@scrawls sounds like a plan :D
@Enkryption colour me intrigued! Looking forward to what you come up with.
<Snipped quote by Timemaster>
Nope, totally open posting at your leisure!
@Wayward sorry for the wait on the skills, I hope to have a complete list latest tomorrow. Yung has both intelligence and wisdom, do you want him to have any magic as well? I imagine his meditation might play into that. If you like dnd monk skills would you like missile deflection as well? And since he has max Dexterity and stealth capabilities, he might be able to do some movement things like running along walls /rooftops/rough terrain easy.
@OwO@Dark Cloud I cannot wait to see Wormwood's reaction to Terminator Ingrid emerging from the river xD
In keeping to the base of a DnD build, he'd have access to abilities that utilize Ki. This mostly gets implemented in techniques that buff or modify actions. Ki-enhanced strikes, the Flurry of Blows mentioned. The movement skills you mentioned and deflection also work.
Things that I eventually want to work him up to would be things like firing off a proverbial Hadouken, and extended buffing periods. But that would come later.
Just as an FYI, Rinan is his first name, Yung his family name; did that in a more Eastern style (because he's a monk).