Loksfjoer is a Contest Moderator.
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Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current Away from home between October 26th and November 10th. Contests will return when I'm back home!
4 mos ago
Don't forget to vote in the writing contest! The link is in the sidebar <3
5 mos ago
Back from vacation, taking my time to roll back into roleplays and contests.
5 mos ago
Vacation for a week, I'm off to Finland!
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6 mos ago
Note to self: reply to RPs
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Hello everyone. I'm Dutch, a mother of a 8-year old boy and I love both rp-ing and writing. Since May 2020 I'm one of the contests mods.

I started with writing Dutch stories in 2002, I was already 19 at that time. I joined a writing competition and that got me started. Soon I started to write down all the stories my over-active imagination came up with. I had my first forum rp experience in 2003 on a Dutch fantasy forum. While I continued to write, I stopped rp-ing when the particular rp and forum slowly died. In 2011 my love for rp's rekindled when I joined a site with a forum and I started to RP solely in English since that is the language of the site. This is also when I wrote my first story in English.

I've got a few 1x1 rp's going on this site and a couple more on another site. I've always been a fan of writing competitions and I joined a lot several of the ones that were hosted on this website. Now I get to host them myself and really enjoy that too.

When you come here to check if I'm online, know that even when I show as online I might not be able to respond to RP's. I open this site so that when I have time I can spend some time here, but I don't always end up with the time to do so.

If I haven't replied in a while, feel free to poke me. I don't ghost on purpose, sometimes I just forgetful and if I read your reply and accidentally closed the tab I might forget I was supposed to reply T_T

Most Recent Posts

This didn't work, but that's okay. I'll try again later and maybe in a different format. Keep an eye on the gallery and the side-bar for future contests
After Rorsh darter away, Andy sipped from his coffee. "I only made one enemy out of the two Legendary Galarian Birds I've met, I'd say the day is going rather well, isn't it?" He winked to Frosiien and sipped from the coffee again.
It was too early to worry about Dialla, but in the end, whether it was Galarian Moltres or Darkrai, he wouldn't back down. He'd take them on if he had to.

Michael turned to Rorsh. "Nice to meet you." When he said that he realised he would meet a lot of legendary Pokémon. He wondered how many of them would be in their human form. He glanced to his uncle, who drank his coffee seemingly without a care in the world. How he managed that after threatning a legendary Pokémon was a mystery for him, but at the same time he was glad to see that.

"That's what we thought," Benny said. "It's good to know it's possible." He glanced to Andy, who was drinking his coffee. "Im going to get him some breakfast. It's going to be a busy day and he doesn't get food in his system he's not going to make it to the end."

Outside the Pokémon Center Mabel landed in the grass, with Penalopy and her guardian on her back. Penalopy moved to tap on Mindy's window to wake her up.
Mindy slowly opened her eyes when the annoying tapping continued, got out of bed and opened the window.

"It's happening~" Penalopy chimed. "Wake up, wake up, because today we party! We saw some of the Galarian birds already! I'm sure Grumpy Gavin will be awake too and I'm sure we get to see him smile today~"
Andy reed in stilte verder tot hij naast zich een gerucht hoorde. Mae's opmerking dat ze was vergeten dat ze in de auto zat deed hem glimlachen en hij keek even op de klok toen ze vroeg hoelang ze geslapen had. "Niet zo lang," zei hij.
Ook hij zag de jonge zombie lopen en hij slaakte een zucht. Dat was verschrikkelijk om te zien. Stadium twee, dacht hij. Binnenkort zou het kind echt gevaarlijk worden. Het indelen naar de verschillende stadia was iets dat hij vanaf het begin had moeten doen, en ermee stoppen was niet eenvoudig.

