Because there will be no voting round, I will share the entries here. You can still give feedback if you wish.
The next contest will be Microfiction and Poetry again.
The next contest will be Microfiction and Poetry again.
Once upon a time. Once upon a time. Once upon a time. Every single children's book in the library starts with 'once upon a time' and ends with 'and they lived happily ever after'. However, my reality doesn't even come close to being this rosy.
Orders were given to keep me away from my own child, and the worst thing about that situation is that my brother was the one calling the shots. One would assume him taking my side after seeing me interact with my daughter every single day.
No, it isn't normal in our culture to keep living with your parents after having children of your own. I realise that. I understand that, but living on the streets due to a lack of resources is certainly worse. I don't think anyone disagrees with that.
Charming is how I would describe the father of my daughter. Living with him wasn't exactly an option, because he refused to acknowledge my existence. He said he had a wife that he 'forgot' to tell me about. That is why I should keep our child a secret.
Even the decency to help pay the bills wasn't present in this man. How did I ever love him? How did I ever create a child with him? Why did I allow myself to fall into his traps? I will never understand that or forgive myself for it.
Until I met Sarah, a woman five years younger than me, I was so depressed that I couldn't leave my own house. I didn't feel like it. I didn't want to. My child was my life and they chose to take her away from me. I felt like I had nothing to live for anymore.
Primarily because of Sarah, I started to go out again. I learned to enjoy life again. I still thought about my daughter every single day, but I accepted the fact that no one was going to hear my side of the story. No one was going to allow me to be close to that little girl.
Of course the thought crossed my mind that I was a bad mother for giving up the fight, but it also didn't feel like I had another option. The only option I had left, was choosing myself and my own happiness over a fight that I would lose every single time.
Nine years after meeting Sarah, that's when our wedding took place. We had been together for three years already, so it felt like it was time. A lot of our guests asked if we were going to try for a child. With Sarah being infertile and me being too old, we had to disappoint them.
At our honeymoon, we met a beautiful young lady who was celebrating her good grades by going on a vacation with friends. Even though she and her friends had plans to go party every single evening, she chose to drink with us from time to time.
That she was the daughter I lost, was quite obvious. Sarah tried to convince me to tell her the truth, but I didn't have to courage. The young woman told us about her lovely family. From what I heard, it didn't seem likely that she knew about her past or even the fact that she was adopted.
I wanted to leave it at that. Knowing that she ended up well, living a good life, was all I needed to stop feeling guilty. She was obviously well raised by people who had good intentions and genuinely loved her.
My daughter turned out to be smarter than I thought. On our last day together, she came up to use to tell us that she knew everything. She had a feeling that we were connected somehow and remembered me mentioning a daughter once very shortly. She had called her parents who told her the truth. Now she wanted to know my truth. And I finally told her.
Exactly one year later, my daughter told me that she was expecting herself... and that wanted me as the godmother.
Orders were given to keep me away from my own child, and the worst thing about that situation is that my brother was the one calling the shots. One would assume him taking my side after seeing me interact with my daughter every single day.
No, it isn't normal in our culture to keep living with your parents after having children of your own. I realise that. I understand that, but living on the streets due to a lack of resources is certainly worse. I don't think anyone disagrees with that.
Charming is how I would describe the father of my daughter. Living with him wasn't exactly an option, because he refused to acknowledge my existence. He said he had a wife that he 'forgot' to tell me about. That is why I should keep our child a secret.
Even the decency to help pay the bills wasn't present in this man. How did I ever love him? How did I ever create a child with him? Why did I allow myself to fall into his traps? I will never understand that or forgive myself for it.
Until I met Sarah, a woman five years younger than me, I was so depressed that I couldn't leave my own house. I didn't feel like it. I didn't want to. My child was my life and they chose to take her away from me. I felt like I had nothing to live for anymore.
Primarily because of Sarah, I started to go out again. I learned to enjoy life again. I still thought about my daughter every single day, but I accepted the fact that no one was going to hear my side of the story. No one was going to allow me to be close to that little girl.
Of course the thought crossed my mind that I was a bad mother for giving up the fight, but it also didn't feel like I had another option. The only option I had left, was choosing myself and my own happiness over a fight that I would lose every single time.
Nine years after meeting Sarah, that's when our wedding took place. We had been together for three years already, so it felt like it was time. A lot of our guests asked if we were going to try for a child. With Sarah being infertile and me being too old, we had to disappoint them.
At our honeymoon, we met a beautiful young lady who was celebrating her good grades by going on a vacation with friends. Even though she and her friends had plans to go party every single evening, she chose to drink with us from time to time.
That she was the daughter I lost, was quite obvious. Sarah tried to convince me to tell her the truth, but I didn't have to courage. The young woman told us about her lovely family. From what I heard, it didn't seem likely that she knew about her past or even the fact that she was adopted.
I wanted to leave it at that. Knowing that she ended up well, living a good life, was all I needed to stop feeling guilty. She was obviously well raised by people who had good intentions and genuinely loved her.
My daughter turned out to be smarter than I thought. On our last day together, she came up to use to tell us that she knew everything. She had a feeling that we were connected somehow and remembered me mentioning a daughter once very shortly. She had called her parents who told her the truth. Now she wanted to know my truth. And I finally told her.
Exactly one year later, my daughter told me that she was expecting herself... and that wanted me as the godmother.
Once Upon a Time...
Once upon a time there was a contest
None had entered a single submission
Consequently no one was judged the best
Everyone won and lost that edition.
Unsated a new contest starts again
Perchance to find a winner should it please
One lone entry was duly written then
Now unopposed the story won with ease.
And the moral of the story is clear...
To try at all is a victory still
In writing one more entries must appear
More tales to tell and stories to thrill
Everyone then becomes a winner here.
Once upon a time there was a contest
None had entered a single submission
Consequently no one was judged the best
Everyone won and lost that edition.
Unsated a new contest starts again
Perchance to find a winner should it please
One lone entry was duly written then
Now unopposed the story won with ease.
And the moral of the story is clear...
To try at all is a victory still
In writing one more entries must appear
More tales to tell and stories to thrill
Everyone then becomes a winner here.