Loksfjoer is a Contest Moderator.
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Recent Statuses

4 days ago
Current Away from home between October 26th and November 10th. Contests will return when I'm back home!
2 mos ago
Don't forget to vote in the writing contest! The link is in the sidebar <3
2 mos ago
Back from vacation, taking my time to roll back into roleplays and contests.
2 mos ago
Vacation for a week, I'm off to Finland!
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3 mos ago
Note to self: reply to RPs
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Hello everyone. I'm Dutch, a mother of a 8-year old boy and I love both rp-ing and writing. Since May 2020 I'm one of the contests mods.

I started with writing Dutch stories in 2002, I was already 19 at that time. I joined a writing competition and that got me started. Soon I started to write down all the stories my over-active imagination came up with. I had my first forum rp experience in 2003 on a Dutch fantasy forum. While I continued to write, I stopped rp-ing when the particular rp and forum slowly died. In 2011 my love for rp's rekindled when I joined a site with a forum and I started to RP solely in English since that is the language of the site. This is also when I wrote my first story in English.

I've got a few 1x1 rp's going on this site and a couple more on another site. I've always been a fan of writing competitions and I joined a lot several of the ones that were hosted on this website. Now I get to host them myself and really enjoy that too.

When you come here to check if I'm online, know that even when I show as online I might not be able to respond to RP's. I open this site so that when I have time I can spend some time here, but I don't always end up with the time to do so.

If I haven't replied in a while, feel free to poke me. I don't ghost on purpose, sometimes I just forgetful and if I read your reply and accidentally closed the tab I might forget I was supposed to reply T_T

Most Recent Posts

Benjamin listened to Duncan with a worried frown creasing his forehead.
"It is," Benjamin said as he looked at the approaching car. "Shall we pick you up somewhere?"
He went to the van first to look for the gems, keeping the cellphone at his ear. With one hand and the help of his small winged friend he went through the stuff to find them.

"We'll get you to the ocean," Mike said. "Where did you put the gems? We can't leave them here." He helped Freya up and guided her to Duncan's car while keeping an eye on the agent who fumbled with his helmet. "Is there anything else in the van that has to come?"
"Be vague about who you are," Benjamin replied. "Tell them you are new here and that you are excited about your first night. And if they ask why you aren't on the roster tell them you were asked to strengthen the team this morning and since you were unemployed you could start immediately. Just pretend to not know your way around yet or that you know them because you observed them from the shadows."

He watched Ari pick up the pillow and throw it. She may have been an aggressive spirit before, now there was no evidence of that. "I'll head back," he said. "if they catch us in an empty room we'll be in trouble. I'm not supposed to be here and you're not supposed to be with me in a room that is not mine with the door closed."

A Metagross silently joined the scene and landed the smaller Pokémon four hands.
Jirachi waved to Brock, but remained seated on the shrine and listened to the music. Then he noticed the three Johto beasts in human form and floated to them, recognizing them almost instinctively. "Why do you look human?" he asked them.

Tanter stroke his moustache as Chifferi approached them. "Niccia is forced in a human shape and she's bringing a human with her. We thought it would be a nice gesture to be that way too."
"Oh...Would she mind... if I wouldn't... I'm not sure I want to spend the few awake days I have as a human..."

James had overheard the conversation. "Miss Penalopy said she would remain in her Pokémon form regardless of how many of the others would come in their human form. She likes being, and I quote 'small and floaty'. And I'm sure miss Niccia would never ask of anyone to take a shape they aren't comfortable with."

"Yeah, I, I don't know yet. Maybe I'll change too. But, not yet." Chifferi said.

"Art," Merlin repeated with a nod of his head. "I'm called Merlin. The man with the Butterfree on his shoulder is my trainer."
From the sky he could see the shrine and some adult-looking humans who were probably legendary Pokéon in disguise.

Andy looked in Celebi's direction when Frosiien mentioned him. It was almost odd to see a legendary Pokémon in their original form, as most had introduced themselves in their human form. He noticed the Delibird walk towards him. He waited to see what Mitch wanted from him.

Michael walked with Niccia after being tugged and joined Mindy and Gavin when the Celebi decided Mindy's head was a good place to sit. An amused smile appeared when he saw how awkward Mindy felt because of that, and he translated the words for her.

Mindy stood still, not sure how to respond to a legendary Pokémon sitting on her head. Somehow she gotten used to the idea of meeting a whole bunch of legendary Pokémon, but to have one sitting on her, that had not been in any of her ideas about how this day might progress.

I got the sweetest message with the Candy Cane. Thank you so much for your kind words <3
The agent made sure the doors were properly closed and he went back to the driver's seat and started the van again. "We'll be there soon," he promised. "Phone in the escape and our current gps location," he told her.
Once again the he drove towards the facility the beasts would be kept.

