In the stink boat's captain's quarters
The wine bottle was either half empty or half full, depending on how one looked at it. Margot gazed at its delicious dark liquids swirling left and right in tune with the ship's toss and turn above the waves. The wine bottle felt warm in her arms, like a cherished baby, while she laid herself on the captain's hammock -- her tired yet restless eyes wanting more... always wanting more.
With one dangling foot touching the wooden floor, and another foot caressing the captain's muscular chest, Margot was all aware that she had committed a pretty serious crime. But who would know?
"Wine, wine, wine, you and I were made for one another. Life is so boring. Luckily, you are my best friend. Well, my second best friend," said Margot, as she took another chug from the wine bottle. Its sweet, sour, and salty flavor swirled in her mouth before she swallowed it. Quality wine that only a ship's captain could afford!
"Are you talking to yourself, again?" said Captain Tedreus.
"No, only to your wine bottle," said Margot, smiling. "Your collection is the best! We should try all of it!"
Captain Tedreus grunted. "The occasion?"
"Well, wasn't that fun?" said Margot. "Don’t pretend like you didn’t enjoy it."
"I did," said Captain Tedreus. "Do you feel guilty? Having done this with a married man?"
"Well, if you hadn't noticed, I have no morals," said Margot, smiling. "Isn't all is fair in love and war? What about you? Do you feel guilty?"
"What we did... my wife would be mad at me."
"No one has to know. We shared something special," replied Margot.
"Why choose me?"
"Well, the short answer is there was no one better. I love leaders."
"How many boyfriends have you had?" asked the Captain.
"Steady ones? Three, but I wouldn't count you as a boyfriend. This is still just a random fling," said Margot, grinning.
The Captain rolled his eyes. Inwardly, Margot felt extremely satisfied. The Captain was another notch on her list of social conquests. It had not been easy, but she had wanted to experience him.
"Let's do it again!" said Margot
"So soon?" said the Captain. "I’m not sure if I’m ready."
"I promise it'll be quick this time," said Margot, as she took two mushrooms from her time weed bag and began the process of making joints for both of them. As a magic user, she was able to create shared dreams with another person, and time weed made the best dreams. She was ecstatic.
When she was done, she offered a joint to the Captain, which the Captain meekly took.
"Flame," said Margot.