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<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

Oh yeah, Ciel would have come off as drastically different. Before Bartholomew, Ciel was much more cheerful and a little more outgoing. She wouldn't have been the type to just drift away when it came to her friends and family. At the theme park, she would have been quiet, self-deprecating, and apologetic to Malcer. She probably have apologized to him for a normal conversations they had in the past, with her thinking that she insulted him somehow, while Malcer clearly remembers it as a normal conversation.

As for Bartholomew, it might have been obvious that he was a piece of hot garbage from the start. I imagine he tries to endear himself to her friends at first, while subtly undercutting them with backhanded compliments. When he sees that the friends see him for who he truly is, he stops trying to make them like him and simply focuses on Ciel.

I'm sure Ciel's new attitude would spark some measure of confusion in Malcer at first, which begins to transition into concern the more he is exposed to the new her and how she acts around Bartholomew. Being nonconfrontational, Malcer wouldn't have been the first to make accusations or anything, but he would perhaps have asked her "if she was alright" if he ever got her relatively alone. And I'm sure her response would be less than encouraging.

Owing to the fact that Malcer wasn't generally the most "in-person socialized" and kinda lived in his own head a lot of the time, he's the kind of person that when receiving one of these backhanded compliments would either humbly shrug it off, miss the compliment part entirely, or directly ask for clarification if he's confused on the intent. Which, naturally, Bartholomew wouldn't really be able to do without digging his hole deeper. Malcer's lack of socialism in some respects leads him to be blunter at times and cut through social shenanigans. A short "I'm sorry?" or "in what way?" and so on might start to see Bartholomew's facade unravel in Malcer's eyes.

Now that I think more about it..I imagine Bartholomew went behind Ciel's back and sent a message from Ciel's phone/email to all of her friends. While pretending to be her, he basically tried to tell everyone that Ciel doesn't need them anymore and that she was never going to speak to them again.

The potential giveaways that it wasn't Ciel writing those messages?

1. Bartholomew tried to make Ciel sound flippant and uncaring so that her friends and family would be angry and not want to speak with her anymore.

2. He used emojis in the message when Ciel doesn't use emojis for serious messages like that.

You bet the first thing Malcer would think is to ask "Did you get hacked?/What's this about?" on some alternative social media connection if he received such a weird message, complete with screenshot. Although, if Bartholomew was already that deep, it's certainly questionable if that inquiry would ever have reached Ciel.
@Lewascan2@Guardian Angel Haruki, would you guys appreciate the presence of a 16-year-old kid who is, well, a kid who is enjoying his 'adventure', or would you prefer an 18-year-old Eldritch Knight, or both?

Either one is fine. I don't have a preference. Play what you want.
@Lewascan2 Ooh! Look what I just found! XD

I know this is Puss in Boots, The Last Wish, but I can see this happening between Malcer and Bartholomew

Oh 100%. Malcer is probably going to spend a fair amount of time menacing this man once he picks up on how much of a piece of hot garbage he is... if that wasn't perfectly clear already. Malcer was a bit of a self-absorbed loner in his first life, so he might have just assumed she drifted away like some people naturally do, but upon meeting her and Barthalomew at the theme park? Ciel must have come across rather different. But Malcer is rather aggressively protective of those he does consider friends, so Bartholomew is not likely to endear himself to him.
I think I might my evil wizard the twin sister of my good guy character and I'm gonna use this as her theme song XD:

Lol, I had to turn my volume down for that, but it was pretty good!
Depending on how on the nose those lyrics are, I'm definitely getting a sense of what you're going for with this evil wizard.
Here we go. :)

Sorry that I haven't made much progress on this RP, lots of stuff going on recently. I suppose we could use the same type of CS I did for my Teen Titans RP since we won't have stats, and then we could just add a section for spells, but what do you all think? Here is the TTCS Thread if you want to take a gander.

Gotta sleep for a bit, but that sounds good!
Guess I can start on something tomorrow.
I can finally post again! XD

<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

I'm going to get a D&D 5e CS for my character ready as well. XD

I considered using a D&D CS entirely, but the way things seem to be planned out, that structure wouldn't allow me to properly store custom spells without a lot of effort or "off-class" options that a forum CS will allow to be easily added.
Character sheet when.

I kid, I kid. lol

Although, I might go ahead and throw something preliminary together that I can convert to whatever the preferred format is later.
I've already got a CS in D&D Beyond that I'm going to use as a basis for all the fun class stuff.
<Snipped quote by Senhara>

As above. Your shop will know what's up, in regards to where they are and the threat they face


This. The premise of this RP is that unlike some other isekai RPs, this world transport was not a surprise. Everyone was specifically voluntarily recruited and was informed of at least the basics on the threat they face -if they accept- and that they would be returned when the enemy is handled (The USS Stargazer is the one exception, having been victim to shenanigans of Q). The Covenant should know quite well that the Republic is not their enemy and will have been explicitly informed of such. The "Daniel" Ascended guy also had all the people in this makeshift fleet dragged into a "world between worlds" meeting prior to being deployed, so they're at least slightly acquainted, have already met the Republic's Admiral Yularen and should know that they are expected and among -at least temporary- allies.
<Snipped quote by Sep>

What defines an energy weapon? In canon, none of the Covenant's weapons are defined as outright energy, unlike the Forerunners, they all fire a form of plasma, in some cases an extremely fast stream of plasma, akin to a form of particle cannon.

Given that Star Wars blaster weaponry is plasma-based, I would have to guess that if this is the case, Covenant weaponry will be approximately equally effective. That is, given the example of the still ongoing Republic bombardment, it can blunt the Replicators' advance, but it's still not enough to annihilate them wholesale. Ground troop/anti-personnel blasters will be borderline useless, and only ship/vehicle-mounted weaponry will have the "punch" to actually put these little freaks down. I might also argue that the Plasma Sword carried by Elites should be comparably effective to a lightsaber, which is stated to be able to do the job of killing these things reliably.
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