The OSRF's flag resembles a circular human eye surrounded by the sharp ridges of a crown, impaled from multiple sides by angular claws and hands - some human, others arthropod like, and many clawed, for some even skeletal in their robotic nature. These stabbing limbs dig through the borders of a six-sided diamond. On each of its sides, six rigid insectoid limbs ending in scything claws emerge. The "head" of this insect can be placed on top or bottom of this long formation, resembling that of a carnivorous carabid or staphylinid beetle.
See the red circle with question marks within its borders.
The OSRF features three large blocs of powerful aliens who each have their own general governmental structures. As they are more of a pact than a singular government, much of the higher level decision
The arthropod czlozekostra ("Complex External Skeleton") are run by a combination of lower level directly elected officials at local and sometimes national levels and higher up features advanced AI's and councils of mentally-linked cybernetic individuals. The third is joined together as a gestalt consciousness and at that point working directly under the supervision of an arcane super-computer cloud-like entity formed of psionic, biomechanical, and cybernetic components simply known as the Egregor. While the entity has a prominent position in the primary czlozekostra leadership, it is primarily in an advisory role - the AI's and gestalt-councils are obligated to consider its words more heavily but their collective power holds more sway.
Ordinary czlozekostra enact higher up decision making directly through petitioning, demonstrating, and collectively communicating to local leaders and can even vote out gestalt-council members, replacing them with their own candidates. They can vote to even modify parts of the AI-councils, changing the parameters of their decision making and introducing new components to them. While it is difficult to replace individual AI's due to the highly advanced nature of their construction, they can be molded to change the parameters of their decision making to better suit collective czlozekostra needs. The interconnected cyberbiological intelligence of both AI councils and the egregor allow for rapid decision making and information analysis, allowing them to absorb information provided by entire planets of voters to tailor craft policy.
The rotting fungal Salibughri ("Spore's Scions", "Sally-boor-E") have a similarly joint-consciousness oriented leadership, with their highest sapient leaders connected to gigantic neuromycelial networks, allonwing for rapid information transfer and discourse. Rather than "depersonalizing" their leaders, they are able to operate independently and with individual Egregors for differing sections of their territory rather than a single large one like the slozvnesikostra. While both allow for a high degree of direct democratic involvement, the salibughri emphasizes a great deal of aggressive populist action. While they also lack individual political parties, they do posssess societal interest groups, known as Citizen or Specialist Assemblies. These represent groups such as artists, cargo haulers, industrial workers, void-tech scientists and so on and as they are note voted into power, tend to collaborate rather than compete.
Depending on the situation, these Assemblies are often temporarily mind-linked to the neuromycelial networks. This results in direct involvement of specialized (often civilian) knowledgement for larger scale government initiatives. As salibughri leaders use essentially a high tech biodigital information network to communicate, the assembly of such a governmental body is treated as a single "entity" as opposed to individual. It too is a gestalt with a higher range of "individual" autonomy, and like with their athropod allies, they can frequently "swap out" individual members albeit even more quickly allowing for faster decision making. The massive data stores generaitons of politicians have left in the neuromycelial network allows them a massive wealth of information as well as the creation of biogintelligences that can serve in advisory roles, similar to AI's though made primarily from living sources.
The tall and eel like tiarncnoic ("Lord of the Hills") in spite of their advanced antigravitational and energy-manipulation technology have the most primitive system of governance. They are still often nomadic tribespeople who deliberately maintained a series of elder councils though it is a mistake to assume they have remained static politically. The word "elder" has come to mean as much senior leaders as it has wisened youth who have stepped up to the task. Much of their decision making since their liberation from the Federation and barbarian incusions is focused on these councils though the individuals who comprise it in many cases are linked to long family lineages associated with rulership. Voting however is based on "family units" and collectives of individuals, whether friends, craftspeople, or even religious practitioners, much of it taking place at a very local level however.
For larger scale geopolitics, the tiarncnoic organize their individual tribes into alliances. A ruling council of tribal chiefs is set up along with their varius assistants. Yet its power is balanced out by AI collectives made by the "heads" of various individual collectives and family units, representing the interests outside of the ruling leadership. While they tend to not really have a class system, even the vague semblance of one in leadership necessitates such an anachronistic usage of technology. In some cases, the "ancestral intelligence" (ANCINT's) even have more political power than the still flesh-and-blood council members. However the people themselves organize as efficiently as anyone else to keep either in check and most council members see themselves as of their specific tribe first and foremost.
The arthropod czlozekostra ("Complex External Skeleton") are run by a combination of lower level directly elected officials at local and sometimes national levels and higher up features advanced AI's and councils of mentally-linked cybernetic individuals. The third is joined together as a gestalt consciousness and at that point working directly under the supervision of an arcane super-computer cloud-like entity formed of psionic, biomechanical, and cybernetic components simply known as the Egregor. While the entity has a prominent position in the primary czlozekostra leadership, it is primarily in an advisory role - the AI's and gestalt-councils are obligated to consider its words more heavily but their collective power holds more sway.
Ordinary czlozekostra enact higher up decision making directly through petitioning, demonstrating, and collectively communicating to local leaders and can even vote out gestalt-council members, replacing them with their own candidates. They can vote to even modify parts of the AI-councils, changing the parameters of their decision making and introducing new components to them. While it is difficult to replace individual AI's due to the highly advanced nature of their construction, they can be molded to change the parameters of their decision making to better suit collective czlozekostra needs. The interconnected cyberbiological intelligence of both AI councils and the egregor allow for rapid decision making and information analysis, allowing them to absorb information provided by entire planets of voters to tailor craft policy.
The rotting fungal Salibughri ("Spore's Scions", "Sally-boor-E") have a similarly joint-consciousness oriented leadership, with their highest sapient leaders connected to gigantic neuromycelial networks, allonwing for rapid information transfer and discourse. Rather than "depersonalizing" their leaders, they are able to operate independently and with individual Egregors for differing sections of their territory rather than a single large one like the slozvnesikostra. While both allow for a high degree of direct democratic involvement, the salibughri emphasizes a great deal of aggressive populist action. While they also lack individual political parties, they do posssess societal interest groups, known as Citizen or Specialist Assemblies. These represent groups such as artists, cargo haulers, industrial workers, void-tech scientists and so on and as they are note voted into power, tend to collaborate rather than compete.
Depending on the situation, these Assemblies are often temporarily mind-linked to the neuromycelial networks. This results in direct involvement of specialized (often civilian) knowledgement for larger scale government initiatives. As salibughri leaders use essentially a high tech biodigital information network to communicate, the assembly of such a governmental body is treated as a single "entity" as opposed to individual. It too is a gestalt with a higher range of "individual" autonomy, and like with their athropod allies, they can frequently "swap out" individual members albeit even more quickly allowing for faster decision making. The massive data stores generaitons of politicians have left in the neuromycelial network allows them a massive wealth of information as well as the creation of biogintelligences that can serve in advisory roles, similar to AI's though made primarily from living sources.
The tall and eel like tiarncnoic ("Lord of the Hills") in spite of their advanced antigravitational and energy-manipulation technology have the most primitive system of governance. They are still often nomadic tribespeople who deliberately maintained a series of elder councils though it is a mistake to assume they have remained static politically. The word "elder" has come to mean as much senior leaders as it has wisened youth who have stepped up to the task. Much of their decision making since their liberation from the Federation and barbarian incusions is focused on these councils though the individuals who comprise it in many cases are linked to long family lineages associated with rulership. Voting however is based on "family units" and collectives of individuals, whether friends, craftspeople, or even religious practitioners, much of it taking place at a very local level however.
