Avatar of Lexisheeps


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8 hrs ago
Current This would be more arousing if you knew the difference between there, their, and they're.
17 hrs ago
I just tested it with an image I'd already used as a pfp. I think it's a site error and not a user error.
1 like
17 hrs ago
File size is probably too big.
1 day ago
Mr. Wormy Squiggles, Esq. fondly approves of all worm related statuses.
8 days ago
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I'm not a /ˈɡōs(t)ˌrīdər/

I'm not a / person whose job it is to write material for someone else /

Beep beep imma sheep
said beep beep imma
pink sheep.
Baa mufuker baaa~



Borderline Hiatus

I may be slow to respond.

Forgive me for my wrongs; I have just begun!

Apply: Backrooms: The Thing that Breathes

Follow Along: Dark Beyond: Voices of the Past
What Started It All: The Dark Beyond
Origin Story: The Dark Beyond: Adventures in Candyland (Prequel)

With the script firmly in his hands, he stared blankly at the cover art he'd doodled. Wondering about the potential grammar mistakes he'd made. But instead of flipping through the pages curiously, he pulled the tablet to his chest and held it as if it was a stuffed animal. He'd finally realized that the majority of the people on stage weren't just a figment of his imagination and had become entirely embarrassed by his current state of existence. His drab unkempt sense of physical self.

I will rp here via pm or threads.
I am not a fan of large groups. Small groups and 1x1s are prefered~

annnnnnnnd insert long wall o' text bio in 5, 4, 3... *coughs*

The. Sheep.

Love is worth fighting for.

bye bye bye

Most Recent Posts



Boris is just generic for any walking mummies at this point. I've been imaging them similarly to The Mummy movies with Brandon Fraser, but mostly so I had some idea what to think about while writing. Feel free to add, of course! I think newer released mummies will be slow and whatnot, but maybe faster as MAGIC gets stronger. MAGIC defusing weapons might be necessary to put them down permanently, but maybe only Cairo agents think this... *wink*

@WhiteAngel25 @Estylwen @Days
Connection established

Monitor 6:
Unknown movement that caused slow shadows opposite of an obelisk within the chamber.

Monitor 4:

Monitor 2:
Sabrina de Villiers cut her hand then headed into Amun-Ra's chamber. Anybody watching this monitor's feed wouldn't be wrong for vocally questioning, "What the actual fuck is she doing?" Meanwhile, Thierry de Villiers didn't seem to object, or react fully. MAGIC must have had a bit of a grip on the father, or some level of guilt had disarmed him... Or... he's just an idiot with an inability for self preservation. Though, the man did seem to wait for the two girls to follow the mother, before following himself. It was hard to tell what exactly his facial expressions contorted into, considering how grainy the video's feed was.

Monitor 6:
Shadow revealed itself as attached to a slow, but steadily walking, Boris. It was painfully close to the stairwell that Theodore de Villiers had been left. Was the kid still unconscious? Hopefully, Theo wouldn't stay in the stairwell... should he be conscious enough to move.

Monitor 5:
Boris's friends were leaving their enclosed sarcophagi in the dusty tombs room, slowly but surely.

Monitor 3:
... failed to load "Damn."

Monitor 4:
Agents that had sent in to get the de Villiers to safety, despite being given conflicting orders to wait, seemed to hesitate outside the main gate within the tomb's mid level. Were they reloading their MAGIC defusing weapons? Or aborting the rogue escort mission?

Monitor 6:
... failed to load "...Shit."

Monitor 1:
... ... ...

His thick accent cracked with a groan as he attempted to troubleshoot, "Fuck, again? Why now?" The room in real time would have had sickly hues of neon. A much brighter purple now, as MAGIC grew stronger. But the screen Ramses had been viewing, was distorted white noise for safer viewing.

Everything had gone from comically bad to absolutely shittastic in less than an hour in just Giza alone. Ramses didn't even want to think about the other sites he was currently manhandling... And all because his higher ups, safely over at the air-conditioned museum no less, wanted to see what MAGIC did to unsuspecting second generation civilians... Children of agents who'd previously been exposed to MAGIC. Without using any Cairo agents' families, naturally. But did The Louvre know this had been Cairo's objective? Surely Mr. de Villiers knew... or at least finally figured it out.

