Avatar of LupusIntus


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Hello there,

I've been forum RPing for about 13 years; got started on lavendereyes.net, which was a Forgotten Realms/Drizzt Do'Urden fansite, before moving to the old roleplayerguild.com! I've also dabbled in RPing in a few MMO's like Champions Online, SWTOR, and WoW but forum adventures are definitely my preference. I like just about any kind of RP in high-casual and advanced, based on whatever mood I'm feeling (typically high-fantasy, sci-fi, and/or certain fandoms). I love writing and do think of RPing as a way to develop my character and scene writing skills, which basically means I'm always looking for realistic and fluid ways for my characters to learn, grow, and develop over the course of an adventure. I don't ship my characters but do occasionally allow them to fall into a relationship, if they are naturally guided in that direction.

You can take a look at some of my saved characters here, if it interests you.

I also have a deviantart page, though I hardly ever update it.

Thanks for reading! I'm always up for a good chat.
-Loopy (aka. Lupus)

Most Recent Posts

And I keep making extra toons as well. So far I've made a scylla CS and a )heavyweight) centaur, but I've got so many ideas for others too. Like a genie/djinn, banshee, leanan sidhe(Sp?), yeti, arachne, jaguarman, cait sith and a few additional ones...

I have a centuries old, eternally youthful alchemist who accidentally drank the philosopher’s stone and now has a ‘Midas Touch’ thing going on (but only for metal). He has 3 sentient homunculi that look like derpy pugs.
Wow, that's quite the coincidence. If this is a concept you've had for quite a while, I hope my own version doesn't end up falling flat in comparison. My concept of the Shoggoth is one that's very close to (and in fact, a piece of) the Shoggoth in At the Mountains of Madness. If Khalid finds out he's not the only one utilizing Shoggoths around, it would be interesting. Maybe your character is what Khalid claims to be, and is highly averse to actually becoming.

Well they were an artificial race of things at one point so there could be a few of the little buggers blobbing around.
Maxwell Erickson

Location:Umbra Rose Condos: Courtyard
Time of Day: Early Morning
Relevant Cast:@BunniesofDoom

Max winced slightly as the massive wolf-creature spoke in a voice not disimilar from Iris', though the muzzle and teeth added a low, bestial tone that always made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. A year ago he would have laughed and called anyone crazy if they'd told him about about the residents he now served, but something deep in the human psyche was still in touch with such ancient monsters, curses, things-that-go-bump-in-the-night. It was a constant reminder that around these beings he was, on the most primal level, nothing but prey and it had been the most difficult feeling to overcome in his first months as the front desk worker. Watching her frolick like some puppy at the park, Max knew that his terror had long since morphed into a more subtle discomfort as he came to appreciate the residents of Umbra Rose as more than just 'monsters'.

“You should try this Max! It's so cool and refreshing!”

"You... go ahead, Thelia wouldn't approve of me getting my uniform all covered in grass stains." His deep voice chuckled as he sat heavily on a bench beside the concrete path that ringed the large manicured space. Dark brown eyes followed the werewolf's gaze up to the cloud-speckled sky, the tiny trail of a distant jet plane carving a line through the blue. When had my life come to this...? Max surprised himself by the particular lack of moroseness in that thought as he considered just how not-to-plan his life had gone, though life rarely did respect such narrow human expectations. Still though...

After a moment, the joyfulness fell from her face and she sighed quietly as she peered over at Max. “I didn't mean to hurt Velvet that bad. I got caught up in the moment.” She paused a moment to look back up at the sky again, staring at the clouds before continuing. “Iris is gonna lock us up now, huh?”

He blinked and looked over at the wolf but when he opened his mouth a reply didn't form. Leaning forward, his mind ticked over the events before he let out a long sigh. "I'm sorry... It was my fault, really." Max said, shaking his head to rid it of the image of Velvet's mangled arm and wolf-Iris' blood-stained teeth. "Iris mentioned you were a bit low on meet and I completely forgot the full moon was before delivery day. I- I should have put an order in earlier..." Forcing a small, apologetic smile, he couldn't quite meet the werewolf's gaze for long. "I'm sure... I'm sure she'll understand that things can get a bit... muddled, when we're hungry. Happens to the best of us, really." He did not think it needed to be mentioned that nearly ripping someone's arm off wasn't typically the human response to 'hangry'.
<Snipped quote by LupusIntus>

Not yet. But we need to get her one lol

Ok, haha. Ill have a post up shortly!
<Snipped quote by LupusIntus>

Yeah, Siri.

If he's part-slime, that wouldn't be an issue really. They can just produce more slime. But his CS doesn't say he's part slime, soooooooooo.... Magic?

Oh yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaah.... Man, that show was so bad. xD
Not as bad as Birdman though. I loved that show as a kid. :P


Oh yikes, I found it... ANd it's even WORSE than I remember. XD

I wont tolerate birdman slander in this house!

@BunniesOfDoom Does wolf-Iris go by a different name than human Iris?

@dragonydas also, just my friendly opinion, not that anyone asked, but I think having one restaurant and bar combo In building one might be a bit easier on my old brain box then a restaurant and a bar in each building.
@dragonydas Would you like me to generally RP the doctor or leave those NPCs to you?

I expect a trigger warning next time you mention this.
Iris like: "This dude so disrespectful, acting like I'm some kinda basic DOG. Who the hell does he-"

I'll wait for Thelia and Velvet to get another post again before I continue our scene outdoors!
Also, offering my bodily fluids is a threat.

Wait, what're we talking about?

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