Avatar of Lunamaria Hawke


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3 yrs ago
Current very busy today. sorry for not replying. will reply tomorrow. have a lot of things to do, today
4 yrs ago
ready and waiting! affirmative!
5 yrs ago
hey, i'm busy right now. I really will reply later
5 yrs ago
i want to write a story so bad


hi, i'm summer. i'm a tomboyish girl sorta and i love playing video games
I have a computer that's been broken for 4 months and now that I can't play any games, i'm back to roleplaying
I trade stocks and write books on the side
i once got into a dungeon and dragon's game (Might and Magic VII) that i lost so much track of time that i peed myself
i shoot lightning bolts when i'm asleep, so nobody dares to wake me
That's all for now!

Most Recent Posts

has this rp started?
i still want to join. can this rp be restarted or rebooted?

In the stink boat's captain's quarters

Wine, wine, you are my best friend. Isn't this how I should treat my best friend? Margot gulped her wine glass.

Wow, for some reason this amazing wine is making me turned on! I can't wait for when the captain comes back! i'm gonna fuck him wild!

But first, I need to pee...

"Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh --" said a voice outside.

Margot looked up from her wine glasses. She swerved her gaze away from the captain's wine collection and looked at the door. What is that noise outside?

She gulped down her wine glass, wiped her mouth, and put on her pants. Then, she walked to the door and put her hand on the knob.

Wait, I'm not supposed to come out. Then the rest of the crew will know that I've been hooking up with the captain.

"PLEASE, NO! PLEASE, MERCY! HAVE MERCY! AHHHHH --" said another voice.

Margot frowned. She opened the door slowly. She peeked her head out of the captain's cabin. The first thing she noticed was how bright everything was. The sun shined on her face. And the smell of... fire and blood rushed her nostrils???

OMG! What happened here? There is so much blood on the wooden floor of the boat!

Why is there so much blood everywhere!???

She glanced left and right. That's when she saw the motionless corpses of the stinkboat's crewmembers AND pirates littering the floor. Weapons and equipment littered the floor as well. Her eyes opened wide when she saw a headless man -- its body twitched on the floor. The blood drained from her face.

"Eeek!" She closed the door.

She tried to find a lock to lock the door from inside, but couldn't find one. Then, she ran to the captain's hammock and hid underneath the hammock.

She closed her eyes, and put her hands on her ears to muffle the noise coming from outside.

No one saw me. No one saw me! I'm not supposed to be here. Momma. Momma! No one wants to hurt me. No one want to hurt me. I didn't do anything wrong. I'm Innocent! No one wants to hurt me. Momma! Momma!
most ppl here don't write stories. they just write whatever they feel as if they were the character

In the stink boat's captain's quarters

Margot opened her eyes and yawned. She glanced up at the wooden ceiling and climbed off the hammock that she had been napping on. Ah, another day as the captain's woman. I know exactly how to pick the right man so I can enjoy an easy life, don't I? The captain's quarters is sooo comfortable.

Her first instinct was to look to her right. There were sooo many wine bottles. The captain's wine collection...

Which ones should I taste this time? Pinot Grenoir? Pinot Savour? White wine? Red wine? Maybe some burgandy? Maybe some Veliz Altriz?

Wine of any type is deelicious! But a captain's wine has the best taste, especially this captain... who really likes to collect wine!

A man's work is my enjoyment!

She caressed each of the bottles, unsure of which one to taste this time, until she found the perfect one. She took one of the bottles, popped its cap, poured the wine into a glass, then took another bottle, popped its cap, and poured it into the same glass. She was in the mood to experiment today. A mix of the best! That's right! The best of both worlds!

After she finished pouring, she swirled the dark liquid in her wine glass, smiled, then let it rinse into her mouth. Delicious! The flavor rushed through her nostrils and her taste buds, making her squeal in delight. Oh, wow! This is great! I've invented a new flavor by mixing two types of wine together!

She relaxed. Life is good. A captain's woman's life is the best! I get the best treatment. I get to enjoy life.

After she emptied the wine glass, she looked at another bottle to experiment. She smiled. She was gonna mix three wine bottles this time. Creativity at its finest!

Life is short. isn't enjoying life is what life is all about?
In the stink boat's captain's quarters

The wine bottle was either half empty or half full, depending on how one looked at it. Margot gazed at its delicious dark liquids swirling left and right in tune with the ship's toss and turn above the waves. The wine bottle felt warm in her arms, like a cherished baby, while she laid herself on the captain's hammock -- her tired yet restless eyes wanting more... always wanting more.

