@Kenshi so the location information provided is basic for simplicities sake. But there's no reason there couldn't be Minotaurs at Frontier Town or Myres Root for example :D
You can now add a Vile Friend to your sheet. During the next phase you'll have the opportunity to make friends with a monster or neutral creature in the region who is sympathetic to your cause. They are more or less friendly to you, and can be contacted for help, items, information, minions, slaves, and so on. This will be one of your points of contact to the world beyond the realm of your Dungeon. For example, Zaz'ac might be interested in a Kobold Rogue from Myre's Root.
You can see Regional Map & Faction information here to help with your decision.
@POOHEAD189ohoho you just wait till the end of this post lmao
excellent! it's a mixed success so you take shock to GUTS as you fumble the spell slightly in an effort to catch her before she gets too far away. I'd be happy with either spells so pick which you prefer. But you succeed in your goals, so you can write the capture as you wish. She is currently screaming in unbridled horror and sobbing at what Darc has just done to her superior, unable to take her eyes off the skull-wearing monster ooze.
Alrighty folks, Phardax's capture marks the end of the raid. Baganaria, Phardax and Darc are already just outside the dungeon spot. Zaz'ac might need some help bringing the crates of loot back to the dungeon - perhaps Krieg can help with that?
If you have any IC posts you want to make to tie up loose ends before we start the next phase of this adventure please do so now (or at the very least let me know in OOC you're working on a post) as the next GM post will involve a short timeskip and change of phase. It shouldn't be too disruptive, if you do miss a post you wanted to make you can always just include it at the start of your next post.
We'll begin working on our dungeon soon. Firstly, we need to decide on our imps. They're little creatures, worthless for combat, that go about your dungeon doing your busy work. Moving things between places, hauling stone from tunnelling, making basic repairs, that sort of thing. You can sometimes train them to do more complicated tasks for you when certain rooms are unlocked.
Imps can be anything - actual imps, little goblins, young kobolds, bipedal mushroomfolk, corrupt cherubs, sentient crystals, tiny clay golems, whatever you like. If you have a suggestion you'd like to put forward please do so about what imps you'd like and we'll get to a consensus sooner or later with me breaking ties.
Imps also need two traits. Here are some examples, feel free to vote on these or put forward your own:
I look forward to hearing what y'all want from your little workforce ;) Finally, Regional Map draft is available here and the Faction information is available in CS Post 2. It takes 2 days to cross the region from one corner to the other by foot. Where do you want your Dungeon to be? I will add some cliffs and plop the Dungeon down to add it to the map.
Sorry from the long post, TL:DR:
+ Make a wrap up post if you need to before the next GM Post + What type of Imps run your dungeon for you? What are two defining personality traits for them? + We have a map now. Where would you like the Dungeon to go? + Faction information is available for your perusal and finalised, but this post is already getting long so I'll cover more about that in a different post.
mispost, but to answer the question i've been asked a few times i'd like to run this properly one day, possibly using Foundry to simplify some elements. The thing is we had a really good group the first time around and I'd think it'd be hard to create that, but a 300 Wands campaign is still very much on my bucketlist.
@Dark Cloud the cart and contents was already hidden treasure, wasn't sure if you guys would find it or not. For specific loot you get we'll do that during loot phase, I'll let you know ;D
@POOHEAD189 you fully resist her and only take one stress. so close to a critical success, too That puts you in a dominant position strong effect likely depending what you do next (if the action fits well) she's still going to try to get away, so how would you like to stop her? if you succeed it'll likely end the combat shortly after.
also lucius is bang on with how resistance roll works. the don't push your goals forward but they do prevent opportunities from slipping through your fingers.
phew, been doing some behind the scenes stuff today i'm excited about ;)
@Kenshi@Kassarock you craft some fine mud bricks. @TGM you're getting pretty good at knowing where to forage. You bring home the bacon, and by that I mean leaves. Yum. @DraconiWarlord@Kuro@ForsakenbySleep you gather some mud and make conversation with the mud gatherer. @Duthguy You advise the worker on how to make the best bricks. It doesn't take long until he's picked it up and is dilligently working away.
The workers eat some food. The Mud Gatherer has become ill and won't be able to work.
Right then. So this might look a little scary to those who haven't played a mechanic-based roleplay before, but I'll place up an example for your perusal. Please note this is a clarification of the sheet, the actual sheet is below in code format. If you find this overwhelming, I've provided a simplified sheet you can use too. Name:Your name here. Race:Your race here. Some races may have abilities / weaknesses that need to be worked out OOC. Appearance:What your character looks like. Personality: A little about how your character behaves, their outlook on life, and their general demeanour. Calling: Your Class. Pick One: Brute, Conniver, Crafter, Hunter, Marauder, Shadow, Shaman, Warlock, Zealot Dark Impulse: Your fatal flaw. Pick one or make your own: Bigmouth, Cruel, Deranged, Fickle, Obsessed, Paranoid, Reckless, Vengeful. Revelry: How your character enjoys themselves. Pick one or make your own: Craving, Drinking, Gambling, Occult, Violence, Worship Vile Friend: Leave blank for now. A fiendish friend on the surface world who you can gain assistance from. Defenses:
This represents the character's ability to avoid a specific type of consequence. They're gained through gear you wear or calling abilities, showing how your equipment and skill prepares you for bad situations you might find yourself in. While this could be your shield protects you from a counterattack, it could also be your experience lying helps you cover up a lie when found out, or a claok helps keep you hidden when you stumble in the shadows and almost attrack attention. You can use your defense once per cycle.
