Avatar of Mangrale


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9 days ago
Current Okay so is there anything short of a shameless Chinese dev that'll get us something even approaching the Nemesis System again?
3 mos ago
The only thing I love more than the protracted development of passion projects, is NOT getting other people's money involved.
1 like
3 mos ago
Oh Bulbapedia, why must you be this way?
5 mos ago
Despite what Joker 2 would have you believe, the REAL Joker works for Nintendo. Check mate, Batman!
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6 mos ago
Okay but like seriously though, let's not tell Nintendo about this... About what, you ask? Exactly!




Greetings visitor! I hope you're having a good day! Whether you've seen me around the guild or not, I should admit that it's only been within year-6 of my time on this site that I've bothered to start work on this here "bio". I feel like I should apologize for not making it a higher priority much sooner, but lately I've adopted that "better late than never" mindset when it comes to introductions, and besides, I doubt there was much to tell in my early years anyway. I'm pretty much an amateur writer who got my start as a minor tag-along player in a fandom AU campaign ran by a small, close-nit remnant of a community formerly in association with a notable strategy-gaming youtuber. I'm being vague for brevity's sake. In the end, I value my first exposure to roleplaying as a personal learning experience more than anything, as I'm definitely the kind of person that sequesters themselves in any given community they find themselves in and RPG is certainly no exception.

That pretty much explains what I've been up to for the last several or so years, with only occasional public posts from me, as private 1x1 roleplays are easily where the lion's share of my attention goes to. Details regarding my particular interests and even approach as a prospective partner can be found in the interest check I update very rarely, but if you'd like to have a link to it or want to work with me in a similar capacity, then PMs are the best way to reach me. As for what you can expect in very broad terms, I'll say that I'm a 90s kid who'd grown up on Nintendo and Cartoon Network where, thanks to Toonami, I've developed an appreciation for the Japanese style of animation, a style that commonly influences my own creative endeavors to this day. That is in no way to say that I'm an avid watcher of anime and the like (I have my tastes and while that does sometimes coincide with what's current, it usually doesn't), just that I gravitate toward the ludicrous, extraordinary concepts and settings they commonly facilitate. That style aligns with what excites me creatively. That's the long and short of it. Exceptions do exist of course.

Most Recent Posts

Nicely done. I think that's a pretty fitting ending right there - me writing about Varen in the end wouldn't add much and you ended it on a good note I think.

I've said recommendations here and there, but you're free to proceed however you want. And if you'd like, I could bump up the interest check now and again. At any rate, take care and I'll see you around sometime. :)

I'll be unsubbing for now. Good luck in the future, Noodles. Thanks for having me. :D

@Ryougu@Darkmoon Angel
Viranti wasn't at all used to the constant interference that meeting the queen required, originally believing that it would be a simple matter of going straight to her. But the irksome "red tape", in the form of guards blocking his path, had worn away at his last nerve to a significant extent, but alongside that anger - doubt. Had the Oracle not sent word of their arrival? Did her word not carry any weight here? Was their journey not important? What was more, a warrior clad in comparatively different armor than those worn by the others stood between them and the queen. At best, she had failed to be informed of the meeting. At worst, she was one determined to interfere with their quest - it wasn't like she gave any reason to trust her. In fact, Viranti was greatly inclined to mistrust most authority figures, guards especially. Turning away wasn't an option, and Michele didn't seem the sort to relent through mere words, not the kind they could say anyway. Battle was a means to force some answers from her if not do away with her completely.

For a moment, Viranti imagined the resplendent palace and the lively, exciting city that surrounded it to be of little difference to the abhorrent hole he was picked out from. If he had dwelled on it for much longer, all the soldiers in this land may not be enough to stop what ensued. However, he was distracted for a few moments by Elise's sword drawing near, very swift indeed, but not unnoticeable. At first, he believed that the blade was actually meant to undo the shackle over his neck. There was a time and place, and a smaller implement would have been preferable, but he wasn't going to hold that against her should it work. Yet that assumption fell by the wayside as the blade met against his throat, his eye lowering to her in rigid interest. Her intent indeed appeared to be less altruistic, but no less brave. He would have admired this quality more if he wasn't silently brimming with rage, his senses taking a back seat for a second. His expression turned steely, her means of intimidation having as much effect as it would to a wild animal. He was careless in letting her get this far and had he been in the state he was in now, he would have saw fit to rip her world asunder.

But she sheathed her sword just in time, Viranti's fierce gaze redirecting to Michele. Diplomacy had failed, and whether she was their enemy or not, it really didn't matter to him anymore. However, just seconds before he was about to give all his human impediments a royal burning, Queen Salene made her appearance. It would certainly be hard for the dragonute to explain, but he could tell she was the queen, between the way she distinctly carried herself, her regal appearance and how Michele basically admitted as much. It was actually very good of her to do so, otherwise Viranti would have wondered if his suspicion was wrong and started wondering if the large quadrupedal machine was the monarch instead. He finally lowered his hand from his blade's hilt, his arms crossing while he made his way inside the meeting room and sat the best he could, his eyes eagerly taking in the showy nuances of this space.

