Avatar of Little Bird


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Current Little Bird is broken.
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5 days ago
Apologies to those waiting on me. Work has been extra the past few weeks.
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7 days ago
Sleep deprivation is a Hell of a drug.
10 days ago
Effin work probably got me for hella OT this week. I'll get CS's and replies as best I can. ~Itbewhatitdoitdowhatitbe~
11 days ago
I just want to fall completely in love.


Not born in a log cabin, I came into the RPing venture around 2009 and quickly joined about twenty roleplays more than I should have at the time. I've been around the internet in that time span, participated in and run RPs on multiple forums, and brushed shoulders with a wide variety of players and characters. Getting to work with new people has always been part of the allure of the experience.

My interests in RPing are pretty diverse, and not genre-specific; if there's room at the table and I can think of a dish to serve, I'll cook something up for just about any meal. If you know what I mean.

Most Recent Posts

Yeah. Too bad this part of the forum is literally dead.

I'm sure people can be stirred to action.
I think in oldguild there was a concrete tier list that people generally agreed on. Though oldguild had also its own circle of people. Those people still exist- there even exists a secondary circle that I can see. So if we have one person define strictly what is what, then we have a game. After that, all we'd need is a character sheet template, and everything else can be made up on the fly.

In theory, the old guild's tier list could work. I think, though, that it would need to be expanded to encompass a broader range. If I recall, it was a 1-10 tier system, with 1 being the lowest (normal human level) and 10 being the highest (basically, Omniversal power). But once you hit that 6/7 mark, the differences between one tier and the one above/below it became pretty wide compared to the 1-5 tier range.
That's one issue, but the tiering has always caused it to break apart. Different groups have different measurements for tiers because there's no unified tier system. So, two people who believe they're in the same tier will get into a fight. Let's say they're high tier.

One believes that a high tier is a city buster, another believes that a high tier is a world buster. Obviously the difference in scope is noticeable from the start, but the two of them agree either due to a lack of system or due to a lack of reading the other's sheets.

So, they get into an argument immediately, and this continues until every single participant is arguing more than they're actually playing.

Lately I've been drifting away from using a concrete tier list in favor of simply defining, largely on a per-battle basis, a set of parameters for the feats a character would be capable of. Setting a bar for measures of athleticism, what sort of potency, power, and effect range things like magic and such have, and so on. Tier lists tend to not be defined enough in that regard, and you'd need well over 20 tiers to really encompass the range of power scaling possible. The exception to this is, of course, if you were looking to outright ban the usage of characters over a certain range of power (EG - Nothing more powerful than planet-busting levels of power permitted); mind you the aspect of effect range would encompass what a character is capable of at their maximum possible effort, not what they can casually do.
I've been working on a consistent Tier list that people can agree on. Once I get that in place I could be host to an entire MV within which the players can have a functioning persistent world.

The huge problem that consistently emerges is the difference in tier definition, and once the on-site Arena can agree on a tier listing I'm certain a persistent world wouldn't be too far behind.

If people would be willing to collaborate with me on establishing the Tier list, it would help.

Have tiers been a particular issue in the MV planning?

It's always seemed that the core issue just came down to maintaining the OOC's/world building... which is largely unnecessary. It takes a little bit of plot fudging, especially with the element of characters' travels through different planes, but a solid continuity can be created by simply establishing a history of interconnected battles. The verse as a whole already exists, physically, through the locales created for the fights.
So does this place still have a persistent world sorta deal or is it just "MY OC CAN BEAT UP YOUR OC"?

