Avatar of Lexisheeps


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2 hrs ago
Current This would be more arousing if you knew the difference between there, their, and they're.
11 hrs ago
I just tested it with an image I'd already used as a pfp. I think it's a site error and not a user error.
1 like
11 hrs ago
File size is probably too big.
1 day ago
Mr. Wormy Squiggles, Esq. fondly approves of all worm related statuses.
8 days ago
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I'm not a /ˈɡōs(t)ˌrīdər/

I'm not a / person whose job it is to write material for someone else /

Beep beep imma sheep
said beep beep imma
pink sheep.
Baa mufuker baaa~



Borderline Hiatus

I may be slow to respond.

Forgive me for my wrongs; I have just begun!

Apply: Backrooms: The Thing that Breathes

Follow Along: Dark Beyond: Voices of the Past
What Started It All: The Dark Beyond
Origin Story: The Dark Beyond: Adventures in Candyland (Prequel)

With the script firmly in his hands, he stared blankly at the cover art he'd doodled. Wondering about the potential grammar mistakes he'd made. But instead of flipping through the pages curiously, he pulled the tablet to his chest and held it as if it was a stuffed animal. He'd finally realized that the majority of the people on stage weren't just a figment of his imagination and had become entirely embarrassed by his current state of existence. His drab unkempt sense of physical self.

I will rp here via pm or threads.
I am not a fan of large groups. Small groups and 1x1s are prefered~

annnnnnnnd insert long wall o' text bio in 5, 4, 3... *coughs*

The. Sheep.

Love is worth fighting for.

bye bye bye

Most Recent Posts


I updated my cs post. I'm assuming the NPC cs is for the missing and dead. If not, I can fix it. p:
<Snipped quote>

We gather here today to celebrate the loss of Aurelié de Villiers, for having a name too hard to write properly. May she rest in peace.


She warped outside of Paris and Nick was nowhere to be found. He would have absolutely told her to

with that kind of power. Even if she had told him she'd just escaped Hivemind and needed protection, he would have straight up not trusted The Louvre at this point. '>>
Trust me, you will enjoy having at least one character dead. ;)

Is it possible to have all character sheets included in the CS tab, including the ones who have died or are MIA?


Except Thierry. He was an ass to Sabrina, my one true Queen!

And yes, it is possible! I will get to working on adding Aaron and Ramses now. :p

I'm really enjoying Annalise! I can't wait to find out more about her! The warping bit is an interesting power choice, which def will come in handy! <3

Fr tho. Theo was all about that, "Gotta make Dad proud" bit, so I feel he'd take this as a chance to prove that he's very capable of being a field archeologist.

Yeah it's a year-ish or so and Aaron and Ramses are MIA as well. I might go ahead and kill Ramses off, but Aaron not so much. He's a quick thinker like Theo is, and with a similar drive to prove himself. Being a bit on the smaller side, this typically helps him as well. Small spaces for some field guys are next to nothing for him.

Aaron Carter died awhile back, so I just can't let go of the namesake that easily. D:


Honestly? Thierry would deserve it. He used the actual fuck out of Sabrina for years, while he was afraid to deal with his father. What he should have done, was told Rick to go fuck himself and ran of with a nice guy his own age, but well, we all know that didn't happen in this timeline. That's what happened in the AU, BD. xD

Well, Nick gave Theo his watch therefore Theo would have been heavily armed with all sorts of toys and rations. And while yes, Theo was not particularly trained in anything, I'd like to think Theo had a good bit of common sense and an ability to learn quickly. So I'd say MIA for now, but alive somewhere dealing with CDE?

It does suck to kill off Auri, but you're right. Cosy would have been her first priority. So, something like shoving Cosy out of the way because Nick and Thierry were kinda busy and failed to notice... it sucks, but it works.

Thierry never wanted kids anyways. xD

edit; Also, Theo wasn't in a physically weakened state like Auri was.
My application, good sir! Please let me know if you'd like something changed. :)


Been there done that. *coughs*

xD As long as you deviate enough, you'll be fine.
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