Loksfjoer is a Contest Moderator.
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Recent Statuses

3 days ago
Current Away from home between October 26th and November 10th. Contests will return when I'm back home!
2 mos ago
Don't forget to vote in the writing contest! The link is in the sidebar <3
2 mos ago
Back from vacation, taking my time to roll back into roleplays and contests.
2 mos ago
Vacation for a week, I'm off to Finland!
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3 mos ago
Note to self: reply to RPs
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Hello everyone. I'm Dutch, a mother of a 8-year old boy and I love both rp-ing and writing. Since May 2020 I'm one of the contests mods.

I started with writing Dutch stories in 2002, I was already 19 at that time. I joined a writing competition and that got me started. Soon I started to write down all the stories my over-active imagination came up with. I had my first forum rp experience in 2003 on a Dutch fantasy forum. While I continued to write, I stopped rp-ing when the particular rp and forum slowly died. In 2011 my love for rp's rekindled when I joined a site with a forum and I started to RP solely in English since that is the language of the site. This is also when I wrote my first story in English.

I've got a few 1x1 rp's going on this site and a couple more on another site. I've always been a fan of writing competitions and I joined a lot several of the ones that were hosted on this website. Now I get to host them myself and really enjoy that too.

When you come here to check if I'm online, know that even when I show as online I might not be able to respond to RP's. I open this site so that when I have time I can spend some time here, but I don't always end up with the time to do so.

If I haven't replied in a while, feel free to poke me. I don't ghost on purpose, sometimes I just forgetful and if I read your reply and accidentally closed the tab I might forget I was supposed to reply T_T

Most Recent Posts

"Humans would react pretty much like Gavin did," Michael said. "But don't worry, I'm sure StarFall will still be a great celebration." He glanced around. "Everyone seems to be having a good time. I am worried about you though." He had a frown in his forehead. "Are you okay with the news? With being replaced?" He glanced to Gavin, who had already shown how he felt about it.

"Thank you," Lytse said as he put his paw against Bia's paw. "I'm called Lytse," he introduced himself. "At least, that is the name Michael gave me. My mother called me Ruma..." he paused as he glanced to his trainer, who was talking with Niccia. "Maybe I should tell him, but Pokémon always adopt the name their trainer gives them as their own..." He played a bit with one of the berries, rolling it around on the plate with his paw.

"I put on my finest sweater," Tanter grinned as he stroke the warm fabric. Since their father was going to catch up with Nygari, Tanter decided to talk with Heatran for a while; the fellow fire-type could be grumpy at times, but he got along with him just fine.

"She's adorable," Ezzar said as she watched Sparky doze off, before turning to the two women. "It's so nice to see you two again. How have you been?"

"So formal, Nygari," Netherlu sighed, frowning slightly as he examined her and noticed the lack the eye-contact. "Everything okay with you? You're not mad at me for being late, right?"
Had they agreed on a time? He didn't think they had, just that he would meet them here. He hadn't wanted to arrive this late of course.

"Nice to meet you," Mindy said to Koriga and she turned to Xapher. "So, ehm, the food. Is it a buffet or do we eat together at the table?" She craned her neck to see where it was, as she saw some Pokémon munching on a berry as the walked past them.

Andy flashed a smile at Varina before turning his attention to Dialla. "Well, maybe another we can hear about one your adventures then, but... I actually have no idea how Kanto people... Kantonians?" he shrugged, it didn't really matter. "I don't know how they view their legendaries, but us... Rhandonians? Rorians?" He frowned as he thought about the proper term for people from the island, or the island group. "We really need to have a meeting to decide how we call ourselves," he muttered, but made a dismissive motion with his hand and shook his head - that didn't matter now. "We don't have any legendary Pokémon ourselves," he continued as he turned his attention to Dialla again. "The only legends we have are about average Pokémon really. Rainbow Cyndaquil is one, and Volcarona is revered as almost a legendary on one of the islands. So our standing with Legendary Pokémon is less formal, as our Legends are Pokémon we can see on a daily basis."
"Nothing for you then?" the woman asked impatiently as she looked at Ray. "You can at least say 'no thank you' if you don't want anything instead of ignoring me." She gave Benjamin his tea and lingered a moment longer to wait for Ray's answer.

