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I have moved my Creations to a separate page to avoid clutter. I have linked it, so feel free to view it as you please.
”Do not be tempted in the dark… Their soft whispers are of the devil herself!”


Yet, the end did not come.

Instead there was a feeling of cold, then the taste of something she could not describe, and then a sense of dread. She still held Maya in her hands and could feel a body left to her. Calli opened her eyes hesitantly, her first view was of a black floor. She slowly glanced left and much to her relief she saw both Rowa and Seri were beside her, their faces were drained white. Their eyes forcibly shut by their fear. Her mothyr was nowhere to be seen in that chamber. And then… Then Calli looked up.

Before her sat a large throne, it was of skulls and blood and pain. Two long legs touched the floor, but Calli glanced away quickly, trying not to vomit at the sight.

Doing what little she could to calm her nerves, she was compelled to look again.

Her mortal eyes looked, and they saw a cruel beauty sitting on that throne. A voluptuous naked woman, tall as a giant, with a feminine form so perfect Calli felt herself enthralled at the sight. The woman’s grey skin was cut in so many places, it looked like scars that had never regrown. Yet, all the same it was so alluring, like a mystery waiting to be unraveled. Her horns were a crown, regal but imposing and the God’s amber eyes bore so deeply into her soul, Calli felt herself violated without even being touched.

”Open your eyes little ones,” came a whisper from her lips, yet Calli felt it so clearly in her head, she could have sworn the woman was next to her. ”Do not be afraid, you are safe here.” the woman said softly. ”I am Anu’Varr, but you may call me Anu.” And indeed, Calli no longer felt afraid after those words had been uttered.

Calli in turn, felt flustered. Anu’s voice was so exotic, and enchanting but something deep down inside of her was screaming to run. Her mind, however, was having a hard time trying to tell her body what to do. She felt safe, she felt good. Her name sounded so familiar, but the girl couldn’t place it. What had the Elder’s said about a figure named An-

Suddenly, like an arrow, the woman was next to her, but smaller. Calli felt her breath upon her neck, sending chills down her spine, ”Look at me… Dearest Calli.”

Anu’s voice was so intoxicating, how had she not noticed? It was if she was being lulled to sleep by a sweet song yet elating so much longing inside her all the same. Being so close made her heart flutter. She could not resist that lovely voice, and so she turned to meet the gaze of a Goddess. Anu was on her hands and knees, in a seductive pose, so open to the world. Calli could do nothing but blush.

”Mhmm…” The woman started, before reaching out her sleek right hand to caress Calli’s cheek. ”How very pretty.”

The girl felt herself melt at the touch. It was so sensual, so inviting, Calli could no longer think straight. Then a provocative smile erupted from the woman’s tender lips, showing small pointed teeth. But this did not phase Calli in the slightest, she was mesmerized now, glancing between the woman’s lips and her amber eyes.

”Would you like to kiss me?” She asked Calli in a playful voice, almost as if she could read her thoughts.

Calli smiled, nodding, her cheeks were a bright rosy red. She closed her eyes, then leaned in to meet Anu. When their lips touched, Calli’s body exploded in overwhelming ecstasy as Anu took the lead. Her skin felt alive with sensation she had never felt before, she never wanted it to end. Her heart raced like a flowing river, and she surrendered herself so completely, that she failed to notice as Maya slipped away from her grasp. Her systir’s watched with mixed horror as they backed away.

Meanwhile, Anu worked her magic, whispering temptations, sweet nothings, promises of power and pure pleasure into her fragile heart. Calli agreed without thinking, so wrapped around her lover’s kiss. She next felt Anu embrace her, the Goddess pulling Calli closer until their bodies touched and then, Calli felt them falling and falling, spiraling ever down into the abyss of carnal hedonism.

Mankind had been seduced by the Devil.

Anu sat upon her throne, now back to her original size. Her plan had worked flawlessly, mankind was so predictable. So easily corrupted and seduced by her form and power. She had rewarded her Flesh demons with telepathy for their part in her plan. They had brought her a great number of humans to work with, to mold and shape. Though she hated what they were, Anu took no greater satisfaction then watching them fall or die. For it was her nature to be the guiding hand of temptation.

