Avatar of Little Bird


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11 hrs ago
Current Apologies to those waiting on me. Work has been extra the past few weeks.
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3 days ago
Sleep deprivation is a Hell of a drug.
6 days ago
Effin work probably got me for hella OT this week. I'll get CS's and replies as best I can. ~Itbewhatitdoitdowhatitbe~
7 days ago
I just want to fall completely in love.
7 days ago
ecarg nosive 😈


Not born in a log cabin, I came into the RPing venture around 2009 and quickly joined about twenty roleplays more than I should have at the time. I've been around the internet in that time span, participated in and run RPs on multiple forums, and brushed shoulders with a wide variety of players and characters. Getting to work with new people has always been part of the allure of the experience.

My interests in RPing are pretty diverse, and not genre-specific; if there's room at the table and I can think of a dish to serve, I'll cook something up for just about any meal. If you know what I mean.

Most Recent Posts

Username: Wayward
Name: Zena Mavrofos
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Appearance: Residing at a sufficiently upward end of the female height spectrum, Zena measures at around five feet eight inches tall. At this height, she carries a weight of approximately one hundred thirty pounds.Her figure is more of lean one, with a certain thinness, legitimately lithe, but surprisingly toned for her age. She’s a young woman whose body bears an exaggerated sense of height and length with a slight overreach in her arms and a more extreme one in her legs. Her figure is one of subtlety, still, with only so much as a modest curvature at the bust, and slightly more prominence around the hips.

Weapon: Tesla Arc - Originally designed by Zena’s father, and ultimately completed by Zena, Tesla Arc encompasses a three-in-one tech weapon. It takes on the basic appearance of slightly fancified broadsword, the blade of which measures up to three feet, and the grip in at an additional eight inches. By the light glow surrounding the blade, it is evident that the blade relates and reacts to fluctuations in Zena’s aura. It is through her electrostatic Semblance that the blade retains its form as a simple sword. Altering this property, the blade splits out into an electrically bound, razor sharp whip, offering the secondary function of the weapon. The hilt of the blade can be removed, revealing a slimmer handle beneath. Shifting back the handguard, unveils the barrel of a small pistol, which loads with small, dust-infused bullets, offering tertiary function as a ranger weapon.

Semblance: Charge - Zena’s Semblance involves the generation and manipulation of forms of electric charge and currents stemming from her own being. The act of utilizing her Semblance turns her into a living, breathing conduit for the channeling and diverting of potentially immense electrical discharges, releasing the power in the form of streaking bolts originating from some point on her person. She is not, however, limited in the mere projection of lightning-like projectiles; she is able to utilize her abilities as a reinforcement of melee combat, turning her body and weaponry into powered up tasers. At a more taxing expense to her person, she is able to amplify the electrical currents that flow within her body, stimulating her muscles and vital organs. The act of using a stimulation technique leaves Zena fatigued and almost completely immobile for a short period, and is thus used only as a trump card.

Corruption: The meddling of Ozpin’s experimentation has boosted Zena’s electrical flux a bit beyond her normal state. With dust and Grimm essences infused with her, and the limits of her power having been pushed, she has become, effectively, “overloaded” on a psychological level. The increased stimuli, while allowing more advanced feats, has rendered the young girl exceedingly energized, tremendously tenacious, and ascendingly aggressive as a result. Zena has an overwhelmingly difficult task in managing the extremes of her emotions, and is thus, a bit of a loose cannon, especially in combat. Sensual sensations, while superb in her current state, are inefficiently processes by her brain at its current developmental stage. As such, Zena tends to lean towards excessive levels of anger and sadness, embodying morbid and violent behavior.
Name: Zena Mavrofos
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Appearance: Residing at a sufficiently upward end of the female height spectrum, Zena measures at around five feet eight inches tall. At this height, she carries a weight of approximately one hundred thirty pounds.Her figure is more of lean one, with a certain thinness, legitimately lithe, but surprisingly toned for her age. She’s a young woman whose body bears an exaggerated sense of height and length with a slight overreach in her arms and a more extreme one in her legs. Her figure is one of subtlety, still, with only so much as a modest curvature at the bust, and slightly more prominence around the hips.