Zodra hij de auto's in de verte zag reed hij langzamer en uiteindelijk stopte hij. Hij trommelde met zijn vingers op het stuur terwijl hij door de voorruit keek. Langzaam schudde hij zijn hoofd en zette de auto in achteruit. "Ik vertrouw het niet," zei hij. "We zoeken wel een andere weg om de stad te verlaten. Alle wegen leiden naar Rome, toch?"
Het was wel jammer dat ze langs deze weg niet konden gaan, deze ging rechtstreeks naar de snelweg en dat was wat hij probeerde te bereiken. Een route die veel mensen waarschijnlijk hadden geprobeerde te nemen bij de laatste grote exodus.

Maar waarom waren ze gestopt? Was er een ongeluk gebeurd waardoor de auto's erachter niet meer verder konden? Was het een barricade opgericht door mensen om hun deel van de stad veilig te stellen? Hielden zombies zich verscholen tussen de auto's?
Hoewel hij wel nieuwsgierig was, was hij nu ook weer niet zo nieuwsgierig om dat te gaan onderzoeken.

Hij gaf gas en reed een stuk achteruit. Gelukkig hoefden ze zich geen zorgen te maken over andere weggebruikers. Uit een zijstraat kwam een zombie op de auto af, ze zwaaide met een kapotte paraplu. Stadium 3 of 4 aan haar gedrag te zien. Ze rende recht op de auto af en Andy schudde zijn hoofd terwijl hij achteruit bleef rijden. Hij ramde de zombie, draaide de achterkant in de zijstraat en draaide de auto, zodat ze een stuk terugreden.

"Wil je even kijken of er een radiofrequentie is waar ze nog iets op uitzenden?" vroeg hij. Als Mae dat deed kon hij zijn aandacht bij het rijden houden. Een voor een waren de radiozenders stilgevallen, maar soms kwam er een piratenzender door waarop informatie gegeven werd over de toestand van de steden.
The last 48 hours have begun!
The last 48 hours have begun!
Andy took Rorsh's hand when it was offered to him and shook it. "Don't call me mister, I'm Andy. And it's a pleasure to meet you."
He watched Dialla leave; he would have to be careful around her, and it would be wise to always keep at least one Pokémon with him. He looked around to see where Varina was; she hadn't been in his room when he woke up, so he assumed Benny had taken her for a flight or something.

Michael held Niccia and stroke her hair and back. He wasn't sure what he could say to make her feel better, but he decided to say: "Hey, things will be okay. You've been looking forward to this day so much and maybe we had a bumpy start, but I'm sure things will improve from here."

Benny turned to Varina. "Do you think it would be possible to catch a legendary Pokémon like Darkrai?" he asked her. If anyone could have inside information about that, it had to be the former guardian.
Benjamin glared at Josh. While he didn't get angry easily, Josh seemed to get that done effortlessly. He was glad Josh walked away and he turned to Dia.
"I can do that, but when they examine me they will see there is no swelling of the ankle. And I'd rather not have 'suffers imaginary injuries' added to my file." He examined Dia for a moment, he wasn't sure how long she would be tangible and visible, but hopefully long enough. "I bet they don't know the kitchen staff. Barely anyone from the kitchen comes in person to the asylum; they communicate mostly over the phone and through e-mails. I heard one of the patients needs gluten-free meals. Maybe you can complain to the doctor and ask if that is really needed, because they often have to make a separate dish for her. I could be the one who led you here."

Marc looked at the game as he stepped towards it with Sara. He took his wallet to get a coin from it. "Here," he said as he handed it to Sara. "Insert it in that slot, push the red button and try to get a high score by whacking enough moles. You get tickets based on your score and at the end we can exchange the tickets for a small prize."
He took another coin for himself and moved to the Whack-A-Mole machine next to it, so he could play a round as well.

When Benjamin felt the soft touch of Steph's hand it pulled him out of his thoughts. He turned to look at her, smiled and took her hand. He stopped in front of the office, but frowned at the occupied sign. "I guess I'll send an e-mail then," he said. While he prefered in-person communication, the e-mail would be faster. Who knew how long the boss would be in meeting...

Now what?