For larger scale geopolitics, the tiarncnoic organize their individual tribes into alliances. A ruling council of tribal chiefs is set up along with their varius assistants. Yet its power is balanced out by AI collectives made by the "heads" of various individual collectives and family units, representing the interests outside of the ruling leadership. While they tend to not really have a class system, even the vague semblance of one in leadership necessitates such an anachronistic usage of technology. In some cases, the "ancestral intelligence" (ANCINT's) even have more political power than the still flesh-and-blood council members. However the people themselves organize as efficiently as anyone else to keep either in check and most council members see themselves as of their specific tribe first and foremost.
The OSRF has three primary species that inhabit it listed below, in order of rising populace. Humans comprise the second largest aspect of its populace due to Federation economic policy having relocated many to the area for economic growth. Though once they were the dominant power in what is now OSRF territory, they have since receded in that field to let aliens take a more promiennt role. Their political, economic, and military power has a large part been absorbed into the front though exclusively human settlements have long since been banned. They have otherwise demonstrated themselves not just as victims of the same imperial oppressors yet also beholden to the same revolutionary fervor as any of those they once saw themselves as the betters of.
A variety of miscellaneous minor species also inhabit the region, sometimes in great numbers yet never to the extent of becoming major power blocs in and of themselves. The majority of them are also quite unususal: demonic rocky-skinned creatures, living cyborg coral colonies, bony membrane-covered creatures of skeletal frame and x-shaped shovel heads, as well as certain wraith-like beings inhabting the "gulf" between systems. The dwellers of said gulf, simply known as voidhangers, are quite cryptic and the Front technically does not count them as members if only due to the fact they have not collectively agreed to membership. Some of them resemble the czlozekostra albeit with transparent, plankton like bodies and a semblance to eerie deep sea amphipods and isopods, freshwater remipedes, and phronima. Not much is known about them only that diplomacy between them and the Front has been going on even before they had fully manifested as a galactic power.
A variety of miscellaneous minor species also inhabit the region, sometimes in great numbers yet never to the extent of becoming major power blocs in and of themselves. The majority of them are also quite unususal: demonic rocky-skinned creatures, living cyborg coral colonies, bony membrane-covered creatures of skeletal frame and x-shaped shovel heads, as well as certain wraith-like beings inhabting the "gulf" between systems. The dwellers of said gulf, simply known as voidhangers, are quite cryptic and the Front technically does not count them as members if only due to the fact they have not collectively agreed to membership. Some of them resemble the czlozekostra albeit with transparent, plankton like bodies and a semblance to eerie deep sea amphipods and isopods, freshwater remipedes, and phronima. Not much is known about them only that diplomacy between them and the Front has been going on even before they had fully manifested as a galactic power.
Their name translates to english as "complex external skeleton" and to many they are the public face of the OSRF. The "zekts" as some call them are a arthropod-like species originating from the periphery world of Zelenzarostle ("Zelen-zarost-leh", Verdantly Overgrown in English) but have since spread throughout the region. Even beyond it they are well known for their mysterious fleets of roaming habitat-ships and patchwork nomad vessels. In spite of their fearsome reputation and political power in the Front, their population level is below those of the humans and of the region. It is however growing as more and more independent czlozekostra fleets and worlds begin to join their cause, expected to reach population parity in as fast as two years.
Resembling staphylinid and carabid beetles with some mantis shrimp characteristics, these unusual aliens are enormous with an average height beteween 7''11 to 11''5, with some capable of growing to 25''. Their broad and segmented bodies feature multiple abdominal and thorax components, making them deceptively flexible in spite of their lumbering and dense forms. A complex shell of interlocking carapace plates, underlying malleable connective biomesh, and film-like shock-absorbant dermal layering keeps their bodies well protected. Their bodies can extend quite notably but they tend to hunch over to obscure their true size.
A czlozekostra has at least 16 limbs they use for movement and manipulation, typically having at least two for either task. Their complex brains and neural-clusters, distributed in both cranium and torso, allow them to not only use all in tandem but also focus on and interact with multiple things at once. These limbs can often be specialized for many tasks whether building, cutting, digging, crushing, and so on. In some cases, they may have long elongated abdominal sections similar to tails, wings, or even stingers. All of this is draped in often dark, murky colours frequently likened to the rotting undergrowth of forests and jungles. They appear camouflaged by default though for an environment very different from the civilized world.
The visages meanwhile are best described as helmeted, mask-like, and difficult to read. With no real soft flesh immediately visible, a zekt's face often slopes forwards with a semi-flattened appearance, shield or shovel in a manner similar to rove beetles or longer and distinctly hungry looking as in ground beetles, both ending in complex overlapping mouthparts. The most notable are their four to eight larger mandibles, frequently serrated and curving, surrounded by smaller maxxilia, palps, and labium along with other frequently claw-tipped appendages. All of this can retract behind oral plating that further masks them. Some species have lengthy retractable antennae frquently emerging from behind or above domes containing many smaller eye-like organs beneath faux-opaque exteriors.
Living between 130 to 200 years, longer with biological modifications, they nonetheless begin life as mere larvae. Young czlozekostra are born as large armored grub-like creatures, resembling carabid and staphylinid larvae with longer limbss and ridged, almost bladed carapaces. While they retain animalistic survival instincts and even knowledge such as social interaction and language, their brains are still developing. They cannot necessarily make use of all of this as still highly feral animals omnivorous yet vicious all the same. They stay in this stage between seven to ten years, pupating into a juvenile state of pale carapace and lethargic motion. They do not mature as fast as actual insects but as it takes at most four years to reach adulthood from the juvenile state, this is still impressively fast.
Combined with genetically inherited bestial instincts, zekts can come off as feral and difficult to read. This belies their impressive intelligence, being masters of augmentation. So prolific is their usage of biological, cybernetic, and even psionic/supernatural methods of augmentation many populaces feature a complete absence of unmodified czlozekostra. A single zekt can possess multiple layers of additional enhancements. These can range from grafted carapace plating, additional limbs, and energy-absorption and storage carapace-pods to whole internal habitats of symbiotic parasites that can serve as redundant organs, eldritch engram-sorceries woven into their underlying subdermal biomass and organs, even artificial automata-drone and hive creature spawning manufacturing plants.
Czlozekostra technology is defined by this unity of conflicting metallic and organic components with psionic or ethereal elements becoming very commonplace. While their biotech is considered their primary specialty, their ability to fuse all three or four is increasingly seen as their defining feature. This results in highly adaptable systems that can interface with a wide array of technology on top of being practically made for modifications. Aggressive research into ethereal "voidtech" has helped provide an alternative to conventional "hard science" FTL, utilizing the scientific study of the occult beliefs popular among large numbers of the populace. Zekt ships and those who have integrated their tech can often travel through a sort of eldritch "sub-dimension" layered under reality like the meat and blood beneath flesh, difficult to navigatee due to its mysterious void-life but discrete and fairly cost effective.
The culture of these arthropoids can come off as very cold and distant. Zekts do not have child-rearing instincts, something left to the nursery-acadmies, but they do have an extremely strong social security net and strongly emphasize involvement in the public life. While individually they can come off as uncaring and solitary, they view individuality as an extension of collectivity. Every zekt is simply the echoes of their predecessors and environment. They may lack the idea of biological family yet the power of unity and mutual cooperation is unrivalled, with interest groups for arts, sciencies, ideology, and faith forming very quickly.
They are known to be highly critical of those outside of themselves, being near disdainful of conventional democracies and especially corporate interests, sometimes leading to an understated arrogance in their manners. They are however, very blunt and to the point, extending this not just from ideology but to interpersonal relationships. If they count you among their own, even if you are a different species they believe you have an objective right to the same benefits and liberties as the rest of the collective hive.
