Loksfjoer is a Contest Moderator.
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Current Don't forget to vote in the writing contest! The link is in the sidebar <3
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Back from vacation, taking my time to roll back into roleplays and contests.
2 mos ago
Vacation for a week, I'm off to Finland!
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Note to self: reply to RPs
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Deadline is approaching! There is still time to submit your entries ^_^


Hello everyone. I'm Dutch, a mother of a 8-year old boy and I love both rp-ing and writing. Since May 2020 I'm one of the contests mods.

I started with writing Dutch stories in 2002, I was already 19 at that time. I joined a writing competition and that got me started. Soon I started to write down all the stories my over-active imagination came up with. I had my first forum rp experience in 2003 on a Dutch fantasy forum. While I continued to write, I stopped rp-ing when the particular rp and forum slowly died. In 2011 my love for rp's rekindled when I joined a site with a forum and I started to RP solely in English since that is the language of the site. This is also when I wrote my first story in English.

I've got a few 1x1 rp's going on this site and a couple more on another site. I've always been a fan of writing competitions and I joined a lot several of the ones that were hosted on this website. Now I get to host them myself and really enjoy that too.

When you come here to check if I'm online, know that even when I show as online I might not be able to respond to RP's. I open this site so that when I have time I can spend some time here, but I don't always end up with the time to do so.

If I haven't replied in a while, feel free to poke me. I don't ghost on purpose, sometimes I just forgetful and if I read your reply and accidentally closed the tab I might forget I was supposed to reply T_T

Most Recent Posts

"I'm sure he'll manage," Benny decided, after which he listened to what Acreus had to say about StarFall. "Maybe Darkrai will be able to attend next time as well," he said, eternally optimistic and he glanced at Michael, Niccia and Eros. "The little dude seems happy there, but then again, Michael is a good kid with tasty treats." He paused here, glancing to Sparky as he knew she also had something to ask.

"It's nice being held, Lytse commented. "But I suppose not all Pokémon like that. Some don't even like to be touched, like Merlin. He's doesn't like anyone touching his feathers. He'll preen immediately after, I'm not sure if it's vanity or something else."
"Now that you mention it," Michael said, "I've always seen Merlin around, but he always stays a few feet away from everyone. And when he fights he never does physical attacks."

"A Pokémon League?" Andy said as he approached them, having only caught that part of the conversation. "There are plenty to watch. I, of course, think the Rorie League is the best."
"That's what we were talking about," Kim said.
"Okay, and Benny went to the big guy I see. I'm going to collect those two sleepy heads over there and then I'm ready to go." As he said that he walked towards the snoozing Primeape and Noctowl.
Kim turned to Frossien. "He does that sometimes," she said in an almost apologetic tone, "say something and then immediately do something.

After the meeting with James, Fenna had gone to bed. First she had finished her ale in the quiet room and then removed her leather armour so she could go to bed in her undergarments. Although she was exhausted, sleep didn't want to come. Her mind was still processing the fight. In an attempt to stop that, she forced her mind to something that had puzzled her: how had she gotten here? Some of the others had publicly talked about dying, but she had no recollection of that happening herself. With nothing to distract her, she thought back to the last moment she recalled before waking up in the stone box (she refused to call it a coffin or a sarcophagus, or whatever fancy name death boxes could have). She was in the forest, with a colleague. They had parked the car and were outside, she hadn't eaten or drank anything out of the ordinary. Now it was a process of elimination. Signs of a heart attack? No. The sound of snapping branches or falling trees? No. The sound of an approaching vehicle? No. Pain? No. The only thing she could recall was a feeling of light-headedness, or maybe not light-headedness but a general sensation of feeling light. Then darkness and waking up in this world with her ranger gear. She sighed, she still didn't know how she got here.

Eventually she fell asleep, but the early light of day woke her up. Unlike the previous morning where she woke up amid other people, she was alone now. Her bed was empty. How were her husband and children doing? How she missed them. However small the chance was, trying to find a way back to them was what kept her going.

