Avatar of Lexisheeps


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5 days ago
Current r/whoosh
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9 days ago
Dino Crisis... Yes, I'm old.
11 days ago
How many metalheads does it take to change a lightbulb? Just one. Everybody else will just stand around and bitch about how great the original lightbulb was. 🦊🤘
1 mo ago
"You're such a cute fluffy sheepie." *horrified gasp as it's head and neck keeps rising* "So we meet again, mortal fluff enemy!"
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1 mo ago
CIA has entered the chat


I'm not a /ˈɡōs(t)ˌrīdər/

I'm not a / person whose job it is to write material for someone else /

Beep beep imma sheep
said beep beep imma
pink sheep.
Baa mufuker baaa~



Borderline Hiatus

I may be slow to respond.

Forgive me for my wrongs; I have just begun!

Apply: Backrooms: The Thing that Breathes

Follow Along: Dark Beyond: Voices of the Past
What Started It All: The Dark Beyond
Origin Story: The Dark Beyond: Adventures in Candyland (Prequel)

With the script firmly in his hands, he stared blankly at the cover art he'd doodled. Wondering about the potential grammar mistakes he'd made. But instead of flipping through the pages curiously, he pulled the tablet to his chest and held it as if it was a stuffed animal. He'd finally realized that the majority of the people on stage weren't just a figment of his imagination and had become entirely embarrassed by his current state of existence. His drab unkempt sense of physical self.

I will rp here via pm or threads.
I am not a fan of large groups. Small groups and 1x1s are prefered~

annnnnnnnd insert long wall o' text bio in 5, 4, 3... *coughs*

The. Sheep.

Love is worth fighting for.

bye bye bye

Most Recent Posts


I personally read it as the strange scientist lady's personal bird-thing, and not Axen... I suppose I could be wrong though. p:
I'm thinking up a character atm! Thinking a pyromancer of some sort.

As far as where to put the ooc, I'd say the Casual Rp forum.


I... I think I'm in ❤ with this particular sheet!!!!


I'll send you over Nick's Glocks as well as the Winged one in just a bit!

I'm incredibly curious about the idea of CDE weaponry prototypes atm. Yeah sure, CDE is a great energy source, but I seriously doubt that kind of power would go untapped as potential war machines. Nuclear just might be the thing of the past, at least for those in the know.

And I was thinking, with Cairo's constant undead problem, it only makes sense that they'd at least try to configure some kind of high powered gun. I imagine though, that regular governments are behind the various museums, in terms of knowledge on how to properly use CDE. If only, because there needs to be limitations somewhere, lol.

This seems incredibly well thought out! You've snagged my interest!

My only question is; do our characters have to be 100% human? Since this is pirates with magick involved, I was thinking it would be cool if like, during a previous treasure raid, a Genie's lamp had been found.

If not, that's fine. Just thought I'd ask before any further character brainstorming.

@Estylwen Great post as always! I'm more than a bit sus towards Jay's part!


Yes! My dapper French guy, Thierry, was in the room. Busted knee or not, bro will still occasionally move more than just paperwork from time to time. The person he was with, is the one who had the wings.

The wings were part of an old forgotten Egyptian-made prototype CDE weapon. The weapon was originally designed to combat the undead mummies. Flight, or at least hovering, was deemed necessary to stay out of the hoard's reach.

Whoever had it last, accidentally vaporized themselves, oops. And the other person with Thierry obviously was... gotcha. P:

Since all the other sites have returned to normal, Thierry felt the risk of dealing with pissed Cairo agents was worth it.

I can't tell you yet because I don't know p:

Jokes aside, I promise they're absolutely not new. I made sure to leave Easter eggs to try and figure it out! Enjoy! <3

There are no new characters. p:
You just can't tell who it is yet, but you got two hints.

I can still write up a mock npc sheet though, if you'd like.

Also, I'm assuming you're talking about the individual with the CDE weapon.
West; Caana

Fight Collab written by:

@Lexisheeps x @Estylwen

One shot echoed with a bang. Turned quickly into many.

They were a prized, yet typical, possession for a pew-pew shooter man such as him. Standard dual Glocks. Nick's favorite. Nice and simple... or at least they were before the enhancements. The bullets were an Egyptian prototype of rechargeable CDE energy. Stolen, not given. How decent of The Louvre, to highjack weaponry from a former friend.

Every Mayan warrior that stabbed with their spear met the same fate when faced with a CDE bullet. Instant vaporization. Alas, more came to replace them from the edges of the room, and soon it was just a sea of war painted faces.