This collective way of thinking even extends to how they approach work and labour. In most reasonably large settlements, everyone is guaranteed group habitation and vital supplies such as nourishment and entertainment-stimulation. Many czlozekostra regardless participate in labour as with just particular exceptions, labour has is collectively owned by participants and thus collectively benefited from in terms of profits. Conventional "leadership" such as CEO's and company heads is occasional and often done with scaled down egregors. Rather than working for a living, most labour is meant to acquire additional credits for luxuries and just as frequently, out of genuine interest in the work. While much production is solely for sustaining their needs, they have geared more towards commercial production to stay competitive with the rest of known space as of late.
Resembling staphylinid and carabid beetles with some mantis shrimp characteristics, these unusual aliens are enormous with an average height beteween 7''11 to 11''5, with some capable of growing to 25''. Their broad and segmented bodies feature multiple abdominal and thorax components, making them deceptively flexible in spite of their lumbering and dense forms. A complex shell of interlocking carapace plates, underlying malleable connective biomesh, and film-like shock-absorbant dermal layering keeps their bodies well protected. Their bodies can extend quite notably but they tend to hunch over to obscure their true size.
A czlozekostra has at least 16 limbs they use for movement and manipulation, typically having at least two for either task. Their complex brains and neural-clusters, distributed in both cranium and torso, allow them to not only use all in tandem but also focus on and interact with multiple things at once. These limbs can often be specialized for many tasks whether building, cutting, digging, crushing, and so on. In some cases, they may have long elongated abdominal sections similar to tails, wings, or even stingers. All of this is draped in often dark, murky colours frequently likened to the rotting undergrowth of forests and jungles. They appear camouflaged by default though for an environment very different from the civilized world.
The visages meanwhile are best described as helmeted, mask-like, and difficult to read. With no real soft flesh immediately visible, a zekt's face often slopes forwards with a semi-flattened appearance, shield or shovel in a manner similar to rove beetles or longer and distinctly hungry looking as in ground beetles, both ending in complex overlapping mouthparts. The most notable are their four to eight larger mandibles, frequently serrated and curving, surrounded by smaller maxxilia, palps, and labium along with other frequently claw-tipped appendages. All of this can retract behind oral plating that further masks them. Some species have lengthy retractable antennae frquently emerging from behind or above domes containing many smaller eye-like organs beneath faux-opaque exteriors.
Living between 130 to 200 years, longer with biological modifications, they nonetheless begin life as mere larvae. Young czlozekostra are born as large armored grub-like creatures, resembling carabid and staphylinid larvae with longer limbss and ridged, almost bladed carapaces. While they retain animalistic survival instincts and even knowledge such as social interaction and language, their brains are still developing. They cannot necessarily make use of all of this as still highly feral animals omnivorous yet vicious all the same. They stay in this stage between seven to ten years, pupating into a juvenile state of pale carapace and lethargic motion. They do not mature as fast as actual insects but as it takes at most four years to reach adulthood from the juvenile state, this is still impressively fast.
Combined with genetically inherited bestial instincts, zekts can come off as feral and difficult to read. This belies their impressive intelligence, being masters of augmentation. So prolific is their usage of biological, cybernetic, and even psionic/supernatural methods of augmentation many populaces feature a complete absence of unmodified czlozekostra. A single zekt can possess multiple layers of additional enhancements. These can range from grafted carapace plating, additional limbs, and energy-absorption and storage carapace-pods to whole internal habitats of symbiotic parasites that can serve as redundant organs, eldritch engram-sorceries woven into their underlying subdermal biomass and organs, even artificial automata-drone and hive creature spawning manufacturing plants.
Czlozekostra technology is defined by this unity of conflicting metallic and organic components with psionic or ethereal elements becoming very commonplace. While their biotech is considered their primary specialty, their ability to fuse all three or four is increasingly seen as their defining feature. This results in highly adaptable systems that can interface with a wide array of technology on top of being practically made for modifications. Aggressive research into ethereal "voidtech" has helped provide an alternative to conventional "hard science" FTL, utilizing the scientific study of the occult beliefs popular among large numbers of the populace. Zekt ships and those who have integrated their tech can often travel through a sort of eldritch "sub-dimension" layered under reality like the meat and blood beneath flesh, difficult to navigatee due to its mysterious void-life but discrete and fairly cost effective.
The culture of these arthropoids can come off as very cold and distant. Zekts do not have child-rearing instincts, something left to the nursery-acadmies, but they do have an extremely strong social security net and strongly emphasize involvement in the public life. While individually they can come off as uncaring and solitary, they view individuality as an extension of collectivity. Every zekt is simply the echoes of their predecessors and environment. They may lack the idea of biological family yet the power of unity and mutual cooperation is unrivalled, with interest groups for arts, sciencies, ideology, and faith forming very quickly.
They are known to be highly critical of those outside of themselves, being near disdainful of conventional democracies and especially corporate interests, sometimes leading to an understated arrogance in their manners. They are however, very blunt and to the point, extending this not just from ideology but to interpersonal relationships. If they count you among their own, even if you are a different species they believe you have an objective right to the same benefits and liberties as the rest of the collective hive.
This collective way of thinking even extends to how they approach work and labour. In most reasonably large settlements, everyone is guaranteed group habitation and vital supplies such as nourishment and entertainment-stimulation. Many czlozekostra regardless participate in labour as with just particular exceptions, labour has is collectively owned by participants and thus collectively benefited from in terms of profits. Conventional "leadership" such as CEO's and company heads is occasional and often done with scaled down egregors. Rather than working for a living, most labour is meant to acquire additional credits for luxuries and just as frequently, out of genuine interest in the work. While much production is solely for sustaining their needs, they have geared more towards commercial production to stay competitive with the rest of known space as of late.
Their name means "Lord of the Hills", a reflection of not just their hilly homeworld of Tiorgreilig ("Solar Tyrant's Graveyard") but their imposing stature. They are longtime inhabitants of the eastern stretch of the periphery, known for their anachronistic technopaganism and roaming, nomadic lifestyles. Their population is higher than that of the humans by a moderate margin, making them the second most populous species in the region. A large part of their populace has ventured outwards past periphery space, joining the czlozekostra in large independent fleets, but recent political developments has seen many returning. In turn, it is possible their numbers may almost near those of the salighburi.
Evolved from Tiorgreilig's large eels, the people of Tiorgreilig are almost slender if not for the dense-looking bone and tightly packed muscle visible on their tall bodies. Vestigial tails in some population groups hint at their distant ancestry with more searfaring ones retaining the anguilid characteristic. Digitigrade legs beginning their bend mid-thigh end in talon-like feet compliment tri jointed arms of jutting bone and the long, curling digits of their six figured hands. Their often bluish-white and very slightly purplish, faded skin colours were likely evolved to mimic the fog of their homeworld. They average between 6''11 to 9''9 in height, with a few instances of ten foot tall older "noikz" as they are sometimes colloquially called.
Their torsos feature broad shoulders but they taper out past their midsection, with prominent thigh bones that help emphasize their long fin-evolved legs and arms. Some species have smaller fin-like growths between their waist and arms, others small skeletal arms capable of grasping and fine manipulation. Complimenting this feral appearance are their heads, elongated and eel like though with partially wider foreheads. Below is a maw of sharp teeth with a complex lower "double-jaw", one overlapping the other and combining with an upper jaw to form a second row of teeth. These can be shifted forwards to better grasp prey and mulch meals, almost like the detaching jaw of a dragonfly nymph yet from within their mouth. They also have a "third eye" - an organ emerging from the front of their brain that they use to detect sources of energy such as heat, electricity, or even psionic and ethereal power. In spite of their evolved nature, it is still heavily used for a variety of everyday tasks.
Even just standing normally, due to a slight hunch and the bend of their limbs, they often look ready to chase down prey, with impressive running speed and leaping capability owing to their strength. While they are not as powerful as the zekts, their mobility and reactivity gives them unparalleled default agility within the OSRF. Their technology is also seen as the most advanced with antigravitational or "hover" technology and energy manipulation being their hallmarks. The ability to create and maintain barriers of shimmering teal-purple energy and have even massive city-sized land-vehicles hovering above the ground are common testaments to their crafting skill.