Her newest creations were the epitome of pain and pleasure. They were the first of her Greater Devils, the Succubi, and only more would follow. They were no longer human, but still carried the appearance of them, yet heightened beyond what a normal woman could ever achieve. They were unearthly beautiful; their entire bodies crafted to seduce and tempt the weak with promises so sweet no mortal would resist.

Four Succubi sat with Anu on the throne. Calli, the Matriarch, lounged a top the skulls above Anu’s head, humming a sweet melody. Her sisters, Seri, Maya, and Rowa, slept quietly upon Anu’s lap. Maya and Rowa had been transformed greatly after Anu had tempted them, they no longer looked so young and feeble, but now beautiful like their sisters. They were the first, and Anu enjoyed their presence immensely. All of them had become fine lovers in her care, Anu had taught them well. The Goddess had bestowed further great gifts upon them as well, ones only they would keep. All of them would be leaders of succubus-kind, chosen by Anu herself. It would only be a matter of time before more followed, nurtured by the Four.

The sisters were also marked with the seal of Anu, two horns encircling a circle, glowing a soft red upon their flesh. Only chosen Succubi would have it, meaning them to be personal pets of Anu. The Goddess of Devilry would know if harm befell them in any way, and her wrath would be swift. As all things that had fallen, they belonged to her.

Yet, Anu wanted more, so much more. She had need of an army, one of Devils and Demons and all which fell between. Nothing would be safe from her unless under divine protection, and even then, her words were the sweetest nectar, and her powers were wicked. Everything was fallible in a way and would belong to her, in the end.
Valeri Andora

Interacting with: @Aamaya

Valeri had wondered the halls of the palace for a long time, trying to familiarize herself with the halls and rooms, but to no great amount of luck. No very interesting had come along either, much to her dissatisfaction. It was a maze to her, and as smart as she was, Valeri was only have concentrating on her surroundings. The Princess tended to daydream quite frequently. Whether about her next schemes, politics, or other activities, her head was always busy. She had long ago dismissed her guards, but the men instead chose to follow her at a respectable distance, occasionally chatting with her maids. She supposed happiness came in all forms, but where would her happiness come from this day? Or rather, as she felt the crack of lightning and listened to the rain, the night?

She stopped, beckoning her guards and maids to come to her. "My lovelies, take me to my room." came her aloof voice. And so her command was headed, she tried to be nice to those that served her, she found it gave them less of a reason for betrayal. One could never be too careful though.

She at last came to her room, and was welcomed by an assortment of food, drink, clothing, and more handmaidens.

As her garments were stripped, and a bath was waiting, she asked, "Has the food and drink been tested? One can never be too careful on foreign grounds."

The oldest handmaiden, a woman in her late thirties whose name was Sia, responded, "Yes my princess, all has been tested and all is as it should be. Food and drink, no poison."

As her lithe body waded into the warm water, Valeri smiled. "Very good Sia, leave a few dears and you may retire with the rest."

Sia bowed, while thanking the Princess. Everyone but three maids, and herself remained. Two were busy arranging the small table with food, and the other was preparing her sleeping attire. Feeling very comfortable, Valeri settled down into the water, letting the pleasant aromas waft around her. She was content in that moment.

After having finished her bath, eaten some spicy Exodus food, and drinking herself tipsy, Valeri looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was no longer in a bun, now resting down at her back, very curvy and white. She twirled a finger through it, as she gazed at her outfit. It was a simple beige robe that fit her, yet it was made from some material that made it practically see through. She quite liked it in all honesty, even if it was a bit modest. But her in current state, she found herself not really caring. Her black lipstick had washed away in the bath, revealing two pink lips. She blew a kiss to the mirror and giggled.

Two of the maids had left her after dinner, leaving only one to stand outside in case she needed anything. She knew the maid would be alright, two guards would keep watch of the door in the night, but how unfortunate that was. Valeri began to pace, she was full of energy and not really tired in the slightest. She looked around the room, trying to find something to do, but gave up in frustration. Perhaps a walk would do her good? It might make her tired.

She walked to the door, and opened it, only to find one guard, the other one gone and so was her maiden. The guard looked at her, his face going red.

"I-I, U-uh Princess! Uh, thought you would be asleep by now, your grace."

Valeri giggled, "You're a silly little guard." she said while opening walking onto into the hallway. "Now! Where the other two!" she asked in a sing-song tone.

The guard, try as hard as he might, kept glancing at the Princess' figure, and stammered more.