I would love it if there could be a manner of Arena PW implemented. In my most honest of opinions, the prior attempts to establish a continuity in this Arena have put more effort into it than necessary.
1: Your ranks mean jack shit. There's no value to those records. Step One is doing a hard reset on all player scores. You want change? It starts there. Next, ACTUALLY HAVE LEGIT RANKS... What you have is just a stupid Leaderboard. What you want to do is have actual established "Ranks" that have requirements for each the higher you go that progressively get more difficult. Back in the community where I started, we had a pretty clear cut system in place.
-E Rank; Entry Level, everyone starts at the bottom.
-D Rank; Acquire 5 Wins using a Martial Archetype Character. (What you would know around here as RM, I believe?)
-C Rank; Acquire 10 Wins using a Tech Archetype Character. (Whether real world technology or sci-fi technology)
-B Rank; Acquire 10 Wins using a Magic Archetype Character. (Anything Fantasy based)
-A Rank; Acquire 20 Wins using a Hybrid Archetype Character (Mix at least 2 of the 3 Basic Archetypes in one character) in ADDITION to completing a Level Up Exam administered by an Arena Mod. (The Level Up Exam is meant to test your Problem Solving Skills, Combat Tactics and how Creative you are)
-S Rank; Granted the Title of "ACER" for completing this challenge, the only requirement necessary is for you to actually defeat a Team of A Ranked Fighters. (3 Person Squad)

There will be a list of pre-made Battlegrounds for each Rank. Players can ONLY participate in the Battlegrounds listed for their Rank or below. A Rank Battlegrounds will include special conditions, environmental hazards, Hostile NPCs that can randomly be controlled by an Arena Mod at any time during the fight along with other potential gimmicks to further encourage creative approach to challenging situations.

IN ADDITION, if you LOSE a fight, your score suffers. Yes, there is a damn good reason for that. It discourages you from simply quitting a fight and provides legitimate risk involved for losing. Once you manage to hit a milestone and Rank up, though, you can't be DROPPED a Rank. Your score also doesn't go into the negatives, it just stays at 0.

I'm late to the party as always... Chiming on this because it piqued my curiosity while I was scrolling through the weeks of headbutting.

What exactly invalidates a leaderboard format for establishing a ranking? It more or less functions the arena in a similar capacity to other competitive atmospheres. Though, I'd even go so far as to say that a ranking set should simply be gleaned from a recorded log of everyone's win-draw-loss numbers, and disregard the concrete 'score.' Or at least use something in the difference between the number of wins and losses to yield a more definite number (8 Wins against 2 Losses = Net Score of 6). Of course, stalemates could throw that number for a loop, though maybe those sorts of battles just serve to leave the combatants stagnant and wouldn't get factored in the final score... bleh, I think I'm rambling there. I just don't see the 'flaw' inherent in that sort of way of going about it.

Does your proposed E-S ranking involve barring competitors from using certain character builds (in ranking context) until they've achieved the adequate ranking for them? IE, and E-Rank fighter can only use grassroots, melee characters until reaching D-Rank, at which point they can use characters with tech as they pursue the C-Rank? Or would everyone be able to pursue each Rank designation at their own desired pace, thus making the Ranks more comparable to achievements?

Other point... I've never agreed with the practice of dropping a person's 'score' from a loss. That enforces that a loss invalidates a prior victory. Given the mechanism of ranking up that you've outlined, is exactly what would appear to happen: a loss removes a win; there's literally NO other competitive (thinking even professional level sports) in which losing a match or a game results in a person or team's victory/victories being taken away. Plus, in a system like yours, it seems like being stagnant in a rank through constant losses would be motivation enough to get a person to either remove themselves from the formal competition, or buckle down, grit their teeth and just get better at battling.

For the record, I do believe that the most recent ranking system here DID in fact dock points from combatants for losing their matches. Someone can correct me on that if I'm wrong.
Getting the ol' (but actually very young) girl cleaned up a bit for the shindig.

Also, I never thought I'd see the day where one of my characters was used as an example; just gonna take that as meaning I did something right...
Oh hey! We're doing the thing!
Is it too late of yet to jump back into the fold here? Life should be getting somewhat more stable for me in the coming week.
@Waywardinteract. It's not that hard. Follow the werewolf. Ask questions.

Thing is, I DID interact in my last post, and was not given a reply. I've already stated: If Michael is being regarded as team leader, he should be written as delegating tasks to the other team members. Otherwise, maybe place Griffin into that position. We're at a point in the RP where you, or someone that you've given IC authority to, needs to make the push to move things forward. Another post from me isn't going to create any momentum unless I step on yours (and edd's) shoulders and have Talia start calling the shots.
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