They have also crafted a number of high tech robots frequently outfitted with both forms of technology, most famously for military purposes but frequently used for exploration, construction, repair, and even research in vacuum-type gravity-free environments. The study of robotics is tied to their growing field of cybernetic and ethereal augmentation, with many robotic components form the basis for bodily modification. Meanwhile, said robotics help regulate the sorcerous powers they can imbue into their forms, fulfilling a similar role through scientifically applied occultism. Biological augmentation still is fairly rudimentary but with the assistance of their allies this is changing.
On average they possesss the most psionics or "etherealists" as the OSRF calls them, with their "third eye" believed to be an evolutionary response to this. Their etherealism however takes on a very spiritual air to it as generations upon generations of near-unbroken polytheism inevitably would. In spite of their level of advancement, they worship or revere and centre the colossal eel-like creatures that inhabit the areas around their homeworld and surrounding planets. While the czlozekostra have a more cryptic, even esoteric form of supernatural belief (in the instances they even do believe), their piscine counterparts are fairly explicit. While their faith is hardly structured and is a continuation of the paganism of their origins, it is united in the solar predators that it centres around.
They believe themselves to have been born from the bones, shedded scales, or sometimes even the remains of their mighty carnivore deities. In the whirling cycles of battle, hunting, and sorcerous power these mysterious god-beings engaged in, the cosmos is shaped on a spiritual and metaphysical level. Their own tumultuous history of inter-tribal conflict and survival in a harsh and mysterious land is but a reflection of the cyclic, divine existences of those that swarm and battle above their atmosphere. Their belief is quite fluid and doctrine varies wildly, sometimes within a tribe, but they are one of the most religious groups within the OSRF. This does not manifest in them being socially outdated and entrenched in their ways; they simply see the divine as an ever-present part even of purely scientific endeavours.
The tiarncnoic are viewed as a free spirited people culturally, with a tendency for wanderlust and adventurousness as much as communal activity and reverence for ages old custom. In spite of the prominence of their native traditions, they are hardly adverse to change, welcoming new art and scientific knowledge, culture even. They can be skeptical to judgemental of "civilized" people and dense bureaucracy, finding the fetishizaiton of enlightened knowledge and constant techno-economic progress to be reflective of a hole in people's spiritual and communal lives. They are not very dogmatic, caring little about the "sanctity" of their polytheistic belief, but they hold their ageless ways in high regard a large part due to a brutal history of colonization they had to endure. This informs their support for national and indigenous liberation and decolonizaiton movements, sometimes threatening even intervention on the side of those they perceive as living under the boot of exploitative leaders.
Evolved from Tiorgreilig's large eels, the people of Tiorgreilig are almost slender if not for the dense-looking bone and tightly packed muscle visible on their tall bodies. Vestigial tails in some population groups hint at their distant ancestry with more searfaring ones retaining the anguilid characteristic. Digitigrade legs beginning their bend mid-thigh end in talon-like feet compliment tri jointed arms of jutting bone and the long, curling digits of their six figured hands. Their often bluish-white and very slightly purplish, faded skin colours were likely evolved to mimic the fog of their homeworld. They average between 6''11 to 9''9 in height, with a few instances of ten foot tall older "noikz" as they are sometimes colloquially called.
Their torsos feature broad shoulders but they taper out past their midsection, with prominent thigh bones that help emphasize their long fin-evolved legs and arms. Some species have smaller fin-like growths between their waist and arms, others small skeletal arms capable of grasping and fine manipulation. Complimenting this feral appearance are their heads, elongated and eel like though with partially wider foreheads. Below is a maw of sharp teeth with a complex lower "double-jaw", one overlapping the other and combining with an upper jaw to form a second row of teeth. These can be shifted forwards to better grasp prey and mulch meals, almost like the detaching jaw of a dragonfly nymph yet from within their mouth. They also have a "third eye" - an organ emerging from the front of their brain that they use to detect sources of energy such as heat, electricity, or even psionic and ethereal power. In spite of their evolved nature, it is still heavily used for a variety of everyday tasks.
Even just standing normally, due to a slight hunch and the bend of their limbs, they often look ready to chase down prey, with impressive running speed and leaping capability owing to their strength. While they are not as powerful as the zekts, their mobility and reactivity gives them unparalleled default agility within the OSRF. Their technology is also seen as the most advanced with antigravitational or "hover" technology and energy manipulation being their hallmarks. The ability to create and maintain barriers of shimmering teal-purple energy and have even massive city-sized land-vehicles hovering above the ground are common testaments to their crafting skill.
They have also crafted a number of high tech robots frequently outfitted with both forms of technology, most famously for military purposes but frequently used for exploration, construction, repair, and even research in vacuum-type gravity-free environments. The study of robotics is tied to their growing field of cybernetic and ethereal augmentation, with many robotic components form the basis for bodily modification. Meanwhile, said robotics help regulate the sorcerous powers they can imbue into their forms, fulfilling a similar role through scientifically applied occultism. Biological augmentation still is fairly rudimentary but with the assistance of their allies this is changing.
On average they possesss the most psionics or "etherealists" as the OSRF calls them, with their "third eye" believed to be an evolutionary response to this. Their etherealism however takes on a very spiritual air to it as generations upon generations of near-unbroken polytheism inevitably would. In spite of their level of advancement, they worship or revere and centre the colossal eel-like creatures that inhabit the areas around their homeworld and surrounding planets. While the czlozekostra have a more cryptic, even esoteric form of supernatural belief (in the instances they even do believe), their piscine counterparts are fairly explicit. While their faith is hardly structured and is a continuation of the paganism of their origins, it is united in the solar predators that it centres around.
They believe themselves to have been born from the bones, shedded scales, or sometimes even the remains of their mighty carnivore deities. In the whirling cycles of battle, hunting, and sorcerous power these mysterious god-beings engaged in, the cosmos is shaped on a spiritual and metaphysical level. Their own tumultuous history of inter-tribal conflict and survival in a harsh and mysterious land is but a reflection of the cyclic, divine existences of those that swarm and battle above their atmosphere. Their belief is quite fluid and doctrine varies wildly, sometimes within a tribe, but they are one of the most religious groups within the OSRF. This does not manifest in them being socially outdated and entrenched in their ways; they simply see the divine as an ever-present part even of purely scientific endeavours.
The tiarncnoic are viewed as a free spirited people culturally, with a tendency for wanderlust and adventurousness as much as communal activity and reverence for ages old custom. In spite of the prominence of their native traditions, they are hardly adverse to change, welcoming new art and scientific knowledge, culture even. They can be skeptical to judgemental of "civilized" people and dense bureaucracy, finding the fetishizaiton of enlightened knowledge and constant techno-economic progress to be reflective of a hole in people's spiritual and communal lives. They are not very dogmatic, caring little about the "sanctity" of their polytheistic belief, but they hold their ageless ways in high regard a large part due to a brutal history of colonization they had to endure. This informs their support for national and indigenous liberation and decolonizaiton movements, sometimes threatening even intervention on the side of those they perceive as living under the boot of exploitative leaders.
The most populous species in the OSRF and surrounding systems, these highly religious creatures are known for their literally rotten appearance and overgrown cities. Their world of origin is unknown but as multiple populations "evolved" across a variety of worlds, it is believed they were spread by some external force. Their faith believes it to be a mythic "Gnosis Vault" - a massive living spore believed to be inspired by the giant solar fungal masses endemic to the region. Many of them have begun to move outwards towards the galactic core in the wake of the recent civil wars and the formation of the OSRF. A massive number still remain within the Front's boundaries and they are arguably its most established species.