After she put on her leather armour again, she left the room, went downstairs and watched the sleeping Zell with a shake of her head, and went outside. Her eyes scanned the nearby roofs and sky. Where are you, darling, she thought to herself.
As she followed the main road towards the nearest gate, she heard the familiar sounds of a bird of prey. She extended her arm and her falcon companion flew down.

"There you are. I hope you had a good night." She smiled as the falcon looked back at her. "I've been thinking about it, and I'll name you Sil, after my grandmother, who loved the forest as much as I did." With no objections from the falcon, she walked around until she found a baker and bought herself a loaf of sweet bread, with honey and dried fruit in it.
Winner of RPGC #37: The royal life

The Starless Kingdom, by @Nymian


If you find yourself alone in the dark, beware - for you might just find yourself in Starless Kingdom. A place where the lost find themselves, and where suffering finds the lost. It wasn’t always so - for it used to be named Starlight Kingdom, where the stars seemed to shine just for them. Starlight Kingdom used to be a lively, bustling place - stars dancing in the sky, lighting the way. See, the stars were their only source of natural light. You have the sun, the moon, and the stars. They just had the night sky, and the stars to guide their way. Under the stars, the people were happy and safe. The kingdom earned its name when Galixi, God of the Stars, took back their only light source when his own had extinguished. The light in his life, a star called Lumses, had vanished. Lumses was rumored to glow so brightly her energy soaked into those in her presence, lending great benefits. Though the powers one would possess were just whispers, it was said that they could do great things. Angry, Galixi punished Starlight Kingdom - for he knew that the king, Icas, had stolen her.

You have taken my light, so I shall take yours.

The stars began to flicker brilliantly before disappearing. Soon the last one fluttered out, letting darkness spill across the land. Only a soft glow bounced in the distance.

“Where are you taking me?” Lumses cried out, as Icas dragged her along behind him, latched onto her wrist.

“Somewhere you’ll be safe.” Icas replied, trudging further along. “Somewhere Galixi will never find you.” It was Icas’ intentions to hide her away in a room he had built underneath his castle.

“You realize that he will destroy your kingdom searching for me.” Icas stopped and turned to face the star.

“That doesn’t matter. The one that possesses you yields great power, or so it is told. As long as I have you, I can do anything. I can destroy Galixi.”

“You fool. You can’t stop Galixi, and he will not stop until he gets what he wants. He is a god. You are but a king. A mere mortal.”

“But with you, to my people I will be a god. I will hold unimaginable power, and no one will be able to stop me.”

Lumses tried to come up with a rebuttal. She wanted to stall him, distract him to try to get away, because she feared what was to come. Her power in the wrong hands could corrupt the wielder.


Thunder echoed in the distance conveying Galixi’s fury. Lighting danced across the sky. Icas dragged Lumses what felt like miles below the castle. Finally reaching their destination, Icas threw Lumses in a room, tied a chain made of silver around her ankle, and left shutting the door behind him. The door, Lumses noticed, locked from the outside. She looked around the room, which only qualified as a room in the sense that it had four walls and a ceiling, and noticed that they were so far under the castle that there were no windows except for a small, barred cutout in the door. The only things in the room were herself, and a bare cot. She knew Galixi would find her if he could see her shine.

Lumses centered herself, and tried to unleash her power - hoping that if she shined bright enough, it would penetrate the walls, the earth, everything. She started to shine but it fizzled out.

Icas watched from the other side of the door.

“You can try all you want but your powers won’t work down here. The chain tied to your ankle is of a special kind. Binds anything tied with it, and any powers those bound by it may possess.”

Lumses looked down at the rope and tried to remove it. She looked for the knot so she could untie it, but couldn’t find anything.

“My dear - it’s an enchanted chain.” Icas chuckled, amused. “You can’t simply untie it. I bought it from a traveling witch in Stormhold. With word being that some witches are tricksters, I was worried I was sold nothing more than a silver trinket. So far, I feel it is a very useful purchase.”