Defense 1 Name:At character creation you get one defense from a piece of gear, and possibly extra ones from calling abilities.
0 / 6 Stress || 0 / 9 Wicked XP || 0 / 3 Reckless XP || 0 / 2 Dark Hearts
Stats:Stats determine how proficient you are at certain tasks. Actions cannot exceed 3 stars. Stress When this hits 6, you go feral. You must immediately pursue your dark impulse. Wicked XP When this hits 9, you can select another calling ability. GM will determine when we go over XP. Reckless XP When you go feral or become bloody and go out of your way to roleplay this well, reckless XP is granted. When this hits 3 you gain an action dot.
Primal Ability Name: You can choose to take a Racial over your Core Calling ability. Remove if you took a Core Ability. Core Ability Name: Each calling has a unique ability. Core ability goes here. Remove if you took a Primal Ability. Calling Ability Name: Pick one from your calling list. Gain extra abilities when you max out wicked XP. Flexibility Slot Name: Instead of picking a Calling Ability, you can pick one Calling ability from another list. You can only do this once all game.
0 / 3 Gold || 2 / 2 Supply
This is the maximum value you can extract from your hoard without other monsters getting suspicious. While this is represented as Gold, it could be a herd of goats, bag of precious gems, selection of tools, ect. Gold can be used to: Attract a creature, get help from your vile friend, get a minion downtime action, get minions to join a raid, recruit a minion, upgrade a minion.
Gear: All your stuff goes here.
Gear Slot 1, special: At character creation you get one of the following: Valuable item, Item with an edge (modifier), tier 1 contraption, magic item, or three doses of a potion or concoction. Alternatively, take 1 gold. Gear Slot 2: At character creation you get one slot as an advanced item. Gear Slot 3: At character creation you get one slot as an advanced item. Gear Slot 4: At character creation you get one slot as an advanced item.
Supplies: Everything else.
[color=70EE9C][b]Name:[/b][/color] [color=cccccc][i]Your name here.[/i][/color] [color=70EE9C][b]Race:[/b][/color] [color=cccccc][i]Your race here. Some races may have abilities / weaknesses that need to be worked out OOC. [/i][/color] [color=70EE9C][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [color=cccccc][i]What your character looks like.[/i][/color] [color=70EE9C][b]Personality:[/b][/color][color=cccccc] A little about how your character behaves, their outlook on life, and their general demeanour.[/color] [color=F2BB05][b]Calling:[/b][/color] [color=cccccc]Your Class. Pick One: [b]Brute, Conniver, Crafter, Hunter, Marauder, Shadow, Shaman, Warlock, Zealot[/b] [/color] [color=F2BB05][b]Dark Impulse:[/b][/color] [color=cccccc]Your fatal flaw. Pick one or make your own: [b]Bigmouth, Cruel, Deranged, Fickle, Obsessed, Paranoid, Reckless, Vengeful.[/b] [/color] [color=F2BB05][b]Revelry:[/b][/color] [color=cccccc]How your character enjoys themselves. Pick one or make your own: [b]Craving, Drinking, Gambling, Occult, Violence, Worship[/b] [/color] [color=F2BB05][b]Vile Friend:[/b][/color] [color=cccccc]Leave blank for now. A fiendish friend on the surface world who you can gain assistance from.[/color] [color=F2BB05][b]Defenses:[/b][/color] [hider=Defense Explaination, Remove from CS][color=cccccc]This represents the character's ability to avoid a specific type of consequence. They're gained through gear you wear or calling abilities, showing how your equipment and skill prepares you for bad situations you might find yourself in. While this could be your shield protects you from a counterattack, it could also be your experience lying helps you cover up a lie when found out, or a claok helps keep you hidden when you stumble in the shadows and almost attrack attention. You can use your defense once per cycle.[/color][/hider][indent][color=F2BB05][b]Defense 1 Name[/b]:[/color][color=cccccc]At character creation you get one defense from a piece of gear, and possibly extra ones from calling abilities.[/color][/indent] [center]0 / 6 [color=65aFFF] Stress [/color][color=darkgray]||[/color] 0 / 9 [color=65aFFF] Wicked XP [/color] [color=darkgray]||[/color] 0 / 3 [color=65aFFF] Reckless XP [/color][color=darkgray]||[/color] 0 / 2 [color=65aFFF] Dark Hearts [/color][/center] [hider=Stats info, remove this hider on CS][color=65aFFF][b]Stats:[/b][/color] [color=cccccc][i]Stats determine how proficient you are at certain tasks. Actions cannot exceed 3 stars.[/i][/color] [color=65aFFF] Stress [/color] [color=cccccc]When this hits 6, you go feral. You must immediately pursue your dark impulse.