"P-princess t-they, w-went off to, well uh.." he began to shift uncomfortably as his voice fell quiet. The poor man's face, even for an Andorian, was a shade of pink. Embarrassment! Valeri read the situation. One guard here, and the other two, a man and woman, off somewhere else. She could only imagine what they were doing.

She laughed then, "Oh you poor thing! How mean of them to leave you all by your lonesome. Hmmm." She thought for a moment before exclaiming, "Ah! Did I not see how you talked to Elise earlier? Do not be lonely on this stormy night my dear, go. Go talk to her!"

"B-But Princess wh-"

"Do not worry about me, little guard. No one would dare harm a royal such as I. Now go, it will be our little secret! If anyone asks, just tell them I dismissed you to enjoy the night."

"I... Thank you, your grace." And with that, the man began to jog away. Well, he was obviously excited, and who could blame him?

Valeri then walked down the hallways, stopping every now and then to gaze outside at the storm. The cool wind licking her face was enough to send her back inside though. Refreshing as it was, she was hardly wearing anything to stay warm. She only met a few Exodus guards on patrols as she walked, and they gave her mixed reactions, which greatly amused the Princess.

After what felt like forever, Valeri finally found herself in a new area of the palace. A study of some sort, full to the brim with tables, books, and soft chairs. She enjoyed reading occasionally, but most books escaped her grasp of meaning, especially old tomes from before. They were hard to read, much less understand.

She browsed loosely, not really paying anything to mind. She hummed a small tune as she went from book shelf to book shelf. She walked over to another bookshelf and much to her surprise, she gazed at Amaya. Even without all of her jewelry and fine dress, even without makeup, it would have been foolish to think it was anyone else. She wore such an elegant little gown, and her hair! It was so long.

She leaned against the bookshelf and spoke after a moment with a large, genuine smile, "Well, I must say, I did not think I would find anyone out at this time, much less you Princess Amaya."
Can't wait to corrupt, uh, meet them!
I am well, thanks!
I have to say, I have been enjoying writing for Anu so much, that I am already half way done with my next post. Keep up the good work guys, looking forward to reading more!
@Lmpkio@A Lowly Wretch

We should do well not to forget our own lore. The world as it sits, is in the stone age. I would find it hard to believe a government would be founded so early, especially by a god of Light. Though we can create things out of our domain just a bit, how would Hyperion have taught them so much beyond his jurisdiction?

Now by no means am I knocking the character, I find him great actually, I just think we should be building up with what he have so far and not have an already advanced civilization. But these are just my opinions, do what you will.
”It is death, the Devil’s Mount. What lives there no man can hunt. What grows there no woman can pick. The water too foul to drink. When the light goes to sleep, give prayer to Hayim. Might he give comfort in the dark. For it is death, the Devil’s Mount…”

-A Shaman’s Words

Calli hummed as she sowed, a tune passed down from mother to daughter. She worked carefully, rhythmically, as she sowed deerskin into moccasins. A process also taught by her mother, and to her sisters. She sat outside her family’s small lodge, taking in the fresh air as her small village went about their days. Children ran about playing hunter and prey, elders sat about in groups smoking from their bone pipes, while most of the older girls and the women were busying themselves with work. Some men idled about with spears in hand, but most were out fishing and hunting and doing whatever men did. By the time the Light was setting, meaning nightfall fast approached, Calli was finished with her moccasins and it was time for dinner to begin preparation.

She wandered back inside, her mother teaching her younger sisters the art of beadmaking, with bone, rocks, and anything else shiny. Maya and her mother sat facing Calli, while Rowa and Seri faced away. Maya was the youngest of the trio, being born only five winters ago. Rowa came next having been born nine winters ago, and Seri was only a year younger then herself.

“Calli! Calli! Look, look!” Came Maya’s excited voice as she held up a small pink shell with a hole in it. Her sister’s large smile was infectious as she beamed with joy. “Isn’t it pretty, systir? Elder Dareeri says it came from Akhuz!”
Rowa and Seri began to laugh.

“If that came from Akhuz,” Seri began, “Then this pebble came from Voctao!” Which then prompted Seri and Rowa to laugh again. Maya was visibly upset at the accusation, the small girl breamed with anger and a shouting match commenced at the table, but her mothyr quickly put an end to it.