Of the three main species of this alliance, they are the smallest and the most humanoid. Their general structure is two arms, two legs, and a head. It is everything else where they wildly differ. "Boori" flesh looks like rotten, dark pinkish-brown meat that might turn into a sludgy slop any minute. Visible veins and subdermal parasites thicken and pulsing beneath, sometimes causing their biomass to darken with grey and mottled green colours. Their seven fingered hands (three on one side, two on another, two "thumbs" at the top and bottom) are skeletal and covered in a layer of retractable rubbery muscle-membrane while their legs end in root-like protrusions that grip like claws. Their mouths are cavernous, craggy caves in their lower faces filled with pointed, triangular rock-like teeth hidden behind membranous flesh with adjustable translucency. They average around 5''10 to 8''10, with the tallest being around 10''5.
Their bodies are sometimes infested with a variety of complex symbiotic organisms though unlike the zlozekostra, much of it is more fungoid or plant than it is living beyond the aforementioned worms. They too are heavily augmented though most of it is for general purpose civilian use. These include specialized feeder-branches for higher levels of nutrient extraction, neuromycelial roots for chemical-communicaiton data absorption, and salibughri-adapted worms bred to clean their bodies and fight off diseases. Some of it can converge on similar territory as their insectoid counterparts though they do not have as strong of a cultural background of this practice. They are still every bit as adaptable however, with their technically fungi-derived forms in some ways even more adaptable than that of a conventional animal.
They are on average highly religious though recent reforms and civil liberties have seen these numbers diminish. A growing number practice other faiths or simply abstain from spiritual belief yet they remain a minority. Their system of belief is canonized and with its own scriptural and supportive texts, closer to an actual religion than occultism and animist polytheism like their comrades. It is diverse enough to have taken various forms as well have been a part of various territorial, ethnic, and ideological conflicts throughout their history. Much of this was manipulated by both the barbarians and Federation in recent history, setting them against one another for their own goals and control over the area.
As previously stated, the Gnosis Vault is the prime figure of their belief, to whom they desire a transcendence towards. How exactly can vary wildly; through asceticism and self purification, the totality of collective unity, the uplifting of the misery of those surrounding them - their central text the Antediluvian Utterance demonstrates through myth and parable the many ways to demonstrate this. Yet its ambiguity surrounding the nature of the Vault's divinity has resulted in many differing denominations of faith, the most prominent of which known as the Worm Sect worship not the moon but its inhabitants. While many salibughri voluntarily let worms settle into their bodies, these controversial practitioners take it to a further extreme. So wormridden can they become that their consciousnesses reside in the squirming creatures than their own bodies.
After all, if the Gnosis Vault itself is the land from which the worms originate and it is a "dead moon", is it not its flesh and viscera that truly live or the life that gestates, reproduces, and ravages amidst its oceans of churning flesh? While they were a heavily persecuted group in the past, the recent decades have seen them begin to be accepted among the wider whole. The stigma surrounding them and their beliefs once viewed near-universally as heresy is not absent. Yet it no longer stops them from positions of leadership and religious wisdom. This is important as their grotesque practices have been vital in making them some of the best technicains in the entirety of not just salibughri but Front space.
The Salibughri are master architects and communications experts, with the the worm sect having helped further propel both of these fields. The neuro-mycelial networks they use are their invention, relying heavily on fungi colonies cultured by the usage of specialized worms who can manipulate the growt of certain fungoid species. The usage of enormous bioengineered worm creatures in construction is another masterpiece of theirs. These creatures' shed skin can be molded into various materials, laced with complex metals and biocomponents. Their ability to process materials in their semi-robotic innards to combine, breakdown, fuse, or even forge materials, before vomiting or excreting it as perfeclty forged components is considered highly advanced. They are specialized primarily in biotech but have implemented conventional "hard" and psionic/ethereal knowledge quite readily.
As a heavily religious society, their culture can come off as insular and ignorant at first but reveals itself to be highly communal and generous. Salibughri are ambvialent to many of the shifting tides of culture across the stars but they welcome variety into their lives regardless. The best way to express this is often with a variety of celebrations, many of which relate to major historical and religious events. Yet many of them are increasingly secular or otherwise take on a less devotional air; they celebrate with dance, cuisine, neuro-mycelial communion, and ritual. This is to the extent a particularly noteworthy party can become memorialized as a day of celebration simply because everyone enjoyed it that much.
It is not a mistake to assume they can be somewhat skeptical of a galaxy that for the most part does not follow a similar way of thinking. They believe that one can find underlying similarities and thematic currents of belief that unite beyond pure dogmatism and doctrine. They are subsequently also associated with theorists and philosophy, with much of their beliefs informed not just by the Antediluvian Utterance but an explosion of philosophical and political literature and other media. This is knowledge they like to share and debate amongst themselves with, especially with hyperspeed neuro-mycelial networks. This emphasis on knowledge can make them feel somewhat pretentious especially for outsiders.
Truthfully they might believe the same about those outside of their core systems yet they are known for their generosity as well. While the tiarncnoic may be more obviously outgoing, the salibughri are more generous as a whole. There is a spirit of community that is present even among strangers, augmented by pseudo-telepathic communication and various social cues. For outsiders this layer of subtlety is hard to detect but it is only imporant insofar if one is an actual calibughri or truly adapted to their ways. They believe that if you are a part of their settlements and organizations, then your biological differences mean little, with their Gnosis Vault seeing them not as "beings" but simply reflections of greater metaphysical ideas. In its churning tides of mystery, our differences simply melt into nothingness.
Of the three main species of this alliance, they are the smallest and the most humanoid. Their general structure is two arms, two legs, and a head. It is everything else where they wildly differ. "Boori" flesh looks like rotten, dark pinkish-brown meat that might turn into a sludgy slop any minute. Visible veins and subdermal parasites thicken and pulsing beneath, sometimes causing their biomass to darken with grey and mottled green colours. Their seven fingered hands (three on one side, two on another, two "thumbs" at the top and bottom) are skeletal and covered in a layer of retractable rubbery muscle-membrane while their legs end in root-like protrusions that grip like claws. Their mouths are cavernous, craggy caves in their lower faces filled with pointed, triangular rock-like teeth hidden behind membranous flesh with adjustable translucency. They average around 5''10 to 8''10, with the tallest being around 10''5.
Their bodies are sometimes infested with a variety of complex symbiotic organisms though unlike the zlozekostra, much of it is more fungoid or plant than it is living beyond the aforementioned worms. They too are heavily augmented though most of it is for general purpose civilian use. These include specialized feeder-branches for higher levels of nutrient extraction, neuromycelial roots for chemical-communicaiton data absorption, and salibughri-adapted worms bred to clean their bodies and fight off diseases. Some of it can converge on similar territory as their insectoid counterparts though they do not have as strong of a cultural background of this practice. They are still every bit as adaptable however, with their technically fungi-derived forms in some ways even more adaptable than that of a conventional animal.
They are on average highly religious though recent reforms and civil liberties have seen these numbers diminish. A growing number practice other faiths or simply abstain from spiritual belief yet they remain a minority. Their system of belief is canonized and with its own scriptural and supportive texts, closer to an actual religion than occultism and animist polytheism like their comrades. It is diverse enough to have taken various forms as well have been a part of various territorial, ethnic, and ideological conflicts throughout their history. Much of this was manipulated by both the barbarians and Federation in recent history, setting them against one another for their own goals and control over the area.
