Loksfjoer is a Contest Moderator.
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Recent Statuses

2 days ago
Current Away from home between October 26th and November 10th. Contests will return when I'm back home!
2 mos ago
Don't forget to vote in the writing contest! The link is in the sidebar <3
2 mos ago
Back from vacation, taking my time to roll back into roleplays and contests.
2 mos ago
Vacation for a week, I'm off to Finland!
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3 mos ago
Note to self: reply to RPs
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Hello everyone. I'm Dutch, a mother of a 8-year old boy and I love both rp-ing and writing. Since May 2020 I'm one of the contests mods.

I started with writing Dutch stories in 2002, I was already 19 at that time. I joined a writing competition and that got me started. Soon I started to write down all the stories my over-active imagination came up with. I had my first forum rp experience in 2003 on a Dutch fantasy forum. While I continued to write, I stopped rp-ing when the particular rp and forum slowly died. In 2011 my love for rp's rekindled when I joined a site with a forum and I started to RP solely in English since that is the language of the site. This is also when I wrote my first story in English.

I've got a few 1x1 rp's going on this site and a couple more on another site. I've always been a fan of writing competitions and I joined a lot several of the ones that were hosted on this website. Now I get to host them myself and really enjoy that too.

When you come here to check if I'm online, know that even when I show as online I might not be able to respond to RP's. I open this site so that when I have time I can spend some time here, but I don't always end up with the time to do so.

If I haven't replied in a while, feel free to poke me. I don't ghost on purpose, sometimes I just forgetful and if I read your reply and accidentally closed the tab I might forget I was supposed to reply T_T

Most Recent Posts

The nurse at the cart smiled as a mother would to her child. "Here you go, dear," she said as she put it on the table for her. "Enjoy the meal with your friends. Will you be helping us out again today?"

Benjamin looked from the nurse to Sara; surely she heard it too, the nurse didn't think of her as a member of the staff, but a patient who was allowed to help out. At least, that was his take in her words and the tone of her voice.
But he didn't have long to wonder about that; suddenly Ray snapped and went for Dia. Immediately Benjamin jumped up and grabbed Ray's arm.
"What the hell, Ray! What's wrong with you?"

Benjamin wasn't the only one who had reacted; two male nurses rushed to the scene to save a fellow nurse from an aggressive patient.
"I have high powered normal guns at my disposal," Mitch assured him as he looked over the elemental gun a second time. At least Dante seemed to know what he was talking about, and he was highly disappointed in what Lydral considered a good gun and his lack of understanding of the weapon. "But I would like to use this one," he added. "If you'll let me."

He too heard the movement upstairs, but he figured it was Duncan. Also because Dante didn't react to it.

The agent nodded and entered the elevator. He gave the boy the keypass and showed him the buttons for the 4th and the 5th floor - the only floors he was allowed to enter.
On the 4th floor he showed the boy his room.
"They are serving chocolate cake in the recreation area on the 5th," he informed the boy.

Meanwhile, on the 5th floor, Lily entered with a big pre-sliced chocolate cake in her hands. "Hello my darlings~" she greeted them. "Gaia hasn't come yet? Doesn't matter. Look what I brought! It smells absolutely divine - the cook has outdone himself."
She put it on the table and opened a cupboard with carton plates in it.

Ethan listened to the agents who were with him when he suddenly heard Gaia. He looked around but didn't see her. Then he realised he hadn't heard her voice, but her thoughts. But how was he supposed to answer the question? He was no fucking telepath. But... he could at least give it a try.
'Yeah, I am,' he thought, doing his best to think it to Gaia, but he had no idea if it worked.

It was strange to just go to the movies when friends were prisoners, another friend was getting ready to hunt down vampires, and other friends planning on doing a dangerous mission. Mike glanced at Benjamin and voiced his thoughts. Benjamin nodded and admitted he felt the same, but since they couldn't do anything to help any of them, they might as well try to enjoy themselves.