Benjamin turned to Steph. "Actually, let's move your things now. With that issue with Gaia we never got around to doing that." He took his phone. "I'll file the report through my phone."

"Another Article 12 case then," Stuart said as he looked at the boss, who nodded at that. "I do suggest we close down the area of the spiders for the time being. Humans shouldn't wander into their territory, because they might be turned into, ehm, this as well."

Rudrig nodded at the suggestion and typed some things on his tablet to send a special team to map the outskirts of the webbed area in the forest and seal it off from the public by making it a 'military testing area'. He forwarded all the information the previous sniper team had collected and the images of the drones.

Mr Johnsson leaned back as he watched Rudrig and Stuart take care of things. How he hated article 12. It was all about the rights of agents with a unique illness or condition and was used to protect the rights of agents who turned into something dangerous or an abomination like Rose.

Stuart turned to Rose. "You are the first reported case of what happens when someone is cocooned by those spiders. Therefore I would like to investigate you to understand what has happened. Under article 12 your rights as a human are protected, therefore I need to ask for your consent before I investigate your case, which will include a physical examination. Will you allow me to investigate?"

"Andy," stelde hij zichzelf voor nadat Mae haar naam had genoemd. Hij wachtte tot ze zat en vergrendelde de auto weer - het laatste wat hij wilde was iemand met kwade wil die gemakkelijk in de auto kon komen. Na even in de spiegels gekeken te hebben reed Andy weer verder, ongeveer in noordelijke richting.

"Ik heb ze gehoord," antwoordde Andy. "Mijn broer is met zijn gezin al eerder vertrokken. Het laatste wat ik van hun heb gehoord is dat ze het nog niet gevonden hadden en dat was een paar dagen geleden."
Was hij bezorgd over het uitblijven van communicatie? Dat zeker, maar het hoefde niet te betekenen dat ze het niet hadden gehaald. Misschien waren ze gewoon de gsm kwijt, of niet in staat om op te laden. Of geen verbinding. Het onderhoud van communicatienetwerken was nu ook stilgevallen en niet alle masten zenden nog signalen uit.

Hij zag hoe Mae gaapte en besloot om maar niet te veel te vertellen, zodat ze even kon slapen als ze dat wilde. Zijn blik viel op een groepje zombies die zich blijkbaar tegoed deden aan iemand die aan de bewegingen van de benen te zien nog in leven was. Hoewel hij iets vertraagd was om te zien wat er aan de hand was, reed hij nu door. Er was jammer genoeg niets dat ze konden doen om te helpen. Dat stak iedere keer opnieuw. De reden om arts te worden was om andere mensen te helpen en de laatste tijd was hij vaker niet in staat om te helpen dan wel.
Andy turned to Dialla when she spoke. "Ah, you heard about me," Andy stated with a grin. "That's good, although I'm not really surprised. I am awesome after all." The grin faded away and his eyes hardened as kept looking at Dialla. "But since we are on threatening terms right now, let me reciprocate: if you make Niccia cry again or hurt Michael in any way, I will catch you in a fucking Pokéball. I am not joking."
The words had barely left his mouth when a scrappy looking female bounced around him. He stepped back when she moved in to hug Frosiien.

Lytse stared at Andy when he talked about catching a legendary Pokémon. "H-he can't do that, can he?"
"Well," Benny said as he sat down next to the Cyndaquil, "ever since Andy learned Darkrai had abducted his nephew twice we talked it over and decided that even legendary Pokémon are still Pokémon and therefor catchable. We even came up with a strategy for attacks to make it happen." Benny had a happy look on his face. "He had actually planned on giving that threat to Darkrai if they would ever come face to face, but I guess Dialla got the honour of hearing the threat first."

Michael held Niccia and stroke her hair as she cried. He stared at his uncle and then at Benny who explained about the threat. He hadn't even thought about that, all he had on his mind when he stood up to Dialla was that if she would attack, he wouldn't stand a chance.
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