I can't find the delete account button anyway.
<Snipped quote>
I forgor
To make clear:
Angel is in the hallway outside her room, and is making her way to the lobby. I'll wait for someone to tag me in an interaction before I make another post.
<Snipped quote>
Who is roleplaying as the slime queen janitor?
Angel specifically cleans up messes that deal with food and drink messes on fabric. I don't know if the slimes would leave any residue or not on bedding and couches and the like, but it'd probably be easiest just for Angel to grab the dirty items and throw them in for a wash.
Regarding Angel's job:
* She goes and cleans the messes in rooms the janitor hasn't gotten to, or messes the janitor can't clean(such as spilled drinks on fabric,
Mmh this looks nice.
Can I still join? Also is there a plot or is it slice of li- never mind, I did indeed just check the thread's tags. Lol.
I'll try to think of a character someday.