Benjamin took the tea and thanked her for it, smiling as he did.

The next cart started its round: the medicine cart. Benjamin kept an eye on it as the nurse placed cups with pills on the tables. That was certainly his least favourite moment of the meal. Not only did he not need them, but they also gave him a headache. He decided to report it, maybe they would stop giving these pills if he did.
That works too, Michael won't turn him down ^_^
Mitch turned to Duncan. "I need a data stick with the available information about the building," he stated. "We can come up with a plan tomorrow." His tone didn't make it sound like a gentle request, but more like a demand.

Mike turned to Dante. "They wouldn't invest their time in my study about demons if they wanted to dispose of me," he said. "I don't have any skills that are a threat to them and I am human; I don't have to fear the agency."

"I'd say that as long as they think Mike is loyal to them, they won't harm him," Benjamin said. "They'll start to be suspicious if we don't show up anymore." He turned to Mike. "Which means we should contact them about a new mission after we talked with Ethan tomorrow morning."

"You're not in a prison, dear," Lily said. "Of course dessert is allowed."
The door opened and someone brought in a tray with food, putting it on the table. The same bland meal as Rose had gotten.
"Starting tomorrow, you will get better food than this. So... you are allowed to leave your room," she handed Steph a keycard, "but you can only go to 4th floor - where we are now - and the fifth floor, where there is a sauna, a fitness room, and a lounge area with comfortable sofa's, a machine with coffee, tea and hot chocolate, and a water fountain. With the keycard you can only open your door and operate the elevator to go to the 4th and 5th floor. The other floors are restricted areas for personnel. No agents from other bases have the clearance to go there, so that has nothing to do with you."

The 4th and the 5th floor were also loaded with well-hidden security camera's, but Lily opted not to disclose that information.


The agents stepped back a bit when she rumbled. "R-right, this way please," one of them said, gesturing to the elevator that Rose had taken up. "Live food. How big do you require your prey to be. We can offer rabbits and goats now, but if you desire we can acquire larger animals too."

They started walking to the elevator, one using his keycard to open call the lift back to their floor. Moments later the doors whizzed open and the guards gestured for Gaia to get in. One of them already set the destination for the 4th floor and then stepped outside, holding the door open.
"4A is your room," he said. "It's next to the elevator. The spider-woman was put in 4C, the succubus in 4P."
It was clear they wouldn't go up with her.

"Right, this way," the agent said as he took an arm and guided Daz to the side of the building that led straight to the infirmary. "Where do you think she went?" He asked Daz. "She's supposed to report back here after a mission. We can't reach her on phone either."
He glanced to Daz several times. How was it possible he still walked? This was a high-security patient, that was for sure. A human treated as a demon.
"What are you sorry for?" Michael asked as he turned to Niccia, confusion clearly visible on his face. He reached out to cup her cheek so he could let her look up instead of down, while opening his arm so Lytse could jump down, which the Cyndaquil did.

Lytse stayed with Michael, sitting close to his feet. He watched Sparky greet his mother... it was odd to see a Pokémon call a human mother, but he quickly remembered these were all disguised Pokémon. Then he thought about his own mother and lowered his head. Was she still alive, somewhere? It had been years since he last saw her.

Netherlu spread his arms when Dera complimented his fashion. "Thank you. I'm glad to see my sense of fashion spread to my children too." He glanced to Tater and his sweater. "I mean... Well, being comfortable isn't bad either. We'll catch up in a moment, I'm going to greet Nygari."
He gave Cloud a pat on the back as he passed him and walked to the table where Nygari and Ezzar were sitting.

When Ezzar saw him approach she smiled and rose from the seat to offer it to Netherlu instead. With a faint bow of her head to Nygari, she walked away and went to Yalgai and Kyio.