Weapon: Tesla Arc - Originally designed by Zena’s father, and ultimately completed by Zena, Tesla Arc encompasses a three-in-one tech weapon. It takes on the basic appearance of slightly fancified broadsword, the blade of which measures up to three feet, and the grip in at an additional eight inches. By the light glow surrounding the blade, it is evident that the blade relates and reacts to fluctuations in Zena’s aura. It is through her electrostatic Semblance that the blade retains its form as a simple sword. Altering this property, the blade splits out into an electrically bound, razor sharp whip, offering the secondary function of the weapon. The hilt of the blade can be removed, revealing a slimmer handle beneath. Shifting back the handguard, unveils the barrel of a small pistol, which loads with small, dust-infused bullets, offering tertiary function as a ranger weapon.

Semblance: Charge - Zena’s Semblance involves the generation and manipulation of forms of electric charge and currents stemming from her own being. The act of utilizing her Semblance turns her into a living, breathing conduit for the channeling and diverting of potentially immense electrical discharges, releasing the power in the form of streaking bolts originating from some point on her person. She is not, however, limited in the mere projection of lightning-like projectiles; she is able to utilize her abilities as a reinforcement of melee combat, turning her body and weaponry into powered up tasers. At a more taxing expense to her person, she is able to amplify the electrical currents that flow within her body, stimulating her muscles and vital organs. The act of using a stimulation technique leaves Zena fatigued and almost completely immobile for a short period, and is thus used only as a trump card.

Corruption: The meddling of Ozpin’s experimentation has boosted Zena’s electrical flux a bit beyond her normal state. With dust and Grimm essences infused with her, and the limits of her power having been pushed, she has become, effectively, “overloaded” on a psychological level. The increased stimuli, while allowing more advanced feats, has rendered the young girl exceedingly energized, tremendously tenacious, and ascendingly aggressive as a result. Zena has an overwhelmingly difficult task in managing the extremes of her emotions, and is thus, a bit of a loose cannon, especially in combat. Sensual sensations, while superb in her current state, are inefficiently processes by her brain at its current developmental stage. As such, Zena tends to lean towards excessive levels of anger and sadness, embodying morbid and violent behavior.
I don't know how Kurai managed to get you out to play, but it's good to see you back in the game Vrad. I'm in.
Hello Guild,

I understand that, in general, numeric values are not an avenue that most text-based RPers tend to lean for the RPs; not many people seem to be enthused by the idea of letting numbers dictate the results of a battle within an RP setting. I've seen my share of them over the past few years, but they always seem to be either underdeveloped, or otherwise left for dead before the RPs even get to a point of using combat. So, over the passed few months, I've been trying to construct a system that can work relatively smoothly within a text-based format, without the use of dice.

The main goals my work have been to provide a system that would:
- Establish a tangible sense of limitations.
- Help to ensure the brevity of combat.
- Provide a basis for character growth.

Currently, I'm fumbling between two different setups, though the latter is simply a... more exaggerated form of the second. In both systems, the stat categories are:

Health: (Amount of damages a character can take before they are defeated/KOed/Killed)
Attack: (The base damage that a character can deal with a physical attack)
Speed: (Still unsure of this name for it; it reflects character's ability to react to attacks, either by blocking or dodging).
Magic/Special Skills: (Character's capacity to utilize magical spells or activated abilities that would cost some manner of energy to apply).

In both systems, a point-buy system determines where characters land in each category; everyone starting at a comparable level would start off with the same amount of points to distribute to each of their four stats. Depending on how they distribute their stats, their character would have to function in a different manner.

