Loksfjoer is a Contest Moderator.
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1 mo ago
Current Don't forget to vote in the writing contest! The link is in the sidebar <3
2 mos ago
Back from vacation, taking my time to roll back into roleplays and contests.
2 mos ago
Vacation for a week, I'm off to Finland!
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3 mos ago
Note to self: reply to RPs
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3 mos ago
Deadline is approaching! There is still time to submit your entries ^_^


Hello everyone. I'm Dutch, a mother of a 8-year old boy and I love both rp-ing and writing. Since May 2020 I'm one of the contests mods.

I started with writing Dutch stories in 2002, I was already 19 at that time. I joined a writing competition and that got me started. Soon I started to write down all the stories my over-active imagination came up with. I had my first forum rp experience in 2003 on a Dutch fantasy forum. While I continued to write, I stopped rp-ing when the particular rp and forum slowly died. In 2011 my love for rp's rekindled when I joined a site with a forum and I started to RP solely in English since that is the language of the site. This is also when I wrote my first story in English.

I've got a few 1x1 rp's going on this site and a couple more on another site. I've always been a fan of writing competitions and I joined a lot several of the ones that were hosted on this website. Now I get to host them myself and really enjoy that too.

When you come here to check if I'm online, know that even when I show as online I might not be able to respond to RP's. I open this site so that when I have time I can spend some time here, but I don't always end up with the time to do so.

If I haven't replied in a while, feel free to poke me. I don't ghost on purpose, sometimes I just forgetful and if I read your reply and accidentally closed the tab I might forget I was supposed to reply T_T

Most Recent Posts

Fenna stood with her spear in the hand, the end resting on the ground. Zigmund had fallen and Adam went in for the kill. She had never before witnessed an execution, but this was satisfying. The man who had caused them so much pain was going to die. Suddenly there was an explosion and Fenna was thrown away, like the others who had surrounded Zigmund. She came down on the ground hard and groaned, but was quick to get back on her feet.

"Oh no..." their enemy stood once more. The rain... had it something to do with the rain? She looked down at her spear, the ice was already used up in their first attempt to defeat Zigmund. While the elemental damage she had partly absorbed from Zigmunds earlier attack was gone, she still remembered how it felt, much like the fire damage from before. Maybe? She tried to focus on it to infuse her spear again, but that failed. Her eyes darted over the field and while Clive and Barracker dealt with Zigmund, she rushed to MacKensie.

Fire or ice? Water puts fire out, ice freezes water, but Zigmund has ice abilities as well. The thoughts rushed through her mind as she joined her fellow ranger. "I don't know if this works," she said as she put her hand the bolts she could see. She closed her eyes and concentrated for a moment on the feeling of ice magic and transferred some of it onto twelve of the bolts. "I don't know if this will hurt him more or not, try it with one bolt. If it doesn't work, keep them for later."

After that she turned to the battlefield once more. It had not turned in their favour. Zigmund looked around until his attention was on her and there it remained. "Okay then..." she muttered. When it came to special abilities there wasn't much she could do right now, but she could keep Zigmund occupied for as long as she could. "Challenge accepted."

Her eyes moved to a tree behind Zigmund, she couldn't see Sil but she knew the falcon was there. Wait for the right moment she thought, hoping Sil would understand. While Fenna wasn't sure if Sil's talons and beak could do much damage to this water ninja, the falcon was fast and a well-placed distraction could be the difference between life and death.

With her spear ready she rushed towards Zigmund, focussing on his movements. She knew he was fast and that he could disappear and re-appear with ease, but she had battled him before and she knew his movements better this time. And if he'd try some elemental magic on her, she knew that while there was a limit as to how often she could absorb it, she hadn't reached it yet.
As Mike remained in the library, Benjamin went towards his room, planning his time. Five minutes to quickly change, fifteen minutes of running, five minutes to change back, five minutes to get to the tearoom. It was doable. Or, he could just change and run outside, ending at the tearoom. Mike would find it, they didn't have to go together. With a nod he closed the deal for himself and walked towards his room.

Lily took her phone when she heard the the message enter and grinned when she saw the text. She texted back to give approval for the abduction. After that dialed a number and brought the phone to her ear. "Prepare a cell, we will have a guest today."

Mike was clicking through the intranet of the computer to try and gather as much data as he could about where Gaia and Steph could have been taken to. Until he noticed the time, he logged off and since Ben wasn't back yet he texted him to let him know he'd head over already. He left the library and moments later he was outside, walking towards the tearoom.
As Fenna attacked, roots appeared around her boots and she glanced only briefly towards Adam to determine they came from him. Just a moment later sharp and cold pain erupted on areas of her body that had been rained on, mostly around her head, shoulders and arms. It wasn't enough to stop her attack, but blood trickled down her face where the skin on her skull was pierced. Luckily the wounds weren't deep, and the cold pain seeped into her body. After the fire attack of their last battle she recognised the feeling as it travelled towards her hands and the spear seemed to frost over. First fire damage, now cold damage.

Fenna wiped the blood from her face, the water ninja had lost his interest in her, but she had not lost her interest in him. She was about to move when she realised Barracker was not where he was before. She found him and hesitated for a moment, but before she could made a decision the sound of an approaching horse caught her and everyone else's attention.
"Clive!" she exclaimed.

When Barracker was seemingly safe - he managed to walk towards the temple by himself - and James shouting the order to attack, Fenna rushed forward, only slowing down when the shockwave of steam hit her. As the water ninja hit MacKensie to the ground she prepared to strike him with the spear, but he was faster than her and suddenly went for Adam. She turned to try and keep up with Zigmund as Sil came down, but the sudden appearance of the bear startled her.
"It's okay, stay back," Fenna told the falcon, who complied and flew up to circle above the battlefield once more.

