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<Snipped quote by Senhara>

As above. Your shop will know what's up, in regards to where they are and the threat they face


This. The premise of this RP is that unlike some other isekai RPs, this world transport was not a surprise. Everyone was specifically voluntarily recruited and was informed of at least the basics on the threat they face -if they accept- and that they would be returned when the enemy is handled (The USS Stargazer is the one exception, having been victim to shenanigans of Q). The Covenant should know quite well that the Republic is not their enemy and will have been explicitly informed of such. The "Daniel" Ascended guy also had all the people in this makeshift fleet dragged into a "world between worlds" meeting prior to being deployed, so they're at least slightly acquainted, have already met the Republic's Admiral Yularen and should know that they are expected and among -at least temporary- allies.
<Snipped quote by Sep>

What defines an energy weapon? In canon, none of the Covenant's weapons are defined as outright energy, unlike the Forerunners, they all fire a form of plasma, in some cases an extremely fast stream of plasma, akin to a form of particle cannon.

Given that Star Wars blaster weaponry is plasma-based, I would have to guess that if this is the case, Covenant weaponry will be approximately equally effective. That is, given the example of the still ongoing Republic bombardment, it can blunt the Replicators' advance, but it's still not enough to annihilate them wholesale. Ground troop/anti-personnel blasters will be borderline useless, and only ship/vehicle-mounted weaponry will have the "punch" to actually put these little freaks down. I might also argue that the Plasma Sword carried by Elites should be comparably effective to a lightsaber, which is stated to be able to do the job of killing these things reliably.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

FWIW, while Ghosts are artificial beings (though sentient), Light isn't technology so much as a fundamental cosmic force of the universe through which its wielders can perform great acts of, basically, space-magic, outside the known laws of physics, causality, etc. etc.
Light also has to be Given, rather than taken for yourself or simulated.
Of course, that's not to say we can't bend the rules here, but the nature of Light and Darkness push Destiny as a setting toward the 'fantasy' end of the 'Sci-fi Fantasy' spectrum it treads.

Edit: I realize after typing, deleting, re-typing, re-deleting, typing again - it may have been naive of me to app something Destiny related and think I can restrain myself appropriately.

Fair fair. lol
I certainly sympathize with getting real in-depth with my character apps.

In that cosmic, reality-bending sense, the Light/Darkness honestly sound like they have some parallels with the local Force. Which, as it happens, the Replicators aren't actually conventionally immune to it... It's just that they're physically hardy, and the Jedi are kinda weak -or at least those at the Temple were, not used to combat and not as skilled in the destructive uses of the Force needed to merc these things. If anything, having more "wizardry" in the party is a relief. Less things for the Replicators to potentially assimilate in the worst case.
You know... the more of these apps I take a closer look at, the more I realize that the Malevolence really isn't the juiciest target for the Replicators by an increasingly longer shot. Because the competition? The Blue Typhoon with the Master Emerald. The Hammond and its Asgard computer/transporter. The Stargazer. The Covenant carrier with literally all that Halo tech. From The Spider's Ketch, the Ghost and Destiny Light manipulation tech. From the Ark and Astro Megatimeship, literally anything to do with transformers (sparks and T-cogs) and the Morphing tech of the Rangers.

Compared to all that, the Malevolence just has "all the guns", being "fuck-off huge" and the Ion Cannon. In short, it would make an excellent platform to congeal all the other tech onto if taken, but it doesn't offer too much on its own by comparison. XD
More Malevolence posted. I'm assuming the intent was for the T-6 vessel to dock at one of the PC ships, and Sinnali has decided to accomidate.

Almost immediately after the Malevolence's hail, the other ships in their impromptu interdimensional fleet began filtering in out of hyperspace as well, and Sinnali blinked in surprise at several of them diving straight towards the planet and past the Republic blockade without pause. Her smile dipped, as she opened a new channel to hail the rest of the world travelers, especially the Blue Typhoon and Astro Megatimeship.

"Malevolence to Blue Typhoon and Astro Megatimeship, what are you doing?" She felt her wording was incredibly diplomatic compared to the Kaleesh cursing Grievous was doing internally from his seat, his eyes currently shut to block out the sight of Coruscant. "Please withdraw for now. There's no guarantee the Replicators are completely contained from your landing zone."

Coruscant was far too deep for that, and everything she'd heard about this mechanical plague suggested the entire Republic Capital was a giant glorified buffet. The Replicators could hide just about anywhere, and Sinnali was more than a little concerned that they had already tunneled down and outward far enough to escape the Republic's bombardment cordon.

"We should formulate a strategy before diving in." Honestly, had these people been at the same briefing she was? What part of "nanomachines" and "planetary quarantine" wasn't a massive red flag not to set a single toe on the surface? Well, she supposed she shouldn't have expected much better. Both the Mobians and the "Rangers" were the most clearly mentally youthful and "naive" of those Daniel had recruited, and neither were apparently very aware of even basic space travel etiquette. Even if they weren't getting blasted out of the sky -a mercy precious few others would have received- for their trespass, they still should have gotten clearance to land from the Republic first.

Sighing, Sinnali pinched the bridge of her nose, before refocusing her attention on something more productive. She nodded at the Hammond's strategy. Hiding their signature in the shadow of the Malevolence was perfectly reasonable. Though she wasn't sure how fine the Replicators' detection capacity was, the very fact that the Hammond considered this a viable strategy opened up some potentially interesting options.