[/color] [color=65aFFF] Wicked XP [/color] [color=cccccc]When this hits 9, you can select another calling ability. GM will determine when we go over XP. [/color] [color=65aFFF] Reckless XP [/color] [color=cccccc]When you go feral or become bloody and go out of your way to roleplay this well, reckless XP is granted. When this hits 3 you gain an action dot.[/color][/hider] [color=cccccc][i] Distribute: 2x ★ Rookie | 2x ★★ Trained | 1x ★★★ Specialised[/i][/color] [indent] [color=65aFFF][b]B R A I N S[/b][/color] [indent][color=cccccc][ - ] [ - ] [ - ] SCAN / [color=darkgray][i]perceptively[/i][/color] [ - ] [ - ] [ - ] TINKER / [color=darkgray][i]cleverly[/i][/color] [ - ] [ - ] [ - ] TRICK / [color=darkgray][i]slyly[/i][/color][/color][/indent] [color=65aFFF][b]M U S C L E S[/b][/color] [indent][color=cccccc][ - ] [ - ] [ - ] Finesse / [color=darkgray][i]precisely[/i][/color] [ - ] [ - ] [ - ] SKULK / [color=darkgray][i]sneakily[/i][/color] [ - ] [ - ] [ - ] SMASH / [color=darkgray][i]powerfully[/i][/color][/color][/indent] [color=65aFFF][b]G U T S [/b][/color] [indent][color=cccccc][ - ] [ - ] [ - ] BANTER / [color=darkgray][i]affably[/i][/color] [ - ] [ - ] [ - ] INVOKE / [color=darkgray][i]magically[/i][/color] [ - ] [ - ] [ - ] THREATEN / [color=darkgray][i]forcefully[/i][/color][/color][/indent] [/indent][color=ED254E][b]Abilities:[/b][/color] [indent][color=ED254E][b]Primal Ability Name:[/b][/color] [color=cccccc]You can choose to take a Racial over your Core Calling ability. Remove if you took a Core Ability.[/color] [color=ED254E][b]Core Ability Name:[/b][/color] [color=cccccc]Each calling has a unique ability. Core ability goes here. Remove if you took a Primal Ability.[/color] [color=ED254E][b]Calling Ability Name:[/b][/color] [color=cccccc]Pick one from your calling list. Gain extra abilities when you max out wicked XP.[/color] [color=ED254E][b]Flexibility Slot Name:[/b][/color] [color=cccccc]Instead of picking a Calling Ability, you can pick one Calling ability from another list. You can only do this once all game.[/color][/indent] [color=A625E7][b]Inventory:[/b][/color][indent][center]0 / 3 [color=A625E7] Gold [/color][color=darkgray]||[/color] 2 / 2[color=A625E7] Supply [/color][/center][hider=Gold Explaination, Delete on CS][color=cccccc]This is the maximum value you can extract from your hoard without other monsters getting suspicious. While this is represented as Gold, it could be a herd of goats, bag of precious gems, selection of tools, ect. Gold can be used to: Attract a creature, get help from your vile friend, get a minion downtime action, get minions to join a raid, recruit a minion, upgrade a minion.[/color][/hider] [color=A625E7][b]Gear:[/b][/color] [color=cccccc]All your stuff goes here. [/color] [indent][color=A625E7][b]Gear Slot 1, special: [/b][color=cccccc]At character creation you get one of the following: Valuable item, Item with an edge (modifier), tier 1 contraption, magic item, or three doses of a potion or concoction. Alternatively, take 1 gold. [/color] [/color] [color=A625E7][b]Gear Slot 2:[/b] [color=cccccc]At character creation you get one slot as an advanced item and the rest are normal versions of things that are quite common. [/color] [/color] [color=A625E7][b]Gear Slot 3:[/b] [color=cccccc]At character creation you get one slot as an advanced item and the rest are normal versions of things that are quite common. [/color] [/color] [color=A625E7][b]Gear Slot 4:[/b] [color=cccccc]At character creation you get one slot as an advanced item and the rest are normal versions of things that are quite common. [/color] [/color][/indent] [color=A625E7][b]Supplies:[/b][/color] [color=cccccc]Everything else.[/color][/indent]
Forever towing the line between 'is this better in RP or forum game format'
[Center][URL=https://youtu.be/bVxHRkIsE9U][sup]Hᴀʀʙᴏʀᴇᴅ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴠᴏɪᴅ, ɪᴍᴘᴇᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪssᴏɴᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇsᴏʟᴠᴇ[/sup][/URL][/center]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Forever towing the line between 'is this better in RP or forum game format'<br><br><div class="bb-center"><a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="https://youtu.be/bVxHRkIsE9U"><sup>Hᴀʀʙᴏʀᴇᴅ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴠᴏɪᴅ, ɪᴍᴘᴇᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪssᴏɴᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇsᴏʟᴠᴇ</sup></a></div><br><br>GMT | </div>