Loksfjoer is a Contest Moderator.
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Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current Away from home between October 26th and November 10th. Contests will return when I'm back home!
4 mos ago
Don't forget to vote in the writing contest! The link is in the sidebar <3
4 mos ago
Back from vacation, taking my time to roll back into roleplays and contests.
5 mos ago
Vacation for a week, I'm off to Finland!
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6 mos ago
Note to self: reply to RPs
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Hello everyone. I'm Dutch, a mother of a 8-year old boy and I love both rp-ing and writing. Since May 2020 I'm one of the contests mods.

I started with writing Dutch stories in 2002, I was already 19 at that time. I joined a writing competition and that got me started. Soon I started to write down all the stories my over-active imagination came up with. I had my first forum rp experience in 2003 on a Dutch fantasy forum. While I continued to write, I stopped rp-ing when the particular rp and forum slowly died. In 2011 my love for rp's rekindled when I joined a site with a forum and I started to RP solely in English since that is the language of the site. This is also when I wrote my first story in English.

I've got a few 1x1 rp's going on this site and a couple more on another site. I've always been a fan of writing competitions and I joined a lot several of the ones that were hosted on this website. Now I get to host them myself and really enjoy that too.

When you come here to check if I'm online, know that even when I show as online I might not be able to respond to RP's. I open this site so that when I have time I can spend some time here, but I don't always end up with the time to do so.

If I haven't replied in a while, feel free to poke me. I don't ghost on purpose, sometimes I just forgetful and if I read your reply and accidentally closed the tab I might forget I was supposed to reply T_T

Most Recent Posts

"I hope we'll be able to help him," Michael agreed. If his father was okay, that'd be one worry less. Necrozoma's problem wouldn't be easily solved, but he was certain they'd be able to help. They both had a great team of Pokémon companions after all.
"Who is Vatier and what do we need to do for him?" Lytse asked. He had been with these legendary's and he wasn't aware of what Michael and Niccia had discussed at the gate.

"I do," Andy replied when Puth said he did fantastic work. "Thank you. And if it'll ease your worries, I can speak to Pokémon now, but I can't use any of what they tell me for research as I will need to prove my wild theories," he explained. "If I were to make a report on Starfall and all the human-looking legendary Pokémon drinking berry juice, I'd get thrown out of the lab pretty quickly for being unscientific and making up very unbelievable things."

"Very noble of you," Harcu said. "I never felt like that over my siblings. I wouldn't let harm come to them if I could stop it, all life is sacred after all, but I feel no urge to protect them. They can take care of themselves." He nodded a bit to himself. "The sibling vibe does seems to be strong among Mew and Mewtwo. I wonder how it will play out for them, the one who seems to be most concerned about the new Mew is that Furret over there. She'd make a fine Guardian is she didn't belong to a human trainer already."

"Shall we have a look?" Jirachi floated a bit in the direction of Kim and the snoozing young one. "I think this is the first Starfall we had someone hatch!"
Morrison halted at the entrance and glanced left and right before going outside. He stayed close to the wall and waited for the others to join him as he kept his eyes on the area around them. Of course Ethan was a full agent, but he was also young and Morrison would make sure he'd make it out alive.

Ethan joined him outside, he too kept his guard up as they waited for the other two to join them. The sound of an owl came from a nearby tree and something flew past them, a bat probably. It was too small to be dangerous. There was another sound and he aimed his gun at a bush, but through the infrared he saw what looked like an imp. Harmless, really. He had seen the creatures on his first assignment with Gaia and he had caged several of them. Mike had smiled when he had told him about it, saying that if the bars hadn't been made of silver or iron, they weren't likely to keep imps in. It had been a wooden cage. At first he had felt annoyed to have been sent on a pointless task, but he had realised it was probably a test to see if he could catch them, not to keep them prisoner. Probably a good thing, he wouldn't want the little created to explode with the rest of the building.
Fenna had joined the fallen commander, but it looked like the fighting was over. She stayed silent when he called over the druid and listened to his words, even though they weren't directed at her. The skeleton's heart? Was that what had emitted the purple beams?

She frowned as the commander explained about the war. She had to agree with him, stone coffins indeed didn't simply fall from the sky in normal situations and how they had gotten here was a mystery to her as well.

An army of the undead was unlikely to be the good guys, especially since they attacked a village like this. They would have killed that girl if they hadn't intervened. Fenna cast her eyes to the ground as she thought about it. War was something she only read about or saw on the news, never had she experienced fear or death as closely as now. And having to see your fallen comrades be resurrected and fight against you, that had to be awful. Fenna wasn't sure how she felt about being destined to do something in this strange world, it all sounded very important and there wasn't much reason to believe she could make a difference, but these villagers seemed even less capable of doing so.

She nodded to Adam when he said he'd do it. "I'm in," she said. "I understand there is haste, but I agree that if we're going to travel for two days on foot we'll need to have some supplies with us, food and water at the very least. And a small rest for the injured." She glanced at the satchel the guard carried, 1000 silver? They'd have to split that, the satchel seemed rather heavy and would definitely hinder if they were going off-road.
“I know, honey,” Fenna soothed the girl. “We will go to her as soon as we can.” When she noticed the skeleton climing the tree she pulled her dagger and tensed the muscles in her leg to give a good kick, when suddenly a falcon swooped in and attacked the skeleton. She locked eyes with the falcon feeling a sense of familiarity as the moment seemed to last an eternity. As the falcon flew away, Fenna turned her attention back to the child. "It's okay, we'll go down once it's safe."

