After Rorsh darter away, Andy sipped from his coffee. "I only made one enemy out of the two Legendary Galarian Birds I've met, I'd say the day is going rather well, isn't it?" He winked to Frosiien and sipped from the coffee again.
It was too early to worry about Dialla, but in the end, whether it was Galarian Moltres or Darkrai, he wouldn't back down. He'd take them on if he had to.
Michael turned to Rorsh. "Nice to meet you." When he said that he realised he would meet a lot of legendary Pokémon. He wondered how many of them would be in their human form. He glanced to his uncle, who drank his coffee seemingly without a care in the world. How he managed that after threatning a legendary Pokémon was a mystery for him, but at the same time he was glad to see that.
"That's what we thought," Benny said. "It's good to know it's possible." He glanced to Andy, who was drinking his coffee. "Im going to get him some breakfast. It's going to be a busy day and he doesn't get food in his system he's not going to make it to the end."
Outside the Pokémon Center Mabel landed in the grass, with Penalopy and her guardian on her back. Penalopy moved to tap on Mindy's window to wake her up.
Mindy slowly opened her eyes when the annoying tapping continued, got out of bed and opened the window.
"It's happening~" Penalopy chimed. "Wake up, wake up, because today we party! We saw some of the Galarian birds already! I'm sure Grumpy Gavin will be awake too and I'm sure we get to see him smile today~"