The Qliphoth - Scarlet Swamp
Lvl 14 Ms Fortune (132/140) Lvl 9 Goldlewis (82/90) Lvl 7 Sandalphon (67/70) Lvl 4 Grimm (8/40)
Midna Junior, Rika & Edward’s @DracoLunaris Blazermate, Sectonia & Roland’s @Archmage MC Geralt, Zenkichi & Edelgard’s @MULTI_MEDIA_MAN Ace Cadet, Pit, Primrose & Therion’s @Yankee Juri’s @Zoey Boey Roxas, Ganondorf, & Captain Falcon’s @Double
Word Count: 2218
Though pleased with herself for yet another great idea at first, Nadia quickly found her commitment to the bit wearing thin when her scheme to get clean did not work as well as she hoped. After all, the copycats created by her Oceanid striker weren’t technically water, but pure Hydro elemental energy. They couldn’t wash her so much as repeatedly smack her to inflict the Wet status, which gradually washed the xylem off but left her soaked instead. Given the humidity in here, the poor feral wasn’t going to dry off anytime soon, either. With a deep sigh she set off across the blood-red bog to scale the terraced falls and face the aperture in the Qliphoth’s trunk, where she shivered beneath the bluster of frigid high-altitude winds.
While up there, Nadia looked around to see how the others were doing. Now by herself, Emily had spurned the site of golden grace in favor of a softly shining bone-white plant she spotted near some of the other strange plants. It didn’t look like anything special to the catgirl, but its serene glow seemed to offer Emily some sort of comfort, so she was grateful. There was no telling how many more survivors like her might be trapped in here, and Nadia knew she couldn’t save everyone, but as long as she could rescue one person, maybe there was some hope for her as a heroine after all.
It took her longer to figure out what Midna was doing, but eventually Nadia realized that Midna must be using her weird powers to fish in the crimson mire. Calling any of the verminous critters she pulled from the muck ‘fish’ was something of a stretch, but if it helped the Twilight Princess de-stress, the feral was all for it. Too many back-to-back battles would take a toll on even the most energetic Seekers. And who knew how many more dangers still lay between them and their goal?
Naturally, Midna ran into trouble, and a skirmish erupted at the shoreline when some monsters popped up from below. Nadia stood up to get a better look, wondering if she’d need to help, but she could see only a couple critters and not a whole horde. Midna and her summons quickly wiped them out with a localized lightning storm and a little dark magic. Though intense in the moment, the scuffle was small compared to the Qliphoth hollow, so it didn’t end up concerning anyone else, and Nadia turned her attention elsewhere.
Finally, after what seemed like ages, more Seekers began to arrive. Roxas, Zenkichi, Primrose, and Grimm bubbled up from an unseen vein beneath the swamp’s surface. “Heya!” Nadia called, her distant voice echoing across the hollow as she waved. She pushed off the terrace where she’d taken a seat by the opening, landed, and began to jog over. Not wanting to disturb any lurking horrors like Midna had, she skirted around each pool of murky, ruddy xylem until she’d reached the newcomers. While all of them received her cheerful smile, only Primrose got a hug. They were a mess, but they were alive. “Ya made it! You guys alright?” She quickly let go, then jabbed a finger over her shoulder. “I was just lookin’ out the window there. Couldn’t even see the ground! This swamp’s so high up, it really bog-gles the mind. Nyaha.” She wiggled her eyebrows, then turned and threw her hand in the vague direction of the Site of Grace. “Anyway, since nunna the big shots’re here to give us our marsh-ing orders, mire-ecommendation is to take it easy and relax ‘til the others catch up.” She pulled a pitcher of lemonade from her pouch and offered it to the others. “Wanna drink? It’s ‘sour’ little secret~”
After shaking the xylem from his cloak with remarkable ease, Grimm offered her a polite bow of greeting, then heeded her advice in silence and took refuge in the warmth of the golden grace.
Not even a minute later, another squad of Seekers arrived. Ganondorf, Pit, Goldlewis, and Sectonia all washed up in quick succession, and while none of them looked especially happy, Sectonia seemed downright livid. While she fumed and raved about the unclean, ugly innards of the demon tree, Nadia was impressed she’d managed -or agreed- to fit inside a bloodstream at all. “Sheesh, just one soak and you’re seeing red, Toni? All-red-y? Shame you can’t just fly outside and wash off in the rain ‘cause it ages you, but that’s old news, I guess~” Nadia then turned her attention to Goldlewis and put on an egregious southern accent. “Howdy, partner! That color really ‘suits’ you!”
“Ugh,” Goldlewis groaned as he pulled off his suit jacket. He tried once to squeeze the xylem from it, then gave up and tossed it aside. “No salvagin’ that one, I s’pose.” When he saw Primrose, he tried to flag her down. “‘Scuse me miss Primrose, but could I possibly persuade ya to cast one o’ yer healin’ spells? We got ourselves into a real pickle down there without any doggone medics to patch us up.” As he made his request he reflected that if not for the shielding abilities he’d gained from Hank in Arahabaki, the showdown against the Corruptor might have gone a whole lot worse. Goldlewis knew he was lucky to be standing here, and he made sure to count his blessings.
Next to bob up from the swamp were Blazermate, Geralt, and Ace. Nadia was happy to see all three, having been by their side through thick and thin, but her heart especially soared to see Ace alive and well. “There you are!’ She ran over to hug them one by one. When she reached the hunter, she jumped into his arms, both as a sign of affection as a prank given her effective weight. As the others greeted one another, Goldlewis narrowed down his count of Seekers who had yet to return. Sandalphon, the kids, Roland, that li’l fella, Juri, and both newcomers. The veteran pursed his lips as he scratched at his beard. With the Qliphoth’s convoluted circulatory system somehow bringing everyone to the same place, there could be little ambiguity about what happened if anyone failed to show. He worried about the soldier and the witch especially–this was one hell of a first assignment. “Shoulda known better than to bring ‘em along,” he mumbled.
