Loksfjoer is a Contest Moderator.
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Recent Statuses

3 days ago
Current Away from home between October 26th and November 10th. Contests will return when I'm back home!
2 mos ago
Don't forget to vote in the writing contest! The link is in the sidebar <3
2 mos ago
Back from vacation, taking my time to roll back into roleplays and contests.
2 mos ago
Vacation for a week, I'm off to Finland!
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3 mos ago
Note to self: reply to RPs
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Hello everyone. I'm Dutch, a mother of a 8-year old boy and I love both rp-ing and writing. Since May 2020 I'm one of the contests mods.

I started with writing Dutch stories in 2002, I was already 19 at that time. I joined a writing competition and that got me started. Soon I started to write down all the stories my over-active imagination came up with. I had my first forum rp experience in 2003 on a Dutch fantasy forum. While I continued to write, I stopped rp-ing when the particular rp and forum slowly died. In 2011 my love for rp's rekindled when I joined a site with a forum and I started to RP solely in English since that is the language of the site. This is also when I wrote my first story in English.

I've got a few 1x1 rp's going on this site and a couple more on another site. I've always been a fan of writing competitions and I joined a lot several of the ones that were hosted on this website. Now I get to host them myself and really enjoy that too.

When you come here to check if I'm online, know that even when I show as online I might not be able to respond to RP's. I open this site so that when I have time I can spend some time here, but I don't always end up with the time to do so.

If I haven't replied in a while, feel free to poke me. I don't ghost on purpose, sometimes I just forgetful and if I read your reply and accidentally closed the tab I might forget I was supposed to reply T_T

Most Recent Posts

I'm going to vaguely describe everyone entering so that all the legendaries are there, and then write about Ho-oh joining them.

"We're just a family of good taste," Andy said with a wink when Lecrero mused about two of the same family ending up with Legendary Pokémon. He kept an eye on Varina as she talked with the big guy and nodded when he took her back. "We'll have lots of fun together," he stated.

It sounded like the conversation was over, so Michael turned around to see who was here. It still felt unreal hearing about Niccia's replacement, but he really wasn't in the position to question it. Maybe he was thinking too much as a human about it, but he would not take it well if his parents would replace him with a clone because he wasn't on the Rorie Islands where he was supposed to be.
When he made eye contact with Lytse, the small Cyndaquil ran towards him and he picked him up.
"I'm hungry..." Lytse said.

"Imagine how I feel," Mindy said. "It's my first time meeting all those Legendary Pokémon. You know how rare that is for humans? This is amazing!" she paused as she examined Xapher. "Which one of the Swords of justice are you? I'm sorry I have to ask, but I don't know many of the legendary Pokémon."

"He's silly," Penalopy said to her sister. "He thinks you have to know someone before dating them. Hasn't he heard about blind dates yet? Or is that something only humans do?" She pondered it for a while; she had spent a lot of time in human cities and had even witnessed a speed-dating event once. Very peculiar and a little strange, but that was what she loved about humans. They were all peculiar and strange, but mostly in a good way.

Ezzar had a small but kind smile on her lips. "Luckily things have been calm lately. The last time we had to fight humans because they wanted to cut down the forest and endanger the Pokémon living in it was a decade ago." She winked. "Sometimes they have to be reminded they have to share the land with Pokémon."
She glanced to the human guests. "To be honest, I'm not too fond of humans; they cause a lot of trouble with their insatiable lust for expension and domination."

Tanter nodded. "Yeah, I'll introduce you in a moment." He glanced at Seth with a pondering look in his eyes. "I understand Seth isn't human or possibly not completely human, judged by the way he tried to stop you from telling something and the way he emphasised he was completely human. So, what exactly is Seth?"

Gathaar sighed. "That is impossible, my sister is chaos itself." When he looked back he noticed her greeting Yveltal. "But I'm sure things will be fine here. She won't be bored here, so she won't have to find a form of amusement. Plus, her darling is here."
Welcome to the Voting and Feedback round for TDAC#3!