With the bear attack and the two warriors attacking Zigmund, Fenna couldn't get a good opening to get an attack in, but that didn't matter. She was patient. With her spear ready she waited for an opportunity to strike.
I'll try to get my post in soon. If not today it will surely be added tomorrow.
I want to thank all participants for this trial run. You gave me some insights into this kind of contest.

A regular contest will be announced next week. I hope to see you all there again ^_^
"You're mine"

As Zigmund rushed towards Fenna with the Executioner's Axe she twisted her body to face him. "I was about to say the same thing," she said as she ducked under the first swing, holding her spear to the side. "You're mine," she hissed. Duck, lean, jump back, block, Fenna did what she could to fend off the big blade and tried to find an opening to put in an attack herself.

Sil circled above, but couldn't find an opening to assist Fenna.

The water droplets rained down on Fenna as she was in closer combat than she'd prefer, but her spear matched the length she needed. Her feet moved almost instinctively. She moved out of the way when the blade came down, but she wasn't fast enough and the blade made a cut in the front of her shoulder and a part of her upper arm as she moved back. Thankfully not deep enough to make her lose her stance or to stop her right arm from pushing her spear towards the water ninja's abdomen.
Benjamin took his phone when he got the text message and showed it to Mike. "I noticed a tea room at the corner of the street Tealicious, I bet they have coffee as well. In 30 minutes?" After Mike agreed, Ben texted back to let Harriet know where and when.
After that was sent, he stretched his arms. "I'm going for a quick run around the block. I have not done a decent exercise yet and I'm feeling my legs getting lazy."
"They have a treadmil in the basement."
Benjamin nodded. "I could do that as well. Either way, I'm going to slip into something more suitable for running and after that slip back into casual clothing in time for the coffee. Or tea. And possibly a slice of cake."

After Benajmin left, Mike stayed at the library a little longer to look up information about the specific regulations that were in place for not-human agents.
As the Pokémon received their meals, Michael started to fill some bowls for the humans and human-like legendaries. Andy collected his and Michael glanced around to see wmere Gavin and Frosiien were, but he didn't see the human Articuno anywhere.
"Just protective in general, or More protective of you than any of the others?" he asked as he handed her the food.

"We can try and find some berries for you if you like," Lytse offered after he nibbled on the first piece. "But this isn't bad, really. I mean, it's not like fresh berries of course, but you can taste they used real berries in this and it fills you up. He finished his first piece and moved in for a second. "They have so many variants and in this way it doesn't spoil as fast as real berries do. Humans tend to lose their connection with nature, but they're pretty smart sometimes."

"Come on, you two," Saryua told Missy and Sparky. "Time to eat, there is plenty for both of you.". Like Soul she decided to wait until the small Pokémon had enough and she would eat afterwards.
The forest was quiet in the dark hours, but when the sky turned lighter, before the sun revealed itself, birds already started to wake up and greeted each other and the world around them. Sil had spent the night outside, but it wasn't just the lighter sky and the small birds that woke her up. A sound that did not belong. When Zigmund scanned the area, Sil examined him and recognised the enemy from before. Danger. She kept silent. Danger. Danger. When Zigmund went up the hill, Sil flew up and followed.

Fenna had found a room downstairs with several beds that had been used by the low-ranks who lived and worked in the temple even before the cultists had taken over. She dreamt of Zigmund, the battle they had in the Mazy Hillocks, from bird-eye view. Danger. The feeling of danger was so strong she woke up, rolled out of bed and sat on one knee with a dagger in her hand. What? Where was she? Right, the temple. Groaning, she stood up. Her back still ached from where the wraith had struck her. That's when she heard a voice in the distance.

Ninja? Oh no... She quickly collected the gear she had removed prior to lying down and rushed out. She halted when she realised she didn't remember what way the entrance was. She grabbed the arm of a former cultists who had fled further inside the temple at MacKensies warning.
"The way out," she urged.
"Really? There's..." the cultist began, but her voice trailed away when she saw Fenna's determination. "Okay, this way."
Another cultist entered the room. "There's some kind of ninja outside," he said.
The brainwashed cultists had fought, as that was the only thing they could do. Now that they weren't, any remaining cultists preferred to flee over fighting.
"This way," the woman repeated. "I used to live here before..." she swallowed heavily and didn't finish the sentence. "There is only one entrance, but in case of emergency, there is another way out."

Fenna followed the former cultist as she showed a passage that could only be opened from the inside. From the outside it looked just like the walls of the temple, from the inside the thick iron door was barred and locked. The former cultist removed the iron rods, unlocked it and the three of them pushed it open. Fenna ran around the temple and joined her team after Zigmund destroyed the entrance.

The water ninja attacked MacKensie, and Barracker jumped in to block the attack. The moment Zigmund and Barracker seemed to be at a standstill, Fenna rushed forward with her now 2-meter-long spear, and used the opportunity to stab Zigmund with the tip.

Anonymous entry:


Crow upon a windowsill,
Plucks a feather for a quill,
Black as ink as it sits still,
And he thinks to write until,
The cat slinks in for the kill.

Word by word writ unto page,
Sets the actors on the stage,
Fowl flees as wings engage,
Feline leaps with claws of rage,
Fly and pounce their battles wage.

Torn apart a broken tome,
Scattered now the papers roam,
Flits about the dimming gloam,
Finding chaos has come home,
How shall we end this Poem?

A contest held through the land,
Finish this tale we demand,
Make it simple; make it grand,
be it praised; be it panned,
The story ends by your hand.
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