The queen's question seemed to come out of nowhere to him. Was this really necessary? Even if it wasn't though, she had made good on her agreement to see them and it only seemed fair to answer a question or two. Still, it wasn't a subject that he had given much thought to. "I..." Viranti spoke hesitantly before his immediate reflection on his uncertainty caused him to abruptly turn his head away from her in a low huff. "(Hmph) I saw an opportunity to see the worlds beyond and wanted the challenge. Nothing more, nothing less."
Cecilia was quite embarrassed that she had to be told by James that he didn't own a phone, feeling that it would have been quite obvious if she had thought about it a little. She was feeling slightly conflicted about giving her number before she ultimately decided to make an exception for him, but she wasn't thinking clearly at the moment. "Oh, n-no...? James, not having a cell phone is nothing to be ashamed of. And I want to give you my number," she said, her hand moving onto his this time. "I'll make sure to write it down for you when I get the chance, okay?" She smile warmly, hoping to console him as best she could. Before she could say anything else, the counselors chimed in, announcing the next activity. Cecilia was somewhat relieved to hear this, but knew they had to get down to ground level before anything else. "I guess we should get moving," she stated in mild hesitation, wanting to get up herself. But to her dismay, one of her legs wasn't quite ready to lift her up and, with a slight gasp, she began to falter to the ground.
I suppose we could.
Cecilia gave a modest nod, smiling lightly to let James know she'd be alright given another minute or so. Her hands were laid flat at her sides by the time James set his hand on hers. Her face was already somewhat red before this, but she nonetheless looked up at him, her eyes softening. His line felt pretty corny, but she still giggled gingerly, it was admittedly very sweet and thoughtful of him to help her out like that. But there was something else that she noticed since then. James didn't seem to mind that she had failed to climb the third stage on her own. He probably had energy to spare and could have gone on to finish stage four without her, but he seemed to want to stay here with her, even now. Cecilia pondered for a few seconds about giving out contact info; her father had always cautioned her not to, in fact just about forbidding her from staying in contact with anyone from the towns and cities they visited. She never liked the idea, as one can imagine. She perked up with the squeeze of his hand, her voice daintily breaking as she realized she wasn't about to say no to him now. "... S-Sure, should I write it down for you when I get the chance(?)... Or if you have your phone on you, I can give it to you now."
My hands are more tied this months than I'd like, yet I don't want to keep anyone from posting if my response would influence what they post. So suffice it to say that Viranti will not attack for the time being, but his hand will not leave his blade's grip just yet. He doesn't look very amused, but it's hard to tell exactly what he's thinking. His posture is s little less hostile at least.
I'll try my hand at reviewing this stuff in an admittedly lazy fashion.

This is the post introducing Agni

This one is about where we are now

The Oracle has led the main group to the palace where someone stops them, saying they cannot see the queen.

Loralei has taken Nephele to an inn to rest, where she later wakes up and catches up with Loralei, who has run into Heinrich, a masked man who had arrived at the city earlier via airship, having been on the search for the Oracle ever since.

There's more to it of course, but I may have some main points down.
Eh, don't worry about it. I don't rightly care for how I ended that post of mine, it's kind of cliche but at the time I couldn't think of a better way to have Varen spend his time aside from waiting for either his legs to regenerate or death.

Take your time. By the end of this, you'll be in a better spot to start accepting new players again. GMs like you who don't quit are at a premium I'd say. :)
Cecilia was on the edge of her seat, her breath at a standstill until she saw Neric lowering Lin to solid ground. From a logical standpoint, she knew that the girl was in good hands, so to speak. But she found it hard to be completely analytical during scenarios like these, her inexperience showing itself and her imagination always apt to present her with unhelpful glimpses at outcomes she'd most dread. This incident seemingly resolved, her fears alleviated momentarily as James turned back to her. He and his void handled the whole thing in an effective manner befitting superheroes as far as she was concerned, reminding her of the sheer amount of experience that must have been between them. Cecilia's amazement could not be overstated, not that she'd even try. She merely sat where she was, smiling gratefully up at James, happy that things didn't take a turn for the worse.

Her respite wouldn't last long unfortunately for her, her train of thought from before the accident then returning to her. Cecilia had just about climbed three walls already, but she was far from feeling on top of the world. From where she was sitting earlier, stage four might as well have been a mountain. But now, after witnessing that potentially disastrous case of equipment failure, her misgivings towards further rock-climbing had gained a substantial edge over her pride. She looked tentatively over to Neric and particularly Lin, who seemed to be fairing well for someone who went through what she had. Cecilia, on the other hand, had had quite enough excitement for one day, and nothing less that the counselors' unholy wrath (or stern request) would prompt her to even attempt to finish. There was no small level of shame that came with that rationale, which complimented her aching body and post-exertion faintness almost perfectly. She timidly scooted further away from the edge so no one from lower levels could see her, gravitating instead to shade if there was any. Right now, she'd be glad just to walk down under her own strength.
I've had my hands full lately. I'll get a post out soon.
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