With one dangling foot touching the wooden floor, and another foot caressing the captain's muscular chest, Margot was all aware that she had committed a pretty serious crime. But who would know?

"Wine, wine, wine, you and I were made for one another. Life is so boring. Luckily, you are my best friend. Well, my second best friend," said Margot, as she took another chug from the wine bottle. Its sweet, sour, and salty flavor swirled in her mouth before she swallowed it. Quality wine that only a ship's captain could afford!

"Are you talking to yourself, again?" said Captain Tedreus.
"No, only to your wine bottle," said Margot, smiling. "Your collection is the best! We should try all of it!"
Captain Tedreus grunted. "The occasion?"
"Well, wasn't that fun?" said Margot. "Don’t pretend like you didn’t enjoy it."
"I did," said Captain Tedreus. "Do you feel guilty? Having done this with a married man?"
"Well, if you hadn't noticed, I have no morals," said Margot, smiling. "Isn't all is fair in love and war? What about you? Do you feel guilty?"
"What we did... my wife would be mad at me."
"No one has to know. We shared something special," replied Margot.
"Why choose me?"
"Well, the short answer is there was no one better. I love leaders."
"How many boyfriends have you had?" asked the Captain.
"Steady ones? Three, but I wouldn't count you as a boyfriend. This is still just a random fling," said Margot, grinning.

The Captain rolled his eyes. Inwardly, Margot felt extremely satisfied. The Captain was another notch on her list of social conquests. It had not been easy, but she had wanted to experience him.

"Let's do it again!" said Margot
"So soon?" said the Captain. "I’m not sure if I’m ready."
"I promise it'll be quick this time," said Margot, as she took two mushrooms from her time weed bag and began the process of making joints for both of them. As a magic user, she was able to create shared dreams with another person, and time weed made the best dreams. She was ecstatic.

When she was done, she offered a joint to the Captain, which the Captain meekly took.

"Flame," said Margot.

In the ship's sleeping quarters, present day


A small flame lit up the white joint of time weed. Margot laid her back on her bunk, crossed her legs, and put one end of the joint to her mouth, then sucked on it. The smell was delicious. She kept the smoke in her lungs for over 10 seconds, then exhaled upward. The smoke gushed out of her mouth and moved in the direction of the wooden ceiling.

Wow! It's as amazing as the first time I inhaled this stuff!

Well... these few days have been some amazing moments of my life.
It was also undeniable. She was a weed-head. She was born to be a weed-head. She had no doubt that she smelled of acrid weed smoke, which was apparent to anyone she encountered -- not that she had visited many parts of the ship.

What can I do? The world on a ship is so boring. Nothing happens. Luckily, I know exactly what to do to pass the time.

The first day at sea, she had ate and smoked time weed.
And... on the 2nd day, she had also ate and smoked time weed.
On the third day? Well... anyone could figure that out.

Yet, these three days had been some of the best moments in her life. The trips just keep getting better and better!
In all these mental adventures, she dreamed of so many different places and experiences. They were all happy trips. Her childhood at her hometown... the school... her parents... and her best friend. She had visited them all.
Time weed is awesome! She could explore different areas of her life, both past and future. She had amazing mental experiences. Every time she lit one up, it felt like she could leap out of her body and into the past or into the future or different timelines altogether.

Sometimes she wondered if she should give up on her real life dreams and just smoke time weed for the rest of her life until she died as an old woman. Should I even go after the money, or just the time weed? Difficult question. Both are equally great.
Naturally, she didn't care about the rest of the world. Monsters are invading? Whoooo cares if monsters are invading? I just want my money, so i can buy a boatload of time weed. This is greeeaat. Life is greeeat. I would rather have a boatload of time weed than a boatload of husbands.

The real world is so boring. I'd rather explore the world of my imagination. And I have the best way to do that, don't I?

When she opened her eyes, she saw that her joint had dwindled to nothing. She tossed the depleted joint away. Then, she sat up on her bunk. She grabbed a mushroom from her bag, grounded it into powder with her hands, slid the powder onto a piece of paper, and rolled the paper up into a joint.


She laid back, inserted the new joint into her mouth, and took another puff. She closed her eyes. Forget the past! Time to explore the future! This time, she dreamed about her future husband, the king of Faroth-En, and the sex -- the amazing sex.

