Valeri Andora
Interacting with:
Valeri slept heavily in the large Exodus bed, whose silken sheets she wound up wrapping herself in like a cocoon. It was a most cozy sleep, one undisturbed by bad dreams or noises besides the soft pattern of rain. Thankfully, the Primfiran delegation had been given the most accommodating of rooms, with everything built around their height. The bed had ample room for her legs, the bath was large enough for her to stretch comfortably, and even the furniture was larger then normal, but only be a small margin. The Exodus, it seemed, did in fact know how to treat their guests well.
With a large yawn, Valeri awoke to find herself in a strange place. Her morning disorientation was quickly swept away as she focused, regaining her wits. She blinked, then rubbed her eyes and sat up. The morning light was brighter then she would have guessed from the events of last night, it was almost strange really. The weather could be so unpredictable, much like people. Valeri looked around, she was alone and not a thing of hers had been disturbed, or if it had, she would not have noticed anyways.
She closed her eyes for a moment, and groggily shouted,
"Siaaaaaa!"Her door opened as soon as she had uttered her name, and in an instance her room was flooded with Maids going about their work in preparing the Princess for the day. She liked it this way, when they were called upon they answered, and it beat them waking her up like they use to when she was a child.
Sia, the older woman, walked over to Valeri's bedside, her expression as adamant as always. "Good morning Princess Valeri, feeling well rested after yesterdays events?"
"Mhmm." Came her reply.
"Exodus has given us an official statement on certain events that have transpired yesterday night, and for today. Would you like to read it, or shall I?" She asked.
Valeri shook her head, mumbling something about words being hard.
Sia cleared her throat, then began to read the statement. Valeri paid attention to most of it, but by the end she found herself nodding off. When Sia finished, Valeri took stock. The bear attack had claimed many lives, she hoped not many of her people had been causalities. Other then a feast held in the night, there wasn't really much to do, or anything she needed to attend today. Perhaps she would go on a trip through Exodus, and at this point she thought of another bear attack, then thought better of it. She would only leave the palace if she truly needed to.
"Princess, your bath has been drawn." Sia said, breaking her train of thought. Valeri looked at the older woman and smiled softly. She then slowly got out of bed.
"I don't know what I would do without you girls." Valeri stated somberly, before walking over to the steaming bathtub. She was helped out of her garments, the silken clothing being whisked away. She would probably never see it again.
She entered the tub, letting the water take her naked body in it's warmth. Following her were two younger maidens, the same two that had been in the carriage with her. Valeri smiled knowingly, letting herself drift as they meticulously washed her body. Ionna was the taller of the two. She had light blonde hair, wrapped in a simple bun with two strands falling down the sides of her face, and she had dazzlingly green eyes. Tilly was shorter, her long hair was platinum, and her eyes were a light violet. Both of them were quite petite in frame, but they had a natural beauty for being so young at seventeen. Valeri liked them the best, only after Sia of course, they simply did anything she asked and
more. It was quite adorable, in it's own little way.
"And what did you two end up doing last night?" Valeri lulled.
At her sudden question, both girls began to talk simultaneously. It was custom for Primfira servants to be talked to first, before they themselves spoke in front of royalty. Though Valeri did not care much for this rule, she did find it amusing, as they both had a penchant for running their mouths on and on. She knew it pained them to not be able to say anything to her, So Valeri would be silent on many occasions, trying to get either of them to break. It almost worked once, but she hadn't been able to replicate the procedure.
Valeri closed her eyes and giggled,
"Ladies, ladies, one at a time. I swear you never learn." Then both of them began to utter apologies to the Princess.
They both then went quiet and Tilly began to talk, "My Lady, last night was quiet something. Before that foul beast attacked, Ionna and I were... Um, preoccupied with a certain task. Yes, it was going quite well until everyone was running and shouting."
Ionna then cut in, "Oh Princess, it was a tragedy if I ever saw one." Her voice then became a whisper, "Who knew that guards had jobs outside of sneaking away and taking advantage of two innocent maidens. So tragic that our fun was interrupted." Ionna finished innocently.
The Princess smirked,
"Mhmm, such naughty little maids." She whispered seductively,
"Perhaps they need to be punished?"At this, the maid's cheeks became flushed, but before either of them could respond, Sia scolded them for taking too long. Tilly and Ionna held but one fear in life, and it was upsetting Sia, so with renewed vigor they cleaned Valeri, washed her hair and then coated her in subtle fragrances of flowers and other delicious smells. They then dried her off, Tilly began to brush her long hair, and Ionna began to apply her favorite black lipstick.
When this was done, Ionna and Tilly withdrew to change into something themselves. Valeri winked as they left. New maids arrived with her clothing for the day, it seemed Sia had chosen something black. Valeri supposed it was only proper, as today would be one of mourning, and it was best to look the part. She was
dressed at last, her morning ritual completed. It was time to eat something, and who better to eat with, then her own father? It was time to talk, to see if she could find out what his game was, so she sent a runner to her father, explaining that his daughter would be joining him for breakfast.
She frowned as she left the room, an unpleasant feeling growing as she was escorted by four guards to the inevitable. Speaking with her father always seemed to be a chore on her part, and one were no one gave praise, but someone had to. She liked to think he got terribly lonely, that he enjoyed his daughter's company, but King Erasmi was a hard man who rarely showed emotion and Valeri usually left such conversations in sadness. It was wishful thinking on her part, but just once maybe the King would tell her he loved her. Just once would be enough. Most times however, Valeri found it was easier to talk to a wall, at least then she knew to expect nothing from it. It had always been easier to talk with Mother...