King Icas had a son, Prince Keiren, his only child and next in line for the throne. The queen died during childbirth, and the king never remarried - leaving the king to rule alone and pass on this legacy to his son. After the queen died, King Icas’ heart grew cold and he sought to fill the rot that begun to take over. As he raised Keiren to be fit for the throne, he found ruling with terror and flaunting his power to be fulfilling. A terrorized, submissive kingdom proved to be much easier to control. But not nearly easy enough. He needed more. From then on, he set out to find anything said to bring him power. When Keiren reached a suitable age for understanding tales, Icas would sit him down each night and tell him stories of how one could possess the utmost power if they managed to catch a star.

“A real star? Like up in the sky?” Asked a young Keiren.

King Icas chuckled. “Yes, a real star. And one day, you will have one for yourself to rule with, for we will find one and I will pass it onto you once you take over the throne.”

“How do we get a star?” Keiren asked.

“You have to wait for one to fall. Or, steal it from a god.”


As the years passed and Keiren grew, the staff grew to loathe him, for he was nothing but a spoiled, entitled brat. There were no consequences for him, being the prince, and the king overlooked any wrong doings. He wreaked absolute havoc throughout the castle, becoming a nuisance. As he got older, he took to evading the staff looking after him and exploring the castle. One afternoon, as he was exploring the dungeon, he discovered a tunnel. Peaking his curious, adventurous nature, he followed it. The tunnel went on for what seemed like ages, and it seemed to be going further down below the castle. Finally, he reached a large room, with a door at the other side of it. He crossed the room to the door and peered in through the barred window. A woman with long, golden blonde hair in a pale blue silky dress lay on a cot with a silver chain attached to her ankle.

“What is it now, Icas?” She called, uninterested as she stared at the ceiling with her hands clasped atop her stomach.

“Who are you?” Keiren asked, trying to piece together what his father done.

Lumses sat up to look through the window to see Keiren staring at her.

“I should ask you the same thing. The only one that comes to see me is King Icas. My name is Lumses. And you are?”

“Prince Keiren.” He replied sternly. “Why does my father have you so far down here? What have you done?” He asked.

“What have I done?” She asked, taken aback. “Your father stole me and brought me here. He chained me to this cot with this enchanted silver chain, and has kept me down here for many years. I have done nothing.”

“Why did he bring you here?” He pressed further.

“He stole me from a god and hid me down here so no one would find me.”

“Why did he steal you from a god?”

“Because I’m a star. Anyone who possesses me hold great power.” She told him quietly. Keiren looked down, and then back at Lumses. He started to remember the stories his father would tell him when he was a child. So the stories were true.

“I’m going to find a way to get you out of here.” He told her. Currently, he had nothing to unlock or break this door. Surely his father had a key, he just had to find it.

“I’ll be back.” Keiren announced, turning to head back up the tunnel in search of something to free the star.


His next stop was his father’s study. He sauntered into the study, checking to see if his father was there. His father must’ve been out, as it stood empty. He checked the hall to see if there was anyone there. With the coast clear, he checked his father’s desk. Nothing but scrolls, quills, and ink sat atop the desk. He noticed a single drawer, and pulled it open. A small gold key, and a knife lay in the center. He hastily snatched up the items, shoving them in his coat pocket, closed the drawer and made his way back towards the tunnels.

“Ah, Keiren, there you are.” Boomed King Icas from the end of the hall, behind Keiren. He was headed to his study. “I’ve been looking all over for you boy.”

Keiren turned around “I’ve been out on the grounds milling about.” He said, which wasn’t unusual for him. At this point he had uncovered every nook and cranny and had found every good hiding place for when he wanted solace.

King Icas nodded and cleared his throat. “Yes, well, I need you to do something for me. Now that you’re of age to go out on your own, I need you to run a note over to a friend in a nearby kingdom.” He gestured for Keiren to follow him back to his study. He rounded his desk and stood in front of his chair, reaching for a tied scroll on his desk.