Before long, Goldlewis had his answer. A sudden fountain of xylem heralded the arrival of Roland, Rika, Bowser Jr, and finally, Sandalphon. Though all appeared to be healthy at first glance despite their inundation in the demon tree’s blood, Sandalphon’s body language implied otherwise. Only with difficulty, and the aid of her summoned gunstaff as a walking stick, could she rise and begin to make her way to the edge. It was clear that she could use some help, and once he saw her in distress, Zenkichi was all too quick to rush in and lend a hand.
‘...Thank you.” Sandalphon suppressed her impulse to thoroughly scan her surroundings and focused on not being too much of a burden until Zenkichi saw her safely to the site of grace that several others were treating like a bonfire. Its golden luster briefly captivated her, but before seating herself she planted her gunstaff to expand a healing field for the others. Then she eased down onto the ground.
“Repetitious exposure to severe injury and healing has rapidly accumulated fatigue in my body,” she explained. “While I could have more effectively avoided injury in the previous battle, the primary reason is my lack of athleticism.” Though everyone had encountered opposition throughout the Qliphoth so far, nobody seemed as depleted by the ordeal as she. It frustrated her, but so did her teammates’ reactions after the fight with Lilith concluded. They owed their survival to her and her experience, but only two had even acknowledged her. Still, she knew that she couldn’t succumb to arrogance. Upon reflection, she was simply grateful for her good fortune in running into Lilith–not because any part of that experience appealed to her whatsoever, but because her challengers would have likely perished otherwise.
The real -and much more galling- problem was her current condition. Even if Sandalphon was the only Seeker to show such weakness, she could not allow pride to silence her. “I don’t believe I can continue in this state,” she admitted. “I should return to the ship. I may be able to return later if properly treated.” After a moment, Sandalphon lowered her voice, her next words for Zenkichi only. “I have one other task aboard the Avenger in mind. De-fusion with at least two of my human spirits.” Her tone was matter-of-fact, but her pupils were stress marks. “Human weakness is compromising my physical and mental state. I almost got everyone killed back in that canyon. Reversion is the logical option. And yet…I know it’s this humanity that…allows me to express how I feel. I am conflicted.” Sandalphon couldn’t say much more than that.
After another moment, Emily tentatively approached. “Excuse me, ma’am. My name is Emily, Nadia found me in here. Did you say that you have a way to get out?”
The archangel straightened up, her usual air of stiff formality restored. “My method would not work for you, but now that I see that hole in the Qliphoth exterior, I could guide the shuttle back to this spot. The Lost Numbers should be able to extract any number of us in such a manner.” She looked around the assembled Seekers. “Does anyone else wish to return to the ship?”
“I will,” Snake spoke up suddenly. He’d faded into the background since arriving with Juri, Therion, and Edward, but now the mercenary took center stage. “I’ve managed to keep a low profile so far, but I can tell when I’m out of my element. If it’s all the same to you, I’ll back you up some other day.
Goldlewis nodded, unexpectedly supportive. “Fine by me. We got plenty o’ manpower, don’t need any o’ y’all dyin’ needlessly.”
A minute or so after everything was sorted out, Grimm returned to the group. The Troupe Master had gone with his Grimmchild to scout ahead, and both seemed to be in good spirits. ”I have discovered a means of ascendance. The going will not be easy, but I can feel our grand finale close at hand. A showman’s intuition.” His scarlet eyes seemed to scour the Seekers around him. He then rasped, ”If you are rested, we must away.”
Grimm’s words helped get the team moving. As everyone who would be proceeding got ready to set out, Goldlewis took his final tally. Everyone was here…except the Witch. Nobody willing to say anything about it had seen the Witch since the standoff against the horde. The revelation aggrieved Goldlewis, but it did not stop him. During his military career he’d lost more men than he cared to admit, and newbies were always the quickest to go. He could not let it bother him, lest all the weight he’d been forced to carry come crashing down. He simply caught his breath, accepted some lemonade from Ms. Fortune, and joined the convoy of heroes on the climb to the Qliphoth’s canopy.
Once the team took to the upward path through the tunnels, the going quickly got rough. Right away the infestation began to thicken. Though as unmistakably -and disgustingly- fleshy as the cancerous Flood growths down below, this infestation seemed to be of a slightly different strain, more fungal than anything. It grew into and melded with the Qliphoth itself in strange ways, creating structures that blurred the line between plant and animal. Sinuous ganglions and fibrous nerve clusters gleamed an unnatural orange above pools of still, stagnant rainwater leaked in from outside, and undead horrors reared their ugly heads around every turn. With almost two dozen Seekers present no Floodfested persisted long enough to pose a threat or call for reinforcements, but the tunnels’ twisted denizens kept their intruders on their toes. Several times they needed to deal with peculiar growths, such as passages blocked by hardy organic valves that would only open once certain nerve clusters were stimulated, sometimes in sequence.
Between the odd puzzles, enemies, and the terrain itself, it was a difficult hike. Still, there were plenty of opportunities while traveling to strike up a little conversation. Nadia, in a good mood thanks to Emily’s impending rescue, took the first opportunity to blabber away to Ace about her encounters with the Successor of the Claw, Something Unto Death, and the mysterious bartender Gallagher. The feral did not hesitate to embellish a little, and her motor mouth seldom skipped a beat, even when a handful of Floodfested monsters showed up to crash the party. Before long she was hearkening back to their shared misery on the Maw as well, only too happy to fill other listeners in on all the gory details. Her energetic chatter -and nonstop puns- helped keep the mood light as the team climbed closer and closer to the final showdown.