Loksfjoer is a Contest Moderator.
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1 mo ago
Current Don't forget to vote in the writing contest! The link is in the sidebar <3
2 mos ago
Back from vacation, taking my time to roll back into roleplays and contests.
2 mos ago
Vacation for a week, I'm off to Finland!
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3 mos ago
Note to self: reply to RPs
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3 mos ago
Deadline is approaching! There is still time to submit your entries ^_^


Hello everyone. I'm Dutch, a mother of a 8-year old boy and I love both rp-ing and writing. Since May 2020 I'm one of the contests mods.

I started with writing Dutch stories in 2002, I was already 19 at that time. I joined a writing competition and that got me started. Soon I started to write down all the stories my over-active imagination came up with. I had my first forum rp experience in 2003 on a Dutch fantasy forum. While I continued to write, I stopped rp-ing when the particular rp and forum slowly died. In 2011 my love for rp's rekindled when I joined a site with a forum and I started to RP solely in English since that is the language of the site. This is also when I wrote my first story in English.

I've got a few 1x1 rp's going on this site and a couple more on another site. I've always been a fan of writing competitions and I joined a lot several of the ones that were hosted on this website. Now I get to host them myself and really enjoy that too.

When you come here to check if I'm online, know that even when I show as online I might not be able to respond to RP's. I open this site so that when I have time I can spend some time here, but I don't always end up with the time to do so.

If I haven't replied in a while, feel free to poke me. I don't ghost on purpose, sometimes I just forgetful and if I read your reply and accidentally closed the tab I might forget I was supposed to reply T_T

Most Recent Posts

Trevor had watched the test intently. Even without being able to use magic or any of the sort, he was able to tell more had happened than the words spoken, but other than that the test has seemed mild. He narrowed his eyes at the disappearance of the participant. Was this part of it? It was hard to tell and Dula didn't show any obvious signs one way or the other.

Then he was called forward. Good, he didn't feel like waiting. There were many things he could say about Dula, but he appreciated she didn't waste any time. So he wouldn't waste hers. He stepped forward.

"I'm here, what do I need me to do?"
When James asked if everyone could swim, Fenna thought about it for a moment. "With one arm," she told him. "I'll manage."

It was quickly decided Clive would get help and the rest of them would get their necessary rest. When they found the place to camp, Fenna used the last of the sunlight to scout ahead. It was obvious this area was not the main focus of anyone, the siege happened on the other side and the city had their attention on the siege. While she knew there would be guards on the wall keeping an eye out for enemies attacking the city from behind, there weren't any patrols outside. No recent tracks of any human for that matter. It was likely no one had been outside the city since the siege had started.

She sat down and pulled some paper from her bag that she carried around for mapmaking. Sil landed next to her when Fenna wrote a short letter to Lucy to let her know they had completed the contract, that they were outside the city and would be coming inside, and from what direction they would attempt to do that. After signing it with "Second Chance" she rolled it up. "This is for Lucy," she said to Sil, thinking about the woman. "She's in the Adventures Guild," she added, thinking about how the building looked. Sil looked at her. "Bring this to Lucy in the Adventures Guild," she said, keeping the images in her mind. She used the white bandage from James to attach the letter to Sil's leg. "Go on, darling. I'll wait for you at the camp."

As Sil flew up, Fenna returned to the camp to let the others know going to the city wouldn't pose any risks from the ground, but they would need cover from the guards on the walls. If the letter would get to Lucy and Lucy would be able to assist, there shouldn't be an issue, but it was better to prepare for hostility from the walls.

In the setting sun, Sil soared through the sky and high over the wall. Her keen eyes scouted the city below as she circled down and soon spotted the building she needed to be. Flying down, she circled around the building, peering through windows, until she found Lucy sitting at a table. She flew to the window and tapped on it with her beak until Lucy opened the window. Using her indoor flying ability, Sil hopped through the window and flew on the table, where she patiently waited for Lucy to take the letter.

After Lucy put a new roll in its place, Sil left the adventures guild and once more flew up high, high enough guards wouldn't see her and if they did, would miss her if they tried to shoot her. The sun had set now, but the dim light was still enough for Sil to find the camp.

Fenna was resting when Sil landed next to her and she saw the paper sticking out of the bandage. Was it her letter? She took it out and tried to make out the letters in whatever light was left. Big letters, Lucy had anticipated there wouldn't be much light and that they were smart enough to not make a fire. I'll do what I can. Lucy.

"We have an ally within the walls, but there is no guarantee she can help," Fenna informed the others. "Lucy is aware we're on our way." She turned to Sil. "Great job, thank you for doing this."

She rested the remainder of the night, although interrupted when MacKensie left, but she didn't get up until Clive joined them in the camp.
When Bear noticed the two young ones had fallen for his challenge he grinned and ran harder. With his two legs he wasn't faster than Sparky and Missy on their four legs, but he was able to stay ahead of them for a bit.

Netherlu looked up at the moon and the stars. "I like the sun better," he said. "The light, the heat, the colour. Nights are cold and dead to me. I'm not a fan."
"How does Lugia feel about the night?" Andy asked, looking from Netherlu to Gavin. "Since Arceus is big on balance, do Ho-oh and Lugia represent opposites? Water/Fire, Cold/Heat, Sun/Moon? I bet Lugia will be stunning when the silver moonlights reflects from her body."
"Oh, that last part is certainly true," Netherlu said. "If she flies over the ocean with the moon on her back, she emits a mysterious beauty that I'm sure she's not aware of." He turned to Gavin for back-up. "Right? Or have you never seen her fly in that setting?"