Penalopy immediately went in pursuit of Saveri, going around and just missing Ezzar as she did. She let out a melodic laugh as she chased her friend around, spinning a bit. Star Fall was great!
When she saw she could catch Saveri she sped up and stretched her arms as she went straight towards him.

Mindy watched the game of tag and flashed a smile to Keldeo. This was amazing.
"So, which one is your guardian?" she asked Xapher. "Everyone has a guardian, right?"
There were so many Pokémon now; all the guardians and the teams of the human guests. Everyone seemed to get along just fine; even her Pokémon were mingling with the Guardians. Just her Lapras stood by the side, with her Onix staying close to her.

"Didn't she do great?" Andy asked. "What interesting things did you bring to Star Fall this time? Did you rescue anyone? Taken care of someone in need? Star Fall is the perfect place to boast about our heroic adventures. Although..." He looked to Varina. "We may need to come up with a more exciting story about how you ended up with me."
Nice :)

Michael still has room for two Pokémon in his team. I would like one of them to be a Riolu/Lucario, but he'll definitely take Arceus's son with him too if Arceus requests it.
"Yeah," Benjamin said, but he paused. "Well, the bread and the pre-packaged foodstuff can't be spiked, because they don't know what will end up with who and who will eat it. The porridge in the kettle won't be spiked, because everyone will eat from it. But they can spike food if they feel it's needed." He sighed as he rubbed his face. "Last night the spiked my pudding and through that way forced me to take my medicine. But... they tend to serve the porridge at the table, so they have no chance to spike it. I'd say breakfast is safe."

He took some bread and peanutbutter and started to prepare his first sandwich.

"Tea, coffee, porridge?" someone from the staff asked as she rolled the cart to their table.

"Tea, please," Benjamin said, glancing at the woman as she poured some tea in a cup.
Do you want Daz to survive? I can either take him to the sickbay as they promised or shoot him in the back of head execution-style.
Lytse tried to make himself smaller in Michael's arms when Lecrero talked to him, but he nodded and muttered a "Thank you."

Ezzar put a hand on Nygari's arm. "I'm sure there is a good explanation. No-one would let a grudge get in the way of Star Fall," she assured her.

One by one legendary Pokémon in their human form arrived, some alone, some in groups. They all seemed excited about being here and greeted those they hadn't seen for a long time, at least those that weren't catching up with another.

Penalopy left Mindy and Keldeo and floated around to say hi to everyone, soon followed by Jirachi, which then became a game of tag. After being tapped by Chifferi, Penalopy went to Celebi to try and tag him, without asking upfront whether or not Saveri was even interested in a game of tag.

A man with long wavy strawberry-blond hair and golden eyes stepped through the portal and he looked around. It seemed about everyone was here already and the food was being served. Late, but not too late. He straightened the tight red leather jacket with golden buttons he wore over a yellow shirt and looked around. He spotted Cloud first and walked to his son to greet him, but by now he had also spotted Derasin and Tanter.
"I'm glad to see you and your siblings made it," he told him when he was close enough.
After that he spotted Nygari sitting at the table

Andy went back to Frosiien now, but he kept an eye on all the new arrivals. He recalled meeting Dialla earlier that day and he wondered if she would be more pleasant this time. And whether or not it would be fun if she would be.
Benjamin moved to take Ray's arm so he could walk her to one of the tables. Baskets with bread and baskets with cups filled with butter, jelly, peanutbutter, chees spread, honey and chocolate spread were on all tables. On the tables were plates and dull butter knives - sharp knives were out of the question because some of the patients were known to self-harm, and if someone got in a sudden aggressive mood sharp knives could be dangerous.

One of the staff walked around to give people coffee or tea, or porridge if they desired. A nurse stood at the medicin cart to fill the cups for all the patients.

Benjamin gestured to one of the tables in the corner, it was a place they could at least keep an eye on who was within hearing-range if they wanted to talk about things the staff could better not hear.
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