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2 yrs ago
#DwarfSupremacy point me at the dumb elves boss
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3 yrs ago
When you want to rp everything but time is linear so you cant
3 yrs ago
Bring down the sun! All hail the usurper!
3 yrs ago
I am not convinced I know or understand the English language
4 yrs ago
There are not enough buddy-cop type comedys in 1x1 for my liking :c

Most Recent Posts

@DraconiWarlord sure, just be aware @rush99999 and @Cao the Exiled have expressed interest previously so even if a spot opened up it'd be a while.
@Dark Cloud Sure, sounds awesome actually! dropping you a line~

three IC posts overnight? y'all weren't kidding when you said you had stuff in the works! be still my beating heart...

@POOHEAD189 'manicured hand' pffff!
@Kenshi sorry to hear that Kenshi, absolute bummer when that happens :c just leave it a bit if it's too frustrating, no rush :D
@VeyrinDay perfect! I should probably officially declare the first round of dungeon building done, we still have the sanctum to build but I don't mind going about that at a more leisurely pace over the course of the RP.

yep! Dungeon building, imps and getting settled in to having an actual home, since it's been a while for your characters.

Holy smokes, I absolutely love the coccoon thing. Bang on theme for the rp!

@Dark Cloud no worries. Just wanted to check in with everyone and help out if there's any writers block!
@Cao the Exiled I'm so happy you're here, it wouldn't be the same without you! You're actually the reason I rebooted it so thankyou for that :D

We actually have enough players to start so I may not bother with an interest check, but I will make a fresh thread. So pumped to see the utter and wanton destruction you unleash upon this unsuspecting land.

As a quick reminder, it is possible you or the people around you may get body parts replaced by eldritch abominations. This is a totally normal part of wielding magic and you definitely shouldn't be concerned.

howdy folks! I am thinking if people are struggling to come up with what to post IC I can send around some personalised PM prompts/rp for your characters and we can whack it together in a montage/collab post. Is anyone currently working on a post/would prefer to post normally? Who would prefer some more guidance in the form of the collab option? Let me know!

I'd like to get a feel for each characters perspective before I post the marker for downtime.
You finish researching herbal medicine. The Gnome shows you which medicinal herbs are needed to make simple cures for common health problems. You have no tools to properly prepare them, so the gnome suggests building a Healer’s Hut dedicated to healing the sick.

@Duthguy You do not have the tools to do that yet.

@Kenshi you craft an excellent mud brick.
[@Gerdarme] you forage for food, but without your usual virve or passion. Is this all there is to gathering food? Is there no one who appreciates the true glory of a gathering artist anymore? These thoughts haunt you as you reluctantly bring a selection of fine root vegetables back to the clearing.
@ForsakenbySleep@TGM you rustle up some edible grubs.

A labourer bums around cloudwatching. He refuses to go into the woods for fear of the 'beast'.

16 / 35 Food
5 / 25 Mud
6 / 25 Mud Brick

6 / 6 Workers
1x Laborer
2x Gatherer - Mud (1x Sick)
2x Forager - Food (1x Sick)
1x Crafter - Bricks

2x Mud Hut
1x Gatherers Hut

Do one thing:
>[] Forage for Food
>[] Gather Mud

>[] Craft: Mud Brick (requires:1 Mud)

>[] Build Hut (requires: 7 Mud Bricks)
>[] Build Healer’s Hut (requires: 7 Mud Bricks)
>[] Build Gatherer's Hut (requires: 10 Mud Bricks)
>[] Build Wise Man's Hut (requires: 10 Mud Bricks)

>[]Assign Worker: Forage Food / Gathering Mud / Crafting Brick
>[]Re-Assign Worker: Forage Food / Gathering Mud / Crafting Brick

Currently Researching:

Herbal Medicine
I don't have a sanctum map yet but I can certainly make one, particularly now there is a secret tunnel leading into it.

heads up the Sanctum will always be on the lowest floor of the Dungeon, so Floor 2 in this case. The sanctum's main entrance is the stairs at the very south of the map currently, though denizens can go down the secret tunnel to reach it too. Bear in mind Adventurers could suss you out though if you use it in front of them blatantly, or if they have a skill that lets them find secret doors or something.
@Dark Cloud yeah everyone gets their own quarters in the Sanctum with the hoard area being communal. People can still put ideas forward for how they want the hoard area decorated too!

Also just a reminder this Dungeon isn't the final iteration of your home. This is just the start, as people add on new downtime projects there will likely be more secret tunnels or rooms or worship chambers so don't worry if it's not perfect just yet! You can add a Secret tunnel off the maze on an upcoming Donwtime project if you'd like.

@VeyrinDay any specific furniture you'd like in there? Here's how it looks opposite the tunnel, happy to move it to the end of the maze if you'd like that:

@Lucius Cypher here we go:

A secret passage will go unnoticed if it hasn't been recently used, but later down the line you can stick a secret door on it (in the form of a lock, or a trapped false wall if you want to be extra malicious)

I don't have a sanctum map yet but I can certainly make one, particularly now there is a secret tunnel leading into it.

@VeyrinDay *shuffles papers around* Dim and Silent Circular Tier 2 Minion Room to go opposite the secret passage, with Iziza's visage carved into the floor. Just want to confirm you're still happy with it going opposite the Secret Tunnel ;D
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