“Please run this over to Asterin. Here’s a map to take with you.” Icas handed him both the scroll and a folded map, which Keiren placed in the same pocket he stashed the key and knife in.

“The journey should take you no more than a week there and back. Staff should have your provisions ready in the stable with your horse prepared. You should leave immediately.”

Keiren bowed his head. “Yes sir, I will.”


Keiren made his way down the hall from his father’s study briskly. Once he was far enough away, he ensured there was no one around and made his way back to the tunnel. He rushed down the tunnel and into the large room, throwing the key into the lock.

“I’m back, but we have to hurry. My father wants me to take a note to a friend of his in Asterin.”

“Asterin? That’s where I’m from! But why would your father send you to Asterin?”

Keiren had entered the cell and took out the pocket knife, cutting the chain around Lumses’ ankle.

“I’m unsure of that myself, but if you want out of here this is your chance.” He took the chain and wrapped it around her waist, and the other end around his.

“You’ll need to stick behind me. This is simply to prevent us from getting separated, but we’ll have to move quickly. I’ve been instructed to leave immediately.” He wasn’t going to drag her behind him, but they needed to hurry.


Keiren made his way to the stables with Lumses in tow, making sure no one was following. Once at the stable he loaded his horse with the supplies that had been set aside for him, and threw Lumses on before climbing on himself. They set out for Asterin.

Once they were far enough away from Starless, Keiren stopped to pull out the map. A note fell out.

I know you found my star. I am proud of you, my boy, but if it’s power you want you’ll have to fight for it.

Years ago when you were but a boy, I stole the star from Asterin. Galixi, angry, took our stars away. I ruled with great power for a long time, but without someone to share it with it is useless. I miss your mother. I would give the world to share this with her.

In your gear the staff packed for you, you should have spied a sword. This is not any sword, this is the sword to defeat gods. You’ll need it to vanquish Galixi. Vanquish Galixi, and the star will be yours completely. The knife, as you’ve come to find, is a special knife. It pairs with the chain. Unless you’re a witch, the knife allows the holder to cut the chain. Otherwise, the thing bound by the chain is bound until death.

Come back alive, and I will give you the kingdom.

Your father,

King Icas

Keiren had spied a sword, but it was not common to go without one. He untied the scroll and opened it to see what he was sending to Asterin.


I, King Icas, stole your star all those years ago. Duped by a mortal! Oh, what joy that brought me. I’ve grown tired of her. How do you live with all her power?

I relinquish her to you.

I thank you for letting me borrow your precious trinket.

Yours truly,

King Icas

What a fool his father was. He was sending him on a suicide mission. He knew that Galixi would do anything to get back his star, including killing his own son.

“Keiren? Is everything okay? Are we lost?” Lumses asked from behind, still wrapped around him. Keiren handed her the note and the letter.

“Your father is a fool, but I told him as much the night he took me away. He’s sending you to die. You are no match against Galixi.”

“Yes but it says if I do, you’re mine. I can set you free if you’re free of Galixi.”

“Keiren, that’s a fool’s mission. You’ll die.”

“We have to try.” He grabbed the sword and slung it across his back, and they set off again.


After a day and a half of travel, thunder boomed off in the distance. They were nearing their mark. As they got closer to Asterin, it started to rain, getting heavier the closer to Asterin they got. Soon, it was raining so hard they couldn’t see a thing.

Lumses shrieked. “Let me go!” She was ripped from the horse. Seconds after, Keiren was ripped from the horse as well, still chained to Lumses. Some large brute had her slung over his shoulder, dragging Keiren along on the ground. He grabbed the knife tucked in his pocket and cut the silver chain around his waist, freeing him. The heavy rain blanketed the brute and Lumses and Keiren lost them.

“Keiren!” Lumses called out in the distance. He made his way towards her voice.


Once inside the gates of Asterin, the rain cleared. He made his way to the castle. Guards stopped him.

“Name and business.” The guard timbered.

“Prince Keiren, of Starless Kingdom. I come bearing news from King Icas.”

