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@Dark Cloud cool, if you don't want to roll to influence the situation further then you can cut them lose with your dagger.

@Kenshi yep, roll again, the last smash roll was related to the last guy you 'fought' and by that I mean steamrolled.

yep, narrate your other success IC as you wish.
@Dark Cloud cool, think that's my loudout done then!
@Kenshi done

@Dark Cloud you can spend a dark heart to give yourself +1d on any roll, so upping your chances of success.

cool. first up, I'll give you strong effect if you want to spook the horses more first but it's risky because they're already a bit freaked out. Otherwise it's average position average effect to get them gone.

@Kenshi Hi I've put the first draft of my sheet up. What racial abilties would you like for human or what skills would you allow for a healer? Let me know if I need to change or adjust anything
@Kassarock You bring back some healthy protein in the form of edible beatles.
@Kuro intended ;)
You also find some grubs to keep everyone's energy up.
@Kenshi you gather some mud, sure it'll come in useful for making bricks.
@DraconiWarlord You show the new worker the best place to gather mud from and he sets to work, only occasionally grumbling about the lack of good food. Pretty soon another worker has wandered in from the woods, making a home in the only hut in the clearing.
@Duthguy you show the new guy how it's done and he is impressed with your mud collecting skills. This mud will make fine bricks.
@TGM You find some edible berries and bring them back to share.
@DraconiWarlord You collect some good mud in record time.

12 / 25 Food
4 / 15 Mud
1 / 15 Mud Brick

2 / 3 Workers
1x Laborer
1x Gatherer - Mud
0x Forager
0x Crafter

1x Mud Hut

Do one thing:
>[] Forage for Food
>[] Gather Mud

>[] Craft: Mud Brick (requires:1 Mud)

>[] Build Hut (requires: 5 Mud Bricks)
>[] Build Gatherer's Hut (requires: 5 Mud Bricks)
>[] Build Wise Man's Hut (requires: 10 Mud Bricks)

>[]Assign Worker: Foraging / Gathering Mud / Crafting Brick
>[]Re-Assign Worker: Foraging / Gathering Mud / Crafting Brick
[@Lucuis Cypher] sounds to me like you might be doing that precisely or powerfully, your choice what you roll.

@Dark Cloud gain a dark heart for following your impulse. You flee down the cliff path and back towards the safety of the trees, running from the field of battle. As you flee you catch sight of a covered wagon, the horses tied nearby. They seem antsy from the storm, and you catch sight of crates on the back of the wagon. You're soaked through to the bone and the storm gives no sign of letting up. Let me know what Zaz'ac does next.

@Kenshi the smash is dominant position strong effect as Zaz'ac and Baganaria have set you up for this, so chances are you kill your target, but it's entirely up to you what you want to do. The threaten is strong effect on the others since you just potentially killed their comrade. Three of them are trying to give you all a wide berth and make it to the cliff path you're all blocking off, which means they're getting closer in range to flee past Baganaria, Phardax and possibly Darc depending on how his resistance roll goes (since that roll is slightly in the past by this point)

However, the roll is 4 highest so thats a mixed success. The Halfling woman has pulled out a long hunting knife from somewhere and is screaming at you, tears in her eyes as she running at you to slash you. What do you do?

@Poohead189 What's Phardax doing while this is going on?

@VeyrinDay Once we know whether Krieg is killing, maiming or doing something else to your holy attacker I'd love to hear what Baganaria does next. It might be that Darc or Phardax will act before she's recovered from the attack depending how this goes
@Lucius Cypher woops, veto that, pretty sleepy. I could offer you a compel on the meat against your revelry though... actually, offers still open against your Revelry instead of your dark impulse. You'll get a dark heart if you decide to take it or you can pass.

So you can tell me something Dak does to lessen the shock to his muscles, what would Dak like to do?

@Lucius Cypher That's a failure. You misjudge the distance in the rain and howling wind and overshoot enough for another of the Lightfolk to barrel passed you, strongly enough to send you back against the wall and taking SHOCK to MUSCLES. That's -1 on the next action or resistant roll with any action belonging to the attribute affected by the shock. The shock clears after the roll.

You can roll resistance if you'd like.

I'm also going to tempt you with a Compell: you're close enough to the open doorway now to get hit by the fall force of that recently cooked meat. Food has been scarce the last few days. You can follow your dark impulse into the complex to devour the meat at the risk of leaving your companions at a crucial moment. You can choose to be compelled or ignore this option.
@VeyrinDay you can roleplay that IC without the roll needed
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