Loksfjoer is a Contest Moderator.
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1 mo ago
Current Don't forget to vote in the writing contest! The link is in the sidebar <3
2 mos ago
Back from vacation, taking my time to roll back into roleplays and contests.
2 mos ago
Vacation for a week, I'm off to Finland!
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3 mos ago
Note to self: reply to RPs
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3 mos ago
Deadline is approaching! There is still time to submit your entries ^_^


Hello everyone. I'm Dutch, a mother of a 8-year old boy and I love both rp-ing and writing. Since May 2020 I'm one of the contests mods.

I started with writing Dutch stories in 2002, I was already 19 at that time. I joined a writing competition and that got me started. Soon I started to write down all the stories my over-active imagination came up with. I had my first forum rp experience in 2003 on a Dutch fantasy forum. While I continued to write, I stopped rp-ing when the particular rp and forum slowly died. In 2011 my love for rp's rekindled when I joined a site with a forum and I started to RP solely in English since that is the language of the site. This is also when I wrote my first story in English.

I've got a few 1x1 rp's going on this site and a couple more on another site. I've always been a fan of writing competitions and I joined a lot several of the ones that were hosted on this website. Now I get to host them myself and really enjoy that too.

When you come here to check if I'm online, know that even when I show as online I might not be able to respond to RP's. I open this site so that when I have time I can spend some time here, but I don't always end up with the time to do so.

If I haven't replied in a while, feel free to poke me. I don't ghost on purpose, sometimes I just forgetful and if I read your reply and accidentally closed the tab I might forget I was supposed to reply T_T

Most Recent Posts

It was over. A wave of relief went over Fenna when the big wraith at the ceiling died. Seeing everyone join in and turn their weapons into ranged weapons was a glorious sight. After the wave of relief, she was hit with the pain that the adrenaline of the fight had pushed back. She almost buckled through her knees, but remained standing. Her back hurt where the smaller wraith had sliced her. That would hurt for a while, no doubt about that.

When MacKensie approached her she smiled. "We did it," she echoed as she hugged the younger woman. They did it. A gold contract. Tough, but they had managed to do it. It would have been easier with their elemental mage at their side, Fenna hoped Lilliana was well.

She didn't think much about the crystal that glowed; she realised something would have changed, but she was too tired to give it any thought. After James helped her patch up the cut in her back to the best of his abilities, she went through her bag to get some food for a light meal, some dried fruits and dried meat from her rations, and she fed Sil some of the strips of meat as well.

"I'm going to let Sil outside and then sleep," she told her companions as she went back through the temple, towards the door. On her way she found some lost cultist who didn't know where to go and what to do, and she offered them kind words like "it wasn't your fault" and "your family will be glad to have you back". Truth be told, she tried to be kind to anyone she came across, but was too tired to go into any in-depth discussions about good and evil with them. With the pain in her back, shallow platitudes were all she could muster.

Outside Sil was happy to stretch her wings. Fenna took a moment to look at the night sky before going back inside and find a bed so she could sleep.
<Snipped quote by Loksfjoer>

Next, Zell teaches Sil how to drink :P

Fenna looks disapprovingly at both of them.
Lily left them again, grinning from ear to ear. A transformation, a real transformation. How lucky was that? Would there be more? Could she force another transformation? Oh, the possibilities were endless, she'd have so much fun with the dragon girl. The demon girl was boring, she really needed to watch her feed. Then again, if she could let her starve just a bit and then present Benjamin, oh, that would be a great sight.

In her office she checked the order she had placed, but no updates from the team that took it. They didn't have Benjamin yet. Freya was in her possession, why wasn't Benjamin yet? Some people just couldn't be trusted with the simplest of tasks.

Unaware there was an order for his capture, Benjamin was with Mike at the library of their agency. After the morning talk, Mike had already reached out to Rupert, and now they tried to find more information about anything they could use to free Gaia and Steph.
"Going back to ghost hunting doesn't sound too bad, does it?" Mike asked.
Benjamin chuckled. "The world was simpler when we did just that. But we wouldn't have met Steph, and the others. I wonder how they are doing."
"I'm glad to hear that," Michael replied with a grin. "This is also not going to be the worst food you ever had, which will fit right in with the rest of the day." He stirred the content to make sure it wouldn't burn, this was one of the easiest things to make and still people managed to mess it up. He watched the two playing Pokémon for a moment, before bringing his attention to Niccia again. "It was nice meeting your family."

