Avatar of Lunamaria Hawke


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current very busy today. sorry for not replying. will reply tomorrow. have a lot of things to do, today
4 yrs ago
ready and waiting! affirmative!
5 yrs ago
hey, i'm busy right now. I really will reply later
5 yrs ago
i want to write a story so bad


hi, i'm summer. i'm a tomboyish girl sorta and i love playing video games
I have a computer that's been broken for 4 months and now that I can't play any games, i'm back to roleplaying
I trade stocks and write books on the side
i once got into a dungeon and dragon's game (Might and Magic VII) that i lost so much track of time that i peed myself
i shoot lightning bolts when i'm asleep, so nobody dares to wake me
That's all for now!

Most Recent Posts

Marcia entered the physical training room with a gun.

She was so sick and tired of the previous day's virtual reality sims that she just wanted to bust something. She opened her gun up, took some bullets out of her pocket, and then fed the bullets one by one into the gun's ammo chamber with enthusiastic hands.

Gosh, it's been a while since I've used a R68... but today I'm just gonna unload it on some practice target. There is nothing more satisfying than destroying something with real lead bullets.

She looked around, searching for a good practice target. She saw Corporal Damien and Drachen standing besides one of the practice targets. Nope, not that one. And then she found one of the training dummies that had bright targets painted on it. She inhaled, then walked to a distance of twenty feet, aimed, then pressed the trigger.


She missed. One of the bullets struck the wall directly behind the dummy, totally missing the practice target. A scattering of metal-to-metal sparkling impact careened off the walls.

She fired, again.


Missed, again. This time, the bullet struck one of the walls in the back, with more sparks.

She fired, again!


Missed, again.

Gosh, I can't aim, today. My mind is just too filled up with crap that I can't even think well. And I'm supposed to be a proud owner of a R68? "You're going down, dummy!" She fired, again.


This bullet smashed into the dummy's midsection, causing sparks to flare on the dummy's chest. The dummy took the hit like a punchbag and started wavering back and forth.

Yeah! Yeah! "I got em'!" said Marcia, smiling at the two men in the room. "Hey corporal! I finally hit! Yay me! Am I good or what?"

She fired, again.


One hit. One miss.

She grinned. "Hey guys, I know I don't have the best aim -- but if i fire 5 times, I'm sure to hit at least two of them, right? It's all about numbers, right?"

Yeehaw! She kept firing. She emptied the clip in the general direction of the dummy, giving her some satisfaction after having hit the dummy at least three times out of 10. She smiled. Her day was getting better! She was feeling better. It was so satisfying... after a day of rummaging through VR sims and achieving nothing but getting totalled. The smell of gunpowder in the practice room reminded her that she was an active member of XCOM -- that she had power. It was enlightening.

"Yeah! Yeah!" She pressed the trigger. Nothing. She had no more bullets left. "Hey, you guys got some bullets for a standard R68? I wanna keep shooting!"
hey, can i join???? what's this rp about? all i see is these gigantic pictures posted by this one guy
i wanna play, i wanna play!
The fireplace was warm and cozy. Marcia stretched her legs on the loveseat, casually gazing at the sparkling fire that brought rays of heat on her body. It felt so comfortable. The loveseat's soft cushions caressed her back as she lay peacefully. If only she had someone to share this moment with.
Before she came here, Marcia had been revoltingly bored. Now, the situation was anything but boring. Her eyes glimpsed at the sparkling yellow flames sending rays of warmth on the expensive carpet.

Behind her, she heard footsteps. She twisted her head and saw a man entering the room. She smiled at him.

"Hello, Marcia," said the man.
Marcia smiled, playing her part of the game. "Who are you? How do you know my name?"
"I know all I command," said the man. "I especially know you, Marcia."
"What is your name?" said Marcia, flirtingly.
"You will call me The Commander." The Commander walked to the fireplace and put his hands in front of his robe. "It is a lovely evening, isn't it? A beautiful woman like you deserve a beautiful night. Do you like the fire?"
"I love it," said Marcia.
The Commander twisted around. His eyes connected with Marcia's. "My family built it long ago, before the war began. One of many places where I call home. It is part of my very soul. It can be yours if you do what I want. If... you follow my command... once more."
"How many men have you commanded, commander?" said Marcia.
The Commander smiled. "Too many. For many years, I've devoted my life to my entire race -- our race. I've held so much burden. I've dedicated so much so that one day humanity's children can breathe Earth's air and know that they are safe. But all this time, there has always been something missing. You see, Marcia, I long for a woman's touch, someone to rekindle the flames of lost passion that I have so long neglected. See, Marcia -- I, too, can be vulnerable."
Marcia looked at him. "Why me??"
"Because I love you. I have always loved you. You have always been in my thoughts ever since I set foot in the DNA modification chamber. I became what I am to protect you, Marcia. I have been waiting for you for too long." The Commander walked closer and began taking off his robe.
Marcia could feel his heat... his presence... which stood between her and the fire. It was as if his presence, his fire, was stronger than anything she felt before. "What do you want?" Marcia smiled.
"You know what I want, my love," stated The Commander.

At this point, Marcia had a decision to make. Would she accept his desire?
The following thoughts occurred in her head, some of which was unconscious:
She thought about him. She knew the following facts. He was a man of integrity, of abundance. He was an alpha male. Not only that, but he kept his word, and he loved her. He desired her and only her. He was someone she could open her heart to, someone she could spend a lifetime with. What's there not to like?
She blinked. She realized she had made that decision a long time ago. There was no decision to make.