"We should sleep next to Saruya," Lytse said to Eros. "She big and fluffy and warm, you'll like it!"
Michael nodded to the idea, the Arcanine was great to snuggle against and she had a caring nature. "I'm going to clean the pot and the bowls we used," he said to Niccia. "If I wait until the morning it's going to be a lot harder to get it clean."
I didn't receive entries for this, but that's okay! Next round will be for short entries again. See you there! ^_^
The HA! caught everyone's attention, including Trevor's, who glanced at the source and took a moment to take in the small halfling. He turned his attention back to the High Priestess. There was only one person in his life he would call mother and this person was certainly not that person. With crossed arms and a straight back, he listened to the explanation. Becoming more powerful did not sound bad, but he rolled his eyes at "how to interact with noble company". He knew perfectly well how to interact with them.

When it was time to draw numbers he came forward, grabbed one of the papers and examined the number. Then he glanced at the tables and his eyes rested on the weapons. It was very unlikely he was here for something else. Question was, how would he use it? At least he had some time to figure it out, as he would go second. He turned to look at the eggs. How was this test even supposed to do anything? Those things didn't have eyes. Finally, his eyes moved over all the people gathered. He did not feel like mingling, small talk or any of that. This testing and the potential death if he failed kept him focussed, pleasantries were just a distraction now. He waited patiently for the testing to begin.

Fenna was happy to know they were getting closer to Valheim, the hospital and answers were almost within reach. She listened to James as he held his speech. Valheim under siege? A new fight? They weren't even healed up completely. As the travel continued she imagined what it would be like, with burning farms and projectiles flying through the sky, hitting a barrier around the city.
As they went across the final hill and had a clear view of the city, it was exactly like the images in her mind. She blinked and then glanced up to Sil.

Around her the others started discussing their next step. She nodded in agreement to Barrackers comment that they had to get inside. Clive had a good reason to protest, but Adam had some good points and she too thought they should be able to get inside the city. She turned to look at the battlefield when MacKensie spotted the creatures. Human-sized lizards? After walking skeletons and wraiths, it didn't seem that odd, but she was still surprised to see them.

When she was addressed she turned to Adam. "I don't see why not," she said. "Sil can deliver a message to someone inside." Although there was no previous experience to back it up, she knew it would work.
Roughly 4,5 days until the deadline.
I'm for options 2 and 4. With 4 being preferred.

Fenna is injured, but it's her shoulder that needs treatment in the hospital so she can walk. This does mean swimming is not an option for her. The other injuries were also in her torso but they're healed enough to walk and scout at this point, even more if they rest fist.

We can definitely use Sil for distractions (her Loud Screech can distract enemies) and for sending messages. With real enemies approaching, guards aren't going to pay much attention to a bird of prey.

Fenna is not keen on turning back or do any kind of fighting. In character she is very set on getting more information about the reason they're here, and they're very close to finally getting that message that is waiting for them. She also really wants her shoulder treated and the nearest hospital is in Valheim. So she doesn't want to travel to another city and lose more time. Waiting for the cover of the night is a sensible idea and she will agree with that.

Would waiting for midnight or early morning (before the sun is up) give Clive enough time to go to Cherrad and return?

Meal? Benjamin looked from the shadow to the woman in the lab goat, he smiled as if she had received a present.
"Thank you," Lily said to the figure. "Thank you so much. You are much more reliable than those agents are." She clapped her hands in delight. "Oh, this is wonderful." She gestured to two underlings. "Take him to his room."

The two guards took Benjamin and dragged him along, putting him in a holding cell. Benjamin tried to resist, but was no match for them. He stumbled into the cell when they pushed him and turned around when they closed the door. "Let me out!"


It was reassuring to know even Harriet didn't know much about angels and demons and Mike relaxed a little. It was good to hear Freya was improving.
"A witch?" he asked. "Where?" He was certain he hadn't met a witch before. "How do witches use magic?"
He thought back to what he had learned about them, but the topic hadn't come up yet, nor did he know if the Agency hunted witches or considered them allies.
The half-Oread next to him continued to speak, but it was a friendly voice at least. "Trevor," he replied when Skagi introduced themselves and with a nod of his head agreed to join them and have a look at the instruments.

Before they got to that, the priestess spoke. At least she came to the point quickly, Trevor could appreciate that. He narrowed his eyes at the comment that seven wouldn't be allowed to leave the island. He was definitely not going to be among those. Whatever it took.
One of the men in the crowd spoke Trevor's mind, why would they trust an elf? He knew he didn't. A frown creased his forehead when the elf spoke of a beast awakening that had to be defeated.

"Tame dragons?" he repeated and watched the eggs be revealed. "Tame dragons?!"
He gritted his teeth, someone was definitely going to pay for this. Ordering him to go here, where he was now faced to either never leaving this place (as if he would let that happen) or tame a dragon. He knew nothing of dragons except for some stories, and none of those stories had painted dragons in a good light. A beast they had to fight, and beasts had to be used to do it. So be it. Whatever would happen, he would not be among the losers.
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