On the ship

"Thanks for the offer but I gotta say no at the moment. Plus Sam, the nice girl who just walked away from us, gets sea sick really easily so I need to stay of sound mind for the voyage ahead." Kav put his hands on his waist and laughed heartfully. "Find me later though."

Wait, did this guy just temporarily reject me?

Margot was stunned as she watched the guy do a backflip. Then, Kav shouted to everyone else, "Hiya everyone. Looks like its gonna be just a short moment before we are ready to go. Everyone here looks so intriguing and I was hoping for a bit of a roll call for this little party we have here. I'll start..."

Margot did not know how to do backflips, so she had to walk to where all the people were gathered. Meanwhile, she heard Xara walk next to her and say, "By the way, there's so such illness, hormones have nothing to do with casting."

"Um, my hormones? ... are um.... all over the place today," smiled Margot. "They may not be messing with my casting, but they're definitely messing with my mind."

Margot looked at Xara. At the same time, she reached into her pocket and thought about offering Xara some of her rare time weed mushrooms, but on second thought, Xara did not look like the type person who was interested in those type of things. Plus, there were too many people nearby. So she retracted her hands and left her time weed pouch alone.

Her mood entirely changed when she reached where the rest of the group was gathering. So many people! So many opportunities! Rich, poor, classy... and low lives like her? Yeah! There were all the sorts of people she could meet! friends, lovers, allies, maybe even... enemies?

Instantly, she came to the decision that she had done the right thing by coming to the capital despite not having any money in her pockets to begin with.

First, the really pretty blonde woman in a white gown -- named Aleria Lancaster -- spoke briefly about her reason for being here, which was that Aleria was tasked by her church to help everyone on this mission. Why is she really here? Do we really need a white mage?

Wait! I should be glad that she's here, regardless of why she's really here. If i get injured -- Margot shuddered -- I'm gonna need Aleria's help!

Then, Captain Dark Hair spoke. Margot was utterly amazed by Dark Hair's introduction, which was that she -- Ashley Wydcliffe -- was an extremely well off, sophisticated, socially embedded, and highly skilled individual. However, the overall impression Margot got was... well... Margot could not help but notice how much Ashley wydcliffe really really liked herself. Still, I wonder if Ashley has some rich male friends that she can hook me up with!

Margot could not resist the urge to introduce herself as well. "Hi all, I am Margot Frete, and to be honest, I don't really care about the southern islands. I just wanna make money and become fil-- rich! And um, i've never been on a boat either, but i figure that if it doesn't hurt you, you'll come out of it for the better! The same for the mission we're all on. I want to gain experience and go on exciting adventures and grow."

And get famous -- famous enough to marry a wealthy man -- while having my adventures glorified in the history books... Margot grinned.
yes, i think we're still looking for players. go ahead and join the discord and we'll catch you up! the gm is very friendly to newbies. i had no knowledge of the game, either

Near Kav and Sam, at the bow of the ship

"What do you wanna do until we take off?" said the shirtless man.

"Heeey!" Margot approached the two near the bow of the ship. "You're Kav, right? And you're Sam? Sorry, but I overheard your convo. Here."

Margot looked left and right and seeing no one else nearby, she pulled out a mysterious brown bag from her pocket. Then, she put her hand in the bag and pulled out what appeared to be a fragile brown mushroom with lots of red dots.

"You gave me candy so I thought I'd return the favor." She held the mushroom for both Kav and Sam to see. She whispered, "This is canas Cabillas, and it's totally cool. It's a rare type of mind weed that can give us all happy dreams even while we're awake." Margot looked at Kav and Sam to see if they wanted her to continue. She continued whispering. "Last time I took this, I thought i was sleeping with the king! You have to go somewhere safe tho, because since you don't know what's real or not, you can totally harm yourself if you jump off a bridge or something while you think you're still dreaming. Because of that, it's banned almost everywhere -- but that's exactly what makes it cool! The trips are amazing!" She stopped to look at the two. "So you two wanna join in on the fun? I'm thinking of finding some secret place and lightning one up. I haven't a good trip in a while, and I'm graving it. Anyway, like it?" She pushed the mushrooms forward in front of Kav's and Sam's faces. "The mushrooms are very frail. You grind them into powder and then you smoke them. Both of you will have to pay me, of course! I'm not giving this away for free! They're pretty expensive.... for commoners, anyway."
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