Is it just me or has the number of ads increased rather dramatically? I'm seeing them in the middle of people's posts now.
2 yrs ago
Did not expect to see a new mobile layout today. Definitely different and it'll probably take some getting used to.
3 yrs ago
Hello vampiretwilight.
3 yrs ago
They don't dark. That dignity left awhile ago with the earlier secret lairs. Though I do still enjoy MtG and D&D personally.
3 yrs ago
I don't think I'd be able to drink only one cup of coffee in the morning or a day. Then again I've started measuring my consumption in ounces most recently.
So by my reckoning, we currently have complete characters from six out of the nine players signed up for this. Who are the final three that have yet to post their PCs?
Grave Clerics care about the zeroth hit point and the curious ability to go above it or to rapidly approach it.
Mechanically Zaraknvyr’s best friend is that curse of theirs, somewhere between his massive stacked bonuses on single targets and a paladin’s smite is nightmare fuel for their channel divinity.
I do enjoy Grave Clerics a lot, can’t wait to see this gobbo.
Yeah I can imagine how much damage either Zarakvyr or Beigeiros will do if that curse drops on their target.
Which reminds me, I really need to get this character done. Gonna try to get some more added to it soon @XxFellsingxX.
Alright moving the character sheet over to here for final approval. Working on backstory/personality still. Getting the post up now will be adding more later.
Character Sheet Name: Beigeiros Race: Goliath Class: Paladin, Oath of the Ancients Background: Outlander
Beigeiros's tribe came to the Outer Planes long ago by a simple well meaning mistake. The tribe had come upon hard seasons where game had become scarce. They grew desperate trying to find new hunting grounds. After managing a trade of services as guards by members of the tribe no longer wanting to stay with the tribe, the druid of the tribe managed to secure an item required for a spell. This spell would supposedly take the tribe to lands where game would be plentiful and with much to explore.
Initially only nine went to investigate and make sure that this new land would be a good place for the tribe. Seven days after the exploration group left the lead druid returned ready to start transporting the remaining tribe members over to the new lands. She spoke of tall mountains, groves of trees with plenty of game, and a strange spire that climbed into the sky that could be seen in the distance.
After the rest of the tribe had been brought to the new lands, they started to explore their new home world in earnest. For several years the wandered the Outlands, wandering from one location to the next, from one gate town to another. Many of the gate towns struck them as strange places with beings that many did not recognize. Eventually the tribe settled, though remained somewhat nomadic, in the lands of Tir Na Og.
Through out the years members of the tribe would join the Plane Tenders, those who resided in Tir Na Og before the wandering group of Goliaths. Beigeiros was among these, though the path he took was different than most. He had grown up hearing the tales of heros of old who swore oaths to protect life, and doing good above all, many of which were from the world that many of the ancestors of the Plane Tenders came from. As a youth he held a fascination for these kinds of people and wanted to be a hero like those in these tales.
Beigeiros started training with various weapons, seeming to favor polearms and warhammers. In time he learned how to best use them to redirect and reduce the intensity of a strike against those he was with. Shortly after his seventeenth birthday he took a roll within the Plane Tenders as a namer serving as a squire to a sectoral. Later, closer to his nineteenth birthday, he went through the initiation ritual and swore his oath to protect life, preserving nature, and stand against beings that seek to warp living things into twisted monstrosities or to consume all life. From this point on Beigeiros continued to work with the sectoral he squired for, going wherever he was needed, serving as escort for higher ranking members of the Plane Tenders in their travels or aiding in expeditions to lands that need the help of the Tenders.
Beigeiros was in Sigil at the time of the disappearance on an errand. Word of Tir Na Og's disappearance got to him there. He quickly started looking for other Tenders that were in Sigil to ensure their safety as well as to start to gather information on the event.
Very boisterous and generally happy most the time. Tends to be overprotective of those he deems friend. He does think more highly of himself and his importance.
yearly reminder that I made the most obnoxious build for a forum game of D&D imaginable. I will never stop apologizing for making a reaction-based character lmao.
Kinda how I'm feeling with how my paladin in Fellsing's new RP is turning out.
Jørmund smiles a bit and passes a flagon of water to Cascade. "First drinking contest? It very much looks like we did." He winced as he moved his left arm to pass the flagon. That and several things were starting to feel sore as well. A few spots his face, part of his jaw, both his fore arms, and his fists. "This will help with the spinning after a bit. That and sit down so you don't fall down."
Jørmund looked over to the orc who was clapping him on the back. "Aye been in a few bouts and more than a few drinking challenges." He said with a wide grin returning the clap on the back with one on the shoulder. "It's nice to find someone who can drink and fight just as well as me. And not be to soured by it afterward. Aura is right however, whatever I am is an Earth Genasi, same as my father."
Briefly he looked toward Flicker noticing thier expression. The cleric's smile lessened as he wondered if Flicker was ok.
Aurora knelt near where Zavakri had taken a knee. She listened as Zavakri commented about the balloon taking off, and then her consoling Gabriel. It was now that there was a few moments more of peace that Aurora was able to process what Gabe had said before the Bullywugs had waved them all to the hut. She sat there in silence unsure of what to say on the matter, feeling guilty she had not caught on to what Gabriel was trying to express earlier. That in itself reminded her of how Sophia had treated her at times. Especially when Rory pushed and pull against what was expected of her intent on doing what she wanted. While not an exact of how Brutrumukk's behavior had been, but close enough for her to realize some similarities.
It was an uncomfortable self reflection, seeing herself doing the same action that drove a wedge between her and her eldest sibling, to Gabe. A man who had been nothing but kind to her.
"I owe you an apology Gabriel. I should have listened to what you were trying to say then. Zavakri is right im that what you did was not to harm but to try to help. I'm glad you are able to see it that way." She looked at both Gabriel and Zavakri before looking out the window in no general direction.
"I did mean it when I told the Bullywugs that I could not speak for you. I didn't want you to get caught up in this political mess that I rushed headlong into. If you all wish to proceed with other matters do so. I should have not spoken up about the matter before thinking about where it would lead. A bit more reckless than I should be, especially with things here not always being what they seem. I really do not want you two getting hurt because of a deal I made to try to get leverage in our other upcoming battle." She said as she turned her gaze back to the pair that had started to be close companions, even if it was because of the circumstances.