Andy looked up when Merlin and Anthony landed close to him. "Ah, just in time for dinner." He looked at his Noctowl. "I'm glad you're joining us this evening."
Merlin gave the faintest of nods to acknowledge his words.
"Okay Bear, time to serve dinner. Help me, will you?"
The ever-energetic Primeape ran around to place plastic bowls on the ground from which Andy had removed the plastic seal. He had bought several of these as his Pokémon liked the food, but he'd need to stock up on them after tonight.

One bowl was placed in front of Eros and Soul, and Lytse poked his head inside to take a piece of the pieces of food. "You probably never had something like this, have you?" he asked Eros. "It's made by humans, from legumes and berries."
I think Sil learned a trick from Zell: bring two enemies together and disappear.
The Great Wraith pulled a smoking, laser-looking blade from thin air and striked down with it, wide and low. At that moment Fenna's spear erupted in a holy fire, it startled her, but she noticed it wasn't too hot to wield it. It had to be a blessing. As the blade came down, Fenna planted the end of her spear on the ground and used it to jump over it. A moment later and she'd been cut in half. She landed on a foot and knee and immediately turned to see what it was up to know. It lifted the sword and summoned even more wraits. Damn it she thought to herself, but at least everyone had glowing weapons now, so each of her companion had the means to defend themselves if needed. She heard James instruct MacKensie to get the phylactery and she trused her agily fellow ranger to do so.

While the six new wraits were a problem and she could hear banging on the door as well, but that big wraith was a big threat and it needed to be taken out.

Fenna rose and pulled her arm back as she kept her eyes on the Greater Wraith, who apparantly thought that going to the ceiling would somehow save it. She gritted her teeth and focussed on her target. The same sensation that she had during the archery practise came over her, the wraith seemed to get bigger while staying the same size and closer even though he was far away. A strong feeling that she couldn't miss came over her. The muscles in her arm tightend as she moved the flaming spear forward. For her it seemed to go slow, but in reality only seconds passed since she had started to aim.

Sil grabbed the spear of the cultist with her talons and pecked at the fingers until they were bloody and unable to hold the weapon. She felt the concentration coming from Fenna and circled back to see what was happening. Sil didn't understand everything about humans, those detachable feathers for instance, they could take them off whenever they pleased, so weird. But she recognised Fenna's gaze, she had locked on a target, much as Sil herself did when she was in the air and spotted a rabit. The wood with the pointy end served as beak or talons, it was what would catch the prey, hovering up there. An upward dive. Sil knew how annoying it was if something came in the path of the dive. She had a bird suddenly fly in front of her once, causing her to lose the rabbit. Another day a leaf had blown in her face. The perfect dive ruined.

By being with the humans Sil also knew the wraits, that all spread out and moved to their own target after being summoned. One was going to Fenna. Sil flew up, she wouldn't allow it to get in her path and make her miss her prey. Squaking and flapping her wings, she got in the wraiths face. It rose its sword to strike at the falcon, but with an agile move she evaded the blade. Now the wraith was annoyed and saw in Sil its next target. Sil flew down with the wraith following her, lifting it's blade, intending to strike down at the falcon. When Sil was close to the expert swordwielder, she suddenly made a sharp upward turn and flew up.

Fenna threw the flaming spear with all her might to pierce the Great Wraith. It went up in a straight line, barely missing the lesser wraith that got distraced by Sil. Fenna unsheated her dagger next, now that she was without main weapon (for the moment at least) the smaller blade would have to do to defend herself.
Some points of clarification:
  • You can submit a story and a poem, but you may not submit two stories or two poems. You have to choose one of the prompts in each category.
  • Stories have to start or end with the provided scene, but you can reword the scene in your own style.
  • If you want to submit anonymously you can do that by sending me the story through PM.

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PBWC #1 – The writer

Welcome to a new writing contest! For this contest, I will give you a scene and you will write a story or a poem based on this scene.

