

Edited the Republic interaction section to account for this. :)
So my plan is to skip the initial meeting of us all, as that usually bogs things down to a standstill.

Instead we're going to say Daniel introduced us all to eachother, alongside a Republic representative so we're going straight to the planet. If you wanna discuss what you feel your crews would think of eachother feel free.

So, what was the setting of the meeting? Were they all just in a holo-call or the equivalent with all the ships just gathered out in the middle of space? I suppose they couldn't assume every ship would have that tech (depending on how much Daniel told the Republic), so they probably met in person, face to face. Who was the Republic representative? Did they bring any Jedi? If so, who?

<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

Right?! I have a War Wizard who has that spell. So far she’s used it for moving allies around for tactics and getting them out of trouble.

She’s used it on an enemy once and they made the save. ^^”

This is why the big brain move is to convince all your teammates to learn it too and then all spam it incessantly. :)
Probably a good idea to have Feather Fall prepared in case the DM returns the favor though, lol.
And don't even get me started on the fact that they dropped a 90ft teleportation spell at 2nd Tier too, one that you can use on yourself, allies or even forcibly on an enemy if they fail a CON save. Fucking Vortex Warp is such a huge Pandora's Box for that tier. The utility on this monstrosity...

Look, all I'm saying is: 9d6 potential Falling Damage + 3d6 for every spell slot of upcast.
Or more, depending on how much of an elevation you can drop the unlucky shmuck off.

Case closed.
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