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<Snipped quote by Remuri>

You might want to look at the previous Character Sheets. Yours is missing a lot of information.

Also, we’re using Dungeons and Dragons 5e for determining classes and abilities. If you need help with that, don’t hesitate to ask. ^^”

<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

That’s a fair presumption. I do have a similar presumption with Ciel and her being a warlock: She wouldn’t have her warlock abilities until she actually makes a pact with the Djinni Patron.

Since it sounds like @CaptainManbeard is considering taking on a pure GM role, that means contract terms may need to be hashed out in game. But I do imagine the prerequisite to make the contract being “For the love of everything that is good, break up with Bartholomew!

So, they might not even realize that Bart is a changeling until later or someone native to the new world points it out.

EDIT: Reread CaptainManbeard’s post! Sorry for the confusion on my end.

I’m pretty sure that when all the party members received their “dream training” that they forget about until the isekai kicks off, they already have some of their abilities but are unaware of it. So, Ciel would probably have made her pact in that time-frame. Assuming that’s what our lovely GM goes for as the explanation for why all the PCs have a minimum of preexisting sudden competence in their abilities.

Malcer, being the RPG nerd he is, would probably be the most likely to identify Bart’s race. Since Daniel perhaps isn’t as into RPs as him, and Ciel probably is super rusty from being isolated for years.
All we know so far about catalysts is that Qui-Gon didn’t die. From that, we can directly extrapolate that this was what led Dooku to not Fall and leave the Order.

Palpatine is still around, and it’s heavily hinted that he’s still Sidious (since he was able to negotiate a stand-still with the Separatists), but there’s no clues about his Apprentice. It’s possible that there’s no Maul, which led to Qui-Gon’s survival, or Maul hasn’t yet been deployed against the Jedi. If there’s no Maul, that begs the question who Sidious’s Apprentice is (if he has one at all). For all we know, the butterflies could go far back enough that Darth Plagueis is still alive and Sidious is the Apprentice.

The clone army is still here, which means Sifo Dyad was probably still involved, got Jango Fett DNA, went mildly insane and made a whole-ass army behind the Republic’s back that they didn’t even know they owned somehow. His fate is uncertain, but since Dooku isn’t involved enough to spare him, Sidious probably killed him.

I am curious in particular what this universe’s inciting incident for the Clone Wars was though… as well as what happened in their Battle of Naboo.
Dooku walked down the ramp of the Jedi shuttle on the surface of Coruscant, the bombardment continued unabated and unhindered by the presence of new ships on the surface. In the distance, the usual chaos of local air traffic was almost non-existent as while many people couldn't evacuate they had moved as far away from the threat as possible. Some had ventured deeper underground, whereas others to the opposite side of the planet.

Behind him walked a bald woman in similar robes, a lightsaber hilt on both sides of her waist. Dooku bowed his head ever so slightly at the various beings gathered, they were all... surprisingly colorful barr two. "Greetings. I am Master Dooku of the Jedi Order. I have been sent here by the Jedi Council to get you acquainted with the events that have... transpired"

Oh shit.gif.

What a mike drop of a post in regard to what this implies about the state of this Star Wars universe.
@Guardian Angel Haruki, honestly, the more I think about it, Daniel won't allow a shapeshifter who means them harm to live long enough to, say, go find the nearest settlement and use his shapeshifting to impersonate the party to frame them for crimes they didn't commit.

So he'd probably work with Malcer to ensure that Bartholomew dies as soon as possible.

That is, if Barth being a Changeling is obviously known.

You presume much about how "gung ho" Malcer would be to murder a party member, no matter how unempathetic he can be towards those that aren't his friends. Consider that, starting out, Malcer is likely at least slightly disassociating his situation in this new world. He might partially feel like he's in a dream, but it feels too real and too clear to think like that. So, for safety's sake, he operates with the assumption that everything is real and that his choices matter and can have consequences.

Regardless, on his stance on murder, this isn't exactly accurate without going more in-depth, but basically he sorta sees his party members as more "real" than the locals, who are naturally "NPCs", and he sort of treats his situation like that. Now, as an avid role-player, he has this understanding, a gentlemen's agreement of sorts, that one of the biggest cardinal sins is to deliberately sabotage the party or kill a fellow PC. For this reason, no matter his garbage attitude, Bartholomew has some leeway. As long as he, himself, does not commit that cardinal sin, Malcer may not like him, but for the practicality of greater firepower and utility, he is willing to tolerate him... to a degree.