As previously stated, the Gnosis Vault is the prime figure of their belief, to whom they desire a transcendence towards. How exactly can vary wildly; through asceticism and self purification, the totality of collective unity, the uplifting of the misery of those surrounding them - their central text the Antediluvian Utterance demonstrates through myth and parable the many ways to demonstrate this. Yet its ambiguity surrounding the nature of the Vault's divinity has resulted in many differing denominations of faith, the most prominent of which known as the Worm Sect worship not the moon but its inhabitants. While many salibughri voluntarily let worms settle into their bodies, these controversial practitioners take it to a further extreme. So wormridden can they become that their consciousnesses reside in the squirming creatures than their own bodies.
After all, if the Gnosis Vault itself is the land from which the worms originate and it is a "dead moon", is it not its flesh and viscera that truly live or the life that gestates, reproduces, and ravages amidst its oceans of churning flesh? While they were a heavily persecuted group in the past, the recent decades have seen them begin to be accepted among the wider whole. The stigma surrounding them and their beliefs once viewed near-universally as heresy is not absent. Yet it no longer stops them from positions of leadership and religious wisdom. This is important as their grotesque practices have been vital in making them some of the best technicains in the entirety of not just salibughri but Front space.
The Salibughri are master architects and communications experts, with the the worm sect having helped further propel both of these fields. The neuro-mycelial networks they use are their invention, relying heavily on fungi colonies cultured by the usage of specialized worms who can manipulate the growt of certain fungoid species. The usage of enormous bioengineered worm creatures in construction is another masterpiece of theirs. These creatures' shed skin can be molded into various materials, laced with complex metals and biocomponents. Their ability to process materials in their semi-robotic innards to combine, breakdown, fuse, or even forge materials, before vomiting or excreting it as perfeclty forged components is considered highly advanced. They are specialized primarily in biotech but have implemented conventional "hard" and psionic/ethereal knowledge quite readily.
As a heavily religious society, their culture can come off as insular and ignorant at first but reveals itself to be highly communal and generous. Salibughri are ambvialent to many of the shifting tides of culture across the stars but they welcome variety into their lives regardless. The best way to express this is often with a variety of celebrations, many of which relate to major historical and religious events. Yet many of them are increasingly secular or otherwise take on a less devotional air; they celebrate with dance, cuisine, neuro-mycelial communion, and ritual. This is to the extent a particularly noteworthy party can become memorialized as a day of celebration simply because everyone enjoyed it that much.
It is not a mistake to assume they can be somewhat skeptical of a galaxy that for the most part does not follow a similar way of thinking. They believe that one can find underlying similarities and thematic currents of belief that unite beyond pure dogmatism and doctrine. They are subsequently also associated with theorists and philosophy, with much of their beliefs informed not just by the Antediluvian Utterance but an explosion of philosophical and political literature and other media. This is knowledge they like to share and debate amongst themselves with, especially with hyperspeed neuro-mycelial networks. This emphasis on knowledge can make them feel somewhat pretentious especially for outsiders.
Truthfully they might believe the same about those outside of their core systems yet they are known for their generosity as well. While the tiarncnoic may be more obviously outgoing, the salibughri are more generous as a whole. There is a spirit of community that is present even among strangers, augmented by pseudo-telepathic communication and various social cues. For outsiders this layer of subtlety is hard to detect but it is only imporant insofar if one is an actual calibughri or truly adapted to their ways. They believe that if you are a part of their settlements and organizations, then your biological differences mean little, with their Gnosis Vault seeing them not as "beings" but simply reflections of greater metaphysical ideas. In its churning tides of mystery, our differences simply melt into nothingness.
(The fun part! What’s defending your nation in these uncertain times? You can provide as much or as little detail as you like. Can’t also forget, showing tons of pictures of what their soldiers, vehicles and ships look like :P)
The OSRF as a whole is a military focused on tough, resilient infantry capable of rapid movement and mechanized coordination rapidly shuttling them into engagement range with enemies. While they tend to lack as much heavy armor (primarily tanks and land cruisers) as others, their baseline infantry on average are armed, armored, and augmented to a much higher degree. They are further reinforced by powerful psionic/ethereal units primarily focused on improving their performance. These "etherealists" can protect via psionically distorting the space around comrades to obscure their profile, create barriers of solidified psionic energy, or even momentarily distort any heat or electricity readings around them. They are capable of more destructive feets, manifesting disruptions in space itself to blast reinforced positions, creating exit-fields around weapon barrels to augment their rounds, and even warping in extradimensional creatures to fight alongside them.
The majority of their ground armor is focused on rapid deployment and long distance engagement, with high velocity cannons and multiple missile launch systems being their iconic weaponry. They have a variety of mecha that while not meant for the same role of tanks can often be their conventional mainline heavy armor. Most of these may not have a tank's devastating long-range main cannon but they do have various auxiliary energy, missile, cannon, and sometimes even psionic weapons. Typically they do not try to out brute force enemy armor as much as to out-manoeuvre them, manipulating them into crossfires and killzones. Infantry play a vital role in this with a variety of advanced anti-armor weapon systems used to harass heavier vehicular threats into repositioning; sometimes by chasing soft targets and other times by forcing them from their positions. Advanced target-painting systems and weapons designed to stun or disrupt the systems of enemy heavy armor further makes them vulnerable to their own vehicles.
Their tanks reflect this mindset of speed, range, and aggression. They feature prominent high velocity cannons (with both solid synthetic/biological and energy-type output available) but a number of additional weapon systems, primarily aimed at targeting infantry but also light long range artillery. Missile systems are typically reserved for lighter IFV's and other AFV's but frequently find their way to their tanks in recent years along with light mortars/heavier grenade launchers. High velocity machine guns, energy or solid round based, to even light autocannons are also prominent. Yet tanks are also capable of highly encrypted direct communication and coordination with friendly forces, with the ability to transmit and examine data for positioning, targeting, and coordination. Combined with features such as anti-gravitational movement, adjustable tracks, or even arthropod limbs, their ability to move over tough terrain at rapid speeds lets them take up advantageous positions normally impossible for most vehicles to acquire.
Most unusual is their usage of various bioconstructs and robots. The first of these can include domesticated organisms modified for combat or essentially biomecha. This is a somewhat misleading title as they tend to a;sp feature prominent cybernetics in their construction, but they tend to prominently feature as support units for their infantry alongside "drone" type automata. Both will often provide support for squads with additional fire capacity but also the ability to create energy shields, scan and track targets, dig into the ground to rapidly create cover or hiding spots, or even forwards reconaissance and heavy weapons ounting. This is useful for smaller squads of more powerful infantry, augmenting their capabilities with cost effective, comparatively expandable units.
Larger versions of both can frequently take the part of armored vehicles, often controlled via telepathic, cybernetic, and neuromycelial means and specialized "communicator parasites" between handler and host. The majority of these fulfill roles between those of support drones and IFV's to medium AFV's, having high movement capability and often a variety of light to medium type heavy weapons, letting them put out impressive volumes of firepower typically for harassment and suppression purposes. Some have limited flight or gliding capabilities, others can burrow below fortifications, and some can leap massive distances, gaining on targets in ambushes before they can blink. Some are large enough to function as tanks though they tend to have shorter ranged weaponry while retaining high mobility and versatility. Their speed combined with ability to mount lighter artillery such as rocket/mortar options makes them excellent for providing rapid though not dedicated long range support and harassment opportunity, even if they will not be as powerful as dedicated bombardment options.
Their space fleet focuses on long range energy weapons with select gravitationally accelerated cannons being retrofitted onto newer ships. While the latter are more common on newer ground vehicles, they have seen prominent adaptation after roughshod retrofits during the independence war demonstrated their might. Complex missile systems let them focus down multiple targets as well as giving CIWS and anti-missile systems a struggle. Not merely by volume of missiles launched but their ability to "blink" in and out of realspace, jammer arrays, and their stealth capabilities of "dead" launches and low-emission gas propulsion (before using rapid bursts to close in) make them very tricky to fight. Even worse, many of their primary cannon type weapons can have additional effects on their targets, creating "reactive fields" from pent up volatile energies that amplify the effect of additional beam/plasma/pulse type wepaons for example. Other time sthey may diminish scanning/targeting capabilities or even cause psionic anomalies.