She pulled the child closer when the purple beams emitted from, whatever it was. Selica asked with a high-pitched voice what that was and Fenna couldn't explain it. Much to her delight, it seemed to frighten the skeletons.
"I don't know what it was, but it's getting rid of the monsters. Can you climb?" When the child nodded, Fenna put her foot on a lower branch. "I'll climb down first, you'll follow me."

Selica gasped and pointed, Fenna turned her head just in time to see another sarcophagus fall. "That's okay honey, there are no monsters in those." It looked like the one she and the others had arrived in, she was fairly confident she wasn't lying to the child.

Once they stood on the soil once more, it was evident the skeletons didn't pay any attention to them. "I'll take her to her mother," she told the two that were with her and she grabbed Selica's hand. "Quick, we can catch up with your mother."
The child ran as fast as she could and Fenna made sure to match her speed. When they reached the gate, only two people were still in the village: Segreant Harold and Selica's mother.

As soon as the girl laid eyes on her mother she let go and ran towards her.
"Thank you," the mother said as she picked up the girl. "I don't know how to repay you."
"Just leave," Fenna urged. "It's not over yet."
She turned around and headed back into the village to see where she could be of assistance.
No, that's fine. She'll focus on the child then ^_^
Could Fenna shoot the Ogres from her position in the tree?
"right, yes, that's true, thanks for reminding me." Netherlu turned to Michael. "I saw some resemblance, and now that I look at you, I see some resemblance here as well. But! as I said, don't be disappointed if I'm wrong. I can barely tell one Hoothoot from the other as well. Sure, there are some feather variations, but I'm sure you get what I mean."
"I understand," Michael said. "Thank you, though. The hospital is a good place to start."
"I'll even come along," Netherlu offered, although it didn't sound like a question. More like a statement.

When Niccia joined them, Michael turned to her and smiled. "He had some hopeful news for me, after this party we need to visit a hospital."
"And I will be joining you," Netherlu repeated. "And yes Niccia," he added as he spread his arms. "I am as fabulous as always, I'm sure you noticed."

"Researcher," Andy answered the question. "And one of three candidates to take over from Maple as the Pokémon professor of our region," he added and grinned. "Although she doesn't like me, so I doubt that position will go to me. The only reason she hasn't kicked me out of her lab is because I do good work."

Harcu nodded slowly as he looked towards his sister. "We get along. We have our differences and can be opposites, but we have mutual respect for each other and we do also complement each other." He turned his attention back to Gavin. "How is it between you and Mew? Your situation is different than ours so I don't think you can really compare, right?"

"they haven't as far as I know, they were as shocked as the rest of us." He gestured to Kim and the small Mew. "the new Mew hatched from the egg like moments ago too, I don't think it even has a Guardian yet. I know that furret isn't a guardian, that one came with one of the humans."
"Yeah, I did," Ethan replied. "We're good to go." He glanced over his shoulder when he heard something. "Let's hurry. Who knows how many of those things there are."

Morrison nodded to agree and led the way out. Barrow waited for the young ones to follow so he could guard the rear. One lesser demon crossed their path, but Morrison quickly took it out. At least there were no more vampires on the inside, but it still wasn't safe outside. He heard something that sounded like a sheep or a goat. Bait, probably. This place was set up for demolishment, and anything they could lure inside before it happened was a monster less to worry about.

He hoped they had only placed animal baits... he shook his head. Of course they had only placed animal baits, the few times they had used human bait was when a team was ready to defend the bait.
Benjamin shook his head when the faint crackling sound hit his hear, but he didn't think anything of it. He was lost in thought as he wandered around the building, thinking about what he had seen and heard ever since he got here. Meeting Simon first, then Ray, then learning Simon had died. The lack of windows was getting on his nerves and he went to his room so he could at least glance through the small, barred window, but the room was too small for his liking and he left again.
He was trapped here and the only way out if when his hallucinations were under control. All he had to do was lie and say he hadn't seen anything; but would they believe it?
a girl accompanied by a nurse was pulling her hair and muttering something incomprehensible.

"Oh, Benjamin," the nurse said. "It's good that I see you. You are to report to the head nurse. All mobile patients that have medication that can be taken outside the meals are to take them in her office."
Benjamin didn't reply.
"Understood," Benjamin sighed. They really wanted him to take those damn pills and they made it harder to fake taking them. He rubbed his face. He wanted to leave this damned place, he couldn't even speak with his family as calls were prohibited in the first months of treatment and for troublesome patients. He closed his eyes. He missed his friends and family, and while he had made some new friends, it couldn't compare to those he had known all his life.
Fenna was just behind Clive, her mind racing as she moved to the nearest skeleton. Armed with a bow and daggers, how was she supposed to fight a living skeleton? There was nothing to stab or pierce to make it bleed out. How was it even alive? She ducked when one of them swung its sword at her and it stumbled as the speed of the sword pulled it off balance. She grabbed the ribcage, pulled the skeleton back as she put her leg forward to trip it and threw it on the ground. She stomped on the skull with her boot and shattered the bone.

One of the skeletons got close the tree and the girl screamed. Fenna ran to it from behind, thrust her dagger between the neck and skull, snapped off the skull and threw it at one of the other skeletons.
"It's okay," she said to the girl. "We'll get you out of here."

Her eyes moved over the scene to take it in. The swords these creatures wielded were larger than her daggers and that was a disadvantage, nor could she use her bow. She glanced up the tree again. Maybe...
"I'll shoot them from above," she announced as she sheathed her dagger and grabbed the tree to climb in. Maybe she'd see a good way out from above as well. If her work in the normal world had taught her anything it was that trees could be great allies.
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