And consider: Malcer may be unempathetic, but he's not a psycho/sociopath. The party to him are "real people", and killing them is nothing less than murder. Malcer was never a murderer in his past life. He was a pretty normal guy, and that hasn't changed, no matter how much he's now enabled to exercise his power fantasies. It's one thing if he's killing a bandit or monster that attacked him on the road; he won't hesitate in such a case. But to escalate to murder against someone that's "only" an asshole and hasn't tried to kill him or his friends first? Wouldn't be something he'd feel like would be "justifiable" to the party.

That said, if Malcer were to (perhaps inevitably) plot Bartholomew's murder, it's unlikely he would collaborate with any of the rest of the party. To spare the morals and feelings of people like Ciel and Finn, Malcer would likely go it alone. He would want Bartholomew's death to not be something that could be tracked back to him, because he cares about the rest of the party and wouldn't want to compromise his reputation in their eyes. So, if he commits premediated murder like this, he's not going to ask anyone else to stain their hands.

So, jokes aside, don't expect Malcer to do more than menace/threaten Bartholomew out the gate to keep him in line. Actually trying to kill him is a whole other level of response to be reserved for an appropriate time and offense(s).

I think Bartholomew would realize how invaluable being a Changeling is for him, and would most likely keep that secret.

I'm currently presuming that the party would arrive in their base states with no abilities active, given they are basically just growing into fresh bodies. So, I wonder if Bartholomew would even be able to hide it from the party... It's funny though, but even if he can't hide it from them, when I really think about it, it's still incredibly hard to defend against without straight-up mind-reading. It's pretty clear to me examining that ability why changelings are often feared and hated, because it's absolutely sinister what they can do unchecked.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

I hadn't heard that in a long while! XD

When the 4 genie warlock party backs an NPC up.

Would the 4 genie warlock party all have the same genie patron or all of the four different genie patrons? :P

The way I think would be a good way for this to start is for the players to actually play out the acquisition of their patron. Like, I think it could be some gathering of genies and prospective contractors they've gathered. The idea is that all the genies are either competing for some reason or are united for a particular purpose but need agents to act in their stead. Each of the genies basically sells what their offering for what they expect in return, and the PCs pick right then and there which patron they vibe with best, which determines what kind of warlock they are. They could all be different ones or all even be the same type. Depends on how large the party is and if they have multiple options. Like maybe more that one of the prospective patrons is a djinni, for example, and a PC might like one djinni and not the other.
That face when 4 genie warlock party:

Not even gonna lie, that actually sounds like an interesting premise.
*Ciel knows Daniel and became friends with him because she babysat him when she was in high school and he was in elementary/middle school (eight year difference).

*Ciel knows Malcer from High School, became friends, and stay friends online until Bartholomew isolated Ciel from her friends and family.

Finn could talk to Malcer online, but that might be a little weird for them to meet up.

Bee and I have discussed how Malcer and Daniel could have met, and because of the large age gap and Malcer's nature, pretty much the only connection is pure luck or Ciel, so I have this idea that they might have met via Ciel chatting with Malcer online while babysitting. Perhaps she even double-upped by being part of a roleplay session. And through that, it's possible that Malcer might invite Daniel to play too, which could end up with them having a younger member in their sessions. Though, even then, Malcer and Daniel probably never met in person until the theme park.

So, that presents a similar issue on Finn's end, as Finn is just too young to typically be part of Malcer's social circle. And anyway, it's perhaps unrealistic to expect everyone in the party to all know each-other from the get-go with any real level of diverse backstories.
Height: 6’0”

Nice sheet so far!

But lol, aren't fairies normally kinda... small?

Oh yeah, dunno if you missed it, but in the Malevolence's prior post, they requested information from the Hammond on how to scan for Replicator signatures, since that's not something their systems have logged yet.

As she rode the lift down to docking bay J, Sinnali listened to the responses from the Blue Typhoon and Astro Megatimeship that rang from her holocommunicator, which was currently acting as a link to the Malevolence's own comm systems. Though her smile widened just that little bit more, there was only a sharp danger behind it, a sign of her unvarnished displeasure, as she resisted the urge to respond or protest, keeping her end of the communication muted. It wasn't like she was their commander or anything, after all. In the end, she could only make strong suggestions, so if they didn't want to follow her advice, then...