It was nothing personal on Ramses Saamir Andrew's part. He was just another pawn being used in the game of antiquities, while barely being paid in the process. He'd always known he was a pawn and deeply hated it. "Fuck!" Arabic melted any English speaking skills the Cairo agent had, as he pounded keys quickly on his laptop, "Stop making my life so damn hard, Amun!" Even the sky had changed to a ominous grey with puffy clouds and heavy lightning, despite the weatherman saying otherwise.

Then he sunk into himself with a sighed exhale, "I should have joined the Egyptian Armed Forces instead. When they kill shit, it stays dead, right?" And as much as he hated doing it, Ramses initiated Code Cry with a few clicks on his trackpad. All of the Cairo Museum workers on site, would be aware of the ongoing undead situation now. But so would anybody on site who knew what Code Cry was- agent or not.

But damn, despite being well aware of the siren's cryptid wail, the Egyptian agent still flinched with a shiver...

The sounds of slipping could be heard, causing Ramses to tilt his head swiftly. His lofty perch within Karnak's airy structure, wasn't immune to the bullshit currently taking place over at Giza. MAGIC had swirled most able-bodied mummies awake, but Ramses was a bit dumbfounded as he watched a dirty blonde topple from a spot slightly higher than he currently sat...

"Shit, the alarm must of spooked him." Ramses maneuvered himself down to help the kid the best he could. Was this guy really a TWG? Jeez, kids these days... was he part of the problem that hijacked his connection?

From One Museum to Another

"Did the Egyptians revere the Afterlife, or were they terrified of MAGIC?" Thierry wasn't trying to argue with Sabrina as she spoke, but still mumbled his second thought out loud despite best efforts, "This purple glowing sh-" But he did manage to keep from swearing in front of Cosette.

The Louvre hadn't just sent him out to the desert to decode some old scribbles on a wall. But up until this point, he'd been trying to convince himself that his exposure to MAGIC had absolutely nothing to do with it. No wonder Mr. Andrew had thought he was a nutjob for bringing the kids along. Mr. Andrew would have known first hand that MAGIC was contained on this site. Thierry frowned slightly as he thought about having a word with Mr. Cress once back in France...

"Is it really fair to tell the kids I can protect them though?" Thierry mumbled softly, but his tone was stern, "Aurélie you need to understand that I have only a vague idea what the fuck is going on. Maybe a page or two more than your mother and that's it. Please," he damn near begged with his eldest daughter, "Try and keep your wits about you and help your mother and I keep Cosette safe."

Thierry's eye twitched at the sight he was looking at, "Sabrina..." But then decided to just keep his mouth shut and follow her lead. She at least knew Arabic. But once Sabrina's humbled tone to Amun quieted, soft sounds of footsteps could be heard to Thierry's right, "Shit." He mumbled as he knew exactly what or who was walking towards them, "Boris."
@Days @Estylwen

Finally back at it! And since I've been gone longer than normal, I figured I'd give a bigger reaction thing. It's filled with lols <3 I laughed way more than maybe I should have. Honestly great collab too, you guys!

and while the sights in the Pyramid of Giza so many years ago had opened his mind to things unknown

What the actual hell was going on?

Surely, the man had aim good enough not to hit him, right? That would be an awkward conversation for Thierry and Nick. Sorry, I shot your son.

The man, windswept and slightly unhinged

He had, in fact, gotten familiar with using guns.

had noticed before that his father sported a new one while Nick wore his. It sparked an off sense of hurt in Theo, but he tried to bury that.

I absolutely adore Mr Suicide Sheep! Been lurking his youtube channel for yeaaaarrrrs now. Good find. No relation, of course. lmao <3

and there was dead annoyance in its eye.

”Your compliance will be rewarded..."

how he half-slumped upwards, trying to pick himself up like a broken doll off the floor.

“S-step-dad?” Little Subject #3 bleated out.
“Your step-dad has taken a little nap, darling. I am #6.”

Rodrigo Vandelez

“Yes, I know #6 has an issue with orders. It can't be helped…

“Finally. Finally, I have you.”


Haven't had the chance to read your post yet cause irl has been fussy, but I know it's gonna be amazeballs. Also, I'm halfway done with my Candyland post. Just an FYI for you. <3
I totally suck at lore! But I think I've got a cool idea! And am excited!

Just letting y'all know that I'm in the kitchen for my next post. <3

GOOD! We need all the ideas cause Esty is all

right now!
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