Hot! Marcia smiled. "Take off your robe."
He smiled as well. He took off his robes, revealing a rather... sizeable endowment. Marcia licked her lips.
His body was perfect. He had great abs, a lean body, a nice tan, and his face was so familiar, yet so new.
Marcia reciprocated by quickly unbuttoning her shirt, letting her breasts free for the Commander to see.
The Commander smiled, again. He took her naked breasts as a sign to escalate the encounter. He came close and kissed her. His hands caressed her body, sending waves of pleasure through her.
His endowment rubbed against her crotch, teasing her.
"Take it off," said Marcia.
The Commander obeyed, pulling her panties off so that her wetness could be caressed.
"Lick it," said Marcia.
The Commander knelt, while Marcia spread her legs. His tongue explored her insides until she could no longer hold her anticipation in.
"Put it in me! Put it in me!" exclaimed Marcia.
The Commander started kissing her stomach, then her breasts, then her neck, then finally her mouth. Meanwhile, he entered her.
"Oh!!!" said Marcia. "Ohh! Keep humping!"
For the next minute, all she felt were all those manly muscles in front of her.... humping her in ecstasy.
She came closer... closer... "Ooooh! Oohhhhhhh!"

BATTERY LOW. COMMENCING AUTOSHUTDOWN, said big blaring words hovering in front of her.

The scene ended. Everything disappeared. The fireplace dissolved like a dream. The man vanished and, suddenly, she realized that she was still in her bunk in the marine barracks in the starship USS Bronzebeard.
"Whaaa?" whispered Marcia.
The neural interface headset she was wearing felt heavy on her head. One of the lights were on. "Battery at 1%" the light said. "Do you want to save the file?"
"Damn it!" she said. Next time I should charge the battery to full before I play another dating sim! I was getting to the best part!
Marcia stood there, watching the interaction between Corporal Damian and Private Weisser. Her eyes kept darting in between these two. It took a long time to figure out what was going on, but finally, she understood.

She grinned.

Wow, this guy really likes Helene Weisser. Damian just spent 5 minutes lecturing her on her pedigree! Helene Weisser!
I get it. Helene is tall, has a nice body, has great pedigree, and is probably incredibly rich. Some guys really dig that type of stuff.
I don't understand, tho. If he really likes her that much, why doesn't he just say it instead of making up all this macho stuff to scare her?

Based on Marcia's numerous experiments with programmed male behavior in the virtual reality dating sims, Marcia was reasonably sure this was what was happening. Men say and think a lot of things for love, but one thing is certain, they always say and express what they think in the presence of some female somewhere. I just hope Helene figures this out without interpreting it the wrong way.

Marcia grinned, fully intent on watching everything play out. I hope Helene knows what to do with male attention. I wouldn't worry though. From her looks, I know she gets a lot of it.
who says this?
"Sure, we put our lives on the line every mission but most dangerous of all...we risked our humanity to defeat them."
it's in green, but I don't know who's dialogue is in green
"I'm from South New Star. When I was small, my family immigrated to Mars from France and I love watching holonovels -- especially romance films! I love playing virtual reality games using my neuro-enhancer helmet. I like strategy games and RPGs and first person shooters! And I looove virtual reality dating sims! Not only that, I've logged over 2000 hours in marine combat simulator X. I can totally take out the final boss in The Empire of the Crescent Moon in less than five minutes."

Marcia just wondered if she blabbed too much about herself. I hope they don't think I'm an airhead. I hope they still think I can add my weight in any serious combat situation.

"I love people with courage, and I hate cowards, even though I'm sorta a coward myself."
In the hangar, Marcia Devries stood with her fellow soldiers and grinned.

So we're called Ox Squad, huh? I wonder why we're named after an animal? In particular, that animal?
At least circumstances around her have changed. She had waited endlessly during the personnel transport and it had been so boring! Now, the situation was finally heating up.

She looked around her. There were so many tall people. Even the other girl was tall. Everyone looked so... well... buff, at least compared to herself -- which wasn't really a bad thing to Marcia. For instance, she thought the big baldy guy was kinda hot. She thought the smaller one who was chewing on beef jerky was delicious. And the tall girl? -- was well... a girl.

She suddenly recalled her last boyfriend -- if you could call him that. Anything was better than Dillion. Dillion had been somewhat of a playboy and a gambler. Nevertheless, she missed Dillion and the life that he gave her. There had been passion in that one-sided romance, at least for her -- but it had been one-sided. All Dillion wanted in life was to live the exotic life of a professional card player and bone girls, often two times a week. Marcia had been his wingmate despite her love for him. Eventually, she grew tired of being only a plaything.

Now, her life was different. Now, she embraced another passion. It was far superior to the last one. This passion was none other than her line of work. She passionately believed that it was humankind's destiny to expand to the stars and overcome any barrier or any obstacle that got in the way. And because she believed that, she also believed that it was the duty of every soldier to repel alien invaders from mother earth.

That's why she had joined XCOM. She wanted to be of service to her species, and to heal those that fought with her. She wanted to be of help to humankind.

Yet, at times she just wanted to stay in her bed and not have to face her problems. She wanted to snuggle with her cat and never have to confront the world. Sometimes, she wanted to have never grown up and to be in her parent's house back on the colony.

"Hi all," she introduced herself. "I'm Marcia Devries. My question is... well... I'm wondering how we'll get there? The alien stronghold on Arthan-3 in the Utila System, I mean." Um... I sort of slept through the class on interstellar physics. "So will we be put into cryogenic freeze or suspended animation or something? I don't want to go to sleep and then realize that i'm now 30 years older than before. And why are we called Ox Squad?"
can you build a character for me? i'm tooo laazy
i wanna play! can i play?
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