With the popcorn they went into the room that would show their movie and picked their seats. Unbeknownst to them, an agent of the agency entered the same room and took a seat in the row behind them. He munched on some popcorn, but kept an eye on them.

"... I think..." Benjamin began slowly, trying to decide how to bring it gently, "it's considered inappropriate for a staff member to eat with the patients." He paused when one of the nurses came to the table with the cart of tea, coffee and porridge.
He was getting more and more convinced they had led Sara to believe she was a full member of the staff, when she in reality was considered a patient who was allowed to take on some extra work and assist the staff. But was it really his place to tell Sara if she thought she was part of the staff?

The nurse smiled at Sara. "would you like something warm from the cart, dear?" she asked her.
Michael stood still as he was being circled by Doral. Fashionable? It wasn't a word he'd use to describe himself, but he wouldn't disagree with it. Maybe he had a decent taste of fashion? Suddenly something slammed into the back of his knees; his knees buckled and he fell forward.
Sitting on his hands and knees, Michael looked back to see what had happened when he noticed a Pokémon. He got up and brushed off his hands.
"Are you okay?" he asked.

Bear looked at Bia as she mentioned he might find a sparring partner. When the Croagunk appeared he jumped up. "You! Let's battle!"
Merlin rolled his head and then shook it.

"H-H-Ho-oh?" Lytse squeaked as he cowered. "Talk to Ho-oh himself. N-no thanks..." He did not feel ready to talk to a legendary Pokémon. Maybe if Michael was with him. Or maybe he could get Andy to do it.
Merlin tilted his head at the cowering Cyndaquil. "I'll remind him," he said and he flew away.

"I understand," Nethan said, nodding slowly. "Being stuck in a cave all day isn't exciting, and having no choice in the matter would frustrate me too. But Arceus knows what he is doing, I'm sure of that." He gave him a small pat on the shoulder. "Let's get something to drink, don't be a loner at this party."

"A pleasure," Mindy said. "I'm Mindy, human. You probably saw plenty of my kind in your life." She laughed a little, moving to grab a drink from the table. This was awesome, and Storm seemed nice. They were all nice so far and she felt welcome here, amongs all these humna-looking legendaries.

Andy chuckled. "I have no doubt you would have made this party even more special."
"Blue ones, of course," Ilios said as he joined them. "This party doesn't have enough blue decorations."
"Blue is a beautiful colour," Andy agreed, winking at Frosiien.

Merlin joined them as well and nodded a polite greeting to the three legendary Pokémon in human form. "Remember that theory you formed about Ho-oh and the Rainbow Cyndaquil?" he asked, but he flew away before Andy could comment on that. All he had wanted to do was to plant the seed and maybe he'd ask Ho-oh and maybe he wouldn't.
"I'm not convinced they work," Benjamin admitted, although he appreciated the thought. "Especially when they are made by people who don't know how they are supposed to work. If it's made by someone with spiritual knowledge they mightwork, but I couldn't create one even if I knew the technique of making one."

He looked up when he noticed Sara entered the mess hall. For the first time since he had met her, she looked more like a patient than a staff-member. And judging by the whispers and glances of some of the nurses, they too saw her as a patient who was allowed to help out the staff.

Benjamin returned the wave and beckoned her to join them. While he was done eating, she might appreciate some company while she had her breakfast.
Two weeks until the deadline!
No entries yet, and for those who haven't started and wonder if there is enough time: there is. There was a contest in which everyone wrote stories in just 12 days for every round of the contest.
At least it made Ray smile, that was a good thing. And granted, it was a good dream. He too had smiled when he thought back to his dream and the absurdity of it.

"Yes, no nightmares about this place yet," Benjamin replied. "But give it a few days, I'm sure they will start" He sighed and scratched his head. "The first night here I did have a bad dream in which I got dragged into darkness by something while my parents watched, which obviously was a reflection of how betrayed I felt for them not doing anything to keep me out of this place."