"Their funeral," she huffed, and based on the flare of Grievous's own distant emotions from where he was clearly still monitoring all the ongoing communications of the Malevolence, she could gather he had similar sentiments. "Whatever." She discarded that matter for now. You couldn't weep for the stupid, or else you'd be crying all day. If the Replicators compromised them, then she hoped they wouldn't be too surprised when she gunned them down like any other threat. If they wanted to risk becoming part of the problem, the consequences were on their own heads.

She hummed in acknowledgement and gave several rote pacifying orders in response to the announcement of the arrival of the Covenant delegation, the Fires of Antiquity. She had to admit, being the one in the smaller flagship for the first time since being assigned to the Malevolence was an interesting feeling for her, one she wasn't sure she appreciated... and one she was definitely sure Grievous didn't appreciate. She knew the Kaleesh was engaging in no small amount of dick measuring with the titanic starship carrier, and he was none too pleased with the ways the Malevolence was wanting.

Not that this was a competition, given they were ostensibly on the same side, Sinnali had tried to comfort him, but it was a concern to have superior firepower in the hands of an ally of dubious intent. Her read on the Covenant's leadership in the initial meeting in the "World Between Worlds" had indicated that they might be possessed of what some would call "orange and blue" morality, which was a rather dangerous thing, no matter whose side they were on.

Is this how the Republic feels about the Malevolence? she couldn't help but wonder with a sort of dry amusement.

She shook her head from those thoughts and frowned at something more concerning.

A new mystery vessel had arrived, one they hadn't yet profiled from the meeting in the World Between Worlds. Sinnali frowned deeper and considered turning the lift back around. If something untoward happened, it would be better for her to be on the bridge, even if that left the Jedi with only droids for an escort. She could ask Grievous to head back to the bridge, but if there was any possibility of diplomacy with the unknown, he wasn't exactly her first pick to manage it.

A channel opened from the Hammond briefly stole her attention to the voice of Meyers, as she forced her tone to sound far more cheerful than her expression. "Of course, Captain. Please inform the Colonel that the Malevolence will be glad to host any fleet envoys that wish to come aboard... provided there's warning, of course," she chuckled. She honestly didn't know if the Malevolence had any defense against this "beaming" technology, but she doubted it. Giving permission was, all things considered, a formality at best. And thankfully, everything she'd seen from the Hammond's crew thus far suggested that as long as they were allies, it was a formality they would adhere to. "We'll send you appropriate boarding coordinates for reception."

Addressing the navigation station of the Malevolence, Sinnali snapped off, "Send the USS G. Hammond spatial coordinates for Docking Bay J."

"Roger roger," intoned a small chorus of droids in response.

Shaking her head, Sinnali turned her attention back to the mystery ship, forcing her bubbling emotions to settle, as she probed their area with the Force. She listened with half an ear to the comm waves being sent to the mystery vessel, as the returns from the Force came back... militant? Yes, she got a similar sense from the collective minds aboard this ship to the Avenger and Hammond. Military-minded and not necessarily hostile, but certainly confused and wary.

Idly, she flagged down the still panicking droids from warming up the Malevolence's arsenal and locking onto the mystery ship, sighing in some measure of relief. "Strengthen the deflector shields and open a channel to the unknown vessel."

"Roger roger."

"This is General Sinnali of the CIS Malevolence II, contacting unknown vessel. Your arrival was unscheduled. Please declare your origination and intent." She paused, hoping that didn't come across as overly confrontational. Just about anyone local should know Coruscant was presently off-limits. But she'd never seen a ship quite of this one's like before, of what was now being projected holographically from her holocommunicator, and all things considered, even though the Malevolence was far from equipped to detect dimensional anomalies the way the Hammond was (outside hyperdrive usage), Sinnali's intuition pointed this to being another universally displaced crew.

The Force all but nodding rapidly in the corner of her attention confirmed it.

Shaking her head, she sighed and directed the droids to intercept and eavesdrop upon the other communications directed towards the unknown vessel, as the lift doors opened into docking bay J. She had a delegation to welcome right now, and the Malevolence was as turtled up as it could really hope to be. So, for now, she would step back from the diplomatic overtures and let the other crews handle that.
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