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@Lewascan2 Oops. I will fix that now.

To clarify again, given that this is Star Wars, the Republic blockade is presumably in orbit, in space. It's not possible to be right next to them and actually physically land on the planet. And to be honest, I'm not actually clear on if the PCs actually have permission to go down there yet until @Sep chimes in on exactly where we are supposed to be gathering first on arrival.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

Can the Malevolence actually land?

Depends on where it wants to land and if it should land at all. Because yeah, it's "fucking huge", to say the least. It's also a battleship in intent and role, so to be honest, even if it has permission, it's unlikely the Malevolence will ever actually land on Coruscant physically and will just act as orbital artillery. From a practical standpoint, neither Sinnali or Grievous is willing to risk landing and having Replicators board them anyway. At most, they will send landing craft or bombers and such down to the surface physically, but there's no way the Malevolence is going to risk a hostile takeover. All it takes is one stowaway to accidentally bring the threat back to their own universe, assuming the Replicators consider that kind of patience.
@Sir Lucario

I should probably clarify -in case the "other ship" you meant is the Malevolence, that the Malevolence has not actually landed on the planet yet. They have just "parked" a bit further out in space from the actual atmosphere, close to and in full view of Coruscant but not actually diving straight through/past the Republic blockade that is still in the process of bombarding the "problem area" at/around the Jedi Temple.

Alright, posted! Let me know if everything looks alright! Since nothing seemed to be saying otherwise, I made the assumption that the group isn't all just being beamed directly to Coruscant after the meeting in the "space between worlds", given how tense things are. So, the Malevolance arrived further out in space and took its time navigating to Coruscant, making the necessary preemptive modifications to their security/enemy profiling along the way. I assumed that Yularen had the chance to return and the time he needed to help set this up. Speaking of which, what ship is Yularen currently commanding right now? I wanted to say it was Anakin's flagship, the Resolute, but I wasn't 100% sure we're early enough in the timeline for it to not be destroyed.

The glare of hyperspace hummed overhead outside the window of the bridge, as the clatter of keys echoed quietly, the beeps of monitors and idle chatter of battledroids at their stations filling the silence. Looming over it all, General Grievous, Supreme Commander of the Droid Armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, glared silently at the stars outside the viewport, as if he could burn the destination to ash with pure disdain.

To his right, lounging in an officer's seat, the fingers of a blindfolded young woman, clad in black, danced across keyboards and touchscreen monitors. 1's and 0's flew across her obscured vision; though she didn't seem to acknowledge them, as a holographic screen projected to her left flickered through menus and protocols. Darth Sinnali, she was called, and her proficiency in her task was guided by more than mere skill. The deft dexterity. The blind surety. Every movement was guided by the Force to aid the Sith in doing what needed doing within the relatively slim timeframe they had.

After a long while, a deep sigh of relief escaped Sinnali, as she gave a groaning stretch, arcing her arms over her head and slumping back in her seat was a smile.

"Are you finished sabotaging my army yet?" Grievous husked, a glower in his slitted, golden eyes.

Glancing over her shoulder up at him -even though the blindfold seemingly made the act pointless, Sinnali grinned widely. "Oh, relax. You know perfectly well that I'm doing nothing of the sort." Her fingers skimmed across her screen, eliciting a beep from the general's station, and Grievous snorted, before accepting the prompt to open the data packet and pore over what his co-commander had done.

After several minutes, Grievous's claws rapped out a pattern on his armrests. A growl of reluctant approval escaped his throat, and he had to suppress of wheezing cough at the irritation it elicited. "I see..."

Sinnali rolled her eyes... not that any could see that, but the slight rotating tilt of her head indicated as much. "As far as I'm aware, we should be safe now-" Grievous scoffed. "-from friendly fire."

What exactly she had been writing was alternative targeting and enemy profiling programming for the Malevolence and its droid army. Among many things that were of distinct -and reasonable- concern to this local universe's Admiral Yularen, the droids' preprogrammed enemy profiles were one. If they were meant to ally themselves with the Republic for this venture, then the last thing they needed was for their droids to gun down Clones, Jedi... or anyone else for that matter without explicit instructions to. To describe it as a "diplomatic incident" would be too light a term in the current crisis, and battledroids were not exactly known for being the brightest tools in the shed. If all else failed, fall back on programming, so she meant to nip this in the bud.

To that effect, she had designed a secondary enemy profile packet, one that would be uploaded to both the Malevolence and the droids aboard it through their main command hub aboard the flagship. And furthermore, she had needed to go to the trouble of altering the security clearance of the droid army on every level to ensure that none of the local Separatists potentially dug into places they weren't welcome. So, in the end, there had been introduced several new layers of clearance. She and Grievous obviously sat at the top, followed by the Republic, then their fellow universe hoppers, then any other Separatists. And she'd needed to make sure that all levels of that clearance, save for the very top, required she and Grievous's personal approval to exploit. While the droids had generally been set to a default behavior of "nonhostile" outside the Malevolence, any intruders to the warship without visitor clearance would be dealt with as normal, and they would deserve it wholly.