Now, in 'System A,' the Health stat functions at it normally would in any RPG setting; you take X damage and it gets subtracted from your health and reaching zero means your character is effectively defeated to an agreed upon extent (from simply admitting defeat to being killed). The Attack stat is static in this system, just a base measurement of fighting strength that remains constant throughout a battle. The speed and magic stats both function on a point pay system. Paying X-Magic allows a character to use a spell of X-Power, either defensively or offensively. Paying from the speed stat allows one to divert a certain amount of damage; based on an attempted test run of this system, which utilized relatively low starting stats, paying 1 speed point allowed for the diverting of half of an attack's damage, while paying 2 allowed the entirety of the damage to be avoided.

In 'System B,' the Attack stat is reworked to function on a payment system: pay x-attack to deal x-damage to opponent; effectively, it is the expending of energy in the effort of fighting, every punch and kick tiring a character out more and more. Furthermore, in this system the 'speed' stat would function on a point-for-point basis. In other words, x-points pays diverts that amount of damage. Otherwise, Health and magic remain the same. This system would likely involve a higher starting point for the stat points used to distribute to the four stats.

In either system, Magic points would likely double in function for purchasing some set roster of spells and/or abilities.

The questions I have:
1. On paper, which system seems most fluid for RPing? If you had to use one, which would it be?
2. What sort of modifications can be made? That is, beyond simply scrapping both ideas? Stats to add?
3. Failing these, are there any existing systems that I might be able to looking into that can accomplish the same goals?
<Snipped quote by Wayward>

Have you spoken to McH about how your characters know where the Ashes/David will be or how they won't assume your characters are enemies rather than allies and end up fighting them?

Those things really should be cleared up before we run into this.

Well, if we're going with the reasoning that our characters will have already been working within the Ashes prior to the RP, then there shouldn't be all that much confusion, correct? It'd just be a matter of our characters getting their orders sent to them and getting to where they need to be. If everyone else is still being briefed on the mission, they can be forewarned that back up will be on the way.
<Snipped quote by Wayward>

Up to you either way, I'm flexible. ^^

I'm so inclined as to see what the GMs think would suit things better.

So what's the plan then, Wayward? How can I help expedite this process? Only linking McH to keep her in on the loop as to what we're up to.

If you would prefer to just meet the team in Bristol, then I'll run with that as well, so long as that is a plan to run with at all. I just wasn't sure if you had intended for your character to already be with the Ashes.

Would it be ideal to arrive as the Ashes are assembling in Bristol? Or is there anticipated room to say that they (or at least Liam, since I don't want to drag Feisty along if they don't want to be) can arrive in the clutch as back up or nearer to secure the final escape at the end of the mission?
Well, I certainly had no intention of just throwing him in right this moment; not with a mission about to get underway. I've no issue with waiting until Mia has been extracted. But, all due respect, I feel that there has to be some room to get Liam's (and Isabel's) intro in before bringing Larry in, particularly being that Jig already has a character actively engaged in the story.

I can work with him being out on a solo mission. Maybe, if @Feisty-Pants is leaving Isabel's history thus far off as still looking for her allegiance (and is fine with this approach), Liam could be out on a job to bring her in? I'm sure the Ashes would have the right connections to have intel on her arrival in Britain.

If that works as a way to get them in.
<Snipped quote by Wayward>

<Snipped quote by Feisty-Pants>

I'm just gonna point out here that there are two characters already waiting in the wings for an IC introduction, both of whom have been waiting since the last version of this game (and therefore get first dibs!). While nothing stops you waiting for your introduction, introducing lots of characters all at once with the due levels of caution from the Ashes will get repetitive and clunky and, frankly, be quite out of character for the Ashes.

If you want to hold onto your characters until it's basically 'their turn', that would be fine, but, given how unpredictable any RP's pace is, we can't actually guarantee when that might be.

If you're keen to jump in now, I would just recommend being legit members from the off.

That really depends on whether or not the others whose characters still need to join have already made their move in that direction. If they have then I'll adjust one way or another. But if they haven't then it seems fair (to me) to say thst first to the intro gets first dibs.
I'll be getting my first post up tonight. I think I'm just gonna have Liam come in as someone looking to join; have him start off in the lower echelons.
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