“The king of Starless would send his own son?” The guard laughed, a guttural laugh from deep in his belly. “Your father is a fool. He has sent you on a death trip. Follow me.” The guard motioned for Keiren to follow, leading him to Galixi.


Galixi sat in his throne, servants fanning him and feeding him grapes off a vine, lowering it into his mouth so he could pluck them off one by one, in true godlike fashion.

“Prince Keiren. So, your father has sent back my star. I’m so thankful for that. However, justice still needs to be paid.” Galixi waved off his servants, and rose from his throne. “Surely by now you understand, I have to kill you. This brings me no joy, but it is what must be done.”

Keiren grabbed the hilt of the sword strapped upon his back and readied himself.

With a simple snap of Galixi’s fingers, the fires lighting the room went out with a gust of wind, leaving them in darkness. A strike of lightning hit the center of room, filling it with blinding light, leaving Keiren unable to see. Keiren was knocked to the ground.

“No, Galixi let him be! He had nothing to do with any of this.” Cried Lumses

Keiren hit the ground hard, disorienting him after being blinded. As he gained clarity, he unsheathed the sword and got back on his feet.

Another strike. This time, he spun and parried, jabbing the sword out in front of him as hard as he could. Not being able to see, he had to rely on force. He hit something. Lightning struck again, and the fires reignited. Keiren let go of the sword, and Galixi, attached to the end of it, fell to the ground. As he gasped for air, his body shriveled and turned to dust.

Lumses rushed over to Keiren and wrapped her arms around him. “You saved me!”

Keiren leaned back to look at her. “You’re absolutely glowing.” He said. No longer in Galixi’s power, she had it back to herself again.

“My powers have returned to me, thanks to you. I am forever grateful.” She stared into his eyes, smiled, and then planted her lips on his. His eyes widened, but he leaned in and kissed her back.

“I give myself to you, as long as you’ll have me.” She said.


Once they returned home, they found that their stars had returned. The kingdom rang out with cheers and cries of joy.

When they arrived at the castle, the guards greeted them at the gate.

“Welcome home, King Keiren.” They said.

“King?” He asked.

“Aye, your father passed away the night you left. We’ve been waiting for your return. We’re all ready for the coronation.”

“Since we’re already having a grand event, why not make it a wedding?” He looked at his new love. She grinned, and glowed so brightly.

“I think that’s a grand idea.” She laughed.

“That settles it. Invite everyone, pull out all the stops. Starlight Kingdom has a new king and queen.


Together, King Keiren and Queen Lumses, rulers of Starlight Kingdom, vowed to keep the kingdom safe. They vowed to use their power for good, never letting temptation set in, knowing it would lead down a lonely path.

The kingdom never lost their starlight again.
That was a typo, thank you for pointing it out. This thread was created on June 30th, and as the voters rightfully assumed, they had until the 10th of July to submit their votes. All votes in this thread are valid.

That being said, the 10th is today, so I have counted the votes.

The winner is The Starless Kingdom. Congratulations @nymian.

Also when are you going to start writing for the contests again? I know you're judging them now, but how else am I going to read about spoony bards?

I should. For this one I didn't have a particular story in mind, but if I can use my bard in the next round I'll see about making an entry myself.

RPGC#38 bards in taverns XD

Benjamin and Mike took place at the reserved table. Benjamin only felt safe, for some reason, but Mike had studied a bit of magic and had recognised the rune Jack had drawn. He was far from a strong magic user himself, he mostly had theoretical knowledge and he had made one portal. He didn't feel trapped here, but he wasn't completely at ease with two creatures from hell. It was obvious Benjamin didn't share his concern, as he sat back and seemed at ease in this place.

"It's a lovely place you have here," Benjamin said. "And I'm glad we'll be able to discuss some things. A lot has happened the past few days and it's been wild. We were talking about it last night and there is so much we don't really understand yet. Are you two completely up to speed with things that have happened?"