This comes at the cost of their heavy hitting damage options being somewhat limited, focusing on disrupting and debilitating fleets very heavily. The idea is to soften or overwhelm them with all kinds of interfering effects, making them easier to then pick off. While this is not necessarily very efficient when it comes to pure kill ratios, it can frequently force fleets to retreat or make force them to awkwardly split up their forces as major enemy vessels quickly struggle to bring their full power to bear. However, for genuine raw killing power, the enormous void-creatures (and the retrofitted husks of such) found in the "gulf" within OSRF space possess that in great number. These enormous predators (and their reanimated cadaveres), sometimes greater in size than capital ships, possess various parasites, anatomy, and mutations serving as weapons and munitions. Mythic starfaring serpent-eels, horrific mantis-centipede leviathans, pustulent spore-masses of bristling filth, all frequently augmented with conventioanl weaponry - to face these incrasingly common monstrosities is the stuff of many horror stories emerging from Front space.
The OSRF as a whole is a military focused on tough, resilient infantry capable of rapid movement and mechanized coordination rapidly shuttling them into engagement range with enemies. While they tend to lack as much heavy armor (primarily tanks and land cruisers) as others, their baseline infantry on average are armed, armored, and augmented to a much higher degree. They are further reinforced by powerful psionic/ethereal units primarily focused on improving their performance. These "etherealists" can protect via psionically distorting the space around comrades to obscure their profile, create barriers of solidified psionic energy, or even momentarily distort any heat or electricity readings around them. They are capable of more destructive feets, manifesting disruptions in space itself to blast reinforced positions, creating exit-fields around weapon barrels to augment their rounds, and even warping in extradimensional creatures to fight alongside them.
The majority of their ground armor is focused on rapid deployment and long distance engagement, with high velocity cannons and multiple missile launch systems being their iconic weaponry. They have a variety of mecha that while not meant for the same role of tanks can often be their conventional mainline heavy armor. Most of these may not have a tank's devastating long-range main cannon but they do have various auxiliary energy, missile, cannon, and sometimes even psionic weapons. Typically they do not try to out brute force enemy armor as much as to out-manoeuvre them, manipulating them into crossfires and killzones. Infantry play a vital role in this with a variety of advanced anti-armor weapon systems used to harass heavier vehicular threats into repositioning; sometimes by chasing soft targets and other times by forcing them from their positions. Advanced target-painting systems and weapons designed to stun or disrupt the systems of enemy heavy armor further makes them vulnerable to their own vehicles.
Their tanks reflect this mindset of speed, range, and aggression. They feature prominent high velocity cannons (with both solid synthetic/biological and energy-type output available) but a number of additional weapon systems, primarily aimed at targeting infantry but also light long range artillery. Missile systems are typically reserved for lighter IFV's and other AFV's but frequently find their way to their tanks in recent years along with light mortars/heavier grenade launchers. High velocity machine guns, energy or solid round based, to even light autocannons are also prominent. Yet tanks are also capable of highly encrypted direct communication and coordination with friendly forces, with the ability to transmit and examine data for positioning, targeting, and coordination. Combined with features such as anti-gravitational movement, adjustable tracks, or even arthropod limbs, their ability to move over tough terrain at rapid speeds lets them take up advantageous positions normally impossible for most vehicles to acquire.
Most unusual is their usage of various bioconstructs and robots. The first of these can include domesticated organisms modified for combat or essentially biomecha. This is a somewhat misleading title as they tend to a;sp feature prominent cybernetics in their construction, but they tend to prominently feature as support units for their infantry alongside "drone" type automata. Both will often provide support for squads with additional fire capacity but also the ability to create energy shields, scan and track targets, dig into the ground to rapidly create cover or hiding spots, or even forwards reconaissance and heavy weapons ounting. This is useful for smaller squads of more powerful infantry, augmenting their capabilities with cost effective, comparatively expandable units.
Larger versions of both can frequently take the part of armored vehicles, often controlled via telepathic, cybernetic, and neuromycelial means and specialized "communicator parasites" between handler and host. The majority of these fulfill roles between those of support drones and IFV's to medium AFV's, having high movement capability and often a variety of light to medium type heavy weapons, letting them put out impressive volumes of firepower typically for harassment and suppression purposes. Some have limited flight or gliding capabilities, others can burrow below fortifications, and some can leap massive distances, gaining on targets in ambushes before they can blink. Some are large enough to function as tanks though they tend to have shorter ranged weaponry while retaining high mobility and versatility. Their speed combined with ability to mount lighter artillery such as rocket/mortar options makes them excellent for providing rapid though not dedicated long range support and harassment opportunity, even if they will not be as powerful as dedicated bombardment options.
Their space fleet focuses on long range energy weapons with select gravitationally accelerated cannons being retrofitted onto newer ships. While the latter are more common on newer ground vehicles, they have seen prominent adaptation after roughshod retrofits during the independence war demonstrated their might. Complex missile systems let them focus down multiple targets as well as giving CIWS and anti-missile systems a struggle. Not merely by volume of missiles launched but their ability to "blink" in and out of realspace, jammer arrays, and their stealth capabilities of "dead" launches and low-emission gas propulsion (before using rapid bursts to close in) make them very tricky to fight. Even worse, many of their primary cannon type weapons can have additional effects on their targets, creating "reactive fields" from pent up volatile energies that amplify the effect of additional beam/plasma/pulse type wepaons for example. Other time sthey may diminish scanning/targeting capabilities or even cause psionic anomalies.
This comes at the cost of their heavy hitting damage options being somewhat limited, focusing on disrupting and debilitating fleets very heavily. The idea is to soften or overwhelm them with all kinds of interfering effects, making them easier to then pick off. While this is not necessarily very efficient when it comes to pure kill ratios, it can frequently force fleets to retreat or make force them to awkwardly split up their forces as major enemy vessels quickly struggle to bring their full power to bear. However, for genuine raw killing power, the enormous void-creatures (and the retrofitted husks of such) found in the "gulf" within OSRF space possess that in great number. These enormous predators (and their reanimated cadaveres), sometimes greater in size than capital ships, possess various parasites, anatomy, and mutations serving as weapons and munitions. Mythic starfaring serpent-eels, horrific mantis-centipede leviathans, pustulent spore-masses of bristling filth, all frequently augmented with conventioanl weaponry - to face these incrasingly common monstrosities is the stuff of many horror stories emerging from Front space.
The eastern periphery systems of what was once the Federation have historically been rife with conflict, dissatisfaction, greed, and exploitation. Resource rich yet marginalizedin galactic politics, it was at once a jewel in the empire's crown and an unwilling servant beneath its boots. Its absorption into the the Federation, accomplished via the manipulation of pre-existing ethnic, ideological, and territorial tensions and "justified" humanitarian intervention, has only recently served as a frequent topic of discourse when discussing the great decline of empires.
The Orion Sphere Revolutionary Front had many names in its infancy, battling against as much reactionary terror cells and militant groups as it did the Federation and its crony-states. Many times had it been crushed yet just as many had the desire for liberation both ideological and territorial ignite again and again. As the overburdened mechanisms of rulership began to buckle under their own weight, a distant threat of alien invasion began to become increasingly tangible. It is from the ensuring war that the veterans of many insurrectionary actions and the few independent planet states in the area began to prepare for a shift in the geopolitical paradigm.