The scene
A small light on the desk is the only light source for the writer, who fills sheet after sheet with hastily written words. The room is a mess, the garbage tin lies on its side and the contents are spread over the floor. A cat sits on the cabinet, licking its paw.
A crow settles on the windowsill and caws. "Not now," muttered the writer. The cat turns its attention to the crow.

Writers, you can choose to either start or end with this scene. Either you write what led to this, or what will happen after.
Poets, you can choose to describe filling a sheet of paper with words, or a bird sitting on a windowsill

Core rules:

  • At all times follow the Fundamental Rules of the Guild and the Moderation Policy for Forum Contests.
  • After reading the above this should be obvious: No plagiarism and respect copyright laws.
  • The story you submit must be written by you and specifically for this contest.
  • This is a place for original fiction, no fanfiction allowed.
  • Don't exceed PEGI 16 with your writing; no 18+ themes and fade to black if applicable.
  • Don’t forget to subscribe to this thread. You will receive updates on the contest, the number of entries, and reminders about the deadline here. I will not PM them.
  • The winner of this contest will be honoured in our Trophy Case.

Contest rules:

  • There is no word count yet, but future versions of this contest may have them
  • This being the first version of this contest, it will be a trial version without a voting round. Please submit your entries in this thread and let me know how you feel about this contest.
  • The deadline is March 11th, 9:00 CET, which is 8:00 server time (both times are in a.m.)

See below, you can post in this thread for this round.
When the ghostly blade hit Fenna screamed in pain. It felt like red hot and ice cold at the same time and she fell to her knees. Suddenly Barracker was next to her and she saw the blade land by her side... With his help she got up, trembling on her legs, but she nodded when he asked if she was alright. She held her stomach as she tried to battle the nauseous feeling and the necrotic damage made her dizzy. It took a moment to shake it off.

Sil let out a loud screech when the human cultists entered the room, distracting them for a moment as they first tried to find out what had startled them and then take in the fact there was a falcon inside, giving Zell an advantage as he engaged in battle with them.

Barracked left and Fenna watched him go, finally feeling able to take in the situation around her. Even more cultists and wraiths. "Klerezooi," she muttered. Barracker couldn't handle all the wraits by himself, and they needed the phylactery, and the great wraith was still doing something that felt ominous. Zell moved through the room like a lightning bolt and his next target were the cultist who protected the great wraith. That was an opening she couldn't pass. "Sil! Attack them!"

It became a common sight, Sil battling where Zell was, joining him in the attack on the two cultists. With Zell focussing on the swordswoman, Sil avoided the spear of the other cultist and attacked his face with her talons.

A clear path, Fenna readied her spear and moved forward, but she didn't have to go in all the way. The spear that was kept short most of the time elongated as she went towards the greater wraith to pierce him with the oil-soaked tip and, if all went well, pull the spear tip up to leave a mortal wound.
When they reached the room and the battle began, Fenna took a moment to see what happened around her before moving. Zell and Barracker seemed to stay closer to James, which meant she could focus on something else. Sil, recognising the skeletons as enemies from the fight when they met, dove onto the back of one of them, using beak and talons to assault the spine and rip out a disc. Once the skeleton fell, she moved on to the next.

Fenna used the blunt end of her spear to hit the skull of the closest skeleton, but it wasn't the target she was going for. The wraiths were an issue and Barracker handled the two closest to him, so she'd deal with the other two. She held her spear with two hands again - a painful reminder of her injured hand, but it wasn't that bad she couldn't fight with it.

James said something about a phylactery... what was that and what did it look like? She glanced only briefly at the greater wraith, that one had to be dealt with and she had an idea, but she needed a moment to focus and a clear path, she couldn't do that with the lesser wraiths floating around yet.

When the Lesser Wraith attacked Mackensie, she attacked it from behind and stabbed it in the back. It screeched and turned around, raising a sword to attack, but that left an opening Fenna could use to pierce it again. If she hadn't been able to catch it by surprise, she wouldn't have been able to finish it off that easily. Being busy with MacKensie's wraith, she didn't have time to prepare for the one coming for her or evade the ghostly blade coming down at her back, unless Sil would be fast enough to come to her aid, if she noticed the danger in time.
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