She chuckled grimly at the results of the Hammond's scans. "Indeed, Coruscant is its own worst enemy." In more than one sense honestly. "I do not think it is inaccurate to say that -from what we have been told of these 'Replicators'- there is not a single worse location they could have landed in all the Galaxy. 'Worse', of course, in the sense of it being to their advantage." Rapping her fingers on her console, she hummed in thought. "If they have any tunneling capacity or strategic sense, I have no doubt that the Replicators have already escaped the cordon. The only question is how deep they have gotten." She chuckled again and shook her head. "Of course, I would be delighted to be wrong, but I do think we should proceed with the assumption of the worst-case scenario until proven otherwise." She snapped her fingers. "Oh, and if you wouldn't mind terribly, the Malevolence would be very interested in having that sensor data for the Replicators. Our logs don't yet have any experience detecting them specifically, and it would be best to get a headstart on that."

"Vessel inbound," a battledroid announced.

"Hmmm?" Sinnali perked up, eying the monitors, as a T-6 shuttle flew closer to the ships still in orbit, while a second headed for those that had chosen to land. "A T-6, eh?" She glanced over her shoulder to eye Grievous's tense posture.

"Jedi..." growled the cyborg in clear equal recognition, clawed fingers twitching.

Pursing her lips, Sinnali considered where to direct them. Did the T-6 mean to come aboard one of their vessels? She wasn't entirely sure if she wanted to push Grievous's buttons harder yet by playing host, but it would probably be a decent gesture of good will... Meeting Grievous's gaze, Sinnali allowed the moment to stretch, expression blank in response to habitual homicidal rage the General was prone to if a Jedi so much as breathed the same atmosphere.

"Got to rip that bandage off sometime," she said. She couldn't presently think of a better way to prove their altruism than to have Jedi enter and leave their ship unharmed. As long as the cyborg could contain himself...

A low tinny snarl escaped Grievous's throat, as his hands clenched into fists, claws scraping on his armrests. He snapped to his feet. His glare bored into Sinnali's mask with the kind of fury that sometimes made Sinnali truly question if those golden, slitted eyes of his were natural or a result of the Dark Side flowing through him in the only capacity he might have in the Force. Finally, the moment ended, as Grievous spun on his heel, stalking towards the lift with his Kaleesh cloak billowing behind him.

As the door hissed open, he paused, sending a final glare over his shoulder.

"Do as you like with the Jedi slime."

And then he was gone, and Sinnali was releasing the breath she'd been holding. She sighed, idly tracking the General's retreating figure, as he stalked towards the general area of his personal quarters. The message was clear. If she wanted to play with the Jedi, leave him out of it... unless they were killing them. She supposed that was fair enough. That they were even allowed on his ship unaccosted at all must have felt like it was an invasion of Grievous's safe space. But this was still a win for her; she could hardly keep pushing his boundaries unless she successfully moved the line to begin with, after all.

"Republic vessel," Sinnali hailed the Jedi shuttle, "this is the Malevolence, ready to recieve you at docking bay J." She passed the shuttle directions to the docking bay built into the side of the bridge tower. It was the closest place to the actual bridge that she could direct them, given the titanic size of the ship and also was where Grievous usually parked his starfighter for the quickest route to escape if he needed to abandon ship. Since Sinnali was hardly interested in hosting a grand tour -never mind their present time constraints and Grievous only getting more annoyed the more places the Jedi "sullied", she would make sure any travel was done with as little "sight-seeing" as possible. For security reasons, if nothing else.

Standing from her own seat, Sinnali rolled her shoulders, plastered on a familiar, amiable smile and headed for the lift herself, heading down to the bridge docking bay to recieve her guests.
Probably not as done as one might think.
For the Malevolence's part, the Ion Cannon is mostly useful for destroying things the Replicators possess (like warships) but not the little bugs themselves, since they are immune to EMPs. It'll take special tuning to use that against them in the most effective way. And outside that, all they have is brute-force bombardment, which (given the Republic's example) can only go so far against these things.

The bigger worry in my mind is if the Replicators start absorbing Halo tech from the... plentiful options that this carrier can provide. The Malevolence losing some droids to the Replicators isn't really a problem, since those things are -generally speaking- mass produced trash that won't give the Replicators much of anything they don't already, but Halo tech? That might be... an issue.

In some ways, the weaker the tech you can get away with facing the Replicators with, the better. The less risk you have of them getting their hands on something horribly bad for everyone. Better still, use something that will be useless even if turned back against you. Or even better still, don't face them using tech at all and use stuff they can't replicate, like any supernatural powers that the PCs hold.
Holee sheeyat, we actually got an app that’s even bigger than the Malevolence. That’s nuts. But I suppose if any ships were to outsize the battleship of the fleet, it would be the space aircraft carrier. lol
<Snipped quote by Martian>

I'm not familiar enough with transformers to say for sure but can 300 fit on such a small ship?

Depends on the transformers. Like, how large they are to begin with, since they come in all sorts of sizes. Plus, G1 transformers (the ones in this CS) had a habit of having really funky size warping inherent to a lot of their transformations. It wasn't like the Bayverse transformers; these guys basically gave conservation of mass the middle finger, like when Megatron's alternate form was a pistol small enough to be handheld by Starscream. And if I recall, when in robot form, Bee was barely taller than a human, despite being able to turn into a full-sized Bug. G1 transformer shapeshifting was basically magic.

And on top of that, the Ark is about as wide as it is long, so that size might sound a bit small, but it's more generous than it seems compared to so many other sleek and thin starships.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

Sorry work been hectic which is why I posted what I did and then haven't been around much. Also sleep. Sleep is important. If they choose to land that is their choice, however once I have time to post as Sam she might open comms and recommend un-landing.

We'll have the resolute going simply cause I like it's name.

Agreed! Sleep is the work of champions! :)

"recommend un-landing" lmao
Yeah, that would probably be wise.

The Resolute still flies? Neato, then I'll make a small edit to my post to name it directly as the one being hailed by the Malevolence II.
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