The main goal, in the end, was simply to ensure that when they dropped out of hyperspace, the Malevolence and its droid crew didn't automatically lock onto all the Republic vessels around them with their weapon systems with hostile intent. Rather, they were given explicit instructions to the contrary. The weapons were not to be warmed without either Grievous or Sinnali's personal orders, and all power that would normally be allocated to them was to be redirected to strengthening the deflector shields in case anyone on the Republic's end got trigger happy.

And, of course, all these new security protocols were essentially being contained as their own program. Sinnali hadn't laid a finger on the original programming, merely copied it and adjusted the duplicate. All these changes were wholly temporary and easily reversed or overridden at a moment's notice with either of the co-commanders' clearance.

"So?" Sinnali asked, throwing one arm over the headrest of her seat. "Does it all check out?"

Closing his eyes, Grievous gave a low hiss of a sigh. "Do it."

Grinning, Sinnali navigated the menu's deftly, and with a few more damning key presses, the deed was done.

The Malevolence was now officially ready to fight alongside the Republic without an "incident".

"Five minutes until arrival, Sir," a battledroid announced from the navigation station.

Grievous nodded and silently returned to glaring at the stars, practically counting down every damning second in his head.

"So," the silence was broken again. "Excited to fight alongside the Jedi for once?" Sinnali received the molten fury in his gaze with a chuckle and shit-eating grin, raising her hands defensively. "Alright, alright, baby steps. I get you. All in good time."

Not wanting to give the Sith the satisfaction of seeing him lose to his temper again, Grievous manfully suppressed the slew of Kaleesh expletives that wanted to escape him, only for his fury to bubble harder at the fact that Sinnali could probably hear them anyway from gleaning off his surface thoughts. A growl of frustration rumbled up his throat, only to cause the cyborg to abruptly erupt into a fit of wheezing coughs. Thankfully, Sinnali remained silent henceforth and didn't make light of his moment of weakness, apparently appreciating that she was pressing the edge of his patience at this time of mounting stress.

The sign that arrival was immediately imminent was Sinnali straightening up in her seat. Grievous stiffened to attention as well, as the blur of stars before them began to slow, before suddenly snapping into a familiar vision.

Far below, the colossal city-planet of Coruscant sprawled in all its impersonal, industrial glory.

Sinnali had to admit though, that more striking than the planet she had seen hundreds of times before or the threat she knew was lurking upon it, what really sent a chill of wariness down even her spine was the Republic fleet of unprecedented size currently looming around the planet. If that sort of collective firepower was ever turned their way with any level of real coordination, she doubted even the improved Malevolence would make it out unscathed, even if it was in full retreat from the word "go". For all its firepower, the Malevolence was still designed as a solo ambush predator; engaging in pitched no-holds-barred slugfests with all comers was not in their interests.

Even now, she could see the ongoing bombardment of the Jedi Temple and its vicinity, and a sentimental part of her couldn't help but greatly lament the loss of so much knowledge. Her hunger to learn and improve in the Force was far from limited to the Dark Side, after all, and even if it was perhaps a distant fantasy, some part of her had always hoped to have the chance to consult the Jedi Archives again, to luxuriate in partaking of their holocrons...

But sentimentality was for later.

"Showtime," she whispered. Exchanging a nod with Grievous, Sinnali carefully double and triple checked the integrity of their deflector shields and that not a single drop of power was presently flowing to their weaponry, as the Malevolence hailed the ship they were told Yularen would be aboard, the Resolute, the (in)famous flagship of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker's fleet in the Grand Republic.

"This is the CIS Malevolence II, arriving to aid the Republic in the Galaxy's time of need."
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

I always assumed that as a Dac design the lighting was lower as underwater species would be used to lower levels of light and hues of colour

Oh, the lighting is lower on average, but it's still hardly dank, lol.
Though, more accurately, consider the lighting to be the same as we saw inside Grievous's flagship in Episode 3. The vast majority people won't have any trouble seeing perfectly clearly, but the key here is the coloration. Using dark greys for the surfaces helps the light not be too intense due to rebound.... pretty much exactly like you said.

See, the funny thing about this is that Sinnali really isn't a brooder. Dark? In appearance, sure, and certainly when she has a target deserving of sadism upon. But she's the sort of evil that's amiably affable, the kind that knows it's evil and is shamelessly having fun with it anyway. She's actually pretty cheerful most of the time. Which, in spite of that, I find it quite hilarious that we can expect Asami to be all overprotective of Kai around Sinnali, like she's expecting him to get seduced or "fall back in with a bad crowd". lmfao

The dark and broody one is Grievous, tbh. Sinnali is largely there to balance him out even. XD

And I would like to think that ship is pretty clean, hardly a dank cave. The internals definitely hue to darker coloration though, despite the sufficient lighting. lol
@Lewascan2 I just wanted to say that I did actually manage to finish up my sheet a while back. I’d be happy to hear your thoughts on it. No rush of course, I know it takes a while to go through everything.

Don't worry, I noticed, but thanks for the confirmation/heads up! You are definitely next up on the list. Once I have myself a good sitdown to go through it, I'll give your sheet the same sort of review I did for FernStone's in the discord.
Alright, here's a character for checking! Picture is still a WIP, haven't gotten time to colour & shade it yet, but otherwise done

Very solid sheet all around. Approved!
Alright, long time coming, Hinode is officially approved for the character tab.
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