Was... I supposed to do something here? I can't remember
When Trevor entered the house he glanced around to take in where everything was and where the exits were. He narrowed his eyes at Tristan's hand under the table, but he knew he would do the same thing when strangers would come into his house. Even the curt tone reminded him of himself. At first impression, he appreciated this man. He was careful and could defend himself when needed.

He sighed when the girl came in crying about dragons. Of course, maybe Noble's beast had been able to hide fairly well, but not the big old dragon.
"I've killed a dragon before," Trevor told the girl. "Don't worry about the dragon outside; it's old and weak and I can kill it with ease if it turns out to be a threat."

Mikhal glanced around the meadow - it seemed like a good campsite and there was water. Granted, it was under the surface, but if they really needed it he was sure Meria could get it for them. For now he still had his waterskin. He put his bag and the lute he carried under his cloak on his back on the ground and started collecting twigs and branches so they could get a fire going.

Linda flew into the meadow with her small arms full of yellow berries that were similar to the kind of berries growing on a Rowan tree.
"We make this into a paste with some flowers. Be right back!" And off she flew again to collect more ingredients for treating Mercury's paw.

Meanwhile Meria walked around the meadow with the small water dragon in her arms. She smiled watching Terasivas scurry around.
"If there is no surface water here, I can bring some to the surface if someone needs it," she said as she looked at her companions.

Fiona watched the two dragons play with an amused look on her snout. It was nice to see them have fun.

"It's good to see one of the Order alive," Rachel said. "Have you seen any of the others?
At least the base wasn't compromised - she had feared this place would be swarming with soldiers of the king, but that wasn't the case. Still, it was quiet here. Much more than she was used to. Had the others survived?

Mitch assessed the rifle as he listened to the information and he put it on the table next to him as he listened to the explanation of the handgun. This time he showed more interest.
"That rifle," he said, gesturing to the gun he had put aside, "that weapon won't do. It is unpredictable and I can't use unpredictable weapons. If a weapon has a chance to turn something into a threat, it's a terrible weapon to use. Find a way to sterilize the moss and I'm interested. My suggestion is to destroy the rounds you have now if there is no way to test for contamination." He gestured to the handgun Dante was holding. "Now that does sound like a good weapon. But those gems are dangerous, aren't they? Mike told me about them. What is the risk for a human wielder?"

"If you want to swim you'll have to stay in the tank," the agent growled. "The room, as I was told is 3 by 5 metres, and 3 metres up. The pool is 2 by 3 and 1,5m deep; you'll have to climb up some stairs to get on to the platform and into the pool. The rest of it is a room with a climbing frame and a swing at one end, and a bed, a small table and a chair on the other. It's a take it or leave it deal."

"Ma'am," one of the staff said and Lily joined him. She watched Steph watch herself in the mirror and her fingers trailed longingly over the glass. "You are my special prize, aren't you? Oh, we will have fun~" She turned to the man next to her. "Do we know where her object of desire is?"
"Going to the cinema with a friend, ma'am."
"Good, keep an eye on him."
She looked at Steph a final time and stepped away to observe Gaia for a bit, who didn't seem interested in leaving her room just yet. Another prize she would have fun with. And her darling Rose was already moving to the next floor - what a compliant girl. How terrific.

Benjamin and Mike entered the movie theatre and bought tickets for something that was advertised as a historic drama. It was the best option there, the others were a romantic comedy which neither of them was really interested in, a sci-fi monster-hunting story and a story about a haunted house. They practically lived sci-fi monster-hunting and Benjamin never felt pleased about the displaying of ghosts and ghostly activities in movies - it wasn't accurate at all.
"Popcorn?" Mike suggested.
"Sure, we still have 20 minutes before the movie starts."
So they stood in the line of the popcorn stall and talked about the last time each had been at a place like this.

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