"Of course," the nurse said and she handed her some paper and pencils. "There you go, sweety. I'll return shortly to see how you are feeling. You can tell me about everything you feel, even if it sounds mundane. It's not complaining when you tell me you have a headache or experience dizziness, okay?" She flashed a smile and then left Ray on the bed with the drawing utensils.

Marc watched Sara leave, feeling confused about the whole exchange. After a moment of hesitation, he walked away but the things both Benjamin and she had said kept circling through his mind. Why was Benjamin afraid? What did Sara want him to believe? Maybe... maybe he could look into Simon. Sara and Benjamin, something was going on between them, why else would Sara react so emotionally to when Benjamin was dragged away. Oh god, they weren't a couple, were they?
He stopped himself from thinking that. Focus, he told himself. Simon first, it should be easy to confirm he had gone home. With that information he could tell Benjamin there was nothing to worry about and maybe Benjamin would stop being this defiant. He nodded to himself. Since Benjamin believed Simon was dead, all he needed was to prove he wasn't and things would get better.
Benny flew towards Arceus and when they reached him he sat down on the table. "Thank you for hosting this party! It was great and the nectar amazing, I've never had better!" Benny began, deciding to go first. "Can I perhaps have some for on the way?" It was perhaps bold to ask something like that, but he didn't want to take any without permission. It seemed like a bad idea to steal from the most important and powerful Pokémon in existence.

"Me too," Michael said as he watched his Cyndaquil return Eros's greeting. "If his father agrees. We were close to Darkrai before and... that may happen again." He clenched his fist when he spoke those words, he had been taken captive by Darkrai before and he'd rather not be in that position again, but that was a real possibility.

"A friend he grew up with," Kim explained, glanced to where Benny was going. "He is a gym leader now and one of the co-founders of the Rorie League. Benny knows him better than I do, I only met him when Andy returned home from the Kanto and Johto regions, Benny was with him before he left the islands"
She felt nervous in Benny's place for approaching Arceus like that. How did Benny do that?
Fenna was about to retire for the night in her room when James found her and asked her to come for a moment. She took a sip from the ale but left it in her room before going to where James wanted everyone to meet. Maybe she'd have a moment to herself after this meeting. Hopefully it wouldn't take long, she needed some rest after the long day of walking and fighting and more walking.

Once everyone was together and James explained the situation, Fenna pondered his words. MacKensie was the first to share her thoughts and she found herself nodding to what she said.

"If he understands the risks and wants to join us, I have no objections," she said. "We have a gold contract waiting for us and we can probably use the help, especially if he is from here. We know too little about this world, I'd feel better having a native with us." She paused for a moment. "And I'm not in the contracts for the fame and glory, I'd be happy to share that with anyone who can help us, I just want to know what the message is that is waiting for us."

She sat back after that, she had given her thoughts and now she'd wait and see how the others felt about it. In the end, the decision wasn't hers to make, but she appreciated James had brought it up for discussion first. A sign of good leadership.

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Welcome to the Voting and Feedback round for RPGC#37!

Voting and Feedback guidelines

  • Please take your time to read through all the entries before voting for your favourite work. The reasons you base your vote on are up to you, as long the vote isn’t based on whether or not you like the author.
    It would be nice if you could share why you voted for a specific work.
  • Giving feedback is optional but highly encouraged. When giving feedback you should be respectful and constructive. It’s good to point out any flaws or the things you feel could be improved or why you didn't like something, but don’t be mean.
    Make sure to point out what you liked or appreciated in the entry too.
  • Contestants may and are encouraged to vote for and give feedback for the other entries, but don’t vote for your own entry. If contestants wish to withhold a vote and only give feedback, that is good too.
  • The entries are anonymous unless the writer asked for having their name added. That being said, writers may claim their work at any time during the voting period.
  • The entry with the most votes will win, but in case of a tie a Contest Mod will cast the tie-breaker vote.
  • You can vote for entries and post your feedback in this thread, but if you rather have your vote and/or feedback be anonymous you can PM it to @Loksfjoer.
  • The voting period deadline is June 10th, 9:00 CET, which is 7:00 server time (both times are in a.m.).

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