Not all attacked at the same time, though. Was there a pattern to enemy movements? There were so many of them, it was hard for Nick to tell. Some held back, as to not overwhelm the two little contenders. Some paced around, trying to get behind Nick and Cosy, to fully surround them.

On the third standard bang, several minutes into the fight, Nick pushed a button on the side of the gun. He was incredibly frustrated with the kick back the gun had given him. But he moved along the best he could.

Under normal circumstances, he would have had a clear advantage against his opponents' stout figures. His lack of brute physical force typically earned him some advantage in speed. But... what was normal these days? After the third time he'd been tossed clear around the room, he'd had just about enough. He stared up at the decrepit celling, just long enough to blink and briefly wonder.

Before rolling out of the way yet again, he'd pinched a nerve somewhere in his upper right shoulder. He winced with another few pulls of the trigger he hadn't dropped yet. The reparative brain surgery to remove Von's whimsey, was successful, if only on a technicality. If Nick was being completely honest with himself, this fight was leaving a sour metal taste in his mouth...

And he didn't care too much for it.

That bastard. Just wait until I find y- He thought to himself, before verbally swearing under his breath, "Dammit." He winced again. If he was being absolutely honest with himself, he was quite frankly having his ass handed to him. If he couldn't hold his own shit together, how the actual fuck could he keep Cosy safe?

Was it to late to set The Louvre on fire? "Shit." Nick mumbled to himself. He realized his anger was the lit match. A match that landed on his will to do ...whatever the fuck he was currently doing. To stay alive. To survive. The fire was blazing. The Louvre be damned.

And above, Buluc laughed menacingly, watching the tiny little ants in his cage fight for their lives. Watching Nick and Cosy try to best the spectral warriors.

Even with the stolen CDE bullets, things were not looking good. He looked over to Cosy, wondering how she was holding up, "Hey, there's too many of them. We should find away to barricade them in." In between grabbing at the previously dropped gun, "Or figure out what's spawning them and destroy it."

Cosy had an idea, "Dad! Try aiming your gun at the big guy's eyes!"

Fight Collab Ended,

But the gun he hadn't previously dropped, had been finally knocked out of his reach. A sense of panic overwhelmed him. He froze. The pinched nerve caused a single teardrop to roll down his cheek, just as he managed to avoid being stomped face first. It was hard to see what was going on with the angle Nick had stumbled. But off to his right, somewhere in his peripheral vision... glowing. Purple glowing. He sighed, "Now what?!"

A blast.

First one felt more like it was the Forth of July, back home in the States. Sprinkles of purple splashed down and seemed to target all of the foot soldiers. Just like missiles would. But whatever ammo had been used, was not normal gunpowder. It was purple in color, but was it really a CDE weapon?

The blast had emanated from a darkened figure with purple toned wings. The light from the wings seemed to suck all the surrounding light away, leaving nothing but a black silhouette of a human. Whoever it was, floated high up above.

A second blast.

But this time, just one beam flew from the weapon of choice. And it was aimed straight at Buluc. Nick had covered his ears abruptly from the first blast, but recovered upon the second. He mumbled to himself, "Please be a headshot."

Nick finally clambered to his feet, feeling a new sense of power. Or at least fresh enlightenment. Hell, the figure that had appeared couldn't have been any bigger than he was... but the weapon's kick back didn't seem to be bothering them much.

At last he'd made it over to Cosy, looking in the direction the purple swirl had vanished. Not too concerned about the figure itself, but rather the weapon used, "I want one of those." Then looked to Cosy, "Do you want one of those? Because I want one of those."

With both Glocks back in hand, Nick aimed high, grateful for the stranger's help he'd just received.

Artifact Room #2; Giza

20 Minutes Ago... Kind of.

An American accent questioned seriously, "You sure this is gonna work? It's been out of commission for awhile." As he examined the previously missing prototype CDE weapon, "Been lost in here for what, a decade now?"

A particularly dapper French accent answered, "Not getting cold feet are you?"

A sighed, "I'd like to not be vaporized myself, is all." Was the second man's answer, "But no, not really."

"Good." The Frenchman responded sternly, "Focus on keeping them alive, but don't interact with anybody beyond Buluc and his army. And make sure to keep this button locked, or I'll lose your signal."

"Right." The first man sighed, "I know, I know. I don't want to mess up the meridian line."
@WhiteAngel25 Baahaha! And I'm here for it!!!! <3

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