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Current Power Rangers RP: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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Unreasonably hot today.
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RANGERS RP is open: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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3 mos ago
RANGERS Interest Check posted πŸ‘€
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3 mos ago
In the lab… πŸ§ͺ. Excited about this RP. #Rangers


Roleplay | Currently: Accepting (4/5 slots open)

Most Recent Posts

In Rangers 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Akayaofthemoon Understandable lol! But as always, I welcome you! :)
In Rangers 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@metanoia You can always ask me if you're torn lol! I'm thinking of bringing Charlie, but not sure what color I want to give her so I'm just waiting to see where everyone else's interest are. I'm not picky at all lol.
In Rangers 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
OOC and CS's are now open! If you have any questions, just shoot me a PM or post here. I have a Discord group for those who are accepted into the RP as well if you are interested! I'll be posting my character eventually but if you want an example of how it looks, here's one from the original Rangers RP:

In Rangers 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
In Rangers 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Rangers 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Arc One - Rise of the Dark Empire
1. Happy New Year - What was supposed to be a fun night bringing in the New Year turns into an utter disaster. The Dark Empire has chosen Earth as its new target for destruction and is looking to destroy everything in its path. The five new wielders of the Power Crystals must come together to ensure that evil does not prevail.
In Rangers 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

The Morphin Grid is a phenomenon that regular people are typically not familiar with. It is defined as the portal between dimensions, holding an ancient power that can be utilized strengthen an individual or a group. The Morphin Grid extends beyond our planet, this galaxy or even this universe. It is a multidimensional entity that, when given access to it, grants someone with an immense amount energy that can be used for good or for bad.

When accessed, the Morphin Grid has the capability of manifesting itself into inanimate objects. In the case of our dimension, powers from the Grid materialized in the form of five crystals several centuries ago on a planet known as the Crystal Kingdom. The Dark Empire, a group of intergalactic warriors who wanted to harness the power of the Morphin Grid, invaded the Crystal Kingdom in an effort to steal the crystals, but they were met with a fight and the beginnings of a war. The war lasted for several years with the Dark Empire increasing its own power through the extracting of emotions... but the wielders of the crystals were able to trap them inside of the Morphin Gird.

Unfortunately, this process included shattering their crystals in order to do so, but for the sake of everyone in our universe, it had to be done. No one ever truly eradicates evil because darkness has a way of rising to the surface eventually. The goal has always been to entrust our safety in the hands of those who exude a positive aura and endless hope. When the time of the Dark Empire arrives once again, it is our hope that a new age of hopeful heroes are up for the task.

"Rangers" serves as an origin story of the Power Rangers in this particular dimension. It is an alternate universe from what you are accustomed to seeing and will expand further, as time progressing, into a "Rangerverse."

It has been several centuries since the wielders of the crystals from the Crystal Kingdom managed to take down the Dark Empire, trapping them in the Morphin Grid. In present day, a technological company, GENESIS, is looking to enhance their products for the betterment of their sales. As with any business, GENESIS's goal is to make an immense profit. In the midst of their lab testing, they were able to discover five crystals from within the Morphin Grid. In the midst of this, however, the Dark Empire entered itself onto Earth, hoping to finish the job from so long ago.

Panicked with a potential global threat looming, GENESIS had to shift its focus from technological advances for profit and instead work on creating superhuman warriors, with the power of the newly dubbed Power Crystals, in hopes that they could save the world from a dangerous threat. The biggest problem that GENESIS faced however was that the Power Crystals simply would not bond with staff members. Little did they know, these crystals could only match with worthy individuals that displayed a positive aura and great potential. But with the Dark Empire prepared for its first attack on Angel Grove, will GENESIS find operators for the suits in time?

The age of the Rangers will range from 18 to 22 years old. Some of them could be students at Angel Grove University, others could be working in their respective fields. Regardless, they are all around the age of kids entering into young adulthood and are just trying to figure everything out before life gets real.

Rangers colors are not gender exclusive. There could very well be a female Red Ranger and a male Pink Rangers. Also, "Red" isn't the de facto leader of the team. Each Ranger will be able to contribute their respective skills and traits in a way that should allow them to be a leader at any given time. The Rangers would, however, get direction from the Command Center.

The Rangers:

Angel Grove University District

Angel Grove University is quickly growing into one of the more popular colleges on this side of the country. As such, the district has changed tremendously. With the boom in population, business have started to thrive (restaurants, clubs, bars, etc.) which attributes to the cost of living skyrocketing. There are numerous apartments and condos scattered across the midtown and downtown area, not to mention the amenities available on campus for those that attend school. Most people who have families or are starting families live in the suburbs, but thankfully those homes are not too far from inner city Angel Grove.


Despite being one of the leaders in the technological industry, GENESIS decided to build its headquarters on the outskirts of the city. The company did not want to be too directly close to a number of citizens, preferring to have their operations isolated. There are a few GENESIS stores scattered throughout the city, but the HQ and labs are in a secluded location. GENESIS has a state of the art facility with a lab, training facility, and simulations that will prepare the Rangers for the field.

  • First, thanks for making it this far into the interest check. Shout out to you.
  • This is not a first-come, first-serve sort of roleplay. I'm looking for roleplayers that can vibe with a casually advanced roleplay while also providing great characters.
  • Once you are done with your Character Sheet, please PM it to me so that I can evaluate it before acceptance. Do NOT post your CS in the Character or OOC section until approved. PLEASE NOTE: You may not receive your preference for Ranger color.
  • That being said, the aim of this RP is for it to be a small group RP. I'm looking for no more than maybe 4-ish roleplayers depending on the vibe. Those who are accepted will be able to write up to 2 characters Rangers.
  • Please post at least once per week in character. There will be instances where the group may be split up into separate groups to handle a task or quest so the Rangers won't always be together. Because this is a casually advanced RP though, I'm providing a little bit of leeway in posting. The goal is for this to be a long-term plot with minimal pressure. If you are unable to continue the RP, let me know so that we can phase out your character.
  • The roleplay will be a combination of slice of life, action, and adventure. Feel free to create your own subplots with other characters (enemies, friends, lovers), but just make sure that the other person approves of it.
  • There will be a Discord for quick OOC chatting, but OOC here is fine too. Important information will be posted in the OOC and linked in the Discord.
  • At least two paragraphs per post. Give us something to reply to!
  • The RP takes place in the fictional city of Angel Grove, CA (for nostalgia purposes) in an alternate universe.
  • Have fun!
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
May have to make another Discord but I’ll keep you all posted! πŸ˜…
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hey guys, for some reason I can't get into my Discord. So, if you've been trying to message me, I think I'm locked out for a few days lol.
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