The brutal liberation war was a chaotic one responsible for some of the most hellish fighting on the eastern front of the sphere. Conventional wisdom sees it as a maddening war of all against all yet in reality, the barbarians and the Federation frequently employed the same strategies. As Federation control over eastern sphere worlds weakened, the barbarians swept in to fill the power vacuum. Both would manipulate the individual worlds against one another to protect their own holdings and engage in proxy wars, saving their main forces for gaps in one another's defences. Yet the OSRF was aware of this and the growing discontent among the civilian populace. The foreign "liberators" quickly proved to be as cruel of masters as the enlightened cruelty of those they had replaced.
From the cry of frustration and subjugation of the imprisoned masses came an uproar of anger and defiance. As once civilian masses began to organize en masse, protesting then rioting against the slavish exploitation of their labour, the destructive resource extraction of their homelands, and the fattening of the all-too-willing collaborators of the ruling classes, both superpowers saw a common problem. Temporary truces between warlords and generals to "sort out" civil unrest however, turned out to be the powder keg lighting the OSRF had hoped for to galvanize mass resistance. When the war was revealed as a glorified sham to the masses with these two great enemies working under the table with one another, the blowback was colossal.
It was enough to kickstart the fires of revolution that had smouldered in the background, devouring isolated and ruined worlds, now angrily spreading to the more prosperous and internally divided of worlds. Insurgencies and guerilla campaigns, once isolated to individual systems, began to spread as the populace of the worlds became hostile. Outer worlds were the first to fall, ignored as the Federation-Barbarian war heated up again, forcing one another's hand and trying to capitalize on one another's instability. Like a storm of pickaxes, batons, knives, and IED's, a once captive populace immediately seized the opportunity. Combined with the gradual transformation of full blown rebellions into interplanetary military groups, the once great powers found themselves stretched out, wasting personnel and supplies on one another, and now the prey to the vengeful people they once thought of as resources.
Devoured and decimated by a once maligned populace, the great powers were forced out of the eastern territories. From the ruins, a grand unification emerged. The revolutionary fire had not merely scourged the mark of the hated colonialist and and imperialist, it had reduced the boundaries that once divided the various inhabitants of these systems to a withered husk. With massive spoils of war left from the driven enemy, a collaborationist ruling class now forced into chains, and a fervour to never again bow to corporation or empeor, the OSRF had truly been materialized.
With the Federation's fall and the reduction of the barbarians to at best scattered warbands and holdouts, the Front has considerably expanded. Its current actions see this now solidified alliance expanding its ideology to surrounding systems as those who once fleed from the war encouraged to now return. A great influx of foreign capital and resources has begun. It fuels the growth of increasingly pro OSRF sentiment in surrounding regions, spreading even into the galactic core as its ideological expansion outstrips its physical one. Many potential candidates are wracked by tumultuous politics, reeling from the aftermath of a brual inter-imperial war, yet the promise of a new possibility away from the realm of empire remains tantalizing. Even those absorbed into its fold still struggle but an expansion of its geopolitical power in a calculated ppush is bearing fruit in stabilizing its fresh, still somewhat tenuous allies.
At the same time, mysterious research into the fields of the arcane, the psionic, the occult, and the eldritch have begun to make waves past its boundaries. Manifestations of unearthly power and the presence of mythic void-borne creatues, some not believed to be of this reality, drape it in an air of danger an dmystery. Research into the unity of the unearthly knowledge with cutting edge science has resulted in a boon of experimental technologies and Front leadership hopes to be the torchbearer for a new paradigm of technopolitical development. While its alliances with many nomadic groups, independent systems or planets, and NGO's does not result in direct control, it is growing its strength in a tangible fashion. It can no longer be written off as at best a resource rich backwater; it is a rising force and its message is beginning to resonate with increasing volume across the stars.
The Orion Sphere Revolutionary Front had many names in its infancy, battling against as much reactionary terror cells and militant groups as it did the Federation and its crony-states. Many times had it been crushed yet just as many had the desire for liberation both ideological and territorial ignite again and again. As the overburdened mechanisms of rulership began to buckle under their own weight, a distant threat of alien invasion began to become increasingly tangible. It is from the ensuring war that the veterans of many insurrectionary actions and the few independent planet states in the area began to prepare for a shift in the geopolitical paradigm.
The brutal liberation war was a chaotic one responsible for some of the most hellish fighting on the eastern front of the sphere. Conventional wisdom sees it as a maddening war of all against all yet in reality, the barbarians and the Federation frequently employed the same strategies. As Federation control over eastern sphere worlds weakened, the barbarians swept in to fill the power vacuum. Both would manipulate the individual worlds against one another to protect their own holdings and engage in proxy wars, saving their main forces for gaps in one another's defences. Yet the OSRF was aware of this and the growing discontent among the civilian populace. The foreign "liberators" quickly proved to be as cruel of masters as the enlightened cruelty of those they had replaced.
From the cry of frustration and subjugation of the imprisoned masses came an uproar of anger and defiance. As once civilian masses began to organize en masse, protesting then rioting against the slavish exploitation of their labour, the destructive resource extraction of their homelands, and the fattening of the all-too-willing collaborators of the ruling classes, both superpowers saw a common problem. Temporary truces between warlords and generals to "sort out" civil unrest however, turned out to be the powder keg lighting the OSRF had hoped for to galvanize mass resistance. When the war was revealed as a glorified sham to the masses with these two great enemies working under the table with one another, the blowback was colossal.
It was enough to kickstart the fires of revolution that had smouldered in the background, devouring isolated and ruined worlds, now angrily spreading to the more prosperous and internally divided of worlds. Insurgencies and guerilla campaigns, once isolated to individual systems, began to spread as the populace of the worlds became hostile. Outer worlds were the first to fall, ignored as the Federation-Barbarian war heated up again, forcing one another's hand and trying to capitalize on one another's instability. Like a storm of pickaxes, batons, knives, and IED's, a once captive populace immediately seized the opportunity. Combined with the gradual transformation of full blown rebellions into interplanetary military groups, the once great powers found themselves stretched out, wasting personnel and supplies on one another, and now the prey to the vengeful people they once thought of as resources.
Devoured and decimated by a once maligned populace, the great powers were forced out of the eastern territories. From the ruins, a grand unification emerged. The revolutionary fire had not merely scourged the mark of the hated colonialist and and imperialist, it had reduced the boundaries that once divided the various inhabitants of these systems to a withered husk. With massive spoils of war left from the driven enemy, a collaborationist ruling class now forced into chains, and a fervour to never again bow to corporation or empeor, the OSRF had truly been materialized.
With the Federation's fall and the reduction of the barbarians to at best scattered warbands and holdouts, the Front has considerably expanded. Its current actions see this now solidified alliance expanding its ideology to surrounding systems as those who once fleed from the war encouraged to now return. A great influx of foreign capital and resources has begun. It fuels the growth of increasingly pro OSRF sentiment in surrounding regions, spreading even into the galactic core as its ideological expansion outstrips its physical one. Many potential candidates are wracked by tumultuous politics, reeling from the aftermath of a brual inter-imperial war, yet the promise of a new possibility away from the realm of empire remains tantalizing. Even those absorbed into its fold still struggle but an expansion of its geopolitical power in a calculated ppush is bearing fruit in stabilizing its fresh, still somewhat tenuous allies.
At the same time, mysterious research into the fields of the arcane, the psionic, the occult, and the eldritch have begun to make waves past its boundaries. Manifestations of unearthly power and the presence of mythic void-borne creatues, some not believed to be of this reality, drape it in an air of danger an dmystery. Research into the unity of the unearthly knowledge with cutting edge science has resulted in a boon of experimental technologies and Front leadership hopes to be the torchbearer for a new paradigm of technopolitical development. While its alliances with many nomadic groups, independent systems or planets, and NGO's does not result in direct control, it is growing its strength in a tangible fashion. It can no longer be written off as at best a resource rich backwater; it is a rising force and its message is beginning to resonate with increasing volume across the stars.