Voting and Feedback guidelines

  • Once you had a look at all entries you can vote for your favourite work of art, as long as it’s not based on whether or not you like the artist.
    It would be nice if you could share why you voted for a specific work.
  • Giving feedback is optional. When giving feedback you should be respectful and constructive. It’s good to point out what you didn’t like, but don’t be mean.
    Make sure to point out what you liked or what worked well too.
  • Contestant may and are encouraged to vote and/or give feedback as long as they don’t vote for their own entry. If contestants wish to withhold a vote and only give feedback, that is good too.
  • The entries are anonymous unless the artist asked for having their name added. That being said, artists may claim their work at any time during or after the voting period.
  • The entry with the most votes will win, but in case of a tie a Contest Mod will cast the tie-breaker vote.
  • You can vote for entries and post your feedback in this thread, but if you rather have your vote and/or feedback be anonymous you can PM it to @Calle.
  • The voting period deadline is February 15th, 9:00 CET, which is 8:00 game time (both times are in a.m.).

The Entries

Welcome to the Voting and Feedback round for RPGC#30!

Voting and Feedback guidelines
  • Please take your time to read through all the entries before voting for your favourite work. The reasons you base your vote on are up to you, as long the vote isn’t based on whether or not you like the author.
    It would be nice if you could share why you voted for a specific work.
  • Giving feedback is optional but highly encouraged. When giving feedback you should be respectful and constructive. It’s good to point out any flaws or the things you feel could be improved or why you didn't like something, but don’t be mean.
    Make sure to point out what you liked or what appreciated in the entry too.
  • Contestant may and are encouraged to vote for and give feedback for the other entries, but don’t vote for your own entry. If contestants wish to withhold a vote and only give feedback, that is good too.
  • The entries are anonymous unless the writer asked for having their name added. That being said, writers may claim their work at any time during the voting period.
  • The entry with the most votes will win, but in case of a tie a Contest Mod will cast the tie-breaker vote.
  • You can vote for entries and post your feedback in this thread, but if you rather have your vote and/or feedback be anonymous you can PM it to @Calle.
  • The voting period deadline is February 15th, 9:00 CET, which is 8:00 game time (both times are in a.m.).

The Entries

Mitch took in the words silently and nodded at the end. What was he getting himself into? But it was better than doing nothing, in the very least this sounded like an interesting mission. Dante was probably the most capable one to be in charge; he understood everyone the best. Lydral was interesting, or at least his weapon was, but unpredictable. Duncan... Mitch glanced at him, was elsewhere with his mind. It was hard to determine what he thought though.

Mike and Benjamin looked at each other as Dante addressed them.
"Don't worry about me," Benjamin said. "I won't get in your way. If you guys can get Steph out that's fine with me. I'm sure you can decide on a plan of action without our input."
"We have no experience in operations like this," Mike added. "There is nothing we can add. Besides..." he glanced to Benjamin, "if I return to the agency I might hear more of their plans."
Benjamin nodded to that; that was actually a pretty good idea.

The door opened again and a guard brought in a tray with something like a hospital meal on it: a cup of soup, a plate with three compartments filled with potatoes, a piece of meat and some boiled carrots, a pudding, and a glass of water.
"Your meal," he said as he put it on the table. Without another word he left the room again, closing it behind him and locking it.

Lily beamed when Steph called the room gorgeous and lavish. "Oh, of course you'll get books," she said. "What is the use of shelves if we don't stock them, right? Just write down a list of the books you like and I will see what I can find for you."
She turned to the door. "Meanwhile I will make sure you will get something to eat. Oh! I will ask the chef to make some Tiramisu. Ever had some? It's delicious."

Two male guards arrived at Gaia's cage, both holding tazer sticks that were a recent invention; they weren't taking any chances with this beast as it was known to be dangerous. "Come with us," one said. "Do you want your food alive or dead?"
The other opened the cage and gestured for Gaia to step outside.

"Where is the other?" the agent asked as two other agents moved in to grab Daz by his arms and drag him to the base where he could receive medical care. "The one that fought with you."
They had no visual on Harriet and it worried them. Where was she?

The last 24 hours before the deadline have begun. If anyone is still working on something, now is the time for the finishing touches and submit it.

We have 3 entries.
Don't worry about it Odin, your thesis is more important. I remember how it was when I had to write mine.
If you had an idea based on this prompt you can always write it another time.

The last 24 hours before the deadline have begun and we have 3 entries now. If anyone is still working on something, now is the time for the final proofreading and editing round.
4 days before the deadline and we have 2 entries.
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