When the shot was fired, Mike cringed and watched Freya slam into the van. That was not what he had wanted to happen.
"I'm not a seer," he retorted. "How could I have known this was going to happen?"

Both he and Benjamin looked back at the figure that joined them and they watched them grab Freya.
"Change of plan," Benjamin whispered.
"I'm on it~"

The fairy flew to the pistol and put her small hand on the trigger finger, whispering "poison ivy" and a light-green light appeared. It would cause temporary paralysis in the finger, or maybe with a bit of luck it would spread over the hand. She then flew to his face, revealed herself and smiled. "Starlight!" she said as she held out her hands and a bright white light flashed in his face.

Benjamin had shielded his face when the fairy had appeared and had gestured to Mike to do the same. When the light faded they moved in to free Freya from the figure's grasp. While Mike took Freya to pull her free, Benjamin grabbed the arm holding her and the fairy pulled on the gun arm; she pulled with all her might but was barely able to budge it.

As Benjamin held the arm of the assailant, he picked up his phone. "Duncan, everything okay?"
Credit where credit is due: the idea for the blinding magic comes from this video made by Viva La Dirt League
Holy Nova
Rudrig opened his laptop again as he listened to Rose and checked to see what agent was where. Two were driving, probably the ones who had the beasts in their van. When she hung up he looked up the radio frequency of the agents driving and he grabbed the microphone.
"Check your door, one of them escaped."

After that Rudrig continued to pack the essentials so he could leave the room.


The agent driving the van heard Rurdigs voice and pulled over. "Better check the cargo then," he said to the woman next to him, as he turned off the engine and moved to open the door.
He quickly exited the car and grabbed his gun in case the beasts were awake and hostile. He went around the van carefully and noticed even before he was there the door was indeed open. He oped his colleague had followed suit and went to the back from the right side.


"I'll call for some back-up," Benjamin whispered to Mike. "Try and keep her talking."

"So you don't trust us because we're human?" Mike asked as he stepped towards her when he heard Benjamin whistle. He wasn't sure what help would come with that, but if Ben thought it would work he'd have faith in the plan. "Are you a bigot then? We're humans so we must be evil and untrustworthy, is that what you're saying? You threaten to run us over to escape with technology the agency provided for you and gems that don't belong to you. You are a thief and then call us untrustworthy. You have no right to do so."

From a nearby tree a small fairy flew down; she kept her illusion magic up to stay invisible, as all fairies did. They were small and it was the best way to hide from all the large creatures dominating this world. The only one she couldn't hide for was her human friend and he had whistled. She sat down on his shoulder and looked at the van.
"Can you blind her when she tries to escape?" Benjamin whispered.
"Sure," she whispered back. A spell to cast a bright light was simple magic after all.
Benjamin entered the room and closed the door behind him. The theory about why it could be possible they both started to get mass was one he'd share later. He stayed back a bit as Dia and Ari hugged.
"Staff might get suspicious if you sit in Ray's room," he said, "especially when she's not here as she'll spend the night at the sickbay. Was Josh able to help?"

He still didn't like that person; it was hard to tell if he really was on their side. He seemed like the kind of guy that was on his own side and those were dangerous to trust. But they needed his help. Maybe they could find a trustworthy nurse too. Sara could probably help with that; she had mingled with the staff and could probably make a list of most trustworthy to least trustworthy. He decided to ask her in the morning.

Today is the last day of NaNoWrimo and it was a good one for me. I had my highest daily word count with 5826 words and I ended with 65,235 words.

My last NaNoWriMo project ended with 62,871 words, so I beat my previous record with 2364 words.

Today records were broken, my story is finished, and I couldn't be happier with the way I wrapped up NaNoWriMo :D
Welcome to the Voting and Feedback round for TDAC#2!

Voting and Feedback guidelines
  • Once you had a look at all entries you can vote for your favourite work of art, as long as it’s not based on whether or not you like the artist. Remember the theme was Rain
    It would be nice if you could share why you voted for a specific work.
  • Giving feedback is optional. When giving feedback you should be respectful and constructive. It’s good to point out what you didn’t like, but don’t be mean.
    Make sure to point out what you liked or what worked well too.
  • Contestant may and are encouraged to vote and/or give feedback as long as they don’t vote for their own entry. If contestants wish to withhold a vote and only give feedback, that is good too.
  • The entries are anonymous unless the artist asked for having their name added. That being said, artists may claim their work at any time during or after the voting period.
  • The entry with the most votes will win, but in case of a tie a Contest Mod will cast the tie-breaker vote.
  • You can vote for entries and post your feedback in this thread, but if you rather have your vote and/or feedback be anonymous you can PM it to @Calle.
  • The voting period deadline is December 7th, 9:00 CET, which is 8:00 game time (both times are in a.m.).

The Entries

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