Avatar of LupusIntus


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Hello there,

I've been forum RPing for about 13 years; got started on lavendereyes.net, which was a Forgotten Realms/Drizzt Do'Urden fansite, before moving to the old roleplayerguild.com! I've also dabbled in RPing in a few MMO's like Champions Online, SWTOR, and WoW but forum adventures are definitely my preference. I like just about any kind of RP in high-casual and advanced, based on whatever mood I'm feeling (typically high-fantasy, sci-fi, and/or certain fandoms). I love writing and do think of RPing as a way to develop my character and scene writing skills, which basically means I'm always looking for realistic and fluid ways for my characters to learn, grow, and develop over the course of an adventure. I don't ship my characters but do occasionally allow them to fall into a relationship, if they are naturally guided in that direction.

You can take a look at some of my saved characters here, if it interests you.

I also have a deviantart page, though I hardly ever update it.

Thanks for reading! I'm always up for a good chat.
-Loopy (aka. Lupus)

Most Recent Posts

What would your character's favorite video game be?

I have a guess for Miyuki, it's hunny pop.

Yumeiko would a big Nintendo fan, but especially for LoZ and Kirby. Story rich or cute.

Oh. Uh. Has anyone else heard of Unholy Heights?

Probably Animal Crossing. Almost the same neighbor situation as URC. Almost.

Happy Halloween!
Maxwell Erickson

Location:Umbra Rose Condos: Bldg 1, Floor 1 Hallway
Time of Day: Early Morning
Relevant Cast: @Lemons @BunniesofDoom @Dragonydas @Expendable @kuro

No. No. No. No. NO. NOOOOO. Noooooo. No. No. No-oh. The words sang through Max's mind like a little mantra as the massive bestial form of a rather nice tenant, all things considered, joyfully trotted towards him with a raw steak happily chomped in her large jaws. Someone who didn't know Max might have believed he was handling the situation calmly, heroically even considering the monsterous maw of a humanoid wolf monster came within a few inches of his face and he didn't even flinch but the sad fact was that at that moment his soul had metaphorically left his body and his brain was no longer interpretting information received from his sensory organs. He was subsequently restarted when wolf-Iris offered him an affectionate head bump with the force of a light football tackle and almost sent him sprawling.

"Good.... Iris." Max's voice was a choked rasp as he stumbled back a step and instinctively patted the werewolf's head before realizing what he was doing and quickly locked his arms to his sides. Miss Theria arrived and he wasn't able to form a coherent answer to her question, which was fine as Mr. Qaymu suddenly made an appearance and Velvet recovered enough to speak. He glanced over to see Iris already digging through part of the meat supply for Building 1's restaurant and he winced inwardly but didn't dare stop her enjoying more of the prime steaks. She would be much more amicable in either form with a full stomach, though Cai would give him an earful later... and an eyefull of all those pointy crocodilian teeth.

Why do so many of the residents have such terrifying teeth?!

"I'm- I'm going to take her... out." He gave Theria and Velvet an apologetic smile. "But p-please let me know if I can... help Ms. Velvet with her recovery." The words left his mouth and he desperately wanted to pull them back and bury them deep in his soul but seeing Velvet in the state Iris' attack had left her gave too much strength to his inner empath who could plainly see the pain the vampire was experiencing. He was suddenly thankful he'd stuck a Nutri-grain bar in his pocket before leaving his room that morning; helped to keep the blood sugar up before a 'donation'.

Max turned back to the large, terrifying werewolf and patted his thigh. "C-come on, Iris." He forced his face into a quasi-smile while silently cursing himself and running over every single life choice that brought him to the current situation of taking a resident out for a walk. He grabbed the cart and started to make his way towards the stairwell ramp that would take them out to the courtyard.
Oh my god that's wonderful. That's getting saved immediately, it's adorable.

I'll get a post up later tonight now that I know what happened. Probably have Velvet catch Iris's bite on her arm so she could keep from getting chewed up, maybe a scratch or two, but no more since Max is a master pitcher when it comes to Wagyu. Look a bit worse for wear especially on the right arm, bleeding a bit, but not horrifically maimed or anything, as long as nobody has any objections?

And the feared vampire-werewolf hybrid is born! The dreaded Werepire
If I see a scene that I really like, I like to draw it. So far this is what I've got.

omg i luv it
It feels like the hotel is a god.

Dont let her see Pet Sematary! 😱

((<—— is obsessed with Steven King))
The Shining

Oh really? I’d assume Yumeiko could just blast the shit outta the overlook hotel with divine energy and cleanse its ass.
Fun question:
Which film (horror or otherwise) would freak your character out the most?

Max would be… well anything, but probably a ghost movie like The Autopsy of Jane Doe (couple guys getting haunted the hell up while just doing their jobs)
Would be funny if they all sat and watched something like "The Ring" and they all got freakd out about it.

"Can it really crawl out of the TV?"
"We watched it! We watched it! Are we gonna get contorted faces and die too?"

Neither me nor Max wishes to live in a world where Sadako-chan is real.

But Suzy imitating the movie the following week to freak Max the f#%^ out would be hilarious.
I can see it now, they just spend the whole time criticizing how the blood spurts and what the monsters look like.

Or are we talking about THE Halloween movies with Michael Myers cause then it'll probably just boil down to what kind of monster Michael actually is cause there is no way a strolling human can casually catch up to a running one that easily. But some kind of monster, easy.

Person home alone hears frightening thump from the attic. Slowly walks into the darkness alone only to be brutally eaten by the monster.
Velvet: “You wouldnt BELIEVE how often humans do this, it’s hilarious!” 😂
Yumeiko: “Why dont they simply banish the spirit? Do you humans seriously not carry protective talismans?”
Miyuki: “Can’t even believe how inaccurate this film is. He’s clearly eating the worst tasting part of the human first. I would have gone straight for his kidneys.”
lol no worries. Larger group RPs are usually not my jam anyway, I was just trying because the concept was interesting. Ah well. Happy Halloween yall

Im sad to see you and Ms. Chima go! :(
Wishing you all the best
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