“Seri! Rowa! Enough. Apologize to your sister, now. Elder Dareeri is seldom wrong.”

As Calli walked over to examine the shell further, Seri and Rowa begrudgingly apologized to Maya. Calli then took the shell, holding it gently in her grasp. After a moment she exclaimed, “Akhuz! Yes, I think so! I bet Hayim himself wanted you to have this Maya.” As she handed the small shell back to Maya, the little girl’s face was again beaming with joy. Calli also noticed her mother smiling softly as she worked on her own shell.

Her mothyr was a kind-hearted soul, doing whatever it took to keep her children healthy and happy. Little lies such as this were just one of the things she did for Calli’s younger siblings, and who really knew, maybe the shell had come from Akhuz. Elder Dareeri had said strange things were out there.

“Calli,” Came her mother, “It’s time to start supper.”

“I know mothyr, I know.”

Her family feasted that night, her papa and brothyrs had hunted down a great elk, and because the animal was so large, they would have a head start for the colder season and plenty to spare for friends and other relatives. Her papa was particularly boastful that night around the fire, talking and talking as he always did. A lot of what he said was not true, but a great chorus of laughter told a different story. Her brothyrs, Notolak and Farur were quite quick to chime in and tell what really happened.

As their bellies were full, and the fire dimmed down- Elder Dareeri came by with news. She was an older woman, her hear was grey and she kept a walking staff carved with many symbols. Her words always carried weight, and everyone would grow quiet to listen.

“Borau, great luck I hear you had. A great elk, sent by Naswaru perhaps? You should thank the God of the Hunt, he works in strange ways.”
“We have Elder, we only took what we could carry, and gave back what we could not.” Came her father’s voice.

“Good Borau, good.” Dareeri said while taking a seat in between in brothers, “A runner came up from the south around midday, telling us grave news. The tremor that was felt a fortnight ago, came from the endless sand. Fire erupts from the sky of the great spire, he said, a bad omen.” Dareeri sighed, before continuing, “The Teradu Tribe faced great tragedy these last few days, a few of their own went Raving and… well, they may need help when the biting winds come.” At this, the group started breaking into hushed whispers and talk as Dareeri stared into the fire. Calli noticed she had avoided saying what really happened, probably not to frighten the young ones, but the adults would know. As she matured, she could see what was really going on in the world and wanted nothing more then the ignorance of youth. Her brothyr’s voices brought her back to the fire, they seemed to be in a heated discussion.

“The Raving will be the end of us all if we are not careful. We have our own worries here!” Said Notolak.

“Perhaps if they did not seek so much land this would not have happ-“ Started Farur but was interrupted by Borau.

“Enough of this talk, Farur, Notolak. We will help all those in need, it is what Hayim would want us to do.” Calli watched as they bowed their heads to his words, growing silent without protest. As it should be.

“Now,” said Borau in a more light-hearted voice, “Let us pass around the berry tart, I could use something sweet!”

As the twinkling lights shone brightly overhead, and the mirth of the fire settled to coals, Calli was left alone with her brothyrs. Elder Dareeri, her papa, mothyr, and systirs long ago retiring. The night air was cool upon her face, a fur blanket covered herself from the chill. She stared into the coals, while her brothers chatted quietly to themselves. She was cozy, and her eyes felt so heavy. She yawned, perhaps a quick nap was in order.

Then the screaming started.

Calli jolted awake at the blood curdling sounds, her brothyrs were already on their feet, with spears in hand. The screaming was coming deeper in the small village, and then came something else, something far more terrifying.

It sounded like a scream, only higher pitched and deafening. It belonged to no tribesman.

It instantly drove an arrow of fear into her heart, so profound and horrible she could only sit there and cover her ears. Hoping it would stop, no… Pleading it would stop! Such fear was far too crippling. Then it was over, and the world around her erupted into a frenzy as men shouted, women were yelling, and children were crying. Her papa ran out of the house with spear in hand, barking orders at his sons to get their mothyr and systirs and run.

Calli was crying uncontrollably when her papa reached her, giving her an embrace before pulling away to look at her.

“Calli! Calli, listen to me! Listen! Papa loves you. You are safe! Now go with your brothyrs! Keep your systirs safe! Go!” Calli could see on his face how much it pained him to say that, but her own voice faltered, and she said nothing as her Father ran into the village. She would never see him again.

It was Notolak that grabbed her hand, pulling her to follow. He said something but Calli failed to listen as a white demon appeared before her, appearing out of nowhere. Something erupted from it’s face, a sickening gurgle followed as her brother’s hand went limp. If she had turned to look, she would see Notolak had been punctured through the throat, but Calli could not remove her gaze from the demon before her.

A sudden spear hit the creature in the chest, startling Calli. Farur was screaming at her to run as he tackled the Demon into the coals. She dared not stay any longer and ran, as fast as she could with tears streaming down her face. Her Mothyr and Systirs had just left the Lodge, thank Hayim. She screamed at them to run, and grabbed Maya as she caught up to them, then buried her sister’s face into her right shoulder.

The girls ran, their swift feet carrying them into the dark forest as the screams began to fade. The only sound was their breathing, and Maya’s shrill cries.

When they at last stopped for breath in a small clearing, their bodies were exhausted. Calli’s heart was pounding in her head and her mothyr looked like she was going to faint. All of them then embraced one another, regardless of how tired they were, it was at times like this that comfort was needed.

“W-what w-was t-that?” asked a shaking Seri.

“I do not know little one, but we need to go.” Came her Mothyrs voice.

“B-But what about Papa, Farur, and N-Notolak.” Rowa cried softly. Whether or not she had seen what befell their brothers, Calli did not know, but she hoped Rowa would be spared the burden of having to watch them die.

“There is no time, my cub. We need to g-“ But her voice was caught off as a demon entered the clearing in front of them. It’s pale body the only defining trait in the darkness, as it watched them. Calli’s eyes went wide and she shouted to run, but upon turning around, she saw their exit was cut off by three more.

The girls screamed again, frantically holding onto her, while her mothyr fell to her knees. Calli clutched Maya harder, feeling the small girl sobbing. This was a nightmare, something the Elder’s told children to frighten them. Stories, only stories. It couldn’t be real… yet…

“No! No no no…” came her mothyr’s crying, “Don’t kill them! Please. Please! I beg you, please!”

Yet the demons made no sound as they began to walk towards them, no words of agreement, only the eerie silence that flew from them. Her legs buckled, she knew what would come next. As a long pale claw reached towards her, Calli shut her eyes, turning her body away to protect her small sister from the demon. Calli cried silently as she thought of her family, before embracing the end.

This glorious passion of hatred is unleashed by knowingly committing the worst sins. But how can one define a sin? In the context of this curse, it arrives with fervor after transgression upon fellow man. Though Anu cares little to admit it, humans are intelligent, they think and act upon those thoughts. Now an act of murder, an act of evil, an act of misguided lust, would have dire consequence.

The curse itself, drives those afflicted to keep indulging their sin. This compulsion has varying effects, with the strong willed able to keep hold of themselves at first, but just like the weak, they will succumb, loosing all trace of their humanity.

In the case of Calak, he had never killed a man before, thus the curse was dormant. After dealing with men with the curse active, he grew to hate them. The curse has a way of projecting itself unto others, so it can activate. When Calak killed, he had sealed his fate. Even though he thought it was the right thing, he still committed murder. It was he who acted upon his own thoughts, thus the curse came alive inside of him and it drove him to keep sinning, in this case, killing.

Like I said, to be fair, this curse works in different ways for different people. Some might be affected immediately, others might have a slow build up. Willpower is the only tool right now that would slow it down.

So how does one kill another human without the curse activating? Self defense is one, hanging is another, an unwanted accident wouldn't trigger it either. As long as an individual doesn't actually kill a person with a weapon or their own hands, minus self defense, then the curse won't activate. It's all about having consequences to a sin you knowingly commit. Lust breeds more lust. Murder breeds more murder. Greed breeds more greed, etc.

The three men who were tied to the post acting crazy, are just worse case scenarios on how an individual might act without their humanity. Most will be crazed in their pursuit to get a 'fix'. The sin, becomes the only goal to achieve in the end, no matter the cost.
Just a quick FYI, my little story about the Sin Curse is the worst case scenario for a human. Stronger willed individuals will be able to fight their darker temptations for a time, but all succumb, with varying effects. Divine intervention can cure individuals, especially Hayim I